Just found out Pregnant


New member
Hi all,

I am extremely stressed today to find out I am unexpectedly pregnant. We have always wanted another child, but always planned on doing PGD. We even saved for it. Well, I've been late and feeling weird, so I took a test today and it was positive. I feel like a horrible person that I am not even excited. I have a toddler with CF and I am terrified this one will have it too. I was just curious how many of you have more than one child with CF and how it is with two. Also, for the hopeful part of me, how many of you have one with CF and one without? I know the "odds are in our favor" but I really don't feel that way at all. I am just so sad at what should be a wonderful time. Also, did most of you find out about the CF while pregnant, or did you wait until the baby is born?

Zoe mom to Kate wCF


New member
Hi all,

I am extremely stressed today to find out I am unexpectedly pregnant. We have always wanted another child, but always planned on doing PGD. We even saved for it. Well, I've been late and feeling weird, so I took a test today and it was positive. I feel like a horrible person that I am not even excited. I have a toddler with CF and I am terrified this one will have it too. I was just curious how many of you have more than one child with CF and how it is with two. Also, for the hopeful part of me, how many of you have one with CF and one without? I know the "odds are in our favor" but I really don't feel that way at all. I am just so sad at what should be a wonderful time. Also, did most of you find out about the CF while pregnant, or did you wait until the baby is born?

Zoe mom to Kate wCF


New member
Hi all,

I am extremely stressed today to find out I am unexpectedly pregnant. We have always wanted another child, but always planned on doing PGD. We even saved for it. Well, I've been late and feeling weird, so I took a test today and it was positive. I feel like a horrible person that I am not even excited. I have a toddler with CF and I am terrified this one will have it too. I was just curious how many of you have more than one child with CF and how it is with two. Also, for the hopeful part of me, how many of you have one with CF and one without? I know the "odds are in our favor" but I really don't feel that way at all. I am just so sad at what should be a wonderful time. Also, did most of you find out about the CF while pregnant, or did you wait until the baby is born?

Zoe mom to Kate wCF


New member
Hi all,

I am extremely stressed today to find out I am unexpectedly pregnant. We have always wanted another child, but always planned on doing PGD. We even saved for it. Well, I've been late and feeling weird, so I took a test today and it was positive. I feel like a horrible person that I am not even excited. I have a toddler with CF and I am terrified this one will have it too. I was just curious how many of you have more than one child with CF and how it is with two. Also, for the hopeful part of me, how many of you have one with CF and one without? I know the "odds are in our favor" but I really don't feel that way at all. I am just so sad at what should be a wonderful time. Also, did most of you find out about the CF while pregnant, or did you wait until the baby is born?

Zoe mom to Kate wCF


New member
Hi all,

I am extremely stressed today to find out I am unexpectedly pregnant. We have always wanted another child, but always planned on doing PGD. We even saved for it. Well, I've been late and feeling weird, so I took a test today and it was positive. I feel like a horrible person that I am not even excited. I have a toddler with CF and I am terrified this one will have it too. I was just curious how many of you have more than one child with CF and how it is with two. Also, for the hopeful part of me, how many of you have one with CF and one without? I know the "odds are in our favor" but I really don't feel that way at all. I am just so sad at what should be a wonderful time. Also, did most of you find out about the CF while pregnant, or did you wait until the baby is born?

Zoe mom to Kate wCF


New member
I have a younger sister. My parents were trying to decide if they wanted another when my mom found out she was pregnant. This was back when there was no specified CF gene, so PGD was impossible (I don't even know if it was around back then anyway).

I have CF. My sister does not. I believe they found out while my mom was still pregnant.


New member
I have a younger sister. My parents were trying to decide if they wanted another when my mom found out she was pregnant. This was back when there was no specified CF gene, so PGD was impossible (I don't even know if it was around back then anyway).

I have CF. My sister does not. I believe they found out while my mom was still pregnant.


New member
I have a younger sister. My parents were trying to decide if they wanted another when my mom found out she was pregnant. This was back when there was no specified CF gene, so PGD was impossible (I don't even know if it was around back then anyway).

I have CF. My sister does not. I believe they found out while my mom was still pregnant.


New member
I have a younger sister. My parents were trying to decide if they wanted another when my mom found out she was pregnant. This was back when there was no specified CF gene, so PGD was impossible (I don't even know if it was around back then anyway).

I have CF. My sister does not. I believe they found out while my mom was still pregnant.


New member
I have a younger sister. My parents were trying to decide if they wanted another when my mom found out she was pregnant. This was back when there was no specified CF gene, so PGD was impossible (I don't even know if it was around back then anyway).

I have CF. My sister does not. I believe they found out while my mom was still pregnant.


New member
I have CF and i was the first child my mom and dad had. They found out a few hours after my birth because of meconium ileus.
2 years later my sis was born, she doesn't have CF. My mom and dad did find it out during pregnancy with an amnio.

Good luck Zoe, i hope it will turn out ok


New member
I have CF and i was the first child my mom and dad had. They found out a few hours after my birth because of meconium ileus.
2 years later my sis was born, she doesn't have CF. My mom and dad did find it out during pregnancy with an amnio.

Good luck Zoe, i hope it will turn out ok


New member
I have CF and i was the first child my mom and dad had. They found out a few hours after my birth because of meconium ileus.
2 years later my sis was born, she doesn't have CF. My mom and dad did find it out during pregnancy with an amnio.

Good luck Zoe, i hope it will turn out ok


New member
I have CF and i was the first child my mom and dad had. They found out a few hours after my birth because of meconium ileus.
2 years later my sis was born, she doesn't have CF. My mom and dad did find it out during pregnancy with an amnio.

Good luck Zoe, i hope it will turn out ok


New member
I have CF and i was the first child my mom and dad had. They found out a few hours after my birth because of meconium ileus.
2 years later my sis was born, she doesn't have CF. My mom and dad did find it out during pregnancy with an amnio.

Good luck Zoe, i hope it will turn out ok


Hi Zoe,

First of all, congratulations!!! How are you feeling?

I have a nine year old son with CF. After his diagnosis at 2 mos. my husband and I did a lot of soul searching about wether we would be a one child family, adopt, try IVF, etc. We decided to have another child and Becca was born when Andrew was 4 1/2. We waited until she was born to find out if she had CF. Throughout my entire pregancy I just had this sense of peace knowing that she was going to be ok. And..knowing that if she had CF we would care for her and love her as much as we do Andrew. She ended up being a carrier. We are very grateful for that. CF becomes a way of life for all of us, doesn't it? It does not define us, but we learn to live our lives around therapy and meds, etc. Remember this: You know how to do this! You are a great Mom who knows how to do this! Your baby has a 75% chance of being just fine! If by chance you have another case of CF on your hands, you are prepared.

Please keep us posted on your pregnancy, and know that you can always PM me, email, or call for a pep-talk! This is GOOD news for your family!


Hi Zoe,

First of all, congratulations!!! How are you feeling?

I have a nine year old son with CF. After his diagnosis at 2 mos. my husband and I did a lot of soul searching about wether we would be a one child family, adopt, try IVF, etc. We decided to have another child and Becca was born when Andrew was 4 1/2. We waited until she was born to find out if she had CF. Throughout my entire pregancy I just had this sense of peace knowing that she was going to be ok. And..knowing that if she had CF we would care for her and love her as much as we do Andrew. She ended up being a carrier. We are very grateful for that. CF becomes a way of life for all of us, doesn't it? It does not define us, but we learn to live our lives around therapy and meds, etc. Remember this: You know how to do this! You are a great Mom who knows how to do this! Your baby has a 75% chance of being just fine! If by chance you have another case of CF on your hands, you are prepared.

Please keep us posted on your pregnancy, and know that you can always PM me, email, or call for a pep-talk! This is GOOD news for your family!


Hi Zoe,

First of all, congratulations!!! How are you feeling?

I have a nine year old son with CF. After his diagnosis at 2 mos. my husband and I did a lot of soul searching about wether we would be a one child family, adopt, try IVF, etc. We decided to have another child and Becca was born when Andrew was 4 1/2. We waited until she was born to find out if she had CF. Throughout my entire pregancy I just had this sense of peace knowing that she was going to be ok. And..knowing that if she had CF we would care for her and love her as much as we do Andrew. She ended up being a carrier. We are very grateful for that. CF becomes a way of life for all of us, doesn't it? It does not define us, but we learn to live our lives around therapy and meds, etc. Remember this: You know how to do this! You are a great Mom who knows how to do this! Your baby has a 75% chance of being just fine! If by chance you have another case of CF on your hands, you are prepared.

Please keep us posted on your pregnancy, and know that you can always PM me, email, or call for a pep-talk! This is GOOD news for your family!


Hi Zoe,

First of all, congratulations!!! How are you feeling?

I have a nine year old son with CF. After his diagnosis at 2 mos. my husband and I did a lot of soul searching about wether we would be a one child family, adopt, try IVF, etc. We decided to have another child and Becca was born when Andrew was 4 1/2. We waited until she was born to find out if she had CF. Throughout my entire pregancy I just had this sense of peace knowing that she was going to be ok. And..knowing that if she had CF we would care for her and love her as much as we do Andrew. She ended up being a carrier. We are very grateful for that. CF becomes a way of life for all of us, doesn't it? It does not define us, but we learn to live our lives around therapy and meds, etc. Remember this: You know how to do this! You are a great Mom who knows how to do this! Your baby has a 75% chance of being just fine! If by chance you have another case of CF on your hands, you are prepared.

Please keep us posted on your pregnancy, and know that you can always PM me, email, or call for a pep-talk! This is GOOD news for your family!


Hi Zoe,

First of all, congratulations!!! How are you feeling?

I have a nine year old son with CF. After his diagnosis at 2 mos. my husband and I did a lot of soul searching about wether we would be a one child family, adopt, try IVF, etc. We decided to have another child and Becca was born when Andrew was 4 1/2. We waited until she was born to find out if she had CF. Throughout my entire pregancy I just had this sense of peace knowing that she was going to be ok. And..knowing that if she had CF we would care for her and love her as much as we do Andrew. She ended up being a carrier. We are very grateful for that. CF becomes a way of life for all of us, doesn't it? It does not define us, but we learn to live our lives around therapy and meds, etc. Remember this: You know how to do this! You are a great Mom who knows how to do this! Your baby has a 75% chance of being just fine! If by chance you have another case of CF on your hands, you are prepared.

Please keep us posted on your pregnancy, and know that you can always PM me, email, or call for a pep-talk! This is GOOD news for your family!