Just found out Pregnant



Zoe- I can empathsize with how you are feeling. Our first son was diagnosed at birth and we were distraught about what to do about future children. We are both from large families (7 and 5) and wanted a lot of kids. But the thought of chancing CF again was too much for us. We both work full time and knew it would be to hard on our parents to watch two CFers.

We finally decided on IVF/PGD and our second son was born almost 3 months ago. He is healthy. We never had the amnio to confirm his health so we were concerned until two weeks after his birth when we found out his status.

I guess my thoughts are "if it's meant to be". Either way you will love your child and know how to care for him/her. I wish you all the best.

Megan,mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin 3 months, no CF


Zoe- I can empathsize with how you are feeling. Our first son was diagnosed at birth and we were distraught about what to do about future children. We are both from large families (7 and 5) and wanted a lot of kids. But the thought of chancing CF again was too much for us. We both work full time and knew it would be to hard on our parents to watch two CFers.

We finally decided on IVF/PGD and our second son was born almost 3 months ago. He is healthy. We never had the amnio to confirm his health so we were concerned until two weeks after his birth when we found out his status.

I guess my thoughts are "if it's meant to be". Either way you will love your child and know how to care for him/her. I wish you all the best.

Megan,mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin 3 months, no CF


Zoe- I can empathsize with how you are feeling. Our first son was diagnosed at birth and we were distraught about what to do about future children. We are both from large families (7 and 5) and wanted a lot of kids. But the thought of chancing CF again was too much for us. We both work full time and knew it would be to hard on our parents to watch two CFers.

We finally decided on IVF/PGD and our second son was born almost 3 months ago. He is healthy. We never had the amnio to confirm his health so we were concerned until two weeks after his birth when we found out his status.

I guess my thoughts are "if it's meant to be". Either way you will love your child and know how to care for him/her. I wish you all the best.

Megan,mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin 3 months, no CF


Zoe- I can empathsize with how you are feeling. Our first son was diagnosed at birth and we were distraught about what to do about future children. We are both from large families (7 and 5) and wanted a lot of kids. But the thought of chancing CF again was too much for us. We both work full time and knew it would be to hard on our parents to watch two CFers.

We finally decided on IVF/PGD and our second son was born almost 3 months ago. He is healthy. We never had the amnio to confirm his health so we were concerned until two weeks after his birth when we found out his status.

I guess my thoughts are "if it's meant to be". Either way you will love your child and know how to care for him/her. I wish you all the best.

Megan,mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin 3 months, no CF


Zoe- I can empathsize with how you are feeling. Our first son was diagnosed at birth and we were distraught about what to do about future children. We are both from large families (7 and 5) and wanted a lot of kids. But the thought of chancing CF again was too much for us. We both work full time and knew it would be to hard on our parents to watch two CFers.

We finally decided on IVF/PGD and our second son was born almost 3 months ago. He is healthy. We never had the amnio to confirm his health so we were concerned until two weeks after his birth when we found out his status.

I guess my thoughts are "if it's meant to be". Either way you will love your child and know how to care for him/her. I wish you all the best.

Megan,mom to Aidan 2 with CF and Gavin 3 months, no CF


New member
Hey, I know exactly how you feel. I have a seven year old boy with CF and a 5 month old boy with CF. I wanted another baby, but was torn and was going to do PGD also, but I unexpectedly got pregnant last year. I was so excited and so scared. I felt guilty and anxious for most of my pregnancy. It took me awhile to really become attached to the baby, I was scared of losing him, scared of a CF diagnosis, and couldn't imagine loving anyone more than my first child.
Well, I didn't lose my baby, he does have CF, and my heart also grew big enough to love both my children the same. We didn't do an amnio because I was high-risk and had a difficult pregnancy, my OB said I should wait. They tested his cord blood at birth and sent it to Ambry, we found out that his test was positive when he was 14 days old.
When my first son was diagnosed I was numb and in denial. When my new baby was diagnosed I was absolutely devastated and took it much harder than my first. He spent his first week in the NICU because he had pneumonia (unrelated to CF), I had postpartum depression, and was hit with the CF diagnosis all within two weeks. I wish I had known before he was born so I could have dealt with the emotions before he was born. For the first two weeks I was on pins and needles awaiting the "dreaded" phone call, it was too much to handle.
Both of my boys are doing good at the moment and the only medicine the baby takes is vitamins and enzymes. You will get through this pregnancy, guilty feelings and all. You will soon come to love this baby more than you imagine and if he/she does have CF it will hurt like Hell, but your love for the baby is stronger than any pain in the universe. Congrats and we will we be here for you through the good or bad!


New member
Hey, I know exactly how you feel. I have a seven year old boy with CF and a 5 month old boy with CF. I wanted another baby, but was torn and was going to do PGD also, but I unexpectedly got pregnant last year. I was so excited and so scared. I felt guilty and anxious for most of my pregnancy. It took me awhile to really become attached to the baby, I was scared of losing him, scared of a CF diagnosis, and couldn't imagine loving anyone more than my first child.
Well, I didn't lose my baby, he does have CF, and my heart also grew big enough to love both my children the same. We didn't do an amnio because I was high-risk and had a difficult pregnancy, my OB said I should wait. They tested his cord blood at birth and sent it to Ambry, we found out that his test was positive when he was 14 days old.
When my first son was diagnosed I was numb and in denial. When my new baby was diagnosed I was absolutely devastated and took it much harder than my first. He spent his first week in the NICU because he had pneumonia (unrelated to CF), I had postpartum depression, and was hit with the CF diagnosis all within two weeks. I wish I had known before he was born so I could have dealt with the emotions before he was born. For the first two weeks I was on pins and needles awaiting the "dreaded" phone call, it was too much to handle.
Both of my boys are doing good at the moment and the only medicine the baby takes is vitamins and enzymes. You will get through this pregnancy, guilty feelings and all. You will soon come to love this baby more than you imagine and if he/she does have CF it will hurt like Hell, but your love for the baby is stronger than any pain in the universe. Congrats and we will we be here for you through the good or bad!


New member
Hey, I know exactly how you feel. I have a seven year old boy with CF and a 5 month old boy with CF. I wanted another baby, but was torn and was going to do PGD also, but I unexpectedly got pregnant last year. I was so excited and so scared. I felt guilty and anxious for most of my pregnancy. It took me awhile to really become attached to the baby, I was scared of losing him, scared of a CF diagnosis, and couldn't imagine loving anyone more than my first child.
Well, I didn't lose my baby, he does have CF, and my heart also grew big enough to love both my children the same. We didn't do an amnio because I was high-risk and had a difficult pregnancy, my OB said I should wait. They tested his cord blood at birth and sent it to Ambry, we found out that his test was positive when he was 14 days old.
When my first son was diagnosed I was numb and in denial. When my new baby was diagnosed I was absolutely devastated and took it much harder than my first. He spent his first week in the NICU because he had pneumonia (unrelated to CF), I had postpartum depression, and was hit with the CF diagnosis all within two weeks. I wish I had known before he was born so I could have dealt with the emotions before he was born. For the first two weeks I was on pins and needles awaiting the "dreaded" phone call, it was too much to handle.
Both of my boys are doing good at the moment and the only medicine the baby takes is vitamins and enzymes. You will get through this pregnancy, guilty feelings and all. You will soon come to love this baby more than you imagine and if he/she does have CF it will hurt like Hell, but your love for the baby is stronger than any pain in the universe. Congrats and we will we be here for you through the good or bad!


New member
Hey, I know exactly how you feel. I have a seven year old boy with CF and a 5 month old boy with CF. I wanted another baby, but was torn and was going to do PGD also, but I unexpectedly got pregnant last year. I was so excited and so scared. I felt guilty and anxious for most of my pregnancy. It took me awhile to really become attached to the baby, I was scared of losing him, scared of a CF diagnosis, and couldn't imagine loving anyone more than my first child.
Well, I didn't lose my baby, he does have CF, and my heart also grew big enough to love both my children the same. We didn't do an amnio because I was high-risk and had a difficult pregnancy, my OB said I should wait. They tested his cord blood at birth and sent it to Ambry, we found out that his test was positive when he was 14 days old.
When my first son was diagnosed I was numb and in denial. When my new baby was diagnosed I was absolutely devastated and took it much harder than my first. He spent his first week in the NICU because he had pneumonia (unrelated to CF), I had postpartum depression, and was hit with the CF diagnosis all within two weeks. I wish I had known before he was born so I could have dealt with the emotions before he was born. For the first two weeks I was on pins and needles awaiting the "dreaded" phone call, it was too much to handle.
Both of my boys are doing good at the moment and the only medicine the baby takes is vitamins and enzymes. You will get through this pregnancy, guilty feelings and all. You will soon come to love this baby more than you imagine and if he/she does have CF it will hurt like Hell, but your love for the baby is stronger than any pain in the universe. Congrats and we will we be here for you through the good or bad!


New member
Hey, I know exactly how you feel. I have a seven year old boy with CF and a 5 month old boy with CF. I wanted another baby, but was torn and was going to do PGD also, but I unexpectedly got pregnant last year. I was so excited and so scared. I felt guilty and anxious for most of my pregnancy. It took me awhile to really become attached to the baby, I was scared of losing him, scared of a CF diagnosis, and couldn't imagine loving anyone more than my first child.
Well, I didn't lose my baby, he does have CF, and my heart also grew big enough to love both my children the same. We didn't do an amnio because I was high-risk and had a difficult pregnancy, my OB said I should wait. They tested his cord blood at birth and sent it to Ambry, we found out that his test was positive when he was 14 days old.
When my first son was diagnosed I was numb and in denial. When my new baby was diagnosed I was absolutely devastated and took it much harder than my first. He spent his first week in the NICU because he had pneumonia (unrelated to CF), I had postpartum depression, and was hit with the CF diagnosis all within two weeks. I wish I had known before he was born so I could have dealt with the emotions before he was born. For the first two weeks I was on pins and needles awaiting the "dreaded" phone call, it was too much to handle.
Both of my boys are doing good at the moment and the only medicine the baby takes is vitamins and enzymes. You will get through this pregnancy, guilty feelings and all. You will soon come to love this baby more than you imagine and if he/she does have CF it will hurt like Hell, but your love for the baby is stronger than any pain in the universe. Congrats and we will we be here for you through the good or bad!


New member
Hi I am a mother of a 3 year old little girl w/cf. I would love to have more kids but I am so scared for all of the same reasons you are. What to do when your in the hospital, when they're sick...so much to think about. Other times I feel like Hailey has blessed me and she's all we need...Keep your chin up and know that this little one will be loved no matter what and to will be a blessing. Best of luck


New member
Hi I am a mother of a 3 year old little girl w/cf. I would love to have more kids but I am so scared for all of the same reasons you are. What to do when your in the hospital, when they're sick...so much to think about. Other times I feel like Hailey has blessed me and she's all we need...Keep your chin up and know that this little one will be loved no matter what and to will be a blessing. Best of luck


New member
Hi I am a mother of a 3 year old little girl w/cf. I would love to have more kids but I am so scared for all of the same reasons you are. What to do when your in the hospital, when they're sick...so much to think about. Other times I feel like Hailey has blessed me and she's all we need...Keep your chin up and know that this little one will be loved no matter what and to will be a blessing. Best of luck


New member
Hi I am a mother of a 3 year old little girl w/cf. I would love to have more kids but I am so scared for all of the same reasons you are. What to do when your in the hospital, when they're sick...so much to think about. Other times I feel like Hailey has blessed me and she's all we need...Keep your chin up and know that this little one will be loved no matter what and to will be a blessing. Best of luck


New member
Hi I am a mother of a 3 year old little girl w/cf. I would love to have more kids but I am so scared for all of the same reasons you are. What to do when your in the hospital, when they're sick...so much to think about. Other times I feel like Hailey has blessed me and she's all we need...Keep your chin up and know that this little one will be loved no matter what and to will be a blessing. Best of luck


Hey. I have a 3 year w/CF and a 5 month old w/CF. I did not undergo prenatal testing for insurance purposes. When my 2nd son was born and diagnosed it was still very hard. He spent 3 more weeks in the NICU than my first son. However I still feel like I was given these children for a reason. I read a quote on this board sometime ago. I do not remember who said it but it has stuck with me. It was applied to someone who's partner has CF but I think it applies to parents as well.
"You don't chose to be with someone with CF. You fell in love with someone that just happens to have CF. LOVE IS LOVE."


Hey. I have a 3 year w/CF and a 5 month old w/CF. I did not undergo prenatal testing for insurance purposes. When my 2nd son was born and diagnosed it was still very hard. He spent 3 more weeks in the NICU than my first son. However I still feel like I was given these children for a reason. I read a quote on this board sometime ago. I do not remember who said it but it has stuck with me. It was applied to someone who's partner has CF but I think it applies to parents as well.
"You don't chose to be with someone with CF. You fell in love with someone that just happens to have CF. LOVE IS LOVE."


Hey. I have a 3 year w/CF and a 5 month old w/CF. I did not undergo prenatal testing for insurance purposes. When my 2nd son was born and diagnosed it was still very hard. He spent 3 more weeks in the NICU than my first son. However I still feel like I was given these children for a reason. I read a quote on this board sometime ago. I do not remember who said it but it has stuck with me. It was applied to someone who's partner has CF but I think it applies to parents as well.
"You don't chose to be with someone with CF. You fell in love with someone that just happens to have CF. LOVE IS LOVE."


Hey. I have a 3 year w/CF and a 5 month old w/CF. I did not undergo prenatal testing for insurance purposes. When my 2nd son was born and diagnosed it was still very hard. He spent 3 more weeks in the NICU than my first son. However I still feel like I was given these children for a reason. I read a quote on this board sometime ago. I do not remember who said it but it has stuck with me. It was applied to someone who's partner has CF but I think it applies to parents as well.
"You don't chose to be with someone with CF. You fell in love with someone that just happens to have CF. LOVE IS LOVE."


Hey. I have a 3 year w/CF and a 5 month old w/CF. I did not undergo prenatal testing for insurance purposes. When my 2nd son was born and diagnosed it was still very hard. He spent 3 more weeks in the NICU than my first son. However I still feel like I was given these children for a reason. I read a quote on this board sometime ago. I do not remember who said it but it has stuck with me. It was applied to someone who's partner has CF but I think it applies to parents as well.
"You don't chose to be with someone with CF. You fell in love with someone that just happens to have CF. LOVE IS LOVE."