Just found out Pregnant



Congratulations- I know your emotions are probably all over the place but I hope that you will feel calmer soon. We have two sons- our oldest was 6 when we had Will who has CF. He was tested after Will was diagnosed and he does not have CF. Susan


Congratulations- I know your emotions are probably all over the place but I hope that you will feel calmer soon. We have two sons- our oldest was 6 when we had Will who has CF. He was tested after Will was diagnosed and he does not have CF. Susan


Congratulations- I know your emotions are probably all over the place but I hope that you will feel calmer soon. We have two sons- our oldest was 6 when we had Will who has CF. He was tested after Will was diagnosed and he does not have CF. Susan


Congratulations- I know your emotions are probably all over the place but I hope that you will feel calmer soon. We have two sons- our oldest was 6 when we had Will who has CF. He was tested after Will was diagnosed and he does not have CF. Susan


Congratulations- I know your emotions are probably all over the place but I hope that you will feel calmer soon. We have two sons- our oldest was 6 when we had Will who has CF. He was tested after Will was diagnosed and he does not have CF. Susan


New member
Hi Zoe..

I, too, had an unplanned pregnancy when I already had a child with CF. I was very scared just like you are. I made the decision to have an amnio because I wanted to be emotionally prepared. I felt exactly as Jane said earlier... I wanted to have the emotional rollercoaster of diagnosis over with before I had the emotional rollercoaster that giving birth causes. Then I could just enjoy the baby and not have to deal with a new diagnosis.

I found out at 17 weeks that the baby did have CF. It was hard. Almost harder than the first diagnosis for some reason. But I never regreted having the amnio...and I certainly don't regret having my daughter. By the time she was born I was emotionally over the diagnosis and fully prepared for her and I could just focus on loving her.

As for having 2 CF'ers, well, there are good and bad things. The obvious issues are cross-contamination, expense, what to do when one is in the hospital and the other is not.... there are plenty of things to consider...

On the positive side, the girls are very close because they both have CF. I also have 3 boys, one biological, born before the girls and 2 adopted (my husband's biological sons)... the girls have a bond the rest don't share because they can relate so well to each other. They do not know anyone else with CF and if they didn't have each other I think they would feel really isolated and alone sometimes. I would NEVER recommend having 2 kids with CF just so the first isn't lonely, but if you're already in that situation and looking for the positives, that's definately one.

Best of luck to you whatever happens... And congratulations!


New member
Hi Zoe..

I, too, had an unplanned pregnancy when I already had a child with CF. I was very scared just like you are. I made the decision to have an amnio because I wanted to be emotionally prepared. I felt exactly as Jane said earlier... I wanted to have the emotional rollercoaster of diagnosis over with before I had the emotional rollercoaster that giving birth causes. Then I could just enjoy the baby and not have to deal with a new diagnosis.

I found out at 17 weeks that the baby did have CF. It was hard. Almost harder than the first diagnosis for some reason. But I never regreted having the amnio...and I certainly don't regret having my daughter. By the time she was born I was emotionally over the diagnosis and fully prepared for her and I could just focus on loving her.

As for having 2 CF'ers, well, there are good and bad things. The obvious issues are cross-contamination, expense, what to do when one is in the hospital and the other is not.... there are plenty of things to consider...

On the positive side, the girls are very close because they both have CF. I also have 3 boys, one biological, born before the girls and 2 adopted (my husband's biological sons)... the girls have a bond the rest don't share because they can relate so well to each other. They do not know anyone else with CF and if they didn't have each other I think they would feel really isolated and alone sometimes. I would NEVER recommend having 2 kids with CF just so the first isn't lonely, but if you're already in that situation and looking for the positives, that's definately one.

Best of luck to you whatever happens... And congratulations!


New member
Hi Zoe..

I, too, had an unplanned pregnancy when I already had a child with CF. I was very scared just like you are. I made the decision to have an amnio because I wanted to be emotionally prepared. I felt exactly as Jane said earlier... I wanted to have the emotional rollercoaster of diagnosis over with before I had the emotional rollercoaster that giving birth causes. Then I could just enjoy the baby and not have to deal with a new diagnosis.

I found out at 17 weeks that the baby did have CF. It was hard. Almost harder than the first diagnosis for some reason. But I never regreted having the amnio...and I certainly don't regret having my daughter. By the time she was born I was emotionally over the diagnosis and fully prepared for her and I could just focus on loving her.

As for having 2 CF'ers, well, there are good and bad things. The obvious issues are cross-contamination, expense, what to do when one is in the hospital and the other is not.... there are plenty of things to consider...

On the positive side, the girls are very close because they both have CF. I also have 3 boys, one biological, born before the girls and 2 adopted (my husband's biological sons)... the girls have a bond the rest don't share because they can relate so well to each other. They do not know anyone else with CF and if they didn't have each other I think they would feel really isolated and alone sometimes. I would NEVER recommend having 2 kids with CF just so the first isn't lonely, but if you're already in that situation and looking for the positives, that's definately one.

Best of luck to you whatever happens... And congratulations!


New member
Hi Zoe..

I, too, had an unplanned pregnancy when I already had a child with CF. I was very scared just like you are. I made the decision to have an amnio because I wanted to be emotionally prepared. I felt exactly as Jane said earlier... I wanted to have the emotional rollercoaster of diagnosis over with before I had the emotional rollercoaster that giving birth causes. Then I could just enjoy the baby and not have to deal with a new diagnosis.

I found out at 17 weeks that the baby did have CF. It was hard. Almost harder than the first diagnosis for some reason. But I never regreted having the amnio...and I certainly don't regret having my daughter. By the time she was born I was emotionally over the diagnosis and fully prepared for her and I could just focus on loving her.

As for having 2 CF'ers, well, there are good and bad things. The obvious issues are cross-contamination, expense, what to do when one is in the hospital and the other is not.... there are plenty of things to consider...

On the positive side, the girls are very close because they both have CF. I also have 3 boys, one biological, born before the girls and 2 adopted (my husband's biological sons)... the girls have a bond the rest don't share because they can relate so well to each other. They do not know anyone else with CF and if they didn't have each other I think they would feel really isolated and alone sometimes. I would NEVER recommend having 2 kids with CF just so the first isn't lonely, but if you're already in that situation and looking for the positives, that's definately one.

Best of luck to you whatever happens... And congratulations!


New member
Hi Zoe..

I, too, had an unplanned pregnancy when I already had a child with CF. I was very scared just like you are. I made the decision to have an amnio because I wanted to be emotionally prepared. I felt exactly as Jane said earlier... I wanted to have the emotional rollercoaster of diagnosis over with before I had the emotional rollercoaster that giving birth causes. Then I could just enjoy the baby and not have to deal with a new diagnosis.

I found out at 17 weeks that the baby did have CF. It was hard. Almost harder than the first diagnosis for some reason. But I never regreted having the amnio...and I certainly don't regret having my daughter. By the time she was born I was emotionally over the diagnosis and fully prepared for her and I could just focus on loving her.

As for having 2 CF'ers, well, there are good and bad things. The obvious issues are cross-contamination, expense, what to do when one is in the hospital and the other is not.... there are plenty of things to consider...

On the positive side, the girls are very close because they both have CF. I also have 3 boys, one biological, born before the girls and 2 adopted (my husband's biological sons)... the girls have a bond the rest don't share because they can relate so well to each other. They do not know anyone else with CF and if they didn't have each other I think they would feel really isolated and alone sometimes. I would NEVER recommend having 2 kids with CF just so the first isn't lonely, but if you're already in that situation and looking for the positives, that's definately one.

Best of luck to you whatever happens... And congratulations!


New member
My older brother and I both have CF. This was before the gene was identified. He was diagnosed before my mom found out she was pregnant with me. They weren't going to have any more kids but little did they know, I was already on the way! In some ways my says that having 2 with CF was actually easier because she treated us both exactly the same. No jealousy over one kid getting more attention than the other. It made it easy on me know that I wasn't the only one.


New member
My older brother and I both have CF. This was before the gene was identified. He was diagnosed before my mom found out she was pregnant with me. They weren't going to have any more kids but little did they know, I was already on the way! In some ways my says that having 2 with CF was actually easier because she treated us both exactly the same. No jealousy over one kid getting more attention than the other. It made it easy on me know that I wasn't the only one.


New member
My older brother and I both have CF. This was before the gene was identified. He was diagnosed before my mom found out she was pregnant with me. They weren't going to have any more kids but little did they know, I was already on the way! In some ways my says that having 2 with CF was actually easier because she treated us both exactly the same. No jealousy over one kid getting more attention than the other. It made it easy on me know that I wasn't the only one.


New member
My older brother and I both have CF. This was before the gene was identified. He was diagnosed before my mom found out she was pregnant with me. They weren't going to have any more kids but little did they know, I was already on the way! In some ways my says that having 2 with CF was actually easier because she treated us both exactly the same. No jealousy over one kid getting more attention than the other. It made it easy on me know that I wasn't the only one.


New member
My older brother and I both have CF. This was before the gene was identified. He was diagnosed before my mom found out she was pregnant with me. They weren't going to have any more kids but little did they know, I was already on the way! In some ways my says that having 2 with CF was actually easier because she treated us both exactly the same. No jealousy over one kid getting more attention than the other. It made it easy on me know that I wasn't the only one.


I understand how you are feeling. My older daughter, Kayla, was dx with CF at 14 months old. I was already five months pregnant with my second daughter, Hannah, at the time. We didn't do any prenantal testing on Hannah. She was tested at birth via blood samples (although the test came back only a carrier because one of the mutations was not tested for) and then again at one month of age, via sweat test and genetic testing for the same mutations that her sister has, both coming back positive.

Although I didn't have the 'official' word on Hannah the first month, I knew in my heart that she had CF too. Even after the first test came back that she was only a carrier, I KNEW it was wrong, although everyone around me was rejoicing. She wasn't having symptoms, I just FELT like it was wrong. Our CF clinic still did their own testing even though the pediatrican did it at birth, and I am thrilled that they didn't even think twice about testing her themselves.

My sister has three sons, and only her oldest son has CF. We do not know carrier status of the other two.


I understand how you are feeling. My older daughter, Kayla, was dx with CF at 14 months old. I was already five months pregnant with my second daughter, Hannah, at the time. We didn't do any prenantal testing on Hannah. She was tested at birth via blood samples (although the test came back only a carrier because one of the mutations was not tested for) and then again at one month of age, via sweat test and genetic testing for the same mutations that her sister has, both coming back positive.

Although I didn't have the 'official' word on Hannah the first month, I knew in my heart that she had CF too. Even after the first test came back that she was only a carrier, I KNEW it was wrong, although everyone around me was rejoicing. She wasn't having symptoms, I just FELT like it was wrong. Our CF clinic still did their own testing even though the pediatrican did it at birth, and I am thrilled that they didn't even think twice about testing her themselves.

My sister has three sons, and only her oldest son has CF. We do not know carrier status of the other two.


I understand how you are feeling. My older daughter, Kayla, was dx with CF at 14 months old. I was already five months pregnant with my second daughter, Hannah, at the time. We didn't do any prenantal testing on Hannah. She was tested at birth via blood samples (although the test came back only a carrier because one of the mutations was not tested for) and then again at one month of age, via sweat test and genetic testing for the same mutations that her sister has, both coming back positive.

Although I didn't have the 'official' word on Hannah the first month, I knew in my heart that she had CF too. Even after the first test came back that she was only a carrier, I KNEW it was wrong, although everyone around me was rejoicing. She wasn't having symptoms, I just FELT like it was wrong. Our CF clinic still did their own testing even though the pediatrican did it at birth, and I am thrilled that they didn't even think twice about testing her themselves.

My sister has three sons, and only her oldest son has CF. We do not know carrier status of the other two.


I understand how you are feeling. My older daughter, Kayla, was dx with CF at 14 months old. I was already five months pregnant with my second daughter, Hannah, at the time. We didn't do any prenantal testing on Hannah. She was tested at birth via blood samples (although the test came back only a carrier because one of the mutations was not tested for) and then again at one month of age, via sweat test and genetic testing for the same mutations that her sister has, both coming back positive.

Although I didn't have the 'official' word on Hannah the first month, I knew in my heart that she had CF too. Even after the first test came back that she was only a carrier, I KNEW it was wrong, although everyone around me was rejoicing. She wasn't having symptoms, I just FELT like it was wrong. Our CF clinic still did their own testing even though the pediatrican did it at birth, and I am thrilled that they didn't even think twice about testing her themselves.

My sister has three sons, and only her oldest son has CF. We do not know carrier status of the other two.


I understand how you are feeling. My older daughter, Kayla, was dx with CF at 14 months old. I was already five months pregnant with my second daughter, Hannah, at the time. We didn't do any prenantal testing on Hannah. She was tested at birth via blood samples (although the test came back only a carrier because one of the mutations was not tested for) and then again at one month of age, via sweat test and genetic testing for the same mutations that her sister has, both coming back positive.

Although I didn't have the 'official' word on Hannah the first month, I knew in my heart that she had CF too. Even after the first test came back that she was only a carrier, I KNEW it was wrong, although everyone around me was rejoicing. She wasn't having symptoms, I just FELT like it was wrong. Our CF clinic still did their own testing even though the pediatrican did it at birth, and I am thrilled that they didn't even think twice about testing her themselves.

My sister has three sons, and only her oldest son has CF. We do not know carrier status of the other two.