just got the news


New member
Here is our history. My daughter, Kellianne, 9 years old was a sick baby. She has severe reflux as an infant, then had an intusseception & had emergency surgery at 17 months of age. She had a few colds that seemed to last forever, but we were assured she was fine. She has always had intestinal issues. She usually has to stop in the middle of a meal to use the potty. She was under the care of a gastroenterologist since she was a newborn & I was assured she had irritable bowel. Then when she was in kindergarten, she had one strep throat infection after another. Finally they took our her tonsils. She seemed to do fine & we went home only to have to go back for emergency surgery to stop bleeding. Then a week later she started to bleed again & had another surgery & stayed in he hospital for 4 days again. She did fairly well during first grade, then when she was in 2nd grade she got a cold & within 2 days has pneumonia. She has ended up with pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. She has had frequent nose bleeds & sinus infections as well. Her pulmonologist had us do the sweat test & it was normal. She has just started 4th grade, straight A student since she started getting actual grades in 1st grade. I needed to have the forms for school for her & her brother so they can use their inhalers in school. Her doctor called me a few days after her appointment. He said he has been thinking about her. The nose bleeds, sinus infections, bowel problems & the fact that she has only gained 3 pounds in 4 years & just has a feeling & wanted her to have the genetic testing done. I took her August 4th, really expecting it to be normal. I got a call last week that she does CF. I am not sure what genes have mutated, but she does have 2 mutated genes. She goes to the doctor next week to get started on medication. The doctor said he is glad that we did the test & that now we know what is causing her symptoms.
Of course, my family & my husband's family is being supportive, but a bit overbearing. My MIL is already planning a funeral & she is really freaking me out. My parents have told me that they read we need to get rid of all of our pets, dogs, cats, bird & chinchilla, but I can't find anything on that & her doctor said we shouldn't rush into anything & it is best to tgry to keep life as normal as possible. Does anyone know if she is okay to be around animals. Kellianne really seems like a normal little girl. She does have asthma, but for the most part never even needs to use as inhaler except before PE class as excersice makes her short of breath.
We also have a 5 year old son that also has asthma, but the only time he has a problem is when he gets a cold. He also has had pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. 3 nose bleeds in his life & also very thin. They both eat like horses, but never gain weight.
Thanks for any info anyone can share.

Jenifer, mom to Kellianne, 9 w/ CF & Brandon 5 being tested next week.


New member
Here is our history. My daughter, Kellianne, 9 years old was a sick baby. She has severe reflux as an infant, then had an intusseception & had emergency surgery at 17 months of age. She had a few colds that seemed to last forever, but we were assured she was fine. She has always had intestinal issues. She usually has to stop in the middle of a meal to use the potty. She was under the care of a gastroenterologist since she was a newborn & I was assured she had irritable bowel. Then when she was in kindergarten, she had one strep throat infection after another. Finally they took our her tonsils. She seemed to do fine & we went home only to have to go back for emergency surgery to stop bleeding. Then a week later she started to bleed again & had another surgery & stayed in he hospital for 4 days again. She did fairly well during first grade, then when she was in 2nd grade she got a cold & within 2 days has pneumonia. She has ended up with pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. She has had frequent nose bleeds & sinus infections as well. Her pulmonologist had us do the sweat test & it was normal. She has just started 4th grade, straight A student since she started getting actual grades in 1st grade. I needed to have the forms for school for her & her brother so they can use their inhalers in school. Her doctor called me a few days after her appointment. He said he has been thinking about her. The nose bleeds, sinus infections, bowel problems & the fact that she has only gained 3 pounds in 4 years & just has a feeling & wanted her to have the genetic testing done. I took her August 4th, really expecting it to be normal. I got a call last week that she does CF. I am not sure what genes have mutated, but she does have 2 mutated genes. She goes to the doctor next week to get started on medication. The doctor said he is glad that we did the test & that now we know what is causing her symptoms.
Of course, my family & my husband's family is being supportive, but a bit overbearing. My MIL is already planning a funeral & she is really freaking me out. My parents have told me that they read we need to get rid of all of our pets, dogs, cats, bird & chinchilla, but I can't find anything on that & her doctor said we shouldn't rush into anything & it is best to tgry to keep life as normal as possible. Does anyone know if she is okay to be around animals. Kellianne really seems like a normal little girl. She does have asthma, but for the most part never even needs to use as inhaler except before PE class as excersice makes her short of breath.
We also have a 5 year old son that also has asthma, but the only time he has a problem is when he gets a cold. He also has had pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. 3 nose bleeds in his life & also very thin. They both eat like horses, but never gain weight.
Thanks for any info anyone can share.

Jenifer, mom to Kellianne, 9 w/ CF & Brandon 5 being tested next week.


New member
Here is our history. My daughter, Kellianne, 9 years old was a sick baby. She has severe reflux as an infant, then had an intusseception & had emergency surgery at 17 months of age. She had a few colds that seemed to last forever, but we were assured she was fine. She has always had intestinal issues. She usually has to stop in the middle of a meal to use the potty. She was under the care of a gastroenterologist since she was a newborn & I was assured she had irritable bowel. Then when she was in kindergarten, she had one strep throat infection after another. Finally they took our her tonsils. She seemed to do fine & we went home only to have to go back for emergency surgery to stop bleeding. Then a week later she started to bleed again & had another surgery & stayed in he hospital for 4 days again. She did fairly well during first grade, then when she was in 2nd grade she got a cold & within 2 days has pneumonia. She has ended up with pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. She has had frequent nose bleeds & sinus infections as well. Her pulmonologist had us do the sweat test & it was normal. She has just started 4th grade, straight A student since she started getting actual grades in 1st grade. I needed to have the forms for school for her & her brother so they can use their inhalers in school. Her doctor called me a few days after her appointment. He said he has been thinking about her. The nose bleeds, sinus infections, bowel problems & the fact that she has only gained 3 pounds in 4 years & just has a feeling & wanted her to have the genetic testing done. I took her August 4th, really expecting it to be normal. I got a call last week that she does CF. I am not sure what genes have mutated, but she does have 2 mutated genes. She goes to the doctor next week to get started on medication. The doctor said he is glad that we did the test & that now we know what is causing her symptoms.
Of course, my family & my husband's family is being supportive, but a bit overbearing. My MIL is already planning a funeral & she is really freaking me out. My parents have told me that they read we need to get rid of all of our pets, dogs, cats, bird & chinchilla, but I can't find anything on that & her doctor said we shouldn't rush into anything & it is best to tgry to keep life as normal as possible. Does anyone know if she is okay to be around animals. Kellianne really seems like a normal little girl. She does have asthma, but for the most part never even needs to use as inhaler except before PE class as excersice makes her short of breath.
We also have a 5 year old son that also has asthma, but the only time he has a problem is when he gets a cold. He also has had pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. 3 nose bleeds in his life & also very thin. They both eat like horses, but never gain weight.
Thanks for any info anyone can share.

Jenifer, mom to Kellianne, 9 w/ CF & Brandon 5 being tested next week.


New member
Here is our history. My daughter, Kellianne, 9 years old was a sick baby. She has severe reflux as an infant, then had an intusseception & had emergency surgery at 17 months of age. She had a few colds that seemed to last forever, but we were assured she was fine. She has always had intestinal issues. She usually has to stop in the middle of a meal to use the potty. She was under the care of a gastroenterologist since she was a newborn & I was assured she had irritable bowel. Then when she was in kindergarten, she had one strep throat infection after another. Finally they took our her tonsils. She seemed to do fine & we went home only to have to go back for emergency surgery to stop bleeding. Then a week later she started to bleed again & had another surgery & stayed in he hospital for 4 days again. She did fairly well during first grade, then when she was in 2nd grade she got a cold & within 2 days has pneumonia. She has ended up with pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. She has had frequent nose bleeds & sinus infections as well. Her pulmonologist had us do the sweat test & it was normal. She has just started 4th grade, straight A student since she started getting actual grades in 1st grade. I needed to have the forms for school for her & her brother so they can use their inhalers in school. Her doctor called me a few days after her appointment. He said he has been thinking about her. The nose bleeds, sinus infections, bowel problems & the fact that she has only gained 3 pounds in 4 years & just has a feeling & wanted her to have the genetic testing done. I took her August 4th, really expecting it to be normal. I got a call last week that she does CF. I am not sure what genes have mutated, but she does have 2 mutated genes. She goes to the doctor next week to get started on medication. The doctor said he is glad that we did the test & that now we know what is causing her symptoms.
Of course, my family & my husband's family is being supportive, but a bit overbearing. My MIL is already planning a funeral & she is really freaking me out. My parents have told me that they read we need to get rid of all of our pets, dogs, cats, bird & chinchilla, but I can't find anything on that & her doctor said we shouldn't rush into anything & it is best to tgry to keep life as normal as possible. Does anyone know if she is okay to be around animals. Kellianne really seems like a normal little girl. She does have asthma, but for the most part never even needs to use as inhaler except before PE class as excersice makes her short of breath.
We also have a 5 year old son that also has asthma, but the only time he has a problem is when he gets a cold. He also has had pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. 3 nose bleeds in his life & also very thin. They both eat like horses, but never gain weight.
Thanks for any info anyone can share.

Jenifer, mom to Kellianne, 9 w/ CF & Brandon 5 being tested next week.


New member
Here is our history. My daughter, Kellianne, 9 years old was a sick baby. She has severe reflux as an infant, then had an intusseception & had emergency surgery at 17 months of age. She had a few colds that seemed to last forever, but we were assured she was fine. She has always had intestinal issues. She usually has to stop in the middle of a meal to use the potty. She was under the care of a gastroenterologist since she was a newborn & I was assured she had irritable bowel. Then when she was in kindergarten, she had one strep throat infection after another. Finally they took our her tonsils. She seemed to do fine & we went home only to have to go back for emergency surgery to stop bleeding. Then a week later she started to bleed again & had another surgery & stayed in he hospital for 4 days again. She did fairly well during first grade, then when she was in 2nd grade she got a cold & within 2 days has pneumonia. She has ended up with pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. She has had frequent nose bleeds & sinus infections as well. Her pulmonologist had us do the sweat test & it was normal. She has just started 4th grade, straight A student since she started getting actual grades in 1st grade. I needed to have the forms for school for her & her brother so they can use their inhalers in school. Her doctor called me a few days after her appointment. He said he has been thinking about her. The nose bleeds, sinus infections, bowel problems & the fact that she has only gained 3 pounds in 4 years & just has a feeling & wanted her to have the genetic testing done. I took her August 4th, really expecting it to be normal. I got a call last week that she does CF. I am not sure what genes have mutated, but she does have 2 mutated genes. She goes to the doctor next week to get started on medication. The doctor said he is glad that we did the test & that now we know what is causing her symptoms.
<br />Of course, my family & my husband's family is being supportive, but a bit overbearing. My MIL is already planning a funeral & she is really freaking me out. My parents have told me that they read we need to get rid of all of our pets, dogs, cats, bird & chinchilla, but I can't find anything on that & her doctor said we shouldn't rush into anything & it is best to tgry to keep life as normal as possible. Does anyone know if she is okay to be around animals. Kellianne really seems like a normal little girl. She does have asthma, but for the most part never even needs to use as inhaler except before PE class as excersice makes her short of breath.
<br />We also have a 5 year old son that also has asthma, but the only time he has a problem is when he gets a cold. He also has had pneumonia 5 times in 2 years. 3 nose bleeds in his life & also very thin. They both eat like horses, but never gain weight.
<br />Thanks for any info anyone can share.
<br />
<br />Jenifer, mom to Kellianne, 9 w/ CF & Brandon 5 being tested next week.


New member
First of all Welcome to Our Family!

I agree not to jump into any major life changes until you start treatment & get a handle on the CF diagnosis. IF it turns out that the animals are a real problem....it could be controlled with allergies shots/meds if she is tested & it turns out she is actually allergic. I have always had animals & the only ones I got rid of for my health were my Parakeets. I havent seen a vast improvement with my health since getting rid of them in March so they might not have made any real difference. It was my hubby's idea for that BTW!

Your family means well & much like my Mom your MIL is thinking the worst. Its understandable given the history of CF. One thing you will find on this site is that the ONLY thing in common is CF. Having the same mutations doesnt even guarantee the clinical outcome will be the same even among siblings living together.

I am interested in knowing what the exact # from her sweat test was & IMHO its important to know her mutations also. THere are a lot of things in the pipeline that may/may not benefit her depending on the mutations she has.

If you have any questions before, during or after the meeting with the doctor please ask!

I would recommend taking a notebook to the meeting when you discuss her care. It can be overwhelming!



New member
First of all Welcome to Our Family!

I agree not to jump into any major life changes until you start treatment & get a handle on the CF diagnosis. IF it turns out that the animals are a real problem....it could be controlled with allergies shots/meds if she is tested & it turns out she is actually allergic. I have always had animals & the only ones I got rid of for my health were my Parakeets. I havent seen a vast improvement with my health since getting rid of them in March so they might not have made any real difference. It was my hubby's idea for that BTW!

Your family means well & much like my Mom your MIL is thinking the worst. Its understandable given the history of CF. One thing you will find on this site is that the ONLY thing in common is CF. Having the same mutations doesnt even guarantee the clinical outcome will be the same even among siblings living together.

I am interested in knowing what the exact # from her sweat test was & IMHO its important to know her mutations also. THere are a lot of things in the pipeline that may/may not benefit her depending on the mutations she has.

If you have any questions before, during or after the meeting with the doctor please ask!

I would recommend taking a notebook to the meeting when you discuss her care. It can be overwhelming!



New member
First of all Welcome to Our Family!

I agree not to jump into any major life changes until you start treatment & get a handle on the CF diagnosis. IF it turns out that the animals are a real problem....it could be controlled with allergies shots/meds if she is tested & it turns out she is actually allergic. I have always had animals & the only ones I got rid of for my health were my Parakeets. I havent seen a vast improvement with my health since getting rid of them in March so they might not have made any real difference. It was my hubby's idea for that BTW!

Your family means well & much like my Mom your MIL is thinking the worst. Its understandable given the history of CF. One thing you will find on this site is that the ONLY thing in common is CF. Having the same mutations doesnt even guarantee the clinical outcome will be the same even among siblings living together.

I am interested in knowing what the exact # from her sweat test was & IMHO its important to know her mutations also. THere are a lot of things in the pipeline that may/may not benefit her depending on the mutations she has.

If you have any questions before, during or after the meeting with the doctor please ask!

I would recommend taking a notebook to the meeting when you discuss her care. It can be overwhelming!



New member
First of all Welcome to Our Family!

I agree not to jump into any major life changes until you start treatment & get a handle on the CF diagnosis. IF it turns out that the animals are a real problem....it could be controlled with allergies shots/meds if she is tested & it turns out she is actually allergic. I have always had animals & the only ones I got rid of for my health were my Parakeets. I havent seen a vast improvement with my health since getting rid of them in March so they might not have made any real difference. It was my hubby's idea for that BTW!

Your family means well & much like my Mom your MIL is thinking the worst. Its understandable given the history of CF. One thing you will find on this site is that the ONLY thing in common is CF. Having the same mutations doesnt even guarantee the clinical outcome will be the same even among siblings living together.

I am interested in knowing what the exact # from her sweat test was & IMHO its important to know her mutations also. THere are a lot of things in the pipeline that may/may not benefit her depending on the mutations she has.

If you have any questions before, during or after the meeting with the doctor please ask!

I would recommend taking a notebook to the meeting when you discuss her care. It can be overwhelming!



New member
First of all Welcome to Our Family!
<br />
<br />I agree not to jump into any major life changes until you start treatment & get a handle on the CF diagnosis. IF it turns out that the animals are a real problem....it could be controlled with allergies shots/meds if she is tested & it turns out she is actually allergic. I have always had animals & the only ones I got rid of for my health were my Parakeets. I havent seen a vast improvement with my health since getting rid of them in March so they might not have made any real difference. It was my hubby's idea for that BTW!
<br />
<br />Your family means well & much like my Mom your MIL is thinking the worst. Its understandable given the history of CF. One thing you will find on this site is that the ONLY thing in common is CF. Having the same mutations doesnt even guarantee the clinical outcome will be the same even among siblings living together.
<br />
<br />I am interested in knowing what the exact # from her sweat test was & IMHO its important to know her mutations also. THere are a lot of things in the pipeline that may/may not benefit her depending on the mutations she has.
<br />
<br />If you have any questions before, during or after the meeting with the doctor please ask!
<br />
<br />I would recommend taking a notebook to the meeting when you discuss her care. It can be overwhelming!
<br />
<br />HUGS


New member
First of all I am sorry for your diagnosis.

I wonder if you are a bit relieved in a way that now you have some answers. Also now you will have the correct care for your daughter.

I would agree to not rush into anything. I would go to your first appointment and bring a journal of questions. I have only been in the CF world for 7 months now, but I am already having a hard time balancing a normal life with a CF 'bubble.' If you were to take away pets right now I think it would be more harm than good.

As far as your MIL....have her worry about her own funeral! Your daughter is going to kick this in the butt! Now you have the right diagnosis and now the right care for her. Sorry if that seems rude about your MIL, but my MIL is in town right now and I am on edge <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Welcome to the site. You will find some wonderful people and wonderful advice!


New member
First of all I am sorry for your diagnosis.

I wonder if you are a bit relieved in a way that now you have some answers. Also now you will have the correct care for your daughter.

I would agree to not rush into anything. I would go to your first appointment and bring a journal of questions. I have only been in the CF world for 7 months now, but I am already having a hard time balancing a normal life with a CF 'bubble.' If you were to take away pets right now I think it would be more harm than good.

As far as your MIL....have her worry about her own funeral! Your daughter is going to kick this in the butt! Now you have the right diagnosis and now the right care for her. Sorry if that seems rude about your MIL, but my MIL is in town right now and I am on edge <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Welcome to the site. You will find some wonderful people and wonderful advice!


New member
First of all I am sorry for your diagnosis.

I wonder if you are a bit relieved in a way that now you have some answers. Also now you will have the correct care for your daughter.

I would agree to not rush into anything. I would go to your first appointment and bring a journal of questions. I have only been in the CF world for 7 months now, but I am already having a hard time balancing a normal life with a CF 'bubble.' If you were to take away pets right now I think it would be more harm than good.

As far as your MIL....have her worry about her own funeral! Your daughter is going to kick this in the butt! Now you have the right diagnosis and now the right care for her. Sorry if that seems rude about your MIL, but my MIL is in town right now and I am on edge <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Welcome to the site. You will find some wonderful people and wonderful advice!


New member
First of all I am sorry for your diagnosis.

I wonder if you are a bit relieved in a way that now you have some answers. Also now you will have the correct care for your daughter.

I would agree to not rush into anything. I would go to your first appointment and bring a journal of questions. I have only been in the CF world for 7 months now, but I am already having a hard time balancing a normal life with a CF 'bubble.' If you were to take away pets right now I think it would be more harm than good.

As far as your MIL....have her worry about her own funeral! Your daughter is going to kick this in the butt! Now you have the right diagnosis and now the right care for her. Sorry if that seems rude about your MIL, but my MIL is in town right now and I am on edge <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Welcome to the site. You will find some wonderful people and wonderful advice!


New member
First of all I am sorry for your diagnosis.
<br />
<br />I wonder if you are a bit relieved in a way that now you have some answers. Also now you will have the correct care for your daughter.
<br />
<br />I would agree to not rush into anything. I would go to your first appointment and bring a journal of questions. I have only been in the CF world for 7 months now, but I am already having a hard time balancing a normal life with a CF 'bubble.' If you were to take away pets right now I think it would be more harm than good.
<br />
<br />As far as your MIL....have her worry about her own funeral! Your daughter is going to kick this in the butt! Now you have the right diagnosis and now the right care for her. Sorry if that seems rude about your MIL, but my MIL is in town right now and I am on edge <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Welcome to the site. You will find some wonderful people and wonderful advice!


Hi Jenifer,

I'm so sorry that you need to join our group, but glad you have found us. The information and support here is invaluable.

While it may not seem so now, knowing about the CF is a huge benefit -- you will now be able to help Kellianne. Once she starts enzymes, she will be relieved as she can eat a meal without rushing to the bathroom. CPT and daily meds such as pulmozyme, should help her bring up a lot of the lung gunk and hopefully minimize the pneumonia episodes.

I know this is incredibly overwhelming, but tell those family members that its a bit premature to be planning a funeral. We have members on this board with CF that are in their 40's and 50's.

I hope that your son doesn't also have CF, though I'm sure that is also a pressing thought in your mind.

Hang in there. The road to diagnosis and the days post-diagnosis are really tough, but it does get easier. The black cloud does lift from over you eventually and life will resume.


Hi Jenifer,

I'm so sorry that you need to join our group, but glad you have found us. The information and support here is invaluable.

While it may not seem so now, knowing about the CF is a huge benefit -- you will now be able to help Kellianne. Once she starts enzymes, she will be relieved as she can eat a meal without rushing to the bathroom. CPT and daily meds such as pulmozyme, should help her bring up a lot of the lung gunk and hopefully minimize the pneumonia episodes.

I know this is incredibly overwhelming, but tell those family members that its a bit premature to be planning a funeral. We have members on this board with CF that are in their 40's and 50's.

I hope that your son doesn't also have CF, though I'm sure that is also a pressing thought in your mind.

Hang in there. The road to diagnosis and the days post-diagnosis are really tough, but it does get easier. The black cloud does lift from over you eventually and life will resume.


Hi Jenifer,

I'm so sorry that you need to join our group, but glad you have found us. The information and support here is invaluable.

While it may not seem so now, knowing about the CF is a huge benefit -- you will now be able to help Kellianne. Once she starts enzymes, she will be relieved as she can eat a meal without rushing to the bathroom. CPT and daily meds such as pulmozyme, should help her bring up a lot of the lung gunk and hopefully minimize the pneumonia episodes.

I know this is incredibly overwhelming, but tell those family members that its a bit premature to be planning a funeral. We have members on this board with CF that are in their 40's and 50's.

I hope that your son doesn't also have CF, though I'm sure that is also a pressing thought in your mind.

Hang in there. The road to diagnosis and the days post-diagnosis are really tough, but it does get easier. The black cloud does lift from over you eventually and life will resume.


Hi Jenifer,

I'm so sorry that you need to join our group, but glad you have found us. The information and support here is invaluable.

While it may not seem so now, knowing about the CF is a huge benefit -- you will now be able to help Kellianne. Once she starts enzymes, she will be relieved as she can eat a meal without rushing to the bathroom. CPT and daily meds such as pulmozyme, should help her bring up a lot of the lung gunk and hopefully minimize the pneumonia episodes.

I know this is incredibly overwhelming, but tell those family members that its a bit premature to be planning a funeral. We have members on this board with CF that are in their 40's and 50's.

I hope that your son doesn't also have CF, though I'm sure that is also a pressing thought in your mind.

Hang in there. The road to diagnosis and the days post-diagnosis are really tough, but it does get easier. The black cloud does lift from over you eventually and life will resume.


Hi Jenifer,
<br />
<br />I'm so sorry that you need to join our group, but glad you have found us. The information and support here is invaluable.
<br />
<br />While it may not seem so now, knowing about the CF is a huge benefit -- you will now be able to help Kellianne. Once she starts enzymes, she will be relieved as she can eat a meal without rushing to the bathroom. CPT and daily meds such as pulmozyme, should help her bring up a lot of the lung gunk and hopefully minimize the pneumonia episodes.
<br />
<br />I know this is incredibly overwhelming, but tell those family members that its a bit premature to be planning a funeral. We have members on this board with CF that are in their 40's and 50's.
<br />
<br />I hope that your son doesn't also have CF, though I'm sure that is also a pressing thought in your mind.
<br />
<br />Hang in there. The road to diagnosis and the days post-diagnosis are really tough, but it does get easier. The black cloud does lift from over you eventually and life will resume.