<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>
On my other CF list, there is a policy about only posting things that are CF related. I think that is a good policy because when coming to a list like this, you are coming for information on that certain topic. I think that is why the Off Topic forum was created, for things like that. If you post something that you feel is CF related but think others may not see it as such, maybe it would be a good idea to mention in your post why you feel it is CF related. Just my opinion.</end quote></div>
Most people would agree. As far as Julie saying she has never said that, the old board is no longer with us, and when it was it wouldn't hold topics for that long anyways. Linking such instances as to what we are discussing would be impossible. As I said before, I wish your friend(s) over there the best, it doesn't bother me having non CF related, and CF related stuff all on one forum. It makes for a livelier forum and natural selection will take over regarding what threads will die off the front page due to popularity and what threads will stick around. Obviously due to the way this site is set up, that isn't what they want. As the above person said (per me quoting them), to avoid messy judgement calls of what should be posted here and what should not be regarding relecance to CF (so as to avoid situations just like this): Use common sense, if it doesn't have any relevance to CF in any form, post it in the off topic forum. That doesn't mean your topic sucks or noone wants to read it, it means it's in it's proper place because that apparently is how this site is set up, or the off topic forum wouldn't be there.
Not everything has to be the direct questions regarding the usual suspects like hypertonic saline, cleaning neb cups, what settings of the vest to use, or mucoidal discharges from various orifices to qualify as "CF related". But me discussing Mike Tysons latest boxing match, discussing the new HD DVD format war, Playstation 3 vs XBOX 360, recycling, ballistics testing of various caliber bullets, statistics on head trauma via slip and falls in bathrooms in Phoenix Arizona, or my friend in Iraq that does not have CF that is involved in a controversy regarding use of force.
Once again I don't care, and I prefer everything all in one area. But if we are going to have an off topic forum, and they want us to use it, use common sense and put stuff in it's proper place.