Just have to post how I am feeling


New member
julie, you did not just share your concern. You posted the whole darn thing including where the request for money for the defense fund.

And, yes, posting all of that is exactly what made the whole thing seem completely off topic to me and much more a political post than an ask for support for you.

I am refraining from discussing how much you like and respect me or vice versa because I think what goes bad on these boards is overpersonalizing these types of discussions.

My reaction/judgement had nothing to do with who made the post. It had to do with the fact that it was asking for support and money for a non-cf cause.


New member

Why does it bother you so much when people either disagree with you. This is not Julie's forum- it is an open forum, therefore all views, ideas and suggestions are allowed. You flip out anytime something disagrees with you or calls you on something. Right or wrong, people have a right to say your post should have been on OT. I think you should start your own forum and give the address to people who share your ideas, that way you can control it and you won't get all worked up with opposing views. It's silly to get so upset over this, there are way too many important things in life to worry about.

You love to stir up drama


New member
i guess I am just wondering something. If you have ever said or questioned anyone else about why something is in the adult forum and not the off-topic one what gives you the right to get upset if others do the same?

If you have not questioned anyone else about their off topic questions in the adult forum then fine you can be offended and ask but it just seems hypocritical if you have asked about other's topics in the past.

I agree that I have no problem with off topic stuff in the adult forum but how do we then make a choice. how off topic does it have to be for it to go to the off topic forum. If we starting making lines then it gets messy. so for fairness sake, anything off topic should be in off topic and people should just check it more.


New member

You know I support your friend and have offered my thoughts/wishes/prayers.

As far as posting in the Adult and Family section, who gives a crap? I try to read as many of the postings as I can but, admittedly, only occasionally make it to the off topic section. I am trying harder to check there as well. I just don't get what all the fuss is about. It's no different than any other post. If you have an opinion on the topic, then respond. If you don't, just move on to the next post of interest. Why waste your time posting that you think the topic is off topic when obviously so did the author, hence the "OT" in the subject. People around here are getting a little too sensitive. My goodness people this place is for SUPPORT, not judgement.

Anon at 4:34,

Typical anon flaming someone but afraid to stand behind their words. I think it's people like you that can't just walk away from a topic that like to stir up drama.


New member
Hi Julie

I understand how you feel about what is going on with your friend. IT is horrible for everyone involved. I will continue to pray for your friends and for our Soldiers.

Learning to pick my battles when I was going through a stressful period helped me. I chose which issues really needed to be addressed and looked away from the others.

It seems to me that at this time in your life it is not worth getting worked up over. It sounds like you are very upset from what I am reading from your post. Sometimes when I know someone else is wrong, I just let it go because the more we add fuel to the fire we can come out all burnt out and when we look back it was not worth once ounce of energy spent. I feel the words that I am sharing now are words to encourage you. Being pregnant with three children is a big task. I feel that when the mother is upset the babies feel it too.
God Bless you


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>The off topic forum is there for a reason. I enjoy it more than the adult section recently anyways. <b>Besides, i distinctly remember Julie on several occasions commenting on other topics in the adult section that weren't related to CF (several times) "why is this here and not in the off topic forum? What does this have to do with CF?".</b> My point regarding that last part is, you/we can't have our cake and eat it too. Either we want non CF related posts to be in the off topic forum, or we don't. I don't particularly care, but let's not start playing the "Well I help out so I can say when it's ok to post something as astoundingly non CF related as this, and then comment that others shouldn't do it when they choose to post something OT in the adults section as well". </end quote></div>

I would like you to please find a few ocacsions where I have stated what you did, "besides I distinctly remember Julie on several occasions...." I don't believe I have EVER said this to anyone on this forum.

What I have said is this: When someone starts a topic, and then another poster (NOT the person who created the topic) completely derails the subject at hand, I have been known to say things like, "how is this relevant to THE TOPIC AT HAND, or How does this help the inital poster...." I have NEVER told someone a topic they started doesn't belong in the adult forum-NEVER!

Lisa, you still continue to amaze me, "My reaction/judgement had nothing to do with who made the post. It had to do with the fact that it was asking for support and money for a non-cf cause." Please, show me where I was asking for MONEY for a non CF cause. I specifically stated I was posting the website NOT because of the donation factor but because it is a way that those who want to (and believe me, many do!), to contact the family and send their well wishes.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Why does it bother you so much when people either disagree with you</end quote></div> To answer your qustion, I could give a S*it less if people disagree wtih my views, I really could. People like Emily and Steve and Lilith stated they completely disagree with my stance on this subject, nevertheless they provided kind words and support to me and this family, which is WHY I posted in the first place. That's fine. I don't expect people to agree, but I was asking for support.

Thank you Claudette and Risa for your very kind posts. I agree Risa, I don't need to get all upset about this and I am trying to. But it doesn't seem to be that easy to just turn my head from. I don't know why it's imacting me so hard, but it is. I was just asking for thoughts and prayers for the family (and inadevertantly for Mark and I by us reading the posts).


New member
On my other CF list, there is a policy about only posting things that are CF related. I think that is a good policy because when coming to a list like this, you are coming for information on that certain topic. I think that is why the Off Topic forum was created, for things like that. If you post something that you feel is CF related but think others may not see it as such, maybe it would be a good idea to mention in your post why you feel it is CF related. Just my opinion.


New member
I am keeping all involved in my heart.
You, Mark, your friend and his wife, the dead Iraqis (particularly the mothers and children shot at point blank range in the head) and their bereaved families.
There are no "winners" in this tragedy.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

On my other CF list, there is a policy about only posting things that are CF related. I think that is a good policy because when coming to a list like this, you are coming for information on that certain topic. I think that is why the Off Topic forum was created, for things like that. If you post something that you feel is CF related but think others may not see it as such, maybe it would be a good idea to mention in your post why you feel it is CF related. Just my opinion.</end quote></div>

Most people would agree. As far as Julie saying she has never said that, the old board is no longer with us, and when it was it wouldn't hold topics for that long anyways. Linking such instances as to what we are discussing would be impossible. As I said before, I wish your friend(s) over there the best, it doesn't bother me having non CF related, and CF related stuff all on one forum. It makes for a livelier forum and natural selection will take over regarding what threads will die off the front page due to popularity and what threads will stick around. Obviously due to the way this site is set up, that isn't what they want. As the above person said (per me quoting them), to avoid messy judgement calls of what should be posted here and what should not be regarding relecance to CF (so as to avoid situations just like this): Use common sense, if it doesn't have any relevance to CF in any form, post it in the off topic forum. That doesn't mean your topic sucks or noone wants to read it, it means it's in it's proper place because that apparently is how this site is set up, or the off topic forum wouldn't be there.

Not everything has to be the direct questions regarding the usual suspects like hypertonic saline, cleaning neb cups, what settings of the vest to use, or mucoidal discharges from various orifices to qualify as "CF related". But me discussing Mike Tysons latest boxing match, discussing the new HD DVD format war, Playstation 3 vs XBOX 360, recycling, ballistics testing of various caliber bullets, statistics on head trauma via slip and falls in bathrooms in Phoenix Arizona, or my friend in Iraq that does not have CF that is involved in a controversy regarding use of force.

Once again I don't care, and I prefer everything all in one area. But if we are going to have an off topic forum, and they want us to use it, use common sense and put stuff in it's proper place.


New member
I think its great that we're argueing over nothing again. Like others have said - if you don't like it and don't want to read it, don't open it. I've chosen not to contribute to these war posts because what I have to say isn't nice, and I choose not to contribute and voice my thoughts on that topic becasue its a waste of my time. I don't like it, therefor I don't open it.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i>

I think its great that we're argueing over nothing again.</end quote></div>

It's because quite a few people here thrive on drama. The same people that thrive on drama accuse some from the past and present as being trouble makers. Some of those trouble makers get bored and leave or get banned, and instead of the drama going away, it continues. Proves the point that there aren't a few "culprits of evil" roaming around digitally spray painting the Vatican. People get bored and will start arguing about the color of the grass if nothing is going on.


New member
I thank Liz for reminding me of the stupidity of participating in this discussion.
Julie, I don't know why you're so upset that someone reported your original post as off topic to the moderator (wasn't me - not that that matters) and that the moderator agreed that the post was off topic and moved it.

I would suggest that if you're angry that the moderator moved your post you take it out with him and not us.

But even more I would suggest following Risa's suggestion and just drop it (I certainly will now). It is not worth the raised blood pressure it is clearly bringing you.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>LisaV</b></i>

I thank Liz for reminding me of the stupidity of participating in this discussion.</end quote></div>

I'm almost worried that you agreeing with me is going to open up even more drama. LOL.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i>

I think its great that we're argueing over nothing again.</end quote></div>

It's because quite a few people here thrive on drama. The same people that thrive on drama accuse some from the past and present as being trouble makers. Some of those trouble makers get bored and leave or get banned, and instead of the drama going away, it continues. Proves the point that there aren't a few "culprits of evil" roaming around digitally spray painting the Vatican. People get bored and will start arguing about the color of the grass if nothing is going on.</end quote></div>

Shouldn't this be in the religion or lawn-n-garden section?


New member
Thank you lisaV, most sincerely thank you for your thoughts and well wishes. It is much appreciated. We don't see eye to eye on the politics surrounding it and that's ok with me. But I do sincerely appreciate your well wishes. Thank you. Also, in response to your second post, I did email the moderators about my frustration with the matter and how the issue IS CF related to me. So I did do that.

Hannah, thank you for your prayers for this family and your well wishes. They, as well as I am very grateful for that support!

Littlemisssilly, Thank you to you as well for your support and your thoughts. I appreciate that!

Diane, thank you to you too for your support. I appreciate that.

I guess everyone has a different view of the OT section of the forum. I think things like, games, help me name my dog, words for men, slang words for fart... and other interesting but silly things belong there. But if someone really needs some support about a matter, or something is wearing on them, I think the adult section is more than appropriate.

It got me thinking, with these wildfires in AZ, I wonder if any of our members here on this board are affected by it. I sure to heck hope that they would post something liek that in the adult section and not in the OT section-EVEN though it has nothing to do with CF. At the very least to let us know they are ok, will be incommunicado for a while as they relocate from their house due to wildfires....
Surely nobody would tell them to post that in the OT section. Same thing with my post.

I started this post because I was upset about, not the lack of support perse, but because I feel stabbed in the back that when I post something that is really really getting me down and making me second guess a lot of things in my life... I get bashed, not so much for my views (which If I had to do it again, I would leave out) but because it is "in the wrong topic". Come on people, this is CF related to me.
So if you don't want to show me some support, becuse you disagree with the war or dislike me or whatever- that's fine, no hard feelings. But please just leave it at that for this particular issue I am having such a hard time with. Just this issue, please...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>

I started this post because I was upset about, not the lack of support perse, but because I feel stabbed in the back that when I post something that is really really getting me down and making me second guess a lot of things in my life... I get bashed, not so much for my views (which If I had to do it again, I would leave out) but because it is "in the wrong topic". <b>Come on people, this is CF related to me. </b>
...</end quote></div>

How? I don't get it


New member
Sorry Julie, I don't agree with you. I live in Phoenix, Arizona and my family is suffering through the fires north of here. It's heartbreaking. But, it is NOT CF related. If I want to talk about it to everyone, it belongs in the OT section. Everything in the world affects me, but isn't CF related.

54 w/cf


New member

Updating the forum members about your friends in Iraq IS off-topic. So much so the moderator moved it there. I understand that you are upset right now but if you have an off-topic thing to discuss what is the big deal of posting in that section? There are over 40 replies to your original post in the off-topic section so it cannot be that you are worried about it not being viewed. People come to this site to share information on CF! If you want to discuss other topics then get a blog or post in the off-topic.

Nobody is trying to hurt your feelings here...arguing that the Iraq post is CF related makes no sense.

The moderator is the final word and they have spoken quite clearly.


New member

Because, as I stated initially in this post. It makes me question so many things in life, my own beliefs, morality, my faith, what I am doing with my own life.

Is this (life) really all worth it for something like this to happen to such a good person and a completely innocent family (my friend and her 1 year old daughter)? I'm stressed out about it, calling her to make sure she is ok, having trouble thinking, trying to find ways within my reach/capability to help her/them.

Mark is really stopping to question a lot of things too. He deals with it differently though, but he has moments of, "why do the vest, why the meds? Who cares when something like this happens to my friends. Could something like this happen to my wife?..."

He and I are both very stressed out about it. Very concerned for our friends, needing some support for ourselves. I haven't slept well since the release of the charges, he hasn't slept well since the release of the charges. He hasn't done his vest or his CF meds since then...

Does that answer HOW it is CF related to me?

Edited to Add: Diet, out of the 40 posts or so, only about 5 of them have been made since it was moved and only about 12 views since it was moved. Hence my point that if I had initially posted it here (where I still disagree it belongs), many people wouldn't have seen it. I don't have a blog and I shouldn't have to get one to post something that is affecting me and my family so much.