New member
Why would the MODERATOR of this site deem it is off-topic and move it then?
Regardless...this is a CF forum...not an Iraq self-help forum. This is a site for people with CYSTIC FIBROSIS and their daily struggles. If you are a family member then there is a FAMILY section. And if you think people give a hoot about things that are not CF related then you post in Off-topic.
That would be why there is a moderator. If Mark was saying that because he is so stressed he is failing to do his treatments then he could post in this section because HE HAS CF! If you are stressed I am sure there is a pregnancy site OR an Iraq-USA site that you can go to.
Anyway ...I am done. Clearly you are not hearing all of the voices here saying NOT CF RELATED LADY! Go find your own support group and stop poluting the forums with your personal problems. Kind of selfish are posting in a place where CFers suffer and struggle daily about yourfriend murdering someone in Iraq? How about give them some airtime...especially since this is THEIR SITE!
Regardless...this is a CF forum...not an Iraq self-help forum. This is a site for people with CYSTIC FIBROSIS and their daily struggles. If you are a family member then there is a FAMILY section. And if you think people give a hoot about things that are not CF related then you post in Off-topic.
That would be why there is a moderator. If Mark was saying that because he is so stressed he is failing to do his treatments then he could post in this section because HE HAS CF! If you are stressed I am sure there is a pregnancy site OR an Iraq-USA site that you can go to.
Anyway ...I am done. Clearly you are not hearing all of the voices here saying NOT CF RELATED LADY! Go find your own support group and stop poluting the forums with your personal problems. Kind of selfish are posting in a place where CFers suffer and struggle daily about yourfriend murdering someone in Iraq? How about give them some airtime...especially since this is THEIR SITE!