Just have to post how I am feeling


New member
Why would the MODERATOR of this site deem it is off-topic and move it then?

Regardless...this is a CF forum...not an Iraq self-help forum. This is a site for people with CYSTIC FIBROSIS and their daily struggles. If you are a family member then there is a FAMILY section. And if you think people give a hoot about things that are not CF related then you post in Off-topic.

That would be why there is a moderator. If Mark was saying that because he is so stressed he is failing to do his treatments then he could post in this section because HE HAS CF! If you are stressed I am sure there is a pregnancy site OR an Iraq-USA site that you can go to.

Anyway ...I am done. Clearly you are not hearing all of the voices here saying NOT CF RELATED LADY! Go find your own support group and stop poluting the forums with your personal problems. Kind of selfish really...you are posting in a place where CFers suffer and struggle daily about yourfriend murdering someone in Iraq? How about give them some airtime...especially since this is THEIR SITE!


New member
The moderator moved it because he got some complaints. Bill doesn't move things unless people complain-and go figure, those who complained were those who I don't get along with.

An Iraq self help forum? What are you, nuts. Would it be different If I posted that my friends husband is in jail for something he didn't do, but is currently being accused of and it doesn't look good for him, so please those who pray, keep them in your thoughts. Possibly, because some (like yourself) aren't mature enough to separate the Iraq issue, from the issue of a close friend of a longtime member of this site being in jail. Others, like Emily, Steve and Lilith can.

<b>So now you are telling me that I can't post about my problems relating to this (or anything else in my life) because I don't have CF? I don't recall the title of this forum being "For adults with CF". It's simply titled Adults. That's like me saying you should't post here because you have a child with CF (or whatever the case may be). Who the Fu*k are you to say that, and how rude. </b>

This situation with my friend has nothing to do with my pregnancy, and actually, my pregnancy is 100% CF related, so if you have a problem with it, simply stop reading my posts. I should not have to go find another website where people don't know anything about me or my life, to ask for thoughts and prayers for my friends family and mine. What is wrong with you?

This site is JUST AS MUCH MINE as it is someone with CF. I can't believe what you have just posted. Absolutely amazing. Maybe since YOU feel this way, you ought to stop posting alltogether on this site. Because clearly it isn't yours, right? This site is NOT "their site". Many who don't have CF have helped shape it into what it is now and provided more support than any of you will ever know.


New member
I think this is an example where the blogs are a great idea. It saves a lot of people going back and forth saying what should and shouldn't be posted somewhere else. In blogs you are free to post whatever it is that you would like to post, without people coming down on you and saying that it is off topic.

I understand that this is a stressful time for you Julie, and can understand that it is stressful to Mark. You mention that Mark is so stressed that he wonders why bothering doing his vest, why bother doing his treatments, etc. I think maybe if you had mentioned this fact earlier, instead of saying well because Mark is stessed out then its CF related, maybe you might not have had so many people jumping down your throat. I hate the fact that a lot of people are doing this, but again if you had mentioned how this is affecting Mark's CF, then maybe it might have been a bit more welcomed. Just maybe. But these are only my thoughts on the subject.


New member
I would stop reading your posts if you stopped FLOODING this forum with crap about how Julie feels today...Oh pray my friend killed someone but the boogie man made him do it! Whatever Julie. You just do not see how ridiculous you are.

I have talked to many a few who think you have overstayed your welcome here.

That is all I have to say on this matter.


New member
Possibly liz, but I am sure somebody still would have had a problem, regardless.
Even my posts about pregnancy stuff have had reactions like this, and we (well, all those who care to research a bit about the pregnancy or were here to hear about it) know it IS SO CF related. So it really doesn't matter what I preface it with, somebody is going to find a problem with something.

and I thought what I had posted, about how it is affecting Mark and I, making us question our beliefs, purpose on this earth, faith, life in general, stressing us out (which then leads to potential health problems) was enough. I don't think anyone should have to elaborate any more than what they feel comfortable doing, as long as they are relaying the general idea, which I am pretty sure I did on a number of occasions.

Too late to fix now, but I'll remember it for next time. Thanks,


New member
I dunno, I suppose its just me trying to find excuses for some people I guess. I don't know. Like I said - if I don't want to read something, I won't. Myself, I really don't care if its off topic and in the adult section or not, because if I don't like it, I don't read it. Off topic or not.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>


Because, as I stated initially in this post. It makes me question so many things in life, my own beliefs, morality, my faith, what I am doing with my own life.

Is this (life) really all worth it for something like this to happen to such a good person and a completely innocent family (my friend and her 1 year old daughter)? I'm stressed out about it, calling her to make sure she is ok, having trouble thinking, trying to find ways within my reach/capability to help her/them.

Mark is really stopping to question a lot of things too. He deals with it differently though, but he has moments of, "why do the vest, why the meds? Who cares when something like this happens to my friends. Could something like this happen to my wife?..."

He and I are both very stressed out about it. Very concerned for our friends, needing some support for ourselves. I haven't slept well since the release of the charges, he hasn't slept well since the release of the charges. He hasn't done his vest or his CF meds since then...

Does that answer HOW it is CF related to me?

Edited to Add: Diet, out of the 40 posts or so, only about 5 of them have been made since it was moved and only about 12 views since it was moved. Hence my point that if I had initially posted it here (where I still disagree it belongs), many people wouldn't have seen it. I don't have a blog and I shouldn't have to get one to post something that is affecting me and my family so much.</end quote></div>

Huh? I still don't get it. From what i read in your post, he did help cover it up. Is he completely innocent?

I think you're just using cf as a means to get sympathy for something that is really bothering you, which by itself could be ok, because ya it isn't really cf related, but you do have a place in this forum, despite the fact that you can get a little ridiculous at times.

I think the thing that is bothering me is that you are using cf to justify an argument that really isn't justifiable through cf. Your friend is going through a hard time so it makes mark question whether he should do his treatments? Huh? Is that him saying that or is that you?

If something is bothering you, fine, let it out and chances are people will be behind you. But don't throw cf in the mix and expect people to feel for you when it has nothing to do with that...


New member
The thing is this, you and some others think it isn't CF related.

Others completely understand how this is affecting me, affecting Mark, affecting our lives and in turn will affect his health (his CF), and think it is CF related and appropriate for me to post here.

None of us are ever going to agree, there will always be someone or something. So why can't you and others just 1. not read it or 2. read it but don't bother to post. I was asking for support, period.

When I made the initial post, it was about my friends situation and not specifically the actions behind what landed him there (because to me, he's my friend and whether or not he did what he is accused of, I will still be there for him and pray for him, although I don't agree wtih a lot of what is going on over there) Nothing hs been proven yet. But again, I'm getting away from my point. I posted not to explain/justify his actions, but to update people, because believe it or not about 20 had inquired about it, and to ask for prayers/thoughts for the family and for him.

Mark isn't saying these things, (I'm not doing my vest, meds) directly at me, but we did have a big heart to heart about things when we found out our friend had been charged. He made comments like, "why bother, why do my Treatments?" (as did I, why bother with xxxxxxx in life"?) and I, as his wife, observe him not doing is vest, his meds, and being upset about the issue, so yes, it IS affecting him and me and us! Luckly he has a bodybuilding board to vent on and people there don't care if it's OT because it's something that is bothering and getting down one of their members. If only this place could be like that...

I'm not using CF as an excuse, I never have and I never will. I can only imagine you might be the same type of person to tell me my posts about my pregnancy aren't CF related either.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>

I did email the moderators about my frustration with the matter and how the issue IS CF related to me.


Not to keep beating a very overly dead horse. But please explain to me how you knowing someone who is a service member in Iraq that is involved in a known controvery that doesn't have CF, could even remotely be called CF related? I think that might be the part that myself and some others aren't seeing. Most don't care it's here, but i'd think most if not all would agree that based on it's content, your post had nothing to do with CF. If I am wrong, please enlighten me as to how I am wrong.


New member
AAHHHHHHHHHHHh Please re-read my previous 3-4 posts. I explained how it is CF related in MY LIFE, which may not affect you our your life, but it affects mine and my husbands. If you don't get that, then you never will. And that means you dont' need to get it either.

I don't have CF, therefore the types of things I post on here are different than something a CFer would post, but they do tie into my husbands health (therefore his CF) in the long run. Furthermore, I have been coming to this site as a second family for almost 3 years now. Just in the last 6 months or so (about Nov/Dec 05 timeframe) it has changed so drastically.

You know what, I am an ADULT (hence the adult boards) i am also a family member (hence posting in the families section) and my husband has CF (hence me posting on this website) so If I need some support regarding something, anything (some thougths and prayers, not people to validate my belifs/opinions or to disagree with them or to remain neutral...) that is<b> so</b> affecting my life, my husbands life and his health, then god damn it, I'll post it here. And anyone should have the right to do that.

It got me thinking, with these wildfires in AZ, I wonder if any of our members here on this board are affected by it. or someone they know or a family member. I sure to heck hope that they would post something liek that in the adult section and not in the OT section-<b>EVEN though it has nothing to do with CF</b>. At the very least to let us know they are ok, will be incommunicado for a while as they relocate from their house due to wildfires....
Surely nobody would tell them to post that in the OT section. Same thing with my post.

Hope this answers your question.

For every person who thinks this post didn't belong here, there is AT LEAST 1,who thought it did. Just goes to prove my point that we will all never agree on anything, so just drop it. I started this thread to ask for continued support, especially in light of how I was treated on my other thread. People just can't resist can they?


New member
Hi, Julie....
My apologies, but I haven't time to read the entirety of the responses to this, but wanted to add my response to your initial post...

I'm no stranger to posts being moved. I recently wrote a post on "adding a recipe section to the boards" that included high fat foods for CFers and even THAT was moved to off-topic! I mean, recipes and high fat food are HUGE parts of what we live for! When thinking of the things HAVING to do with CF, high fat diets is clearly at the top of the list! So, was it moved cause it had to do with recipes or a new link request or what?!? I'm still trying to figure that out... I personally found it pretty darn cf-related! So, I was a bit upset. Since it was moved, I don't think its gotten any attention, and doubt it ever will again.

So, I understand your frustration. I thought awhile ago it was agreed that we would just put "OT" in the subject line if not directly CF related so people don't take time to read things that don't have to do with CF if that's not why there here. I personally see no problem whatsoever doing so and posting in the adult section. And, honestly, I don't know why there is an "off-topic" since no one (or very few) seem to visit it or follow its posts. I also think its odd that certain topics are instantly moved to "off-topic", while others hang around, and some are never moved that clearly should/could be in "off-topic".

(I mean, take the post on SeanD.... He is a member... why was the post asking where HE was moved, while other posts asking where members are remain in the adult section??? If it has to do with the fact that it went "off course" from the original question, how many other posts can we find that deviate and remain in the adult section because of the original question???)

I personally think if there is to be moderating of the site, it should be consistent. And, I honestly think that's a HUGE job to ask of any moderator since there are 1000's of members on here! So, why not just keep it to writing "off topic". Those of us who come here only for CF-related stuff just wouldn't read it. That's all. Easy.

I usually try to avoid the drama talking about the drama on this site, but felt (since my "recipe" post was moved) compelled to write on this subject.



New member
I saw that it was moved too and I was like what the heck. I don't ge tthat one either, definately CF related.

I agree, the moderator job isn't an easy one. And at one point, a number of us members all voted in on just putting OT if someone felt compelled enough and needed to put it in the adult/families section.

we've had some new members join since then who didn't "vote in" on this issue, and the anon posters are more of a problem than ever recently.

There are some things that are clearly black and white OT and some things that are subject to interpretation (as evicenced in the varying degrees of opinions in this and the post in the OT section. For those "subject to interpretation" ones, what is the harm in posting it in the OT section. Clearly there is a lack of self control if people have that much of a problem with it being there.

Much love to you Sonia!


New member
Well, thanks for your positive outlook Ifoundjesustoday, but I needed some support dealing right now.
k, God will help you through your roughest times, and Jesus will
make you happy during you saddest times. Moses will take you
animals to relieve stress, and you'll know they're safe. And bars
are a sin, so don't drink!


New member
OK now we've got someone preaching at Julie, and indirectly at us. I consider myself a born-again Christian, believing in the power of The Word and all that, but we definitely don't need preaching added to this controversy--or this site even. No one likes being preached to in Topics. Create your own blog and we'll read you, or not.


New member
The topic was off-topic. But I don't understand why anyone but an official moderator would care to move it or even oppose it in the forum. It's a single topic, one that warns that it's off-topic, and warns it's about Iraq. Most adults have the capability and mental capacity to discern what that means, and also can make a choice on whether to click it or not. It truly only takes seconds of thinking and literally no effort. One line on a forum page isn't going to ruin your day. It amazes me such an exchange like that even occured. Yes this is a CF support forum, but both CFers and their families are real people that live real lifes, not thinking about CF 24/7. CF has won if you let it consume your every thought. Communities are built upon sharing of life experiences and not merely the exchange of information. I figured in an "adult" forum, adults would understand this.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Yah, my guess... IFoundJesusToday=HairyGaryCheese=SeanD

Kelly, MyNewfy</end quote></div>

You will not be winning any games of clue anytime soon Newfy. Remember, there are many more people than SD on here with a whacked sense of humor. I would bet SD has more important things to do with his time than to make different alts. Now I wouldn't put it past him to have a goof here and there, but not be the Jesus alt. but the guy is pretty busy in real life, and doesn't get much sleep as it is.

Anyways. As I mentioned before this horse is beaten to a pulp. I will reiterate my point one more time, even though Julie feels differently. If you use her logic stated earlier, meaning her friends situation in Iraq has messed with Mark and her in the head, which has lead to him neglecting his treatments, which in turn makes posting a totally non CF related thread, indeed CF related. If we want to use that logic, anything that impacts someone mentally, can be said to be CF related if say it makes me miss a vest treatment or an aresol. As I said earlier I don't care at all. And I prefer everything be lumped into one area, it makes for a livelier board. I know trying to discuss and point out faulty logic on here is about as rewarding as walking on your hands in a tack factory, but who knows, maybe a smidge will get through.

If we want to use her stated logic, if I go to see X-Men 3 (i used to be a big comic geek), and I had no idea that Jean Grey dies in the end, and she was my favorite comic book character, and I see Wolverine impale her. It just might mess me up in the head, if only for a week or two or whatever. This in turn might make me depressed as I start to remember all the epic storylines I spent tons of money on in my teens, to see her survive through thick and thin, and fantasize about seeing her in a real movie someday and doing the same. And not being a horrible villain and having her spleen sliced in half by Wolverines claws. I see this, I get depressed, I say "Well fug this", and I stop doing my nebs and vest and I go downhill. This reaction all of a sudden makes X-Men 3 and my personal vestment in the characters CF related?

I don't want to see Mark get sick due to neglect, that does suck. But let's not start splitting hairs here. I would say all of a sudden saying something that is totally not related to CF has had an effect on someone with CF you know, makes it CF based, is way off.

Whatever though, it doesn't matter. You won't concede that you posted something that had nothing to do with CF in a place it didn't belong, and defend your decision to do so till you are blue in the face.