Just have to post how I am feeling


New member
That would all be grand, *if* this site wasn't set up to segregate topics in the first place. That aspect there totally disregards a large portion of the argument that is pro for having that thread in the adult section. The very original thread was "I have this friend/know this guy who is in IRaq and he is involved in that scandal you guys heard about on the news, send him your prayers please!!!!!", which has absolutely nothing to do with CF. Do I care? No. As you stated, her rationale for it having something to do with CF due to her friend being involved in a government inquest into his behavior, and then it turning into Mark deciding to not do his treatments, is extremely thin. We could all use that rationale to post every imaginable thing we wanted to on here that is totally OT to CF, if in one minute way influenced our CF. I stayed up late watching the new 24 episode and felt crappy the next day (and decide to post a large thread passionately discussing 24 on here). Well guess that means it's relevant to CF right? I was throwing a frisbee for several hours (with indepth discussion on how I throw frisbees, and what brand I use) and due to not getting my throw down right, I was bummed out and skipped my pulmozyme that night.

Just the mental aspects alone, gleaned from us being involved with/exposed to stimulus that we are interested in would fill this entire forum if there were no restrictions, then everyone and their mom would be starting threads titled "OMG what is up with all this spam, aren't these what blogs are for?!?!". Yes that is what blogs are for, or the off topic forum is for. If you fail to see my point, or are just not agreeing because you personally like Julie or enjoyed that thread, I can humor you by posting tons of threads here that most logical people would feel have no bearing on CF at all, but personally had an impact on my condition due to my reaction to the non CF related experience. I'm sure you would agree with me real fast. I also feel Julie received the flogging she received from several people because they realized that if someone else that she didn't care for had posted a similar, completely unrelated (to CF) topic that was growing and receiving attention (possibly like hers did), they would probably all bet large sums of money that she would pop in and reply with "what does this have to do with CF? Why is this not in the OT forum?!?!". If you think she wouldn't, well I have some nice inflatable dumbell weights to sell you.

There really is no point in continuing any further, you don't have to agree with me, just as long as you see my reasoning for even bringing it up (hypocrisy), and a smart bet for why others jumped on the bandwagon. The aspect that she didn't immediately recognize why it was moved to the OT forum and just say "Oops sorry, shoulda posted it somewhere else" or something, but instead has to post another thread whining about it is even more outrageous.

The topic is as good as dropped as far as i'm concerned. I just didn't want anyone thinking I grabbed a stick for no reason.



New member
OK, can everyone shake hands and go back to their corners now? I hope that Julie had been sufficiently flogged to certain people's satisfaction. I also hope that this is a lesson to those people that need to mind their own business regarding posting on the OT or not--and you know who you are--and I guess this <b>includes </b>Julie also. In the future, when someone posts something as OT on the adult board--DON'T READ IT IF YOU ONLY WANT TO READ ABOUT CF!!! You surely must be able to read if you are typing responses to this thread. We are now officially beating a dead horse with Hairycheese's stick!


New member
Typical... People don't agree with her opinion on her topic, so she resorts to the "after all I've done for you people" topic. Time and time again same diatribe to get people to take sides. I should've done, what I usually do with topics started by Julie. Avoid them.