Kidney stones


New member
Has anyone else with CF had kidney stones? I'm working on at least my third one since this summer and I'm sick of it!! I have read that people with CF are at risk for them because of excess calcium oxalate. I saw Urologist for it, and via the ct scan, they saw numerous stones - the largest being 6mm in size. He told me to take UROCITK. Anyone else taking this? I have increased my fluid intake but keep getting these things. They are awful.
As a side note since I was severely vitamin deficient, I started taking my vitamins religiously (source cf and vitamin d3) since this past spring. I find it interesting that the stones started soon after the increase in vitamins.


New member
Has anyone else with CF had kidney stones? I'm working on at least my third one since this summer and I'm sick of it!! I have read that people with CF are at risk for them because of excess calcium oxalate. I saw Urologist for it, and via the ct scan, they saw numerous stones - the largest being 6mm in size. He told me to take UROCITK. Anyone else taking this? I have increased my fluid intake but keep getting these things. They are awful.
As a side note since I was severely vitamin deficient, I started taking my vitamins religiously (source cf and vitamin d3) since this past spring. I find it interesting that the stones started soon after the increase in vitamins.


New member
Has anyone else with CF had kidney stones? I'm working on at least my third one since this summer and I'm sick of it!! I have read that people with CF are at risk for them because of excess calcium oxalate. I saw Urologist for it, and via the ct scan, they saw numerous stones - the largest being 6mm in size. He told me to take UROCITK. Anyone else taking this? I have increased my fluid intake but keep getting these things. They are awful.
As a side note since I was severely vitamin deficient, I started taking my vitamins religiously (source cf and vitamin d3) since this past spring. I find it interesting that the stones started soon after the increase in vitamins.


New member
Has anyone else with CF had kidney stones? I'm working on at least my third one since this summer and I'm sick of it!! I have read that people with CF are at risk for them because of excess calcium oxalate. I saw Urologist for it, and via the ct scan, they saw numerous stones - the largest being 6mm in size. He told me to take UROCITK. Anyone else taking this? I have increased my fluid intake but keep getting these things. They are awful.
As a side note since I was severely vitamin deficient, I started taking my vitamins religiously (source cf and vitamin d3) since this past spring. I find it interesting that the stones started soon after the increase in vitamins.


New member
Has anyone else with CF had kidney stones? I'm working on at least my third one since this summer and I'm sick of it!! I have read that people with CF are at risk for them because of excess calcium oxalate. I saw Urologist for it, and via the ct scan, they saw numerous stones - the largest being 6mm in size. He told me to take UROCITK. Anyone else taking this? I have increased my fluid intake but keep getting these things. They are awful.
<br />As a side note since I was severely vitamin deficient, I started taking my vitamins religiously (source cf and vitamin d3) since this past spring. I find it interesting that the stones started soon after the increase in vitamins.


New member
I feel your pain. I have had 3 or 4 over the years, only one passed without major pain. The other ones however...I've ended up in the ER with pain that took my breath away. Like have said they can see more waiting around in there. My biggest so far has been a 4mm. The only change my docs really made was to stop my calcium supplement. I've been off of calcium for quite a few months now and haven't had a stone. But it's not like I was havin them everyday anyway. I don't know what the solution is. Good luck. 24/f/cf


New member
I feel your pain. I have had 3 or 4 over the years, only one passed without major pain. The other ones however...I've ended up in the ER with pain that took my breath away. Like have said they can see more waiting around in there. My biggest so far has been a 4mm. The only change my docs really made was to stop my calcium supplement. I've been off of calcium for quite a few months now and haven't had a stone. But it's not like I was havin them everyday anyway. I don't know what the solution is. Good luck. 24/f/cf


New member
I feel your pain. I have had 3 or 4 over the years, only one passed without major pain. The other ones however...I've ended up in the ER with pain that took my breath away. Like have said they can see more waiting around in there. My biggest so far has been a 4mm. The only change my docs really made was to stop my calcium supplement. I've been off of calcium for quite a few months now and haven't had a stone. But it's not like I was havin them everyday anyway. I don't know what the solution is. Good luck. 24/f/cf


New member
I feel your pain. I have had 3 or 4 over the years, only one passed without major pain. The other ones however...I've ended up in the ER with pain that took my breath away. Like have said they can see more waiting around in there. My biggest so far has been a 4mm. The only change my docs really made was to stop my calcium supplement. I've been off of calcium for quite a few months now and haven't had a stone. But it's not like I was havin them everyday anyway. I don't know what the solution is. Good luck. 24/f/cf


New member
I feel your pain. I have had 3 or 4 over the years, only one passed without major pain. The other ones however...I've ended up in the ER with pain that took my breath away. Like have said they can see more waiting around in there. My biggest so far has been a 4mm. The only change my docs really made was to stop my calcium supplement. I've been off of calcium for quite a few months now and haven't had a stone. But it's not like I was havin them everyday anyway. I don't know what the solution is. Good luck. 24/f/cf


Active member
1 year ago i had an 18 mm stone.-a record size stone for that practice.
after peeing blood and agonizing pain i went to the er to find that this huge stone was totally blocking my kidney and my kidney was on the verge of shutting down.
it took 6 months to get rid of. i did 6 lithotripsys and had a stent in the whole time. it was really one of the worst experiences of my life.
extra calcium and vits can contribute to stones, but the key is to absorb the vites. you don't want to stop vites bc we need them too. taking extra magnesium can help absorb calcium and other mineral/vits to avoid stones


Active member
1 year ago i had an 18 mm stone.-a record size stone for that practice.
after peeing blood and agonizing pain i went to the er to find that this huge stone was totally blocking my kidney and my kidney was on the verge of shutting down.
it took 6 months to get rid of. i did 6 lithotripsys and had a stent in the whole time. it was really one of the worst experiences of my life.
extra calcium and vits can contribute to stones, but the key is to absorb the vites. you don't want to stop vites bc we need them too. taking extra magnesium can help absorb calcium and other mineral/vits to avoid stones


Active member
1 year ago i had an 18 mm stone.-a record size stone for that practice.
after peeing blood and agonizing pain i went to the er to find that this huge stone was totally blocking my kidney and my kidney was on the verge of shutting down.
it took 6 months to get rid of. i did 6 lithotripsys and had a stent in the whole time. it was really one of the worst experiences of my life.
extra calcium and vits can contribute to stones, but the key is to absorb the vites. you don't want to stop vites bc we need them too. taking extra magnesium can help absorb calcium and other mineral/vits to avoid stones


Active member
1 year ago i had an 18 mm stone.-a record size stone for that practice.
after peeing blood and agonizing pain i went to the er to find that this huge stone was totally blocking my kidney and my kidney was on the verge of shutting down.
it took 6 months to get rid of. i did 6 lithotripsys and had a stent in the whole time. it was really one of the worst experiences of my life.
extra calcium and vits can contribute to stones, but the key is to absorb the vites. you don't want to stop vites bc we need them too. taking extra magnesium can help absorb calcium and other mineral/vits to avoid stones


Active member
1 year ago i had an 18 mm stone.-a record size stone for that practice.
<br />after peeing blood and agonizing pain i went to the er to find that this huge stone was totally blocking my kidney and my kidney was on the verge of shutting down.
<br />it took 6 months to get rid of. i did 6 lithotripsys and had a stent in the whole time. it was really one of the worst experiences of my life.
<br />extra calcium and vits can contribute to stones, but the key is to absorb the vites. you don't want to stop vites bc we need them too. taking extra magnesium can help absorb calcium and other mineral/vits to avoid stones


New member
I have had then on about four different occasions. Every time I have had to have lithotripsy for them, usually I get a few at a time and they just blast em. They usually put stints in first to see if I can pass them but I'm usually still not able to.


New member
I have had then on about four different occasions. Every time I have had to have lithotripsy for them, usually I get a few at a time and they just blast em. They usually put stints in first to see if I can pass them but I'm usually still not able to.


New member
I have had then on about four different occasions. Every time I have had to have lithotripsy for them, usually I get a few at a time and they just blast em. They usually put stints in first to see if I can pass them but I'm usually still not able to.


New member
I have had then on about four different occasions. Every time I have had to have lithotripsy for them, usually I get a few at a time and they just blast em. They usually put stints in first to see if I can pass them but I'm usually still not able to.


New member
I have had then on about four different occasions. Every time I have had to have lithotripsy for them, usually I get a few at a time and they just blast em. They usually put stints in first to see if I can pass them but I'm usually still not able to.