Letting off some steam


New member
Glad you got this out. Let us know if you need to rant less publicly or want advice. We're all here with you dealing with the same problems. :] We truly do understand.



New member
Glad you got this out. Let us know if you need to rant less publicly or want advice. We're all here with you dealing with the same problems. :] We truly do understand.



New member
Glad you got this out. Let us know if you need to rant less publicly or want advice. We're all here with you dealing with the same problems. :] We truly do understand.



New member
Glad you got this out. Let us know if you need to rant less publicly or want advice. We're all here with you dealing with the same problems. :] We truly do understand.



New member
Glad you got this out. Let us know if you need to rant less publicly or want advice. We're all here with you dealing with the same problems. :] We truly do understand.
<br />
<br />-Annie


New member
No joke. Treatments, they suck, I hate when people tell me I should do it, and It'll help me get better. Cos It wont! It might provoke a sickness once in a while, might keep you healthy for an extra week, but it's not a cure, so I hate when people make a huge deal about it. And coughing, I completely agree, I can't even laugh without coughing, and it's hella like embarrassing. I've learned to like embrace it and whatever, but it really does suck. And people that are like, "You should be positive about CF, blah blah blah." That's pretty annoying too, Nobody really understands, unless they have CF, and it's not something you can be very positive about.

...yay venting! lol.


New member
No joke. Treatments, they suck, I hate when people tell me I should do it, and It'll help me get better. Cos It wont! It might provoke a sickness once in a while, might keep you healthy for an extra week, but it's not a cure, so I hate when people make a huge deal about it. And coughing, I completely agree, I can't even laugh without coughing, and it's hella like embarrassing. I've learned to like embrace it and whatever, but it really does suck. And people that are like, "You should be positive about CF, blah blah blah." That's pretty annoying too, Nobody really understands, unless they have CF, and it's not something you can be very positive about.

...yay venting! lol.


New member
No joke. Treatments, they suck, I hate when people tell me I should do it, and It'll help me get better. Cos It wont! It might provoke a sickness once in a while, might keep you healthy for an extra week, but it's not a cure, so I hate when people make a huge deal about it. And coughing, I completely agree, I can't even laugh without coughing, and it's hella like embarrassing. I've learned to like embrace it and whatever, but it really does suck. And people that are like, "You should be positive about CF, blah blah blah." That's pretty annoying too, Nobody really understands, unless they have CF, and it's not something you can be very positive about.

...yay venting! lol.


New member
No joke. Treatments, they suck, I hate when people tell me I should do it, and It'll help me get better. Cos It wont! It might provoke a sickness once in a while, might keep you healthy for an extra week, but it's not a cure, so I hate when people make a huge deal about it. And coughing, I completely agree, I can't even laugh without coughing, and it's hella like embarrassing. I've learned to like embrace it and whatever, but it really does suck. And people that are like, "You should be positive about CF, blah blah blah." That's pretty annoying too, Nobody really understands, unless they have CF, and it's not something you can be very positive about.

...yay venting! lol.


New member
No joke. Treatments, they suck, I hate when people tell me I should do it, and It'll help me get better. Cos It wont! It might provoke a sickness once in a while, might keep you healthy for an extra week, but it's not a cure, so I hate when people make a huge deal about it. And coughing, I completely agree, I can't even laugh without coughing, and it's hella like embarrassing. I've learned to like embrace it and whatever, but it really does suck. And people that are like, "You should be positive about CF, blah blah blah." That's pretty annoying too, Nobody really understands, unless they have CF, and it's not something you can be very positive about.

...yay venting! lol.


hey my name is josh and im 14. wow u pretty much described how i feel all the time.that thing u said about the pills is basically how my day at school goes. wenever i go to take out my pills i here "hey pill popper!" and "Woah u got pills!?!? y don't u give me a few of those eh?" im always telling people that they wouldn't want those kind of pills but they just laff. no body understands...

and the treatment thing, dont even get me started. i cultured phsedomonis (sry bad speller) and im now on the tobrimiosin (again, bad speller). then, the docs put me on hypertonic saline. and to top it all off, i have to do my vest and pulmosime. UGH!!!!! all togetther, this takes like an hour. i no there are alot worse things out there but still, getting up and hour earlier be4 school and wasting an hour after school absolutly SUCKS!!!


hey my name is josh and im 14. wow u pretty much described how i feel all the time.that thing u said about the pills is basically how my day at school goes. wenever i go to take out my pills i here "hey pill popper!" and "Woah u got pills!?!? y don't u give me a few of those eh?" im always telling people that they wouldn't want those kind of pills but they just laff. no body understands...

and the treatment thing, dont even get me started. i cultured phsedomonis (sry bad speller) and im now on the tobrimiosin (again, bad speller). then, the docs put me on hypertonic saline. and to top it all off, i have to do my vest and pulmosime. UGH!!!!! all togetther, this takes like an hour. i no there are alot worse things out there but still, getting up and hour earlier be4 school and wasting an hour after school absolutly SUCKS!!!


hey my name is josh and im 14. wow u pretty much described how i feel all the time.that thing u said about the pills is basically how my day at school goes. wenever i go to take out my pills i here "hey pill popper!" and "Woah u got pills!?!? y don't u give me a few of those eh?" im always telling people that they wouldn't want those kind of pills but they just laff. no body understands...

and the treatment thing, dont even get me started. i cultured phsedomonis (sry bad speller) and im now on the tobrimiosin (again, bad speller). then, the docs put me on hypertonic saline. and to top it all off, i have to do my vest and pulmosime. UGH!!!!! all togetther, this takes like an hour. i no there are alot worse things out there but still, getting up and hour earlier be4 school and wasting an hour after school absolutly SUCKS!!!


hey my name is josh and im 14. wow u pretty much described how i feel all the time.that thing u said about the pills is basically how my day at school goes. wenever i go to take out my pills i here "hey pill popper!" and "Woah u got pills!?!? y don't u give me a few of those eh?" im always telling people that they wouldn't want those kind of pills but they just laff. no body understands...

and the treatment thing, dont even get me started. i cultured phsedomonis (sry bad speller) and im now on the tobrimiosin (again, bad speller). then, the docs put me on hypertonic saline. and to top it all off, i have to do my vest and pulmosime. UGH!!!!! all togetther, this takes like an hour. i no there are alot worse things out there but still, getting up and hour earlier be4 school and wasting an hour after school absolutly SUCKS!!!


hey my name is josh and im 14. wow u pretty much described how i feel all the time.that thing u said about the pills is basically how my day at school goes. wenever i go to take out my pills i here "hey pill popper!" and "Woah u got pills!?!? y don't u give me a few of those eh?" im always telling people that they wouldn't want those kind of pills but they just laff. no body understands...
<br />
<br />and the treatment thing, dont even get me started. i cultured phsedomonis (sry bad speller) and im now on the tobrimiosin (again, bad speller). then, the docs put me on hypertonic saline. and to top it all off, i have to do my vest and pulmosime. UGH!!!!! all togetther, this takes like an hour. i no there are alot worse things out there but still, getting up and hour earlier be4 school and wasting an hour after school absolutly SUCKS!!!


New member
i agree cf sucks and people need to just leave us alone. Last time i was in the hospital i had this really annoying rt and she talked to us for like my whole treatment about how cf kids just need to do their treatments and its just 20 min its no big deal. It made me so mad cuz she doesn't get it. most people don't floss twice a day and that takes like 2 sec or like exercising most people don't do that as much as they should and that you actually get positive results that you can see with treatments even doing them all the time doens't help we still get worse and have to go into the hospital. Like for me this past summer i was in the hosptial and they told me i need to start doing my vest twice a day and i need to do hypertonic everyday instead of just when i'm sick. Anyway i have been doing that almost everyday since i got home and i ended up in the hospital again in oct. normally i go only once a year so it feels like whats the point if it didn't help it actuly feels like it made me worse since i had to go in again. Oh and coughing all the time so embarissing and hate when people are like oh are you sick. Oh and sick people ugg. Like one day my friend was sick and she didnt even seem that bad and she complained all the time about how she wanted to be better and then the next day she was all sad and complaining cuz she was still sick and she was like ugg i want to be better i have never been sick for more than a day this is awful and i was like ya i want to be better to i had had a cold for like 2 weeks this was shortly befor i went to the hospital and she told me to get over it cuz i'm always sick. Uggggggggg that made me soo mad.
All us cfers are so complainy on this site but oh well its good to get it out and especially around people that totaly like 100% get how we feel
Oh and one more thing why do doctors get to decide what we should do when they have apsolutely no idea what it is like to have cf or propbably even stay in the hosptial one night. And they are all like do this and that and this and that and its like why dont u try it and then tell me what i should do.
The one good thing is that my friend doesnt want to live after high school so we never talk about the future but sometimes that makes me mad cuz she gets a healthy cf free future on this planet and i only wish i could have one and she just wants to end hers


New member
i agree cf sucks and people need to just leave us alone. Last time i was in the hospital i had this really annoying rt and she talked to us for like my whole treatment about how cf kids just need to do their treatments and its just 20 min its no big deal. It made me so mad cuz she doesn't get it. most people don't floss twice a day and that takes like 2 sec or like exercising most people don't do that as much as they should and that you actually get positive results that you can see with treatments even doing them all the time doens't help we still get worse and have to go into the hospital. Like for me this past summer i was in the hosptial and they told me i need to start doing my vest twice a day and i need to do hypertonic everyday instead of just when i'm sick. Anyway i have been doing that almost everyday since i got home and i ended up in the hospital again in oct. normally i go only once a year so it feels like whats the point if it didn't help it actuly feels like it made me worse since i had to go in again. Oh and coughing all the time so embarissing and hate when people are like oh are you sick. Oh and sick people ugg. Like one day my friend was sick and she didnt even seem that bad and she complained all the time about how she wanted to be better and then the next day she was all sad and complaining cuz she was still sick and she was like ugg i want to be better i have never been sick for more than a day this is awful and i was like ya i want to be better to i had had a cold for like 2 weeks this was shortly befor i went to the hospital and she told me to get over it cuz i'm always sick. Uggggggggg that made me soo mad.
All us cfers are so complainy on this site but oh well its good to get it out and especially around people that totaly like 100% get how we feel
Oh and one more thing why do doctors get to decide what we should do when they have apsolutely no idea what it is like to have cf or propbably even stay in the hosptial one night. And they are all like do this and that and this and that and its like why dont u try it and then tell me what i should do.
The one good thing is that my friend doesnt want to live after high school so we never talk about the future but sometimes that makes me mad cuz she gets a healthy cf free future on this planet and i only wish i could have one and she just wants to end hers


New member
i agree cf sucks and people need to just leave us alone. Last time i was in the hospital i had this really annoying rt and she talked to us for like my whole treatment about how cf kids just need to do their treatments and its just 20 min its no big deal. It made me so mad cuz she doesn't get it. most people don't floss twice a day and that takes like 2 sec or like exercising most people don't do that as much as they should and that you actually get positive results that you can see with treatments even doing them all the time doens't help we still get worse and have to go into the hospital. Like for me this past summer i was in the hosptial and they told me i need to start doing my vest twice a day and i need to do hypertonic everyday instead of just when i'm sick. Anyway i have been doing that almost everyday since i got home and i ended up in the hospital again in oct. normally i go only once a year so it feels like whats the point if it didn't help it actuly feels like it made me worse since i had to go in again. Oh and coughing all the time so embarissing and hate when people are like oh are you sick. Oh and sick people ugg. Like one day my friend was sick and she didnt even seem that bad and she complained all the time about how she wanted to be better and then the next day she was all sad and complaining cuz she was still sick and she was like ugg i want to be better i have never been sick for more than a day this is awful and i was like ya i want to be better to i had had a cold for like 2 weeks this was shortly befor i went to the hospital and she told me to get over it cuz i'm always sick. Uggggggggg that made me soo mad.
All us cfers are so complainy on this site but oh well its good to get it out and especially around people that totaly like 100% get how we feel
Oh and one more thing why do doctors get to decide what we should do when they have apsolutely no idea what it is like to have cf or propbably even stay in the hosptial one night. And they are all like do this and that and this and that and its like why dont u try it and then tell me what i should do.
The one good thing is that my friend doesnt want to live after high school so we never talk about the future but sometimes that makes me mad cuz she gets a healthy cf free future on this planet and i only wish i could have one and she just wants to end hers


New member
i agree cf sucks and people need to just leave us alone. Last time i was in the hospital i had this really annoying rt and she talked to us for like my whole treatment about how cf kids just need to do their treatments and its just 20 min its no big deal. It made me so mad cuz she doesn't get it. most people don't floss twice a day and that takes like 2 sec or like exercising most people don't do that as much as they should and that you actually get positive results that you can see with treatments even doing them all the time doens't help we still get worse and have to go into the hospital. Like for me this past summer i was in the hosptial and they told me i need to start doing my vest twice a day and i need to do hypertonic everyday instead of just when i'm sick. Anyway i have been doing that almost everyday since i got home and i ended up in the hospital again in oct. normally i go only once a year so it feels like whats the point if it didn't help it actuly feels like it made me worse since i had to go in again. Oh and coughing all the time so embarissing and hate when people are like oh are you sick. Oh and sick people ugg. Like one day my friend was sick and she didnt even seem that bad and she complained all the time about how she wanted to be better and then the next day she was all sad and complaining cuz she was still sick and she was like ugg i want to be better i have never been sick for more than a day this is awful and i was like ya i want to be better to i had had a cold for like 2 weeks this was shortly befor i went to the hospital and she told me to get over it cuz i'm always sick. Uggggggggg that made me soo mad.
All us cfers are so complainy on this site but oh well its good to get it out and especially around people that totaly like 100% get how we feel
Oh and one more thing why do doctors get to decide what we should do when they have apsolutely no idea what it is like to have cf or propbably even stay in the hosptial one night. And they are all like do this and that and this and that and its like why dont u try it and then tell me what i should do.
The one good thing is that my friend doesnt want to live after high school so we never talk about the future but sometimes that makes me mad cuz she gets a healthy cf free future on this planet and i only wish i could have one and she just wants to end hers


New member
i agree cf sucks and people need to just leave us alone. Last time i was in the hospital i had this really annoying rt and she talked to us for like my whole treatment about how cf kids just need to do their treatments and its just 20 min its no big deal. It made me so mad cuz she doesn't get it. most people don't floss twice a day and that takes like 2 sec or like exercising most people don't do that as much as they should and that you actually get positive results that you can see with treatments even doing them all the time doens't help we still get worse and have to go into the hospital. Like for me this past summer i was in the hosptial and they told me i need to start doing my vest twice a day and i need to do hypertonic everyday instead of just when i'm sick. Anyway i have been doing that almost everyday since i got home and i ended up in the hospital again in oct. normally i go only once a year so it feels like whats the point if it didn't help it actuly feels like it made me worse since i had to go in again. Oh and coughing all the time so embarissing and hate when people are like oh are you sick. Oh and sick people ugg. Like one day my friend was sick and she didnt even seem that bad and she complained all the time about how she wanted to be better and then the next day she was all sad and complaining cuz she was still sick and she was like ugg i want to be better i have never been sick for more than a day this is awful and i was like ya i want to be better to i had had a cold for like 2 weeks this was shortly befor i went to the hospital and she told me to get over it cuz i'm always sick. Uggggggggg that made me soo mad.
<br />All us cfers are so complainy on this site but oh well its good to get it out and especially around people that totaly like 100% get how we feel
<br />Oh and one more thing why do doctors get to decide what we should do when they have apsolutely no idea what it is like to have cf or propbably even stay in the hosptial one night. And they are all like do this and that and this and that and its like why dont u try it and then tell me what i should do.
<br />The one good thing is that my friend doesnt want to live after high school so we never talk about the future but sometimes that makes me mad cuz she gets a healthy cf free future on this planet and i only wish i could have one and she just wants to end hers