Letting off some steam


New member
i can't eal with my cf anymore. I was in the hospital on ivs for 3 weeks in sept. with sinus surgery. then i just had them in march for a month, 2 weeks in hospital 2 at home. i was better for 3 weeks, and now i can't go toa full day in school i feel so sick and weak. im always the one in the quiet classroom coughing, and its so embrassing. i also hate that noone understands what its like to know your going to die. i always wonder if people know its such a life threatening disease, and are like sitting in class being like omg that girls gunna die soon.. i sometimes feel like im feeling too bad for mysself and that its not that big of a deal to have cf. but it is.. knowing your might not have enough time to get married and have kids is the worst feeling in the whole world. i almost feel like whats the point in trying to get better. ive been sick for over a year straight. also when it comes to guys, i am so attracted to the ones that are good about my cf. but then they dissapoint me. like ill be at the doctor and theyll ask me what im doing and when i say im at the doctor theyll be like ohh yeah. not like 'how is goign, are you okay blah blah' i feel like i deserve people asking me how im doing and even pretending like they care. i just hate my life at the moment..

(also anna, 17 with cf) getting tested for cfrd.. praying i don't have that too..


New member
i can't eal with my cf anymore. I was in the hospital on ivs for 3 weeks in sept. with sinus surgery. then i just had them in march for a month, 2 weeks in hospital 2 at home. i was better for 3 weeks, and now i can't go toa full day in school i feel so sick and weak. im always the one in the quiet classroom coughing, and its so embrassing. i also hate that noone understands what its like to know your going to die. i always wonder if people know its such a life threatening disease, and are like sitting in class being like omg that girls gunna die soon.. i sometimes feel like im feeling too bad for mysself and that its not that big of a deal to have cf. but it is.. knowing your might not have enough time to get married and have kids is the worst feeling in the whole world. i almost feel like whats the point in trying to get better. ive been sick for over a year straight. also when it comes to guys, i am so attracted to the ones that are good about my cf. but then they dissapoint me. like ill be at the doctor and theyll ask me what im doing and when i say im at the doctor theyll be like ohh yeah. not like 'how is goign, are you okay blah blah' i feel like i deserve people asking me how im doing and even pretending like they care. i just hate my life at the moment..

(also anna, 17 with cf) getting tested for cfrd.. praying i don't have that too..


New member
i can't eal with my cf anymore. I was in the hospital on ivs for 3 weeks in sept. with sinus surgery. then i just had them in march for a month, 2 weeks in hospital 2 at home. i was better for 3 weeks, and now i can't go toa full day in school i feel so sick and weak. im always the one in the quiet classroom coughing, and its so embrassing. i also hate that noone understands what its like to know your going to die. i always wonder if people know its such a life threatening disease, and are like sitting in class being like omg that girls gunna die soon.. i sometimes feel like im feeling too bad for mysself and that its not that big of a deal to have cf. but it is.. knowing your might not have enough time to get married and have kids is the worst feeling in the whole world. i almost feel like whats the point in trying to get better. ive been sick for over a year straight. also when it comes to guys, i am so attracted to the ones that are good about my cf. but then they dissapoint me. like ill be at the doctor and theyll ask me what im doing and when i say im at the doctor theyll be like ohh yeah. not like 'how is goign, are you okay blah blah' i feel like i deserve people asking me how im doing and even pretending like they care. i just hate my life at the moment..

(also anna, 17 with cf) getting tested for cfrd.. praying i don't have that too..


New member
i can't eal with my cf anymore. I was in the hospital on ivs for 3 weeks in sept. with sinus surgery. then i just had them in march for a month, 2 weeks in hospital 2 at home. i was better for 3 weeks, and now i can't go toa full day in school i feel so sick and weak. im always the one in the quiet classroom coughing, and its so embrassing. i also hate that noone understands what its like to know your going to die. i always wonder if people know its such a life threatening disease, and are like sitting in class being like omg that girls gunna die soon.. i sometimes feel like im feeling too bad for mysself and that its not that big of a deal to have cf. but it is.. knowing your might not have enough time to get married and have kids is the worst feeling in the whole world. i almost feel like whats the point in trying to get better. ive been sick for over a year straight. also when it comes to guys, i am so attracted to the ones that are good about my cf. but then they dissapoint me. like ill be at the doctor and theyll ask me what im doing and when i say im at the doctor theyll be like ohh yeah. not like 'how is goign, are you okay blah blah' i feel like i deserve people asking me how im doing and even pretending like they care. i just hate my life at the moment..

(also anna, 17 with cf) getting tested for cfrd.. praying i don't have that too..


New member
i can't eal with my cf anymore. I was in the hospital on ivs for 3 weeks in sept. with sinus surgery. then i just had them in march for a month, 2 weeks in hospital 2 at home. i was better for 3 weeks, and now i can't go toa full day in school i feel so sick and weak. im always the one in the quiet classroom coughing, and its so embrassing. i also hate that noone understands what its like to know your going to die. i always wonder if people know its such a life threatening disease, and are like sitting in class being like omg that girls gunna die soon.. i sometimes feel like im feeling too bad for mysself and that its not that big of a deal to have cf. but it is.. knowing your might not have enough time to get married and have kids is the worst feeling in the whole world. i almost feel like whats the point in trying to get better. ive been sick for over a year straight. also when it comes to guys, i am so attracted to the ones that are good about my cf. but then they dissapoint me. like ill be at the doctor and theyll ask me what im doing and when i say im at the doctor theyll be like ohh yeah. not like 'how is goign, are you okay blah blah' i feel like i deserve people asking me how im doing and even pretending like they care. i just hate my life at the moment..
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<br />(also anna, 17 with cf) getting tested for cfrd.. praying i don't have that too..


Yea my friends don't really ask me questions about CF and they treat me normal plus i don't even know if my entire class knows but seriously if ppl say that stuff they should becareful what they wish for cuz maybe they can get it so yea!!! I think the person who made that saying up is so right!! so "becarful what you wish for".


Yea my friends don't really ask me questions about CF and they treat me normal plus i don't even know if my entire class knows but seriously if ppl say that stuff they should becareful what they wish for cuz maybe they can get it so yea!!! I think the person who made that saying up is so right!! so "becarful what you wish for".


Yea my friends don't really ask me questions about CF and they treat me normal plus i don't even know if my entire class knows but seriously if ppl say that stuff they should becareful what they wish for cuz maybe they can get it so yea!!! I think the person who made that saying up is so right!! so "becarful what you wish for".


Yea my friends don't really ask me questions about CF and they treat me normal plus i don't even know if my entire class knows but seriously if ppl say that stuff they should becareful what they wish for cuz maybe they can get it so yea!!! I think the person who made that saying up is so right!! so "becarful what you wish for".


Yea my friends don't really ask me questions about CF and they treat me normal plus i don't even know if my entire class knows but seriously if ppl say that stuff they should becareful what they wish for cuz maybe they can get it so yea!!! I think the person who made that saying up is so right!! so "becarful what you wish for".


New member
omg i totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. I think we all need a venting time lol. Pills don't really bother me and i joke around with my friends about it. But being in class and you know your gonna have a coughing attack. That's the worst cause i try to cough only a few times to get rid of it but i really need to cough up stuff. Its terrible and my doctor was just like well you just need to go to the bathroom every once and a while and cough that stuff up. That's ridiculous. I'm not gonna do that. I would be leaving class every like 5 minutes. She doesn't know what its like. And i hate the hospital so much!

I had a nurse one time that kept talking about cfers. She was saying how there were so many of us in the hospital and how we don't take care of ourselves and oh it was terrible. But I got so mad that she kept saying cfers. Like when we talk to each others its ok. But she acted as if i wasn't even a person i was just a disease. Were not defined by cf its just something we deal with. And there are all those nurses that ask all the same questions and try to give you advice that you've heard millions of times and never works. Or when you're sick with something crazy that no one can figure out and they have millions of student doctors ask the same questions and they are so annoying!

Oh and the thing about friends complaining about being sick, I have one close friend that I've known since 1st grade and she's great but she hardly ever gets sick or has to go to the doctor and of course she talks about that all the time which is annoying, but when she does get a cold its like the end of the world. She is ALWAYS complaining and i really just wanna be like hey try being me for a while its not fun. It seems like I'm always sick compared to her.

And i always wonder what it would be like to feel good all the time and not have to do treatments and take a bunch of pills everyday...but its not reality (at least not yet) so i just try to deal with it. I keep praying for that cure though!


New member
omg i totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. I think we all need a venting time lol. Pills don't really bother me and i joke around with my friends about it. But being in class and you know your gonna have a coughing attack. That's the worst cause i try to cough only a few times to get rid of it but i really need to cough up stuff. Its terrible and my doctor was just like well you just need to go to the bathroom every once and a while and cough that stuff up. That's ridiculous. I'm not gonna do that. I would be leaving class every like 5 minutes. She doesn't know what its like. And i hate the hospital so much!

I had a nurse one time that kept talking about cfers. She was saying how there were so many of us in the hospital and how we don't take care of ourselves and oh it was terrible. But I got so mad that she kept saying cfers. Like when we talk to each others its ok. But she acted as if i wasn't even a person i was just a disease. Were not defined by cf its just something we deal with. And there are all those nurses that ask all the same questions and try to give you advice that you've heard millions of times and never works. Or when you're sick with something crazy that no one can figure out and they have millions of student doctors ask the same questions and they are so annoying!

Oh and the thing about friends complaining about being sick, I have one close friend that I've known since 1st grade and she's great but she hardly ever gets sick or has to go to the doctor and of course she talks about that all the time which is annoying, but when she does get a cold its like the end of the world. She is ALWAYS complaining and i really just wanna be like hey try being me for a while its not fun. It seems like I'm always sick compared to her.

And i always wonder what it would be like to feel good all the time and not have to do treatments and take a bunch of pills everyday...but its not reality (at least not yet) so i just try to deal with it. I keep praying for that cure though!


New member
omg i totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. I think we all need a venting time lol. Pills don't really bother me and i joke around with my friends about it. But being in class and you know your gonna have a coughing attack. That's the worst cause i try to cough only a few times to get rid of it but i really need to cough up stuff. Its terrible and my doctor was just like well you just need to go to the bathroom every once and a while and cough that stuff up. That's ridiculous. I'm not gonna do that. I would be leaving class every like 5 minutes. She doesn't know what its like. And i hate the hospital so much!

I had a nurse one time that kept talking about cfers. She was saying how there were so many of us in the hospital and how we don't take care of ourselves and oh it was terrible. But I got so mad that she kept saying cfers. Like when we talk to each others its ok. But she acted as if i wasn't even a person i was just a disease. Were not defined by cf its just something we deal with. And there are all those nurses that ask all the same questions and try to give you advice that you've heard millions of times and never works. Or when you're sick with something crazy that no one can figure out and they have millions of student doctors ask the same questions and they are so annoying!

Oh and the thing about friends complaining about being sick, I have one close friend that I've known since 1st grade and she's great but she hardly ever gets sick or has to go to the doctor and of course she talks about that all the time which is annoying, but when she does get a cold its like the end of the world. She is ALWAYS complaining and i really just wanna be like hey try being me for a while its not fun. It seems like I'm always sick compared to her.

And i always wonder what it would be like to feel good all the time and not have to do treatments and take a bunch of pills everyday...but its not reality (at least not yet) so i just try to deal with it. I keep praying for that cure though!


New member
omg i totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. I think we all need a venting time lol. Pills don't really bother me and i joke around with my friends about it. But being in class and you know your gonna have a coughing attack. That's the worst cause i try to cough only a few times to get rid of it but i really need to cough up stuff. Its terrible and my doctor was just like well you just need to go to the bathroom every once and a while and cough that stuff up. That's ridiculous. I'm not gonna do that. I would be leaving class every like 5 minutes. She doesn't know what its like. And i hate the hospital so much!

I had a nurse one time that kept talking about cfers. She was saying how there were so many of us in the hospital and how we don't take care of ourselves and oh it was terrible. But I got so mad that she kept saying cfers. Like when we talk to each others its ok. But she acted as if i wasn't even a person i was just a disease. Were not defined by cf its just something we deal with. And there are all those nurses that ask all the same questions and try to give you advice that you've heard millions of times and never works. Or when you're sick with something crazy that no one can figure out and they have millions of student doctors ask the same questions and they are so annoying!

Oh and the thing about friends complaining about being sick, I have one close friend that I've known since 1st grade and she's great but she hardly ever gets sick or has to go to the doctor and of course she talks about that all the time which is annoying, but when she does get a cold its like the end of the world. She is ALWAYS complaining and i really just wanna be like hey try being me for a while its not fun. It seems like I'm always sick compared to her.

And i always wonder what it would be like to feel good all the time and not have to do treatments and take a bunch of pills everyday...but its not reality (at least not yet) so i just try to deal with it. I keep praying for that cure though!


New member
omg i totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. I think we all need a venting time lol. Pills don't really bother me and i joke around with my friends about it. But being in class and you know your gonna have a coughing attack. That's the worst cause i try to cough only a few times to get rid of it but i really need to cough up stuff. Its terrible and my doctor was just like well you just need to go to the bathroom every once and a while and cough that stuff up. That's ridiculous. I'm not gonna do that. I would be leaving class every like 5 minutes. She doesn't know what its like. And i hate the hospital so much!
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<br />I had a nurse one time that kept talking about cfers. She was saying how there were so many of us in the hospital and how we don't take care of ourselves and oh it was terrible. But I got so mad that she kept saying cfers. Like when we talk to each others its ok. But she acted as if i wasn't even a person i was just a disease. Were not defined by cf its just something we deal with. And there are all those nurses that ask all the same questions and try to give you advice that you've heard millions of times and never works. Or when you're sick with something crazy that no one can figure out and they have millions of student doctors ask the same questions and they are so annoying!
<br />
<br />Oh and the thing about friends complaining about being sick, I have one close friend that I've known since 1st grade and she's great but she hardly ever gets sick or has to go to the doctor and of course she talks about that all the time which is annoying, but when she does get a cold its like the end of the world. She is ALWAYS complaining and i really just wanna be like hey try being me for a while its not fun. It seems like I'm always sick compared to her.
<br />
<br />And i always wonder what it would be like to feel good all the time and not have to do treatments and take a bunch of pills everyday...but its not reality (at least not yet) so i just try to deal with it. I keep praying for that cure though!
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New member
HI MY NAME IS ASHLEY and i am just always like well if it is frigin easy then you do then do it evrey day and they said i need to see a phycitrist because i get angrey to easy well i dont get angrey enlse the doctors did something wrong and i am just so sick and tierd of hearing try harder it is easy 99.9 % of the time i just want to die or give up and there is thing called a vacation to me and what i do on the vacation is not talking my meds not doing physio and doing the oppisite of what they want and i am tierd of trying my hardest and evrey body is like try harder you arent trying hard enough and i called this one doctor spier inn my hospital behind is back i called him a jack ass because hethinks he know evreything and there is this one doctor that knows evreything and i am tierd of trying i am not going to try anymore i am just sick in tie3rd of being sick and in alot of pain i am addmited evrey 2-5 weeks SICK AND TIERD OF BEING SICK AND IN PAIN


New member
HI MY NAME IS ASHLEY and i am just always like well if it is frigin easy then you do then do it evrey day and they said i need to see a phycitrist because i get angrey to easy well i dont get angrey enlse the doctors did something wrong and i am just so sick and tierd of hearing try harder it is easy 99.9 % of the time i just want to die or give up and there is thing called a vacation to me and what i do on the vacation is not talking my meds not doing physio and doing the oppisite of what they want and i am tierd of trying my hardest and evrey body is like try harder you arent trying hard enough and i called this one doctor spier inn my hospital behind is back i called him a jack ass because hethinks he know evreything and there is this one doctor that knows evreything and i am tierd of trying i am not going to try anymore i am just sick in tie3rd of being sick and in alot of pain i am addmited evrey 2-5 weeks SICK AND TIERD OF BEING SICK AND IN PAIN


New member
HI MY NAME IS ASHLEY and i am just always like well if it is frigin easy then you do then do it evrey day and they said i need to see a phycitrist because i get angrey to easy well i dont get angrey enlse the doctors did something wrong and i am just so sick and tierd of hearing try harder it is easy 99.9 % of the time i just want to die or give up and there is thing called a vacation to me and what i do on the vacation is not talking my meds not doing physio and doing the oppisite of what they want and i am tierd of trying my hardest and evrey body is like try harder you arent trying hard enough and i called this one doctor spier inn my hospital behind is back i called him a jack ass because hethinks he know evreything and there is this one doctor that knows evreything and i am tierd of trying i am not going to try anymore i am just sick in tie3rd of being sick and in alot of pain i am addmited evrey 2-5 weeks SICK AND TIERD OF BEING SICK AND IN PAIN


New member
HI MY NAME IS ASHLEY and i am just always like well if it is frigin easy then you do then do it evrey day and they said i need to see a phycitrist because i get angrey to easy well i dont get angrey enlse the doctors did something wrong and i am just so sick and tierd of hearing try harder it is easy 99.9 % of the time i just want to die or give up and there is thing called a vacation to me and what i do on the vacation is not talking my meds not doing physio and doing the oppisite of what they want and i am tierd of trying my hardest and evrey body is like try harder you arent trying hard enough and i called this one doctor spier inn my hospital behind is back i called him a jack ass because hethinks he know evreything and there is this one doctor that knows evreything and i am tierd of trying i am not going to try anymore i am just sick in tie3rd of being sick and in alot of pain i am addmited evrey 2-5 weeks SICK AND TIERD OF BEING SICK AND IN PAIN


New member
HI MY NAME IS ASHLEY and i am just always like well if it is frigin easy then you do then do it evrey day and they said i need to see a phycitrist because i get angrey to easy well i dont get angrey enlse the doctors did something wrong and i am just so sick and tierd of hearing try harder it is easy 99.9 % of the time i just want to die or give up and there is thing called a vacation to me and what i do on the vacation is not talking my meds not doing physio and doing the oppisite of what they want and i am tierd of trying my hardest and evrey body is like try harder you arent trying hard enough and i called this one doctor spier inn my hospital behind is back i called him a jack ass because hethinks he know evreything and there is this one doctor that knows evreything and i am tierd of trying i am not going to try anymore i am just sick in tie3rd of being sick and in alot of pain i am addmited evrey 2-5 weeks SICK AND TIERD OF BEING SICK AND IN PAIN