Looking for advise


New member
First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

I am sorry you felt that way and your friends did not come to visit you. I truly understand how you must feel. I get the same way. It breaks my heart sometimes when I see all these people coming in to visit the other children here and Austin has no visitors. Daddy works so he stops by when he can and his older brothers do but sometimes its nice to see the grandparents and aunts and uncles too.

Part of it is that they truly do not understand his CF. Them stopping by would mean so much to him. Sometimes I wish others could be cooped up in the hospital for a least a week with no visitors or calss from anyone and see how they like it.

Anyways I hope you can get past this and also have a Happy Birthday!


New member
First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

I am sorry you felt that way and your friends did not come to visit you. I truly understand how you must feel. I get the same way. It breaks my heart sometimes when I see all these people coming in to visit the other children here and Austin has no visitors. Daddy works so he stops by when he can and his older brothers do but sometimes its nice to see the grandparents and aunts and uncles too.

Part of it is that they truly do not understand his CF. Them stopping by would mean so much to him. Sometimes I wish others could be cooped up in the hospital for a least a week with no visitors or calss from anyone and see how they like it.

Anyways I hope you can get past this and also have a Happy Birthday!


New member
First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

I am sorry you felt that way and your friends did not come to visit you. I truly understand how you must feel. I get the same way. It breaks my heart sometimes when I see all these people coming in to visit the other children here and Austin has no visitors. Daddy works so he stops by when he can and his older brothers do but sometimes its nice to see the grandparents and aunts and uncles too.

Part of it is that they truly do not understand his CF. Them stopping by would mean so much to him. Sometimes I wish others could be cooped up in the hospital for a least a week with no visitors or calss from anyone and see how they like it.

Anyways I hope you can get past this and also have a Happy Birthday!


New member
First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

I am sorry you felt that way and your friends did not come to visit you. I truly understand how you must feel. I get the same way. It breaks my heart sometimes when I see all these people coming in to visit the other children here and Austin has no visitors. Daddy works so he stops by when he can and his older brothers do but sometimes its nice to see the grandparents and aunts and uncles too.

Part of it is that they truly do not understand his CF. Them stopping by would mean so much to him. Sometimes I wish others could be cooped up in the hospital for a least a week with no visitors or calss from anyone and see how they like it.

Anyways I hope you can get past this and also have a Happy Birthday!


New member
First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

I am sorry you felt that way and your friends did not come to visit you. I truly understand how you must feel. I get the same way. It breaks my heart sometimes when I see all these people coming in to visit the other children here and Austin has no visitors. Daddy works so he stops by when he can and his older brothers do but sometimes its nice to see the grandparents and aunts and uncles too.

Part of it is that they truly do not understand his CF. Them stopping by would mean so much to him. Sometimes I wish others could be cooped up in the hospital for a least a week with no visitors or calss from anyone and see how they like it.

Anyways I hope you can get past this and also have a Happy Birthday!


New member
If it makes you feel any better i will tell you what happened the last time i was in the hospital. I had been close friends with Jack for about 9 years and Kim about 2 years. I introduced Kim and Jack and they started dating. We all remained friends and things were going great. I had gone in the hospital for hemoptysis and called Jack and asked him to please feed my animals on his way to work since he lives within 4 minutes from my apt. He has had a key to my apt. for about 5 years just for this exact reason. I have lizards, cats, a bird and fish and someone responsible and lives close by, had to have a key to take care of my animals till i come home. Jack has done this for me a few times before, but this time was different. He called me and said he fed them and left the key in the kitchen and left the door open so someone else could get in. He said my good friend kim flipped out and didnt like him taking care of my animals that i should get someone else to do it. I couldnt believe my ears!! How could kim be so childishly selfish, and how could jack let me down like that while i am helpless in the hospital. I was sorry i ever introduced them at that point and could not believe how unbelievably selfish they both were. I havent spoken to either of them since and a few months later they broke up.
Your friends may have a legit excuse, i would give them a chance to explain.........
Happy Birthday fellow Aquarian <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
If it makes you feel any better i will tell you what happened the last time i was in the hospital. I had been close friends with Jack for about 9 years and Kim about 2 years. I introduced Kim and Jack and they started dating. We all remained friends and things were going great. I had gone in the hospital for hemoptysis and called Jack and asked him to please feed my animals on his way to work since he lives within 4 minutes from my apt. He has had a key to my apt. for about 5 years just for this exact reason. I have lizards, cats, a bird and fish and someone responsible and lives close by, had to have a key to take care of my animals till i come home. Jack has done this for me a few times before, but this time was different. He called me and said he fed them and left the key in the kitchen and left the door open so someone else could get in. He said my good friend kim flipped out and didnt like him taking care of my animals that i should get someone else to do it. I couldnt believe my ears!! How could kim be so childishly selfish, and how could jack let me down like that while i am helpless in the hospital. I was sorry i ever introduced them at that point and could not believe how unbelievably selfish they both were. I havent spoken to either of them since and a few months later they broke up.
Your friends may have a legit excuse, i would give them a chance to explain.........
Happy Birthday fellow Aquarian <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
If it makes you feel any better i will tell you what happened the last time i was in the hospital. I had been close friends with Jack for about 9 years and Kim about 2 years. I introduced Kim and Jack and they started dating. We all remained friends and things were going great. I had gone in the hospital for hemoptysis and called Jack and asked him to please feed my animals on his way to work since he lives within 4 minutes from my apt. He has had a key to my apt. for about 5 years just for this exact reason. I have lizards, cats, a bird and fish and someone responsible and lives close by, had to have a key to take care of my animals till i come home. Jack has done this for me a few times before, but this time was different. He called me and said he fed them and left the key in the kitchen and left the door open so someone else could get in. He said my good friend kim flipped out and didnt like him taking care of my animals that i should get someone else to do it. I couldnt believe my ears!! How could kim be so childishly selfish, and how could jack let me down like that while i am helpless in the hospital. I was sorry i ever introduced them at that point and could not believe how unbelievably selfish they both were. I havent spoken to either of them since and a few months later they broke up.
Your friends may have a legit excuse, i would give them a chance to explain.........
Happy Birthday fellow Aquarian <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
If it makes you feel any better i will tell you what happened the last time i was in the hospital. I had been close friends with Jack for about 9 years and Kim about 2 years. I introduced Kim and Jack and they started dating. We all remained friends and things were going great. I had gone in the hospital for hemoptysis and called Jack and asked him to please feed my animals on his way to work since he lives within 4 minutes from my apt. He has had a key to my apt. for about 5 years just for this exact reason. I have lizards, cats, a bird and fish and someone responsible and lives close by, had to have a key to take care of my animals till i come home. Jack has done this for me a few times before, but this time was different. He called me and said he fed them and left the key in the kitchen and left the door open so someone else could get in. He said my good friend kim flipped out and didnt like him taking care of my animals that i should get someone else to do it. I couldnt believe my ears!! How could kim be so childishly selfish, and how could jack let me down like that while i am helpless in the hospital. I was sorry i ever introduced them at that point and could not believe how unbelievably selfish they both were. I havent spoken to either of them since and a few months later they broke up.
Your friends may have a legit excuse, i would give them a chance to explain.........
Happy Birthday fellow Aquarian <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
If it makes you feel any better i will tell you what happened the last time i was in the hospital. I had been close friends with Jack for about 9 years and Kim about 2 years. I introduced Kim and Jack and they started dating. We all remained friends and things were going great. I had gone in the hospital for hemoptysis and called Jack and asked him to please feed my animals on his way to work since he lives within 4 minutes from my apt. He has had a key to my apt. for about 5 years just for this exact reason. I have lizards, cats, a bird and fish and someone responsible and lives close by, had to have a key to take care of my animals till i come home. Jack has done this for me a few times before, but this time was different. He called me and said he fed them and left the key in the kitchen and left the door open so someone else could get in. He said my good friend kim flipped out and didnt like him taking care of my animals that i should get someone else to do it. I couldnt believe my ears!! How could kim be so childishly selfish, and how could jack let me down like that while i am helpless in the hospital. I was sorry i ever introduced them at that point and could not believe how unbelievably selfish they both were. I havent spoken to either of them since and a few months later they broke up.
Your friends may have a legit excuse, i would give them a chance to explain.........
Happy Birthday fellow Aquarian <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I just wanted to say THANKS for ALL the Happy Birthday wishes!!! And THANK YOU for all the wonderful advise. Its nice (well.... not 'nice' - but you know what I mean) to hear that I'm not the only one that deals with this. My aunts, uncles and cousins stopped visiting a LONG time ago... I gave up on them.
And to Diane.... what a gross situation for you to be in with Jack & Kim. I don't think I'd be able to forgive something like that. I bet they both regret losing such a great friend.


New member
I just wanted to say THANKS for ALL the Happy Birthday wishes!!! And THANK YOU for all the wonderful advise. Its nice (well.... not 'nice' - but you know what I mean) to hear that I'm not the only one that deals with this. My aunts, uncles and cousins stopped visiting a LONG time ago... I gave up on them.
And to Diane.... what a gross situation for you to be in with Jack & Kim. I don't think I'd be able to forgive something like that. I bet they both regret losing such a great friend.


New member
I just wanted to say THANKS for ALL the Happy Birthday wishes!!! And THANK YOU for all the wonderful advise. Its nice (well.... not 'nice' - but you know what I mean) to hear that I'm not the only one that deals with this. My aunts, uncles and cousins stopped visiting a LONG time ago... I gave up on them.
And to Diane.... what a gross situation for you to be in with Jack & Kim. I don't think I'd be able to forgive something like that. I bet they both regret losing such a great friend.


New member
I just wanted to say THANKS for ALL the Happy Birthday wishes!!! And THANK YOU for all the wonderful advise. Its nice (well.... not 'nice' - but you know what I mean) to hear that I'm not the only one that deals with this. My aunts, uncles and cousins stopped visiting a LONG time ago... I gave up on them.
And to Diane.... what a gross situation for you to be in with Jack & Kim. I don't think I'd be able to forgive something like that. I bet they both regret losing such a great friend.


New member
I just wanted to say THANKS for ALL the Happy Birthday wishes!!! And THANK YOU for all the wonderful advise. Its nice (well.... not 'nice' - but you know what I mean) to hear that I'm not the only one that deals with this. My aunts, uncles and cousins stopped visiting a LONG time ago... I gave up on them.
And to Diane.... what a gross situation for you to be in with Jack & Kim. I don't think I'd be able to forgive something like that. I bet they both regret losing such a great friend.


New member
Hi Jenniie:

I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday.
It always amazes me too that more relatives and friends don't visit. It has always been that way for me. My Dad maybe twice in my life.My mother, visits but we almost always fight. All lot of tension so that doesn't help healing. Im on the phone a lot though. I also bring art and crafts in when I can. One time I had someone bring in my sewing machine and I sewed my first outfit sitting in my bed. And it was reversable. Hee hee.

The more creative we can become the less we need these Wayward friends and the door opens to other friends. Well I wish you the best and if you ever need some to chat with when your in the joint I'm available too.

A Friend
JenWren<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Jenniie:

I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday.
It always amazes me too that more relatives and friends don't visit. It has always been that way for me. My Dad maybe twice in my life.My mother, visits but we almost always fight. All lot of tension so that doesn't help healing. Im on the phone a lot though. I also bring art and crafts in when I can. One time I had someone bring in my sewing machine and I sewed my first outfit sitting in my bed. And it was reversable. Hee hee.

The more creative we can become the less we need these Wayward friends and the door opens to other friends. Well I wish you the best and if you ever need some to chat with when your in the joint I'm available too.

A Friend
JenWren<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Jenniie:

I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday.
It always amazes me too that more relatives and friends don't visit. It has always been that way for me. My Dad maybe twice in my life.My mother, visits but we almost always fight. All lot of tension so that doesn't help healing. Im on the phone a lot though. I also bring art and crafts in when I can. One time I had someone bring in my sewing machine and I sewed my first outfit sitting in my bed. And it was reversable. Hee hee.

The more creative we can become the less we need these Wayward friends and the door opens to other friends. Well I wish you the best and if you ever need some to chat with when your in the joint I'm available too.

A Friend
JenWren<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Jenniie:

I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday.
It always amazes me too that more relatives and friends don't visit. It has always been that way for me. My Dad maybe twice in my life.My mother, visits but we almost always fight. All lot of tension so that doesn't help healing. Im on the phone a lot though. I also bring art and crafts in when I can. One time I had someone bring in my sewing machine and I sewed my first outfit sitting in my bed. And it was reversable. Hee hee.

The more creative we can become the less we need these Wayward friends and the door opens to other friends. Well I wish you the best and if you ever need some to chat with when your in the joint I'm available too.

A Friend
JenWren<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Jenniie:

I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday.
It always amazes me too that more relatives and friends don't visit. It has always been that way for me. My Dad maybe twice in my life.My mother, visits but we almost always fight. All lot of tension so that doesn't help healing. Im on the phone a lot though. I also bring art and crafts in when I can. One time I had someone bring in my sewing machine and I sewed my first outfit sitting in my bed. And it was reversable. Hee hee.

The more creative we can become the less we need these Wayward friends and the door opens to other friends. Well I wish you the best and if you ever need some to chat with when your in the joint I'm available too.

A Friend
JenWren<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">