Looking for advise


New member
Hi... I came home from a hospital admission 3 days ago. I was admitted for 12 days for IV meds due to a lung infection & because I have depression (the depression was at its worst when I was admitted). The day I was admitted I called my 2 "good" friends. I gave them my hospital phone # and joked as usual "call before you come so I can put my order in" (reffering to food). They never came to visit me. Only one called (AFTER ME BEING THERE FOR 7 DAYS!!!). So now I'm home from the hospital and its my 27th birthday this week. I invited them to go out to dinner with me... they never mentioned a thing as to why they did not visit me. I don't know what to say to them... its the "elephant in the room" type of situation. Suggestions anyone?


New member
Hi... I came home from a hospital admission 3 days ago. I was admitted for 12 days for IV meds due to a lung infection & because I have depression (the depression was at its worst when I was admitted). The day I was admitted I called my 2 "good" friends. I gave them my hospital phone # and joked as usual "call before you come so I can put my order in" (reffering to food). They never came to visit me. Only one called (AFTER ME BEING THERE FOR 7 DAYS!!!). So now I'm home from the hospital and its my 27th birthday this week. I invited them to go out to dinner with me... they never mentioned a thing as to why they did not visit me. I don't know what to say to them... its the "elephant in the room" type of situation. Suggestions anyone?


New member
Hi... I came home from a hospital admission 3 days ago. I was admitted for 12 days for IV meds due to a lung infection & because I have depression (the depression was at its worst when I was admitted). The day I was admitted I called my 2 "good" friends. I gave them my hospital phone # and joked as usual "call before you come so I can put my order in" (reffering to food). They never came to visit me. Only one called (AFTER ME BEING THERE FOR 7 DAYS!!!). So now I'm home from the hospital and its my 27th birthday this week. I invited them to go out to dinner with me... they never mentioned a thing as to why they did not visit me. I don't know what to say to them... its the "elephant in the room" type of situation. Suggestions anyone?


New member
Hi... I came home from a hospital admission 3 days ago. I was admitted for 12 days for IV meds due to a lung infection & because I have depression (the depression was at its worst when I was admitted). The day I was admitted I called my 2 "good" friends. I gave them my hospital phone # and joked as usual "call before you come so I can put my order in" (reffering to food). They never came to visit me. Only one called (AFTER ME BEING THERE FOR 7 DAYS!!!). So now I'm home from the hospital and its my 27th birthday this week. I invited them to go out to dinner with me... they never mentioned a thing as to why they did not visit me. I don't know what to say to them... its the "elephant in the room" type of situation. Suggestions anyone?


New member
Hi... I came home from a hospital admission 3 days ago. I was admitted for 12 days for IV meds due to a lung infection & because I have depression (the depression was at its worst when I was admitted). The day I was admitted I called my 2 "good" friends. I gave them my hospital phone # and joked as usual "call before you come so I can put my order in" (reffering to food). They never came to visit me. Only one called (AFTER ME BEING THERE FOR 7 DAYS!!!). So now I'm home from the hospital and its my 27th birthday this week. I invited them to go out to dinner with me... they never mentioned a thing as to why they did not visit me. I don't know what to say to them... its the "elephant in the room" type of situation. Suggestions anyone?


New member
I suggest to just be honest. You dont have to be harsh. Just say that you had a rough time with this admission & not hearing from them truly saddens you.

Also acknowledge that you know they have lives (assuming they do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">), but you werent asking for a lot.

Just put it on the table gently!

HUGS & I am glad you are home & Happy Early Birthday!


New member
I suggest to just be honest. You dont have to be harsh. Just say that you had a rough time with this admission & not hearing from them truly saddens you.

Also acknowledge that you know they have lives (assuming they do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">), but you werent asking for a lot.

Just put it on the table gently!

HUGS & I am glad you are home & Happy Early Birthday!


New member
I suggest to just be honest. You dont have to be harsh. Just say that you had a rough time with this admission & not hearing from them truly saddens you.

Also acknowledge that you know they have lives (assuming they do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">), but you werent asking for a lot.

Just put it on the table gently!

HUGS & I am glad you are home & Happy Early Birthday!


New member
I suggest to just be honest. You dont have to be harsh. Just say that you had a rough time with this admission & not hearing from them truly saddens you.

Also acknowledge that you know they have lives (assuming they do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">), but you werent asking for a lot.

Just put it on the table gently!

HUGS & I am glad you are home & Happy Early Birthday!


New member
I suggest to just be honest. You dont have to be harsh. Just say that you had a rough time with this admission & not hearing from them truly saddens you.

Also acknowledge that you know they have lives (assuming they do <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">), but you werent asking for a lot.

Just put it on the table gently!

HUGS & I am glad you are home & Happy Early Birthday!


Active member
Sorry about your stay. I have learned, as I have gotten older, that friends are quite superficial, and will often do things only at their convenience. Try not to look at their actions too hard, it may not be a conscious decision on their part. I get frustrated for similar reasons. My parents don't visit me when I'm in the hospital either. In the last 6 years, my parents each came to visit once each, that was when I had surgery and I was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. They then each came and visited for a couple hours each, but then had to get back to their usual because they were too busy (or whatever). Anyways, it is most important for you to be strong in the hospital, if people come to see you, its an added bonus.

Gook luck and take care.


Active member
Sorry about your stay. I have learned, as I have gotten older, that friends are quite superficial, and will often do things only at their convenience. Try not to look at their actions too hard, it may not be a conscious decision on their part. I get frustrated for similar reasons. My parents don't visit me when I'm in the hospital either. In the last 6 years, my parents each came to visit once each, that was when I had surgery and I was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. They then each came and visited for a couple hours each, but then had to get back to their usual because they were too busy (or whatever). Anyways, it is most important for you to be strong in the hospital, if people come to see you, its an added bonus.

Gook luck and take care.


Active member
Sorry about your stay. I have learned, as I have gotten older, that friends are quite superficial, and will often do things only at their convenience. Try not to look at their actions too hard, it may not be a conscious decision on their part. I get frustrated for similar reasons. My parents don't visit me when I'm in the hospital either. In the last 6 years, my parents each came to visit once each, that was when I had surgery and I was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. They then each came and visited for a couple hours each, but then had to get back to their usual because they were too busy (or whatever). Anyways, it is most important for you to be strong in the hospital, if people come to see you, its an added bonus.

Gook luck and take care.


Active member
Sorry about your stay. I have learned, as I have gotten older, that friends are quite superficial, and will often do things only at their convenience. Try not to look at their actions too hard, it may not be a conscious decision on their part. I get frustrated for similar reasons. My parents don't visit me when I'm in the hospital either. In the last 6 years, my parents each came to visit once each, that was when I had surgery and I was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. They then each came and visited for a couple hours each, but then had to get back to their usual because they were too busy (or whatever). Anyways, it is most important for you to be strong in the hospital, if people come to see you, its an added bonus.

Gook luck and take care.


Active member
Sorry about your stay. I have learned, as I have gotten older, that friends are quite superficial, and will often do things only at their convenience. Try not to look at their actions too hard, it may not be a conscious decision on their part. I get frustrated for similar reasons. My parents don't visit me when I'm in the hospital either. In the last 6 years, my parents each came to visit once each, that was when I had surgery and I was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. They then each came and visited for a couple hours each, but then had to get back to their usual because they were too busy (or whatever). Anyways, it is most important for you to be strong in the hospital, if people come to see you, its an added bonus.

Gook luck and take care.