Pari makes a good one. I think it's called the Trek. I had one, but before long the female receptor end that accepts the male power cord basically died, and made the whole unit unable to function. It all depends on what you need, but in general, just get a nice regular compressor and go to radio shack and get a real cheap car lighter adapter and that works for all the car driving stuff. That way you can do a few aresols and be time efficient. The adapter at radio shack is very cheap. Maybe 10 bucks. It's much cheaper and easier than trying to get a special compressor that changes it's engineering to suit that purpose, than to buy an adapter to suit your needs.
As for way cheap, if you need anything check ebay first. My insurance was not about to pay for 4 pari express nebs, and a brand new pari pro neb 2. I looked around, and found brand new versions of those for 100 bucks. 100 bucks is what my insurance/medicare might claim I need to pay *IF* they accepted it all. Instead of dealing with all the bullshit associated with going back and forth with that crap, I just said fug it, get what I need way cheap on ebay. I can't be happier.