Looking for suggestions for a portable nebulizer


New member
Okay, I found one for a good price, from a company with a good rep and a BBB member, etc., so I went ahead and ordered the Trek tonight (so I could be sure my Pari lc plus was good to use with it, and it looks like it uses the same filters that my Proneb Ultra does), so I could get it before we leave. Of course, I screwed that up, and ordered an "new, opened box - opened to verify for contents" instead of a new, factory sealed one *bangs head against wall* but I emailed them and asked that it be changed (same price). Please pray that this goes through and I get a factory sealed one! I feel like such an idiot...

-Will copy and paste this post in the other thread, too <img src=""> .

*Little update*- called the company and yes, it comes with the battery, and yes, I ordered a factory sealed one! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thank you Lord!!!!


New member
Okay, I found one for a good price, from a company with a good rep and a BBB member, etc., so I went ahead and ordered the Trek tonight (so I could be sure my Pari lc plus was good to use with it, and it looks like it uses the same filters that my Proneb Ultra does), so I could get it before we leave. Of course, I screwed that up, and ordered an "new, opened box - opened to verify for contents" instead of a new, factory sealed one *bangs head against wall* but I emailed them and asked that it be changed (same price). Please pray that this goes through and I get a factory sealed one! I feel like such an idiot...

-Will copy and paste this post in the other thread, too <img src=""> .

*Little update*- called the company and yes, it comes with the battery, and yes, I ordered a factory sealed one! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thank you Lord!!!!


New member
Okay, I found one for a good price, from a company with a good rep and a BBB member, etc., so I went ahead and ordered the Trek tonight (so I could be sure my Pari lc plus was good to use with it, and it looks like it uses the same filters that my Proneb Ultra does), so I could get it before we leave. Of course, I screwed that up, and ordered an "new, opened box - opened to verify for contents" instead of a new, factory sealed one *bangs head against wall* but I emailed them and asked that it be changed (same price). Please pray that this goes through and I get a factory sealed one! I feel like such an idiot...

-Will copy and paste this post in the other thread, too <img src=""> .

*Little update*- called the company and yes, it comes with the battery, and yes, I ordered a factory sealed one! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thank you Lord!!!!


New member
Okay, I found one for a good price, from a company with a good rep and a BBB member, etc., so I went ahead and ordered the Trek tonight (so I could be sure my Pari lc plus was good to use with it, and it looks like it uses the same filters that my Proneb Ultra does), so I could get it before we leave. Of course, I screwed that up, and ordered an "new, opened box - opened to verify for contents" instead of a new, factory sealed one *bangs head against wall* but I emailed them and asked that it be changed (same price). Please pray that this goes through and I get a factory sealed one! I feel like such an idiot...

-Will copy and paste this post in the other thread, too <img src=""> .

*Little update*- called the company and yes, it comes with the battery, and yes, I ordered a factory sealed one! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thank you Lord!!!!


New member
Okay, I found one for a good price, from a company with a good rep and a BBB member, etc., so I went ahead and ordered the Trek tonight (so I could be sure my Pari lc plus was good to use with it, and it looks like it uses the same filters that my Proneb Ultra does), so I could get it before we leave. Of course, I screwed that up, and ordered an "new, opened box - opened to verify for contents" instead of a new, factory sealed one *bangs head against wall* but I emailed them and asked that it be changed (same price). Please pray that this goes through and I get a factory sealed one! I feel like such an idiot...

-Will copy and paste this post in the other thread, too <img src=""> .

*Little update*- called the company and yes, it comes with the battery, and yes, I ordered a factory sealed one! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thank you Lord!!!!


New member
Okay, I found one for a good price, from a company with a good rep and a BBB member, etc., so I went ahead and ordered the Trek tonight (so I could be sure my Pari lc plus was good to use with it, and it looks like it uses the same filters that my Proneb Ultra does), so I could get it before we leave. Of course, I screwed that up, and ordered an "new, opened box - opened to verify for contents" instead of a new, factory sealed one *bangs head against wall* but I emailed them and asked that it be changed (same price). Please pray that this goes through and I get a factory sealed one! I feel like such an idiot...

-Will copy and paste this post in the other thread, too <img src=""> .

*Little update*- called the company and yes, it comes with the battery, and yes, I ordered a factory sealed one! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thank you Lord!!!!