Hey Havoc, all i'm looking for on this site re my question is "is there any man with CF out there, who went through IVF due to CBAVD, had a little boy that has grown into a man and done a sperm count". Simple really mate, i never asked for your opinion or thoughts. You suggest I read studies and peer review journals, and further add this is not the site for expert opinion. I do read and research in the ways you suggest, and heavily in the areas that concern me, i just cannot find info that answers my exact question, maybe it has not happened yet and like Julie said, people will be asking me about my two sons and how their sperm counts turned out. I figure this is a perfect site to ask my question Havoc, so if would like to be a critique (which i'm suggesting you fancy yourself as) then get your facts straight mate. You state-
"If you are looking for expert opinion, this site is not the place. Call the physician that did your ICSI and ask"
I'm not looking for an opinion quite clearly, although you somehow misunderstood this! I'm asking for marrow of truth and comparing apples with apples. Maybe i have to wait until my boys are a tad older, and when they are do a sperm count before there will be a definitive answer with regards my question. I have faith they will be fine, and i hope one day i'm a GRANDAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Frankly, experts were of the opinion i would never have children at one time and that CF was going to shorten my life to under 30 years of age, thats why im after MARROW OF TRUTH.
Having said that i do respect your passion for delving into the research field as you do and believe you have the ability to encourage and inspire others using your high intellect. If i want an informed opinion on a subject i would absolutely value your minds thoughts and learnings Havoc, you have an outrageous talent in this area, in my opinion....