mickey button


New member
I only do feedings at night. After I hook everything up, I just tuck the connected part into the elastic waistband of my PJ pants, and it keeps everything together. You could tape it, I guess, but I spent 4 months taping a PEG to my stomach, and it was terrible. I pulled off so much skin.

I have never had a bubble pop like PepperKitty. I have never had acid problems, though. I do take antacids, but just to help with all the pills I take. They recommended that I sleep propped up to avoid heartburn, but I don't do it and I'm fine.

And, to avoid ChevyZ71's problem, ALWAYS keep a replacement Mickey on hand. I keep one at home and one at my parents' house because I visit a lot. If the bubble pops, you could always just shove the ruined Mickey back into the hole and tape it on to keep the hole open until you get a replacement. I don't recommend shoving foreign objects in there. Keep in mind that you're dealing with your stomach, not an open vein or something like that, so sterility is not an issue like it is will PICC lines. Basically anything you would put in your mouth can go in the tube, as long as the insertion site isn't torn. Just be clean.

I also had the problem where you wake up swimming in your dinner. There is a separate, smaller hole on the side of the connector tube (meant for a smaller syringe so you can push in medications and such), and the cap came off. If there's nothing holding back your stomach contents like a cap or clamp, it will "back up" when you cough or roll over. It's pretty nasty and sticky, but a shower and some serious laundry fixed it. I had a hard time with the smell of the stuff (for some reason, after it hits my stomach, it starts to smell like sour milk and barf, which is a pain when you have the PEG because the plastic tube absorbs the smell), so to get the smell out of my PJs and sheets, I had to soak everything in pine cleaner because the regular detergent wasn't cutting it!


New member
I only do feedings at night. After I hook everything up, I just tuck the connected part into the elastic waistband of my PJ pants, and it keeps everything together. You could tape it, I guess, but I spent 4 months taping a PEG to my stomach, and it was terrible. I pulled off so much skin.

I have never had a bubble pop like PepperKitty. I have never had acid problems, though. I do take antacids, but just to help with all the pills I take. They recommended that I sleep propped up to avoid heartburn, but I don't do it and I'm fine.

And, to avoid ChevyZ71's problem, ALWAYS keep a replacement Mickey on hand. I keep one at home and one at my parents' house because I visit a lot. If the bubble pops, you could always just shove the ruined Mickey back into the hole and tape it on to keep the hole open until you get a replacement. I don't recommend shoving foreign objects in there. Keep in mind that you're dealing with your stomach, not an open vein or something like that, so sterility is not an issue like it is will PICC lines. Basically anything you would put in your mouth can go in the tube, as long as the insertion site isn't torn. Just be clean.

I also had the problem where you wake up swimming in your dinner. There is a separate, smaller hole on the side of the connector tube (meant for a smaller syringe so you can push in medications and such), and the cap came off. If there's nothing holding back your stomach contents like a cap or clamp, it will "back up" when you cough or roll over. It's pretty nasty and sticky, but a shower and some serious laundry fixed it. I had a hard time with the smell of the stuff (for some reason, after it hits my stomach, it starts to smell like sour milk and barf, which is a pain when you have the PEG because the plastic tube absorbs the smell), so to get the smell out of my PJs and sheets, I had to soak everything in pine cleaner because the regular detergent wasn't cutting it!


New member
I only do feedings at night. After I hook everything up, I just tuck the connected part into the elastic waistband of my PJ pants, and it keeps everything together. You could tape it, I guess, but I spent 4 months taping a PEG to my stomach, and it was terrible. I pulled off so much skin.

I have never had a bubble pop like PepperKitty. I have never had acid problems, though. I do take antacids, but just to help with all the pills I take. They recommended that I sleep propped up to avoid heartburn, but I don't do it and I'm fine.

And, to avoid ChevyZ71's problem, ALWAYS keep a replacement Mickey on hand. I keep one at home and one at my parents' house because I visit a lot. If the bubble pops, you could always just shove the ruined Mickey back into the hole and tape it on to keep the hole open until you get a replacement. I don't recommend shoving foreign objects in there. Keep in mind that you're dealing with your stomach, not an open vein or something like that, so sterility is not an issue like it is will PICC lines. Basically anything you would put in your mouth can go in the tube, as long as the insertion site isn't torn. Just be clean.

I also had the problem where you wake up swimming in your dinner. There is a separate, smaller hole on the side of the connector tube (meant for a smaller syringe so you can push in medications and such), and the cap came off. If there's nothing holding back your stomach contents like a cap or clamp, it will "back up" when you cough or roll over. It's pretty nasty and sticky, but a shower and some serious laundry fixed it. I had a hard time with the smell of the stuff (for some reason, after it hits my stomach, it starts to smell like sour milk and barf, which is a pain when you have the PEG because the plastic tube absorbs the smell), so to get the smell out of my PJs and sheets, I had to soak everything in pine cleaner because the regular detergent wasn't cutting it!


New member
I only do feedings at night. After I hook everything up, I just tuck the connected part into the elastic waistband of my PJ pants, and it keeps everything together. You could tape it, I guess, but I spent 4 months taping a PEG to my stomach, and it was terrible. I pulled off so much skin.

I have never had a bubble pop like PepperKitty. I have never had acid problems, though. I do take antacids, but just to help with all the pills I take. They recommended that I sleep propped up to avoid heartburn, but I don't do it and I'm fine.

And, to avoid ChevyZ71's problem, ALWAYS keep a replacement Mickey on hand. I keep one at home and one at my parents' house because I visit a lot. If the bubble pops, you could always just shove the ruined Mickey back into the hole and tape it on to keep the hole open until you get a replacement. I don't recommend shoving foreign objects in there. Keep in mind that you're dealing with your stomach, not an open vein or something like that, so sterility is not an issue like it is will PICC lines. Basically anything you would put in your mouth can go in the tube, as long as the insertion site isn't torn. Just be clean.

I also had the problem where you wake up swimming in your dinner. There is a separate, smaller hole on the side of the connector tube (meant for a smaller syringe so you can push in medications and such), and the cap came off. If there's nothing holding back your stomach contents like a cap or clamp, it will "back up" when you cough or roll over. It's pretty nasty and sticky, but a shower and some serious laundry fixed it. I had a hard time with the smell of the stuff (for some reason, after it hits my stomach, it starts to smell like sour milk and barf, which is a pain when you have the PEG because the plastic tube absorbs the smell), so to get the smell out of my PJs and sheets, I had to soak everything in pine cleaner because the regular detergent wasn't cutting it!


New member
I only do feedings at night. After I hook everything up, I just tuck the connected part into the elastic waistband of my PJ pants, and it keeps everything together. You could tape it, I guess, but I spent 4 months taping a PEG to my stomach, and it was terrible. I pulled off so much skin.
<br />
<br />I have never had a bubble pop like PepperKitty. I have never had acid problems, though. I do take antacids, but just to help with all the pills I take. They recommended that I sleep propped up to avoid heartburn, but I don't do it and I'm fine.
<br />
<br />And, to avoid ChevyZ71's problem, ALWAYS keep a replacement Mickey on hand. I keep one at home and one at my parents' house because I visit a lot. If the bubble pops, you could always just shove the ruined Mickey back into the hole and tape it on to keep the hole open until you get a replacement. I don't recommend shoving foreign objects in there. Keep in mind that you're dealing with your stomach, not an open vein or something like that, so sterility is not an issue like it is will PICC lines. Basically anything you would put in your mouth can go in the tube, as long as the insertion site isn't torn. Just be clean.
<br />
<br />I also had the problem where you wake up swimming in your dinner. There is a separate, smaller hole on the side of the connector tube (meant for a smaller syringe so you can push in medications and such), and the cap came off. If there's nothing holding back your stomach contents like a cap or clamp, it will "back up" when you cough or roll over. It's pretty nasty and sticky, but a shower and some serious laundry fixed it. I had a hard time with the smell of the stuff (for some reason, after it hits my stomach, it starts to smell like sour milk and barf, which is a pain when you have the PEG because the plastic tube absorbs the smell), so to get the smell out of my PJs and sheets, I had to soak everything in pine cleaner because the regular detergent wasn't cutting it!


New member
No on the side of the Mic-key tube itself is to hook up a syringe with saline to fill the balloon. But she is talking about at the end of the extension there is a big hole with cab that you hook up the tubing from the pump to, but there is also a small hole next to the big one so you put medicene that comes in a syringe on. Somtimes while rolling around at night it wil come undun and you will not have as big of a mess as the big one but it stil sucks.


New member
No on the side of the Mic-key tube itself is to hook up a syringe with saline to fill the balloon. But she is talking about at the end of the extension there is a big hole with cab that you hook up the tubing from the pump to, but there is also a small hole next to the big one so you put medicene that comes in a syringe on. Somtimes while rolling around at night it wil come undun and you will not have as big of a mess as the big one but it stil sucks.


New member
No on the side of the Mic-key tube itself is to hook up a syringe with saline to fill the balloon. But she is talking about at the end of the extension there is a big hole with cab that you hook up the tubing from the pump to, but there is also a small hole next to the big one so you put medicene that comes in a syringe on. Somtimes while rolling around at night it wil come undun and you will not have as big of a mess as the big one but it stil sucks.


New member
No on the side of the Mic-key tube itself is to hook up a syringe with saline to fill the balloon. But she is talking about at the end of the extension there is a big hole with cab that you hook up the tubing from the pump to, but there is also a small hole next to the big one so you put medicene that comes in a syringe on. Somtimes while rolling around at night it wil come undun and you will not have as big of a mess as the big one but it stil sucks.


New member
No on the side of the Mic-key tube itself is to hook up a syringe with saline to fill the balloon. But she is talking about at the end of the extension there is a big hole with cab that you hook up the tubing from the pump to, but there is also a small hole next to the big one so you put medicene that comes in a syringe on. Somtimes while rolling around at night it wil come undun and you will not have as big of a mess as the big one but it stil sucks.