

New member
Hello all. I found out today the devistating news that we had a miscarriage. I hadn't even told anyone that we were even pregnant. We found out on April 20th. I was just 6 weeks on Tuesday. Went to the ER on Monday for some bleeding and was diagnosed with a subchorionic bleed. However it was ok, and there was a baby with a heartbeat. They said the bleed should resolve itself. Howeven on Tuesday I started to have some bad symptoms and miscarried.

I'm just looking for some inspirtation in the middle of this heartbreak thats all. I'm trying to be positive and realize that we were able to get pregnant on our own, but it's hard to be positive right now.



New member
Hello all. I found out today the devistating news that we had a miscarriage. I hadn't even told anyone that we were even pregnant. We found out on April 20th. I was just 6 weeks on Tuesday. Went to the ER on Monday for some bleeding and was diagnosed with a subchorionic bleed. However it was ok, and there was a baby with a heartbeat. They said the bleed should resolve itself. Howeven on Tuesday I started to have some bad symptoms and miscarried.

I'm just looking for some inspirtation in the middle of this heartbreak thats all. I'm trying to be positive and realize that we were able to get pregnant on our own, but it's hard to be positive right now.



New member
Hello all. I found out today the devistating news that we had a miscarriage. I hadn't even told anyone that we were even pregnant. We found out on April 20th. I was just 6 weeks on Tuesday. Went to the ER on Monday for some bleeding and was diagnosed with a subchorionic bleed. However it was ok, and there was a baby with a heartbeat. They said the bleed should resolve itself. Howeven on Tuesday I started to have some bad symptoms and miscarried.

I'm just looking for some inspirtation in the middle of this heartbreak thats all. I'm trying to be positive and realize that we were able to get pregnant on our own, but it's hard to be positive right now.



New member
Hello all. I found out today the devistating news that we had a miscarriage. I hadn't even told anyone that we were even pregnant. We found out on April 20th. I was just 6 weeks on Tuesday. Went to the ER on Monday for some bleeding and was diagnosed with a subchorionic bleed. However it was ok, and there was a baby with a heartbeat. They said the bleed should resolve itself. Howeven on Tuesday I started to have some bad symptoms and miscarried.

I'm just looking for some inspirtation in the middle of this heartbreak thats all. I'm trying to be positive and realize that we were able to get pregnant on our own, but it's hard to be positive right now.



New member
Hello all. I found out today the devistating news that we had a miscarriage. I hadn't even told anyone that we were even pregnant. We found out on April 20th. I was just 6 weeks on Tuesday. Went to the ER on Monday for some bleeding and was diagnosed with a subchorionic bleed. However it was ok, and there was a baby with a heartbeat. They said the bleed should resolve itself. Howeven on Tuesday I started to have some bad symptoms and miscarried.
<br />
<br />I'm just looking for some inspirtation in the middle of this heartbreak thats all. I'm trying to be positive and realize that we were able to get pregnant on our own, but it's hard to be positive right now.
<br />
<br />Thanks.


New member
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I recently lost a baby myslef at 11 weeks. It was our 5th miscarriage so I know exactly how you feel. Just try and focus on the positive, even though it can be difficult. You did get pregnant, that in itself is amazing feat. It will take time to emotionally recover, but hopefully you can try again soon.


New member
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I recently lost a baby myslef at 11 weeks. It was our 5th miscarriage so I know exactly how you feel. Just try and focus on the positive, even though it can be difficult. You did get pregnant, that in itself is amazing feat. It will take time to emotionally recover, but hopefully you can try again soon.


New member
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I recently lost a baby myslef at 11 weeks. It was our 5th miscarriage so I know exactly how you feel. Just try and focus on the positive, even though it can be difficult. You did get pregnant, that in itself is amazing feat. It will take time to emotionally recover, but hopefully you can try again soon.


New member
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I recently lost a baby myslef at 11 weeks. It was our 5th miscarriage so I know exactly how you feel. Just try and focus on the positive, even though it can be difficult. You did get pregnant, that in itself is amazing feat. It will take time to emotionally recover, but hopefully you can try again soon.


New member
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I recently lost a baby myslef at 11 weeks. It was our 5th miscarriage so I know exactly how you feel. Just try and focus on the positive, even though it can be difficult. You did get pregnant, that in itself is amazing feat. It will take time to emotionally recover, but hopefully you can try again soon.


New member

I am so sorry to read about your m/c. From reading your posts, I know how much you were looking forward to having a baby.

Thinking about you and your husband during this time :-(

Hugs, Jenn
31 yo cf


New member

I am so sorry to read about your m/c. From reading your posts, I know how much you were looking forward to having a baby.

Thinking about you and your husband during this time :-(

Hugs, Jenn
31 yo cf


New member

I am so sorry to read about your m/c. From reading your posts, I know how much you were looking forward to having a baby.

Thinking about you and your husband during this time :-(

Hugs, Jenn
31 yo cf


New member

I am so sorry to read about your m/c. From reading your posts, I know how much you were looking forward to having a baby.

Thinking about you and your husband during this time :-(

Hugs, Jenn
31 yo cf


New member
<br />
<br />I am so sorry to read about your m/c. From reading your posts, I know how much you were looking forward to having a baby.
<br />
<br />Thinking about you and your husband during this time :-(
<br />
<br />Hugs, Jenn
<br />31 yo cf


I'm very sorry for your loss. Give yourself time to grieve. For some women the grief lessens once you are pregnant again.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Give yourself time to grieve. For some women the grief lessens once you are pregnant again.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Give yourself time to grieve. For some women the grief lessens once you are pregnant again.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Give yourself time to grieve. For some women the grief lessens once you are pregnant again.


I'm very sorry for your loss. Give yourself time to grieve. For some women the grief lessens once you are pregnant again.