<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>hmw</b></i>
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>I had a 90 day supply filled by mail order (cheaper) and it is going to last me nearly two years!</end quote></div>
Won't they expire long before then? </end quote></div>
I remember in 06 or so my ped doctor discussing the strenght of enzymes b/c when you first get them they were way higher than the dose (MT 20 for example would be like MT 40) and as the enzymes sit and get closer to expiration date (mine have about a year on them) that the strength approaches the prescribed dose. She said they were supposed to be fixing this, but I switched doctors and havent really heard much more about that.
I take Ultrase MT20's (I only take 4-5 with meals and 1-3 with snacks) I have been on this dose I think since around middle school. I can remember taking the white with red stripes ones (I think I got up to 6 or 7 with meals, so I switched to the current ones). I also did some small pink ones around that time (I loved them, they were tiny!). Once in the hospital they had "micro" ultrase... I could take all 4 or 5 in one swallow (I can only take 2 of the bigger size, for being a cf'er not that impressive, I know haha)
Anyone heard of the micro ultrases? I asked my doctor about them but for some reason (I dont remember) couldnt get them.
Anyways, in my opinion I would upgrade (like others have said) or "top out" at around 6-7 and switch to a higher dose to take less.
I also second that after 1 hour of eating, more enzymes must be added (though I dont always do that :/ )
I also do the 90 supply which at the most (when I am taking them correctly) lasts 5-6 months (if I dont eat as much b/c of appetite problems)instead of 3, so I still dont approach the expiration date. Enzymes are so essential and so many are needed per day that I would rather have extra bottles everywhere (I can take a bottle to places I stay at often ie: parents house and boyfriends house) and still have my "built" up supply in the closet at home.
Also I just keep some miralax around (it helps with constipation). I think my doctors said I could take like 1/2 a capful a day, but I tend to not need it (to that extent), I will use it when I eat a lot of meat or something that in my mind can kinda act as a blockage (b/c I have had 2 blockages since 07).
As far as I know, it does take a lot to take too many and in my mind, better to take too much than not enough right?