Mothers of children WITH cf


New member
I have a very curious question for the mothers of CFers. How many of you exclusivly breastfed? How many of you breastfed at all? If you stopped why? If you didn't breastfeed, do you wish you would have and think it would have helped? If you are/did breastfeed do you think it is helping in the overall health of your child? And anything else you want to add.


New member
I have a very curious question for the mothers of CFers. How many of you exclusivly breastfed? How many of you breastfed at all? If you stopped why? If you didn't breastfeed, do you wish you would have and think it would have helped? If you are/did breastfeed do you think it is helping in the overall health of your child? And anything else you want to add.


New member
I have a very curious question for the mothers of CFers. How many of you exclusivly breastfed? How many of you breastfed at all? If you stopped why? If you didn't breastfeed, do you wish you would have and think it would have helped? If you are/did breastfeed do you think it is helping in the overall health of your child? And anything else you want to add.


New member
I have a very curious question for the mothers of CFers. How many of you exclusivly breastfed? How many of you breastfed at all? If you stopped why? If you didn't breastfeed, do you wish you would have and think it would have helped? If you are/did breastfeed do you think it is helping in the overall health of your child? And anything else you want to add.


New member
I have a very curious question for the mothers of CFers. How many of you exclusivly breastfed? How many of you breastfed at all? If you stopped why? If you didn't breastfeed, do you wish you would have and think it would have helped? If you are/did breastfeed do you think it is helping in the overall health of your child? And anything else you want to add.


Super Moderator
I breastfed both of my children, exclusively for close to 6 months. My son, I breastfed for a total of 14-15 months. He self weaned. My daughter with CF breastfed exclusively for the first 6-7 months. She weaned at 3 1/2 years old. My son no CF rarely got sick. Maybe had 2 ear infections total. He was CHUBBY, 100% all around. My daughter with CF has severe pancreatic insuffiency. She nursed alot for comfort and calories. If I hadn't nursed my first son and known how successsful nursing could be, it might not have been a different story for my daughter.


Super Moderator
I breastfed both of my children, exclusively for close to 6 months. My son, I breastfed for a total of 14-15 months. He self weaned. My daughter with CF breastfed exclusively for the first 6-7 months. She weaned at 3 1/2 years old. My son no CF rarely got sick. Maybe had 2 ear infections total. He was CHUBBY, 100% all around. My daughter with CF has severe pancreatic insuffiency. She nursed alot for comfort and calories. If I hadn't nursed my first son and known how successsful nursing could be, it might not have been a different story for my daughter.


Super Moderator
I breastfed both of my children, exclusively for close to 6 months. My son, I breastfed for a total of 14-15 months. He self weaned. My daughter with CF breastfed exclusively for the first 6-7 months. She weaned at 3 1/2 years old. My son no CF rarely got sick. Maybe had 2 ear infections total. He was CHUBBY, 100% all around. My daughter with CF has severe pancreatic insuffiency. She nursed alot for comfort and calories. If I hadn't nursed my first son and known how successsful nursing could be, it might not have been a different story for my daughter.


Super Moderator
I breastfed both of my children, exclusively for close to 6 months. My son, I breastfed for a total of 14-15 months. He self weaned. My daughter with CF breastfed exclusively for the first 6-7 months. She weaned at 3 1/2 years old. My son no CF rarely got sick. Maybe had 2 ear infections total. He was CHUBBY, 100% all around. My daughter with CF has severe pancreatic insuffiency. She nursed alot for comfort and calories. If I hadn't nursed my first son and known how successsful nursing could be, it might not have been a different story for my daughter.


Super Moderator
I breastfed both of my children, exclusively for close to 6 months. My son, I breastfed for a total of 14-15 months. He self weaned. My daughter with CF breastfed exclusively for the first 6-7 months. She weaned at 3 1/2 years old. My son no CF rarely got sick. Maybe had 2 ear infections total. He was CHUBBY, 100% all around. My daughter with CF has severe pancreatic insuffiency. She nursed alot for comfort and calories. If I hadn't nursed my first son and known how successsful nursing could be, it might not have been a different story for my daughter.


New member
I breastfed for 2 months. We had to stop because she was not gaining weight. We then had to go to a special formula that was more broken down than breast milk. She did much better after that - but still dealing with the weight issue.


New member
I breastfed for 2 months. We had to stop because she was not gaining weight. We then had to go to a special formula that was more broken down than breast milk. She did much better after that - but still dealing with the weight issue.


New member
I breastfed for 2 months. We had to stop because she was not gaining weight. We then had to go to a special formula that was more broken down than breast milk. She did much better after that - but still dealing with the weight issue.


New member
I breastfed for 2 months. We had to stop because she was not gaining weight. We then had to go to a special formula that was more broken down than breast milk. She did much better after that - but still dealing with the weight issue.


New member
I breastfed for 2 months. We had to stop because she was not gaining weight. We then had to go to a special formula that was more broken down than breast milk. She did much better after that - but still dealing with the weight issue.


New member
I breastfeed Ian until 2 years. It wasn't easy with the first because he failed to thrive. What kept me breastfeeding prior to dignosis and despite failing to thrive, was a very vocal lactation consultant who served as my advocate. None of the doctors did anything that wrong (I went through 3 of them) they all told me to suppliment after breastfeeding. However, when I tried to suppliment Ian just screamed because he was full. Being that I had never breastfeed before I didn't know what was happening. One doctor did realise Ian's Iron was low and put him on a suppliment and she also thought my breastmilk supply was low and put me on Domperidone to increase my supply. But none of this helped Ian gain weight.

Finally when Ian went for his 2 months shots the Public Health Nurse noted I had lots of milk and sent us to the hospital where he was almost immediately dignosed with CF. Once put on enzymes we found it to be enough for Ian.

Sophie on the otherhand was dignosed through newborn screening (didn't have it when Ian was born). You would think the breastmilk would be enought but is not. Sophie weighed 10 lbs at birth and she is a bigger girl 99 percentile height and 75 percentile weight right now. But despite starting on enzymes after the first week she didn't gain a lot. But I found it helpful to up her enzymes because 1 per feeding wasn't enough. I found it best to start her on solids sooner at 5 months because she was slipping percentiles just being exclusively breastfeed. I now make her a high calorie cereal and that seemed to help her pick up percentiles again. Now that she is 8 months old I have to say she is an almost chubby baby. I plan to breastfeed Sophie also until she is 2 years old.

One other thought about Sophie's growth problems I don't know if her problems were because of CF or because she is just a huge kid. I know of other big babys who don't have CF that growth problems too and they start solids early. I was on Domperidone because the doctors couldn't figure out why Ian couldn't gain weight but the second child I ended up on Domperidone because I struggled to keep up to Sophie's needs breastfeeding.

As for whether breastfeeding helped with the health. Well I like to think that it did a little. Ian rarely got sick in his first 2 years and Sophie hasn't had a cold yet. I also like to think that since breastmilk is so digestible it makes there stomach work a little better.


New member
I breastfeed Ian until 2 years. It wasn't easy with the first because he failed to thrive. What kept me breastfeeding prior to dignosis and despite failing to thrive, was a very vocal lactation consultant who served as my advocate. None of the doctors did anything that wrong (I went through 3 of them) they all told me to suppliment after breastfeeding. However, when I tried to suppliment Ian just screamed because he was full. Being that I had never breastfeed before I didn't know what was happening. One doctor did realise Ian's Iron was low and put him on a suppliment and she also thought my breastmilk supply was low and put me on Domperidone to increase my supply. But none of this helped Ian gain weight.

Finally when Ian went for his 2 months shots the Public Health Nurse noted I had lots of milk and sent us to the hospital where he was almost immediately dignosed with CF. Once put on enzymes we found it to be enough for Ian.

Sophie on the otherhand was dignosed through newborn screening (didn't have it when Ian was born). You would think the breastmilk would be enought but is not. Sophie weighed 10 lbs at birth and she is a bigger girl 99 percentile height and 75 percentile weight right now. But despite starting on enzymes after the first week she didn't gain a lot. But I found it helpful to up her enzymes because 1 per feeding wasn't enough. I found it best to start her on solids sooner at 5 months because she was slipping percentiles just being exclusively breastfeed. I now make her a high calorie cereal and that seemed to help her pick up percentiles again. Now that she is 8 months old I have to say she is an almost chubby baby. I plan to breastfeed Sophie also until she is 2 years old.

One other thought about Sophie's growth problems I don't know if her problems were because of CF or because she is just a huge kid. I know of other big babys who don't have CF that growth problems too and they start solids early. I was on Domperidone because the doctors couldn't figure out why Ian couldn't gain weight but the second child I ended up on Domperidone because I struggled to keep up to Sophie's needs breastfeeding.

As for whether breastfeeding helped with the health. Well I like to think that it did a little. Ian rarely got sick in his first 2 years and Sophie hasn't had a cold yet. I also like to think that since breastmilk is so digestible it makes there stomach work a little better.


New member
I breastfeed Ian until 2 years. It wasn't easy with the first because he failed to thrive. What kept me breastfeeding prior to dignosis and despite failing to thrive, was a very vocal lactation consultant who served as my advocate. None of the doctors did anything that wrong (I went through 3 of them) they all told me to suppliment after breastfeeding. However, when I tried to suppliment Ian just screamed because he was full. Being that I had never breastfeed before I didn't know what was happening. One doctor did realise Ian's Iron was low and put him on a suppliment and she also thought my breastmilk supply was low and put me on Domperidone to increase my supply. But none of this helped Ian gain weight.

Finally when Ian went for his 2 months shots the Public Health Nurse noted I had lots of milk and sent us to the hospital where he was almost immediately dignosed with CF. Once put on enzymes we found it to be enough for Ian.

Sophie on the otherhand was dignosed through newborn screening (didn't have it when Ian was born). You would think the breastmilk would be enought but is not. Sophie weighed 10 lbs at birth and she is a bigger girl 99 percentile height and 75 percentile weight right now. But despite starting on enzymes after the first week she didn't gain a lot. But I found it helpful to up her enzymes because 1 per feeding wasn't enough. I found it best to start her on solids sooner at 5 months because she was slipping percentiles just being exclusively breastfeed. I now make her a high calorie cereal and that seemed to help her pick up percentiles again. Now that she is 8 months old I have to say she is an almost chubby baby. I plan to breastfeed Sophie also until she is 2 years old.

One other thought about Sophie's growth problems I don't know if her problems were because of CF or because she is just a huge kid. I know of other big babys who don't have CF that growth problems too and they start solids early. I was on Domperidone because the doctors couldn't figure out why Ian couldn't gain weight but the second child I ended up on Domperidone because I struggled to keep up to Sophie's needs breastfeeding.

As for whether breastfeeding helped with the health. Well I like to think that it did a little. Ian rarely got sick in his first 2 years and Sophie hasn't had a cold yet. I also like to think that since breastmilk is so digestible it makes there stomach work a little better.


New member
I breastfeed Ian until 2 years. It wasn't easy with the first because he failed to thrive. What kept me breastfeeding prior to dignosis and despite failing to thrive, was a very vocal lactation consultant who served as my advocate. None of the doctors did anything that wrong (I went through 3 of them) they all told me to suppliment after breastfeeding. However, when I tried to suppliment Ian just screamed because he was full. Being that I had never breastfeed before I didn't know what was happening. One doctor did realise Ian's Iron was low and put him on a suppliment and she also thought my breastmilk supply was low and put me on Domperidone to increase my supply. But none of this helped Ian gain weight.

Finally when Ian went for his 2 months shots the Public Health Nurse noted I had lots of milk and sent us to the hospital where he was almost immediately dignosed with CF. Once put on enzymes we found it to be enough for Ian.

Sophie on the otherhand was dignosed through newborn screening (didn't have it when Ian was born). You would think the breastmilk would be enought but is not. Sophie weighed 10 lbs at birth and she is a bigger girl 99 percentile height and 75 percentile weight right now. But despite starting on enzymes after the first week she didn't gain a lot. But I found it helpful to up her enzymes because 1 per feeding wasn't enough. I found it best to start her on solids sooner at 5 months because she was slipping percentiles just being exclusively breastfeed. I now make her a high calorie cereal and that seemed to help her pick up percentiles again. Now that she is 8 months old I have to say she is an almost chubby baby. I plan to breastfeed Sophie also until she is 2 years old.

One other thought about Sophie's growth problems I don't know if her problems were because of CF or because she is just a huge kid. I know of other big babys who don't have CF that growth problems too and they start solids early. I was on Domperidone because the doctors couldn't figure out why Ian couldn't gain weight but the second child I ended up on Domperidone because I struggled to keep up to Sophie's needs breastfeeding.

As for whether breastfeeding helped with the health. Well I like to think that it did a little. Ian rarely got sick in his first 2 years and Sophie hasn't had a cold yet. I also like to think that since breastmilk is so digestible it makes there stomach work a little better.


New member
I breastfeed Ian until 2 years. It wasn't easy with the first because he failed to thrive. What kept me breastfeeding prior to dignosis and despite failing to thrive, was a very vocal lactation consultant who served as my advocate. None of the doctors did anything that wrong (I went through 3 of them) they all told me to suppliment after breastfeeding. However, when I tried to suppliment Ian just screamed because he was full. Being that I had never breastfeed before I didn't know what was happening. One doctor did realise Ian's Iron was low and put him on a suppliment and she also thought my breastmilk supply was low and put me on Domperidone to increase my supply. But none of this helped Ian gain weight.
<br />
<br />Finally when Ian went for his 2 months shots the Public Health Nurse noted I had lots of milk and sent us to the hospital where he was almost immediately dignosed with CF. Once put on enzymes we found it to be enough for Ian.
<br />
<br />Sophie on the otherhand was dignosed through newborn screening (didn't have it when Ian was born). You would think the breastmilk would be enought but is not. Sophie weighed 10 lbs at birth and she is a bigger girl 99 percentile height and 75 percentile weight right now. But despite starting on enzymes after the first week she didn't gain a lot. But I found it helpful to up her enzymes because 1 per feeding wasn't enough. I found it best to start her on solids sooner at 5 months because she was slipping percentiles just being exclusively breastfeed. I now make her a high calorie cereal and that seemed to help her pick up percentiles again. Now that she is 8 months old I have to say she is an almost chubby baby. I plan to breastfeed Sophie also until she is 2 years old.
<br />
<br />One other thought about Sophie's growth problems I don't know if her problems were because of CF or because she is just a huge kid. I know of other big babys who don't have CF that growth problems too and they start solids early. I was on Domperidone because the doctors couldn't figure out why Ian couldn't gain weight but the second child I ended up on Domperidone because I struggled to keep up to Sophie's needs breastfeeding.
<br />
<br />As for whether breastfeeding helped with the health. Well I like to think that it did a little. Ian rarely got sick in his first 2 years and Sophie hasn't had a cold yet. I also like to think that since breastmilk is so digestible it makes there stomach work a little better.