Mothers of children WITH cf


New member
I breastfed for two months, before we found out Ellie had CF. She was failure to thrive. When she was diagnosed, I began pumping and fortifying it with formula and thickening it because we also found out she had severe reflux (still does). When she was about four months old my breastmilk started dwindling, we tried everything to get it back but I think all the stress did it. When she was about 5 months all of our frozen supply was gone and so we went straight to formula (Enfamil with Iron) we still struggle with her weight. I wish I could have breastfed longer.


New member
I breastfed for two months, before we found out Ellie had CF. She was failure to thrive. When she was diagnosed, I began pumping and fortifying it with formula and thickening it because we also found out she had severe reflux (still does). When she was about four months old my breastmilk started dwindling, we tried everything to get it back but I think all the stress did it. When she was about 5 months all of our frozen supply was gone and so we went straight to formula (Enfamil with Iron) we still struggle with her weight. I wish I could have breastfed longer.


New member
I breastfed for two months, before we found out Ellie had CF. She was failure to thrive. When she was diagnosed, I began pumping and fortifying it with formula and thickening it because we also found out she had severe reflux (still does). When she was about four months old my breastmilk started dwindling, we tried everything to get it back but I think all the stress did it. When she was about 5 months all of our frozen supply was gone and so we went straight to formula (Enfamil with Iron) we still struggle with her weight. I wish I could have breastfed longer.


New member
I breastfed for two months, before we found out Ellie had CF. She was failure to thrive. When she was diagnosed, I began pumping and fortifying it with formula and thickening it because we also found out she had severe reflux (still does). When she was about four months old my breastmilk started dwindling, we tried everything to get it back but I think all the stress did it. When she was about 5 months all of our frozen supply was gone and so we went straight to formula (Enfamil with Iron) we still struggle with her weight. I wish I could have breastfed longer.


New member
I breastfed for two months, before we found out Ellie had CF. She was failure to thrive. When she was diagnosed, I began pumping and fortifying it with formula and thickening it because we also found out she had severe reflux (still does). When she was about four months old my breastmilk started dwindling, we tried everything to get it back but I think all the stress did it. When she was about 5 months all of our frozen supply was gone and so we went straight to formula (Enfamil with Iron) we still struggle with her weight. I wish I could have breastfed longer.


New member
I breastfed Ethan until he was hospitalized at 3 1/2 months for failure to thrive and the docs basically made me stop breastfeeding. We did not find out he had CF until he was 10 months.
I am currently breastfeeding Caleb 4 times a day and he is 10 months old. I plan to go as long as I can with him. We did supplement him with formula for a while as his weight percentile was going down. It was difficult to pump (with two kids and being alone most of the time)to supplement my milk with formula, so I just put the formula in the applesauce he was taking his enzymes in. He also didn't like the bottle all that much.
I believe I have seen a huge positive with Caleb breastfeeding. The whole family went thru the stomach flu and Caleb had a few dry heaves and that was it. As for the rest of us it was quite horrible, I will spare the details. The whole family also went through a couple of months of yucky colds and stuff and he was the only one who didn't need antibiotics.
Hope this answers your question.


New member
I breastfed Ethan until he was hospitalized at 3 1/2 months for failure to thrive and the docs basically made me stop breastfeeding. We did not find out he had CF until he was 10 months.
I am currently breastfeeding Caleb 4 times a day and he is 10 months old. I plan to go as long as I can with him. We did supplement him with formula for a while as his weight percentile was going down. It was difficult to pump (with two kids and being alone most of the time)to supplement my milk with formula, so I just put the formula in the applesauce he was taking his enzymes in. He also didn't like the bottle all that much.
I believe I have seen a huge positive with Caleb breastfeeding. The whole family went thru the stomach flu and Caleb had a few dry heaves and that was it. As for the rest of us it was quite horrible, I will spare the details. The whole family also went through a couple of months of yucky colds and stuff and he was the only one who didn't need antibiotics.
Hope this answers your question.


New member
I breastfed Ethan until he was hospitalized at 3 1/2 months for failure to thrive and the docs basically made me stop breastfeeding. We did not find out he had CF until he was 10 months.
I am currently breastfeeding Caleb 4 times a day and he is 10 months old. I plan to go as long as I can with him. We did supplement him with formula for a while as his weight percentile was going down. It was difficult to pump (with two kids and being alone most of the time)to supplement my milk with formula, so I just put the formula in the applesauce he was taking his enzymes in. He also didn't like the bottle all that much.
I believe I have seen a huge positive with Caleb breastfeeding. The whole family went thru the stomach flu and Caleb had a few dry heaves and that was it. As for the rest of us it was quite horrible, I will spare the details. The whole family also went through a couple of months of yucky colds and stuff and he was the only one who didn't need antibiotics.
Hope this answers your question.


New member
I breastfed Ethan until he was hospitalized at 3 1/2 months for failure to thrive and the docs basically made me stop breastfeeding. We did not find out he had CF until he was 10 months.
I am currently breastfeeding Caleb 4 times a day and he is 10 months old. I plan to go as long as I can with him. We did supplement him with formula for a while as his weight percentile was going down. It was difficult to pump (with two kids and being alone most of the time)to supplement my milk with formula, so I just put the formula in the applesauce he was taking his enzymes in. He also didn't like the bottle all that much.
I believe I have seen a huge positive with Caleb breastfeeding. The whole family went thru the stomach flu and Caleb had a few dry heaves and that was it. As for the rest of us it was quite horrible, I will spare the details. The whole family also went through a couple of months of yucky colds and stuff and he was the only one who didn't need antibiotics.
Hope this answers your question.


New member
I breastfed Ethan until he was hospitalized at 3 1/2 months for failure to thrive and the docs basically made me stop breastfeeding. We did not find out he had CF until he was 10 months.
<br />I am currently breastfeeding Caleb 4 times a day and he is 10 months old. I plan to go as long as I can with him. We did supplement him with formula for a while as his weight percentile was going down. It was difficult to pump (with two kids and being alone most of the time)to supplement my milk with formula, so I just put the formula in the applesauce he was taking his enzymes in. He also didn't like the bottle all that much.
<br />I believe I have seen a huge positive with Caleb breastfeeding. The whole family went thru the stomach flu and Caleb had a few dry heaves and that was it. As for the rest of us it was quite horrible, I will spare the details. The whole family also went through a couple of months of yucky colds and stuff and he was the only one who didn't need antibiotics.
<br />Hope this answers your question.
<br />Missa


Are you the one with CF, and your daughter has no CF? The reason I am asking is that I nursed our daughter for 15 months (she has CF) and it took like 50 pounds off of me because she nursed practically all day and all night due to her CF. Is your own weight stable enough to spare some fat to nurse your daughter? There are many wonderful formulas out there that can feed babies well enough. We have an older son (no CF) who had to be formula fed because he was a preemie and lived in the NICU for 4 months. He was immuno-compromised at first, and today at 11 years old he is VERY healthy and has a strong immune system despite being formula fed. My point is that both ways are great to nourish a baby, and you don't HAVE to nurse to have a healthy baby.
Take Care!


Are you the one with CF, and your daughter has no CF? The reason I am asking is that I nursed our daughter for 15 months (she has CF) and it took like 50 pounds off of me because she nursed practically all day and all night due to her CF. Is your own weight stable enough to spare some fat to nurse your daughter? There are many wonderful formulas out there that can feed babies well enough. We have an older son (no CF) who had to be formula fed because he was a preemie and lived in the NICU for 4 months. He was immuno-compromised at first, and today at 11 years old he is VERY healthy and has a strong immune system despite being formula fed. My point is that both ways are great to nourish a baby, and you don't HAVE to nurse to have a healthy baby.
Take Care!


Are you the one with CF, and your daughter has no CF? The reason I am asking is that I nursed our daughter for 15 months (she has CF) and it took like 50 pounds off of me because she nursed practically all day and all night due to her CF. Is your own weight stable enough to spare some fat to nurse your daughter? There are many wonderful formulas out there that can feed babies well enough. We have an older son (no CF) who had to be formula fed because he was a preemie and lived in the NICU for 4 months. He was immuno-compromised at first, and today at 11 years old he is VERY healthy and has a strong immune system despite being formula fed. My point is that both ways are great to nourish a baby, and you don't HAVE to nurse to have a healthy baby.
Take Care!


Are you the one with CF, and your daughter has no CF? The reason I am asking is that I nursed our daughter for 15 months (she has CF) and it took like 50 pounds off of me because she nursed practically all day and all night due to her CF. Is your own weight stable enough to spare some fat to nurse your daughter? There are many wonderful formulas out there that can feed babies well enough. We have an older son (no CF) who had to be formula fed because he was a preemie and lived in the NICU for 4 months. He was immuno-compromised at first, and today at 11 years old he is VERY healthy and has a strong immune system despite being formula fed. My point is that both ways are great to nourish a baby, and you don't HAVE to nurse to have a healthy baby.
Take Care!


<br /> Are you the one with CF, and your daughter has no CF? The reason I am asking is that I nursed our daughter for 15 months (she has CF) and it took like 50 pounds off of me because she nursed practically all day and all night due to her CF. Is your own weight stable enough to spare some fat to nurse your daughter? There are many wonderful formulas out there that can feed babies well enough. We have an older son (no CF) who had to be formula fed because he was a preemie and lived in the NICU for 4 months. He was immuno-compromised at first, and today at 11 years old he is VERY healthy and has a strong immune system despite being formula fed. My point is that both ways are great to nourish a baby, and you don't HAVE to nurse to have a healthy baby.
<br />Take Care!


New member
Yeah I have cf and she doesnt (well we are getting her tested next week) but she prolly doesnt.

Actually she nurses well and I have kept my weight up too.

I am actually just training to become an IBCLC and just curious how other people did it. I always hear about the effects of breastfeeding on healthy kids, but not "sick" kids. So I was really ust curious. I love to see kids having mommies milk.


New member
Yeah I have cf and she doesnt (well we are getting her tested next week) but she prolly doesnt.

Actually she nurses well and I have kept my weight up too.

I am actually just training to become an IBCLC and just curious how other people did it. I always hear about the effects of breastfeeding on healthy kids, but not "sick" kids. So I was really ust curious. I love to see kids having mommies milk.


New member
Yeah I have cf and she doesnt (well we are getting her tested next week) but she prolly doesnt.

Actually she nurses well and I have kept my weight up too.

I am actually just training to become an IBCLC and just curious how other people did it. I always hear about the effects of breastfeeding on healthy kids, but not "sick" kids. So I was really ust curious. I love to see kids having mommies milk.


New member
Yeah I have cf and she doesnt (well we are getting her tested next week) but she prolly doesnt.

Actually she nurses well and I have kept my weight up too.

I am actually just training to become an IBCLC and just curious how other people did it. I always hear about the effects of breastfeeding on healthy kids, but not "sick" kids. So I was really ust curious. I love to see kids having mommies milk.


New member
Yeah I have cf and she doesnt (well we are getting her tested next week) but she prolly doesnt.
<br />
<br />Actually she nurses well and I have kept my weight up too.
<br />
<br />I am actually just training to become an IBCLC and just curious how other people did it. I always hear about the effects of breastfeeding on healthy kids, but not "sick" kids. So I was really ust curious. I love to see kids having mommies milk.