My teeth are gross...



I have been noticing my teeth are getting more disgusting as time goes on. I used to haverelativelywhite pearly teeth. AND now, they're all yellowish and murky looking. I've been getting more white spots too. I also notice that no matter how much I brush and brush and floss I can <i>still </i>see a film over my teeth! ugh. Also, mytonguecan never be brushed clean (even after mouth washing it's still have a residue over it). Anyone else have this problem? Is it from coughing mucus up into my mouth all day long?<br>I do inhaled tobi, pulmo. cayston, saline. the usual. Along with advair and albuterol (inhalers not nebbed).<br>I'm also on some strong antibiotics. Minocyline and Zyvox.<br>Are there certain meds that tend to destroy/yellow our teeth? Does coughing up mucus wear out the enamel? Anyone have any ideas on this?<br>I'd really like to start whitening my teeth but I don't want to wear out my enamel if it's already being thinned by my meds! I'd rather have yellow teeth over cavities.<br>I just moved to Baltimore so I don't have a dentist lined up yet. So in the meantime I figured it couldn't hurt to ask around the forum and see if anybody has any healthy teeth tips.<br><br>*I do everything that I'm supposed to for my teeth. Brush, floss, mouthwash etc.*


I have been noticing my teeth are getting more disgusting as time goes on. I used to haverelativelywhite pearly teeth. AND now, they're all yellowish and murky looking. I've been getting more white spots too. I also notice that no matter how much I brush and brush and floss I can <i>still </i>see a film over my teeth! ugh. Also, mytonguecan never be brushed clean (even after mouth washing it's still have a residue over it). Anyone else have this problem? Is it from coughing mucus up into my mouth all day long?<br>I do inhaled tobi, pulmo. cayston, saline. the usual. Along with advair and albuterol (inhalers not nebbed).<br>I'm also on some strong antibiotics. Minocyline and Zyvox.<br>Are there certain meds that tend to destroy/yellow our teeth? Does coughing up mucus wear out the enamel? Anyone have any ideas on this?<br>I'd really like to start whitening my teeth but I don't want to wear out my enamel if it's already being thinned by my meds! I'd rather have yellow teeth over cavities.<br>I just moved to Baltimore so I don't have a dentist lined up yet. So in the meantime I figured it couldn't hurt to ask around the forum and see if anybody has any healthy teeth tips.<br><br>*I do everything that I'm supposed to for my teeth. Brush, floss, mouthwash etc.*


New member
Not sure if this helps at all, but because I took antibiotics or had fevers as a kid, my enamel is pretty mottled. I've had them professionally whitened, but it's kind of just temporary for me, I guess. I take good care of my teeth, too - brushing, flossing, etc. I think it might just be one of those things.
You can try whitening with baking soda - if you only do it a few times a week, it probably won't have a negative effect on the enamel. Using watered down hydrogen peroxide a couple times a week helps, too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I have the tongue thing, too... not sure about that one.


New member
Not sure if this helps at all, but because I took antibiotics or had fevers as a kid, my enamel is pretty mottled. I've had them professionally whitened, but it's kind of just temporary for me, I guess. I take good care of my teeth, too - brushing, flossing, etc. I think it might just be one of those things.
You can try whitening with baking soda - if you only do it a few times a week, it probably won't have a negative effect on the enamel. Using watered down hydrogen peroxide a couple times a week helps, too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I have the tongue thing, too... not sure about that one.
Hey there! Tetracycline's (like Minocycline, Doxycycline, etc.) are notorious for causing teeth discoloration. I don't know about actually doing anything about it, though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">( My Pharm book says: "Because tetracyclines have an affinity for teeth and bones, they accumulate there, weakening the structure and causing staining and pitting of teeth and bones". It did that to mine, too.
Hey there! Tetracycline's (like Minocycline, Doxycycline, etc.) are notorious for causing teeth discoloration. I don't know about actually doing anything about it, though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">( My Pharm book says: "Because tetracyclines have an affinity for teeth and bones, they accumulate there, weakening the structure and causing staining and pitting of teeth and bones". It did that to mine, too.


my teeth also have been a bad issue for me as they are very yellow for the tetracyline. I am 57 and still hate them and hardly ever smile sad Pat-57-CF


my teeth also have been a bad issue for me as they are very yellow for the tetracyline. I am 57 and still hate them and hardly ever smile sad Pat-57-CF


New member
I had Tetacycline as a baby and my teeth have always had these white, bleached looking spots to them.


My last hospital stay I was taking 2 new IV antibiotics and I think they totally f**ked up my teeth. It looks like I have brown crap in-between them all the time, and my back molars are almost completely brown, despite my rigorous oral hygiene routine (yes, I floss nearly every day too!, and am using a whitening toothpaste, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide).


New member
I had Tetacycline as a baby and my teeth have always had these white, bleached looking spots to them.


My last hospital stay I was taking 2 new IV antibiotics and I think they totally f**ked up my teeth. It looks like I have brown crap in-between them all the time, and my back molars are almost completely brown, despite my rigorous oral hygiene routine (yes, I floss nearly every day too!, and am using a whitening toothpaste, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide).


New member
yup, those antibiotics mottle and yellow your teeth.
I did the whole whitening thing, and all I got for it was EXTREMELY sensitive teeth for two years.
(and I'm talking HORRIBLY sensitive, to silverware, temperature, you name it....)
And they were not whiter.
and yes, a dentist did the treatment, it was not an at home thing.
Waste of money and two years of pain for nothing.

And yes, I brush and floss at least 3 times per day. ARGH!


New member
yup, those antibiotics mottle and yellow your teeth.
I did the whole whitening thing, and all I got for it was EXTREMELY sensitive teeth for two years.
(and I'm talking HORRIBLY sensitive, to silverware, temperature, you name it....)
And they were not whiter.
and yes, a dentist did the treatment, it was not an at home thing.
Waste of money and two years of pain for nothing.

And yes, I brush and floss at least 3 times per day. ARGH!


New member
Don't feel bad..... Back a couple of years ago (4 now) I went from having nothing wrong to everything. I got 8 root canals, 8 fillings, 8 crowns, 4 posts and about 150 shots of novacain in about a month. Fast forward 4 years I need a bunch more work done... the other day I was eating some chips and my tooth shattered... best part is there was not even any cavity in it! Ugh it's one of those FML moments. Yes to answer your question my teeth are also yellow.


New member
Don't feel bad..... Back a couple of years ago (4 now) I went from having nothing wrong to everything. I got 8 root canals, 8 fillings, 8 crowns, 4 posts and about 150 shots of novacain in about a month. Fast forward 4 years I need a bunch more work done... the other day I was eating some chips and my tooth shattered... best part is there was not even any cavity in it! Ugh it's one of those FML moments. Yes to answer your question my teeth are also yellow.


Thanks for all the answers guys. =\ bummer that the tetracylines go straight to bones and teeth. boo.


Thanks for all the answers guys. =\ bummer that the tetracylines go straight to bones and teeth. boo.


New member
My enamel is quite deteriorated. This is one of those things I think we adults are pace setting. 25-40 year olds have been doing nebs there whole life daily disturbing the natural mouth flora balance. We've been coughing up excessively acidic mucus into our mouth and we've been inhaling steriods that cause thrush to our tongues. Our mouths are not normal and we must protect the enamel we have left. I use Tom's of Maine mouthwash before bed that has flouride to help strengthen my teeth. I was using ACT but the red color makes keeping my sink clean difficult :) I'm always looking for shortcuts in life to make things that shouldn't be hard more easy. I've also started using Biotene mouthwash that helps destroy biofilms. I use that one during the day. Like we need more things in our regimen right?


New member
My enamel is quite deteriorated. This is one of those things I think we adults are pace setting. 25-40 year olds have been doing nebs there whole life daily disturbing the natural mouth flora balance. We've been coughing up excessively acidic mucus into our mouth and we've been inhaling steriods that cause thrush to our tongues. Our mouths are not normal and we must protect the enamel we have left. I use Tom's of Maine mouthwash before bed that has flouride to help strengthen my teeth. I was using ACT but the red color makes keeping my sink clean difficult :) I'm always looking for shortcuts in life to make things that shouldn't be hard more easy. I've also started using Biotene mouthwash that helps destroy biofilms. I use that one during the day. Like we need more things in our regimen right?


New member
If you are serious about restoring your enamel buy pure xylitol and use it daily. Also G5 silica is supposed to work wonders.


New member
If you are serious about restoring your enamel buy pure xylitol and use it daily. Also G5 silica is supposed to work wonders.