Nastiest medicine


New member
i dont bother takin tobi on a saturday leaves a dirtpoor smell in ur mouth dats d last ting ye need on a nite out wit a bird


New member
i dont bother takin tobi on a saturday leaves a dirtpoor smell in ur mouth dats d last ting ye need on a nite out wit a bird


New member
i dont bother takin tobi on a saturday leaves a dirtpoor smell in ur mouth dats d last ting ye need on a nite out wit a bird


New member
i dont bother takin tobi on a saturday leaves a dirtpoor smell in ur mouth dats d last ting ye need on a nite out wit a bird


Staff member
Okay, switched to liquid aqua-adeks last night. Ewww! Taste and smell reminds me of sinus infection MUCUS. Fortunately, DS hasn't noticed yet. This is probably the first med that has ever made me gag. Thinking about it right now is. Bleah!


Staff member
Okay, switched to liquid aqua-adeks last night. Ewww! Taste and smell reminds me of sinus infection MUCUS. Fortunately, DS hasn't noticed yet. This is probably the first med that has ever made me gag. Thinking about it right now is. Bleah!


Staff member
Okay, switched to liquid aqua-adeks last night. Ewww! Taste and smell reminds me of sinus infection MUCUS. Fortunately, DS hasn't noticed yet. This is probably the first med that has ever made me gag. Thinking about it right now is. Bleah!


Staff member
Okay, switched to liquid aqua-adeks last night. Ewww! Taste and smell reminds me of sinus infection MUCUS. Fortunately, DS hasn't noticed yet. This is probably the first med that has ever made me gag. Thinking about it right now is. Bleah!


Staff member
Okay, switched to liquid aqua-adeks last night. Ewww! Taste and smell reminds me of sinus infection MUCUS. Fortunately, DS hasn't noticed yet. This is probably the first med that has ever made me gag. Thinking about it right now is. Bleah!


Staff member
Okay, switched to liquid aqua-adeks last night. Ewww! Taste and smell reminds me of sinus infection MUCUS. Fortunately, DS hasn't noticed yet. This is probably the first med that has ever made me gag. Thinking about it right now is. Bleah!


New member
Hmm good topic..
<b>Prednisone</b>, especially liquid nasty bitter stuff!
<b>Golytely</b>- similar to sticking your head in the ocean and drinking a gallon's worth!
<b>Barium</b>- yep, tastes like elmer's glue
<b>KCL (potassium</b>) pill or liquid, if you don't swallow that stuff quickly, nasty overpowering salt taste EWWwwwand it doesn't go down!!!!
<b>Mucomyst</b> nasty nebulized, can 't imagine the oral stuff

Meds I would never want to taste: IV Merrem, ceftaz, (any cephalosporin for that matter), Primaxin...all smell like cat pee!!!! They also would not be a popular scratch and sniff (nurses have leaked that stuff on my gown, I wind up changing it because of the smell)
Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hmm good topic..
<b>Prednisone</b>, especially liquid nasty bitter stuff!
<b>Golytely</b>- similar to sticking your head in the ocean and drinking a gallon's worth!
<b>Barium</b>- yep, tastes like elmer's glue
<b>KCL (potassium</b>) pill or liquid, if you don't swallow that stuff quickly, nasty overpowering salt taste EWWwwwand it doesn't go down!!!!
<b>Mucomyst</b> nasty nebulized, can 't imagine the oral stuff

Meds I would never want to taste: IV Merrem, ceftaz, (any cephalosporin for that matter), Primaxin...all smell like cat pee!!!! They also would not be a popular scratch and sniff (nurses have leaked that stuff on my gown, I wind up changing it because of the smell)
Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hmm good topic..
<b>Prednisone</b>, especially liquid nasty bitter stuff!
<b>Golytely</b>- similar to sticking your head in the ocean and drinking a gallon's worth!
<b>Barium</b>- yep, tastes like elmer's glue
<b>KCL (potassium</b>) pill or liquid, if you don't swallow that stuff quickly, nasty overpowering salt taste EWWwwwand it doesn't go down!!!!
<b>Mucomyst</b> nasty nebulized, can 't imagine the oral stuff

Meds I would never want to taste: IV Merrem, ceftaz, (any cephalosporin for that matter), Primaxin...all smell like cat pee!!!! They also would not be a popular scratch and sniff (nurses have leaked that stuff on my gown, I wind up changing it because of the smell)
Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hmm good topic..
<b>Prednisone</b>, especially liquid nasty bitter stuff!
<b>Golytely</b>- similar to sticking your head in the ocean and drinking a gallon's worth!
<b>Barium</b>- yep, tastes like elmer's glue
<b>KCL (potassium</b>) pill or liquid, if you don't swallow that stuff quickly, nasty overpowering salt taste EWWwwwand it doesn't go down!!!!
<b>Mucomyst</b> nasty nebulized, can 't imagine the oral stuff

Meds I would never want to taste: IV Merrem, ceftaz, (any cephalosporin for that matter), Primaxin...all smell like cat pee!!!! They also would not be a popular scratch and sniff (nurses have leaked that stuff on my gown, I wind up changing it because of the smell)
Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hmm good topic..
<b>Prednisone</b>, especially liquid nasty bitter stuff!
<b>Golytely</b>- similar to sticking your head in the ocean and drinking a gallon's worth!
<b>Barium</b>- yep, tastes like elmer's glue
<b>KCL (potassium</b>) pill or liquid, if you don't swallow that stuff quickly, nasty overpowering salt taste EWWwwwand it doesn't go down!!!!
<b>Mucomyst</b> nasty nebulized, can 't imagine the oral stuff

Meds I would never want to taste: IV Merrem, ceftaz, (any cephalosporin for that matter), Primaxin...all smell like cat pee!!!! They also would not be a popular scratch and sniff (nurses have leaked that stuff on my gown, I wind up changing it because of the smell)
Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hmm good topic..
<b>Prednisone</b>, especially liquid nasty bitter stuff!
<b>Golytely</b>- similar to sticking your head in the ocean and drinking a gallon's worth!
<b>Barium</b>- yep, tastes like elmer's glue
<b>KCL (potassium</b>) pill or liquid, if you don't swallow that stuff quickly, nasty overpowering salt taste EWWwwwand it doesn't go down!!!!
<b>Mucomyst</b> nasty nebulized, can 't imagine the oral stuff

Meds I would never want to taste: IV Merrem, ceftaz, (any cephalosporin for that matter), Primaxin...all smell like cat pee!!!! They also would not be a popular scratch and sniff (nurses have leaked that stuff on my gown, I wind up changing it because of the smell)
Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
prednisone, crushed up and put in yoohoo. try that! hahah eww it was so baddd, but when i was younger i couldnt swallow pills and it was the only way i would take it!

and liquid zithromax with chocolate syrup, eww!!
thank God i can swallow pills now...


New member
prednisone, crushed up and put in yoohoo. try that! hahah eww it was so baddd, but when i was younger i couldnt swallow pills and it was the only way i would take it!

and liquid zithromax with chocolate syrup, eww!!
thank God i can swallow pills now...


New member
prednisone, crushed up and put in yoohoo. try that! hahah eww it was so baddd, but when i was younger i couldnt swallow pills and it was the only way i would take it!

and liquid zithromax with chocolate syrup, eww!!
thank God i can swallow pills now...


New member
prednisone, crushed up and put in yoohoo. try that! hahah eww it was so baddd, but when i was younger i couldnt swallow pills and it was the only way i would take it!

and liquid zithromax with chocolate syrup, eww!!
thank God i can swallow pills now...