Nebulizers v.s. inhalers?


New member
I used albuterol with inhaler. The important thing is to know how to use it the spacer: just wash it with soap and let it dry alone. You have to shake the albuterol, put it in the spacer and push it and count 10 deep beath. If you have to do it more than once you have to wait at last 2 minutes between each push.
A good spacer is also important.´
My doctor said that inhaler are as good as neb for albuterol


New member
I used albuterol with inhaler. The important thing is to know how to use it the spacer: just wash it with soap and let it dry alone. You have to shake the albuterol, put it in the spacer and push it and count 10 deep beath. If you have to do it more than once you have to wait at last 2 minutes between each push.
A good spacer is also important.´
My doctor said that inhaler are as good as neb for albuterol


New member
I used albuterol with inhaler. The important thing is to know how to use it the spacer: just wash it with soap and let it dry alone. You have to shake the albuterol, put it in the spacer and push it and count 10 deep beath. If you have to do it more than once you have to wait at last 2 minutes between each push.
A good spacer is also important.´
My doctor said that inhaler are as good as neb for albuterol


New member
I used albuterol with inhaler. The important thing is to know how to use it the spacer: just wash it with soap and let it dry alone. You have to shake the albuterol, put it in the spacer and push it and count 10 deep beath. If you have to do it more than once you have to wait at last 2 minutes between each push.
A good spacer is also important.´
My doctor said that inhaler are as good as neb for albuterol


New member
I used albuterol with inhaler. The important thing is to know how to use it the spacer: just wash it with soap and let it dry alone. You have to shake the albuterol, put it in the spacer and push it and count 10 deep beath. If you have to do it more than once you have to wait at last 2 minutes between each push.
<br />A good spacer is also important.´
<br />My doctor said that inhaler are as good as neb for albuterol


New member
We changed my daughter from nebulizer to inhaler with a spacer (one with a mask). We also had to change her from Albuterol to Xopenex b/c of our insurance. Our doc says the spacer works just as well and they get the same amount of medicine. It's so much quicker, no boiling it and if we're going to be gone all day I can just toss it in our bag and it can be done anywhere. We still do Pulmozyme by nebulizer everyday though.


New member
We changed my daughter from nebulizer to inhaler with a spacer (one with a mask). We also had to change her from Albuterol to Xopenex b/c of our insurance. Our doc says the spacer works just as well and they get the same amount of medicine. It's so much quicker, no boiling it and if we're going to be gone all day I can just toss it in our bag and it can be done anywhere. We still do Pulmozyme by nebulizer everyday though.


New member
We changed my daughter from nebulizer to inhaler with a spacer (one with a mask). We also had to change her from Albuterol to Xopenex b/c of our insurance. Our doc says the spacer works just as well and they get the same amount of medicine. It's so much quicker, no boiling it and if we're going to be gone all day I can just toss it in our bag and it can be done anywhere. We still do Pulmozyme by nebulizer everyday though.


New member
We changed my daughter from nebulizer to inhaler with a spacer (one with a mask). We also had to change her from Albuterol to Xopenex b/c of our insurance. Our doc says the spacer works just as well and they get the same amount of medicine. It's so much quicker, no boiling it and if we're going to be gone all day I can just toss it in our bag and it can be done anywhere. We still do Pulmozyme by nebulizer everyday though.


New member
We changed my daughter from nebulizer to inhaler with a spacer (one with a mask). We also had to change her from Albuterol to Xopenex b/c of our insurance. Our doc says the spacer works just as well and they get the same amount of medicine. It's so much quicker, no boiling it and if we're going to be gone all day I can just toss it in our bag and it can be done anywhere. We still do Pulmozyme by nebulizer everyday though.


New member
Hello of 9yr.old cf child. In hospital at this time....using laptop from activity room...some letters on keyboard do not *ork so bare *ith me...guess *hich one!Ne* to the forum...My daughter has been s*itched this time from Foradil and Pulmicort neb's to an inhaler ,spacer and mask.She still gets Pulmozyme. And they are talking about trying her on Tobi..Tried it years ago...but she did not like the smell.See ho* it goes this time.I do like the inhaler better.Feel she gets more than the room does no*
Seems the older she gets the more med's,tests,treatments and problems she gets.But you can do it only one day at a*ays can use advice..


New member
Hello of 9yr.old cf child. In hospital at this time....using laptop from activity room...some letters on keyboard do not *ork so bare *ith me...guess *hich one!Ne* to the forum...My daughter has been s*itched this time from Foradil and Pulmicort neb's to an inhaler ,spacer and mask.She still gets Pulmozyme. And they are talking about trying her on Tobi..Tried it years ago...but she did not like the smell.See ho* it goes this time.I do like the inhaler better.Feel she gets more than the room does no*
Seems the older she gets the more med's,tests,treatments and problems she gets.But you can do it only one day at a*ays can use advice..


New member
Hello of 9yr.old cf child. In hospital at this time....using laptop from activity room...some letters on keyboard do not *ork so bare *ith me...guess *hich one!Ne* to the forum...My daughter has been s*itched this time from Foradil and Pulmicort neb's to an inhaler ,spacer and mask.She still gets Pulmozyme. And they are talking about trying her on Tobi..Tried it years ago...but she did not like the smell.See ho* it goes this time.I do like the inhaler better.Feel she gets more than the room does no*
Seems the older she gets the more med's,tests,treatments and problems she gets.But you can do it only one day at a*ays can use advice..


New member
Hello of 9yr.old cf child. In hospital at this time....using laptop from activity room...some letters on keyboard do not *ork so bare *ith me...guess *hich one!Ne* to the forum...My daughter has been s*itched this time from Foradil and Pulmicort neb's to an inhaler ,spacer and mask.She still gets Pulmozyme. And they are talking about trying her on Tobi..Tried it years ago...but she did not like the smell.See ho* it goes this time.I do like the inhaler better.Feel she gets more than the room does no*
Seems the older she gets the more med's,tests,treatments and problems she gets.But you can do it only one day at a*ays can use advice..


New member
Hello of 9yr.old cf child. In hospital at this time....using laptop from activity room...some letters on keyboard do not *ork so bare *ith me...guess *hich one!Ne* to the forum...My daughter has been s*itched this time from Foradil and Pulmicort neb's to an inhaler ,spacer and mask.She still gets Pulmozyme. And they are talking about trying her on Tobi..Tried it years ago...but she did not like the smell.See ho* it goes this time.I do like the inhaler better.Feel she gets more than the room does no*
<br />Seems the older she gets the more med's,tests,treatments and problems she gets.But you can do it only one day at a*ays can use advice..


Super Moderator
So, I asked Maggie's pulmo doc about switching to an albuterol inhaler with a spacer for Maggie's mid day neb. He gave us a script to give it a try. His feeling is that the nebulizer does work better than an inhaler, but he is fine with us doing it once a day, to save time after school. When she has a cold or is feeling sick we agreed to switch back to the afternoon neb. He also said when she is around 8 years old he would consider switching her from pulmicort neb to an inhaler(can't remember the name). It's a powder you inhale; he didn't think she could manage that til then.


Super Moderator
So, I asked Maggie's pulmo doc about switching to an albuterol inhaler with a spacer for Maggie's mid day neb. He gave us a script to give it a try. His feeling is that the nebulizer does work better than an inhaler, but he is fine with us doing it once a day, to save time after school. When she has a cold or is feeling sick we agreed to switch back to the afternoon neb. He also said when she is around 8 years old he would consider switching her from pulmicort neb to an inhaler(can't remember the name). It's a powder you inhale; he didn't think she could manage that til then.


Super Moderator
So, I asked Maggie's pulmo doc about switching to an albuterol inhaler with a spacer for Maggie's mid day neb. He gave us a script to give it a try. His feeling is that the nebulizer does work better than an inhaler, but he is fine with us doing it once a day, to save time after school. When she has a cold or is feeling sick we agreed to switch back to the afternoon neb. He also said when she is around 8 years old he would consider switching her from pulmicort neb to an inhaler(can't remember the name). It's a powder you inhale; he didn't think she could manage that til then.


Super Moderator
So, I asked Maggie's pulmo doc about switching to an albuterol inhaler with a spacer for Maggie's mid day neb. He gave us a script to give it a try. His feeling is that the nebulizer does work better than an inhaler, but he is fine with us doing it once a day, to save time after school. When she has a cold or is feeling sick we agreed to switch back to the afternoon neb. He also said when she is around 8 years old he would consider switching her from pulmicort neb to an inhaler(can't remember the name). It's a powder you inhale; he didn't think she could manage that til then.


Super Moderator
So, I asked Maggie's pulmo doc about switching to an albuterol inhaler with a spacer for Maggie's mid day neb. He gave us a script to give it a try. His feeling is that the nebulizer does work better than an inhaler, but he is fine with us doing it once a day, to save time after school. When she has a cold or is feeling sick we agreed to switch back to the afternoon neb. He also said when she is around 8 years old he would consider switching her from pulmicort neb to an inhaler(can't remember the name). It's a powder you inhale; he didn't think she could manage that til then.