Need to whine



Hey Em,

Hang in there! This does get better! This is all like potty training and weening form the bottle or sippy cup. Some kids roll with the punches, some have a difficult adjustment. But Abby will adjust. And you will be able to relax. It just takes time, and we are here to listen whenever you need to vent!

Would it be worth a trip to the dollar store to stock up on $20 worth of junk? Maybe put together a grab bag that allows Abby to pick out one new toy or book for every treatment session. Start the nebulizer and have her put it in her mouth as she is picking out the surprise, as you open it, and as you play with it together. Maybe if the focus is on choosing the surprise and taking it out of the package, there will be less focus on the nebulizer. Just a thought...and I guess now-a-days you have to be careful about what you pick up from a dollar store (Chinese products, etc.).

Good luck, Emily, and keep us posted on how things are going.


Hey Em,

Hang in there! This does get better! This is all like potty training and weening form the bottle or sippy cup. Some kids roll with the punches, some have a difficult adjustment. But Abby will adjust. And you will be able to relax. It just takes time, and we are here to listen whenever you need to vent!

Would it be worth a trip to the dollar store to stock up on $20 worth of junk? Maybe put together a grab bag that allows Abby to pick out one new toy or book for every treatment session. Start the nebulizer and have her put it in her mouth as she is picking out the surprise, as you open it, and as you play with it together. Maybe if the focus is on choosing the surprise and taking it out of the package, there will be less focus on the nebulizer. Just a thought...and I guess now-a-days you have to be careful about what you pick up from a dollar store (Chinese products, etc.).

Good luck, Emily, and keep us posted on how things are going.


Hey Em,

Hang in there! This does get better! This is all like potty training and weening form the bottle or sippy cup. Some kids roll with the punches, some have a difficult adjustment. But Abby will adjust. And you will be able to relax. It just takes time, and we are here to listen whenever you need to vent!

Would it be worth a trip to the dollar store to stock up on $20 worth of junk? Maybe put together a grab bag that allows Abby to pick out one new toy or book for every treatment session. Start the nebulizer and have her put it in her mouth as she is picking out the surprise, as you open it, and as you play with it together. Maybe if the focus is on choosing the surprise and taking it out of the package, there will be less focus on the nebulizer. Just a thought...and I guess now-a-days you have to be careful about what you pick up from a dollar store (Chinese products, etc.).

Good luck, Emily, and keep us posted on how things are going.


Hey Em,

Hang in there! This does get better! This is all like potty training and weening form the bottle or sippy cup. Some kids roll with the punches, some have a difficult adjustment. But Abby will adjust. And you will be able to relax. It just takes time, and we are here to listen whenever you need to vent!

Would it be worth a trip to the dollar store to stock up on $20 worth of junk? Maybe put together a grab bag that allows Abby to pick out one new toy or book for every treatment session. Start the nebulizer and have her put it in her mouth as she is picking out the surprise, as you open it, and as you play with it together. Maybe if the focus is on choosing the surprise and taking it out of the package, there will be less focus on the nebulizer. Just a thought...and I guess now-a-days you have to be careful about what you pick up from a dollar store (Chinese products, etc.).

Good luck, Emily, and keep us posted on how things are going.


Hey Em,

Hang in there! This does get better! This is all like potty training and weening form the bottle or sippy cup. Some kids roll with the punches, some have a difficult adjustment. But Abby will adjust. And you will be able to relax. It just takes time, and we are here to listen whenever you need to vent!

Would it be worth a trip to the dollar store to stock up on $20 worth of junk? Maybe put together a grab bag that allows Abby to pick out one new toy or book for every treatment session. Start the nebulizer and have her put it in her mouth as she is picking out the surprise, as you open it, and as you play with it together. Maybe if the focus is on choosing the surprise and taking it out of the package, there will be less focus on the nebulizer. Just a thought...and I guess now-a-days you have to be careful about what you pick up from a dollar store (Chinese products, etc.).

Good luck, Emily, and keep us posted on how things are going.


Staff member
Friend of mine's granddaughter, who is DS's age was diagnosed at 18 months and they had similar problems. They struggled and struggled, CPT took forever -- only one person could do it at a time or she'd yell and scream for help from the other parent... Fortunately, they were able to get a vest for her shortly afterwards. I would think she'd be big enough, maybe if you contacted the clinic, and explained your troubles, they could get a prescription written. It used to be you'd have to wait until your child was a certain age/size, but I believe the vest companies now make an extra small sized vest.

Another thing, since she's apparently afraid of the nebulizer, maybe hook up the hose, turn it on and show her how she can shoot air in Mommy or Daddy's face <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Friend of mine's granddaughter, who is DS's age was diagnosed at 18 months and they had similar problems. They struggled and struggled, CPT took forever -- only one person could do it at a time or she'd yell and scream for help from the other parent... Fortunately, they were able to get a vest for her shortly afterwards. I would think she'd be big enough, maybe if you contacted the clinic, and explained your troubles, they could get a prescription written. It used to be you'd have to wait until your child was a certain age/size, but I believe the vest companies now make an extra small sized vest.

Another thing, since she's apparently afraid of the nebulizer, maybe hook up the hose, turn it on and show her how she can shoot air in Mommy or Daddy's face <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Friend of mine's granddaughter, who is DS's age was diagnosed at 18 months and they had similar problems. They struggled and struggled, CPT took forever -- only one person could do it at a time or she'd yell and scream for help from the other parent... Fortunately, they were able to get a vest for her shortly afterwards. I would think she'd be big enough, maybe if you contacted the clinic, and explained your troubles, they could get a prescription written. It used to be you'd have to wait until your child was a certain age/size, but I believe the vest companies now make an extra small sized vest.

Another thing, since she's apparently afraid of the nebulizer, maybe hook up the hose, turn it on and show her how she can shoot air in Mommy or Daddy's face <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Friend of mine's granddaughter, who is DS's age was diagnosed at 18 months and they had similar problems. They struggled and struggled, CPT took forever -- only one person could do it at a time or she'd yell and scream for help from the other parent... Fortunately, they were able to get a vest for her shortly afterwards. I would think she'd be big enough, maybe if you contacted the clinic, and explained your troubles, they could get a prescription written. It used to be you'd have to wait until your child was a certain age/size, but I believe the vest companies now make an extra small sized vest.

Another thing, since she's apparently afraid of the nebulizer, maybe hook up the hose, turn it on and show her how she can shoot air in Mommy or Daddy's face <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Staff member
Friend of mine's granddaughter, who is DS's age was diagnosed at 18 months and they had similar problems. They struggled and struggled, CPT took forever -- only one person could do it at a time or she'd yell and scream for help from the other parent... Fortunately, they were able to get a vest for her shortly afterwards. I would think she'd be big enough, maybe if you contacted the clinic, and explained your troubles, they could get a prescription written. It used to be you'd have to wait until your child was a certain age/size, but I believe the vest companies now make an extra small sized vest.

Another thing, since she's apparently afraid of the nebulizer, maybe hook up the hose, turn it on and show her how she can shoot air in Mommy or Daddy's face <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Overall Ashton has never been scared of his treatments but hes been doing them since he was 3 days old.. But we do have our days where he absolutley dosent want to do them Dora and Diego are all we can watch during his treatments.. I still have to sit with him and he wont hold his neb cups but everyonce in a while he will.. Usually he wont let anyone else but me do his treatments unless im not around. as for the screaming and crying hes done that a few times also, just try and explain that is has to be done.. Ashton now has days that if he wont sit down for his treatment and he sees me putting the vest away he will throw a fit until i get it back out and hes sitting on the couch by then... so it does get better unless they are just in a bad mood and having a bad day


New member
Overall Ashton has never been scared of his treatments but hes been doing them since he was 3 days old.. But we do have our days where he absolutley dosent want to do them Dora and Diego are all we can watch during his treatments.. I still have to sit with him and he wont hold his neb cups but everyonce in a while he will.. Usually he wont let anyone else but me do his treatments unless im not around. as for the screaming and crying hes done that a few times also, just try and explain that is has to be done.. Ashton now has days that if he wont sit down for his treatment and he sees me putting the vest away he will throw a fit until i get it back out and hes sitting on the couch by then... so it does get better unless they are just in a bad mood and having a bad day


New member
Overall Ashton has never been scared of his treatments but hes been doing them since he was 3 days old.. But we do have our days where he absolutley dosent want to do them Dora and Diego are all we can watch during his treatments.. I still have to sit with him and he wont hold his neb cups but everyonce in a while he will.. Usually he wont let anyone else but me do his treatments unless im not around. as for the screaming and crying hes done that a few times also, just try and explain that is has to be done.. Ashton now has days that if he wont sit down for his treatment and he sees me putting the vest away he will throw a fit until i get it back out and hes sitting on the couch by then... so it does get better unless they are just in a bad mood and having a bad day


New member
Overall Ashton has never been scared of his treatments but hes been doing them since he was 3 days old.. But we do have our days where he absolutley dosent want to do them Dora and Diego are all we can watch during his treatments.. I still have to sit with him and he wont hold his neb cups but everyonce in a while he will.. Usually he wont let anyone else but me do his treatments unless im not around. as for the screaming and crying hes done that a few times also, just try and explain that is has to be done.. Ashton now has days that if he wont sit down for his treatment and he sees me putting the vest away he will throw a fit until i get it back out and hes sitting on the couch by then... so it does get better unless they are just in a bad mood and having a bad day


New member
Overall Ashton has never been scared of his treatments but hes been doing them since he was 3 days old.. But we do have our days where he absolutley dosent want to do them Dora and Diego are all we can watch during his treatments.. I still have to sit with him and he wont hold his neb cups but everyonce in a while he will.. Usually he wont let anyone else but me do his treatments unless im not around. as for the screaming and crying hes done that a few times also, just try and explain that is has to be done.. Ashton now has days that if he wont sit down for his treatment and he sees me putting the vest away he will throw a fit until i get it back out and hes sitting on the couch by then... so it does get better unless they are just in a bad mood and having a bad day


Active member
I have to be in denial about what my 15 month (almost 16 month) old child is capable of doing and understanding. She's my youngest and will always be my youngest, so I bet I need to look at some child development stuff!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> LOL

I greatly appreciate all of your ideas and advice. I'm glad to know that it seems that this age is a struggle with meds! She'll drink any medicine, even the nasty tasting stuff. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok, back to the drawing board. Thanks for the ideas folks! I feel better now!



Active member
I have to be in denial about what my 15 month (almost 16 month) old child is capable of doing and understanding. She's my youngest and will always be my youngest, so I bet I need to look at some child development stuff!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> LOL

I greatly appreciate all of your ideas and advice. I'm glad to know that it seems that this age is a struggle with meds! She'll drink any medicine, even the nasty tasting stuff. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok, back to the drawing board. Thanks for the ideas folks! I feel better now!



Active member
I have to be in denial about what my 15 month (almost 16 month) old child is capable of doing and understanding. She's my youngest and will always be my youngest, so I bet I need to look at some child development stuff!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> LOL

I greatly appreciate all of your ideas and advice. I'm glad to know that it seems that this age is a struggle with meds! She'll drink any medicine, even the nasty tasting stuff. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok, back to the drawing board. Thanks for the ideas folks! I feel better now!



Active member
I have to be in denial about what my 15 month (almost 16 month) old child is capable of doing and understanding. She's my youngest and will always be my youngest, so I bet I need to look at some child development stuff!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> LOL

I greatly appreciate all of your ideas and advice. I'm glad to know that it seems that this age is a struggle with meds! She'll drink any medicine, even the nasty tasting stuff. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok, back to the drawing board. Thanks for the ideas folks! I feel better now!



Active member
I have to be in denial about what my 15 month (almost 16 month) old child is capable of doing and understanding. She's my youngest and will always be my youngest, so I bet I need to look at some child development stuff!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> LOL

I greatly appreciate all of your ideas and advice. I'm glad to know that it seems that this age is a struggle with meds! She'll drink any medicine, even the nasty tasting stuff. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok, back to the drawing board. Thanks for the ideas folks! I feel better now!
