new baby


New member
Hi Nancy,

Congratulations on your new baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'm AJ and I'm a 27 year old with cf. I just wanted to encourage you with my story:
I'm very healthy, in fact most people don't even know I have cf, I think I am fitter than the majority of people my age. I've only been admitted to hospital once in my life, but do have to do lots of treatments at home to keep it this way.

I've been to Uni (college), I work full time, I'm married and about to start a family of my own.

Of course, everyone's story is different, but there are heaps of stories like this on this site. Don't let go of your hopes and dreams for your little one!



New member
Hi Nancy,

Congratulations on your new baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'm AJ and I'm a 27 year old with cf. I just wanted to encourage you with my story:
I'm very healthy, in fact most people don't even know I have cf, I think I am fitter than the majority of people my age. I've only been admitted to hospital once in my life, but do have to do lots of treatments at home to keep it this way.

I've been to Uni (college), I work full time, I'm married and about to start a family of my own.

Of course, everyone's story is different, but there are heaps of stories like this on this site. Don't let go of your hopes and dreams for your little one!



New member
Hi Nancy,

Congratulations on your new baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'm AJ and I'm a 27 year old with cf. I just wanted to encourage you with my story:
I'm very healthy, in fact most people don't even know I have cf, I think I am fitter than the majority of people my age. I've only been admitted to hospital once in my life, but do have to do lots of treatments at home to keep it this way.

I've been to Uni (college), I work full time, I'm married and about to start a family of my own.

Of course, everyone's story is different, but there are heaps of stories like this on this site. Don't let go of your hopes and dreams for your little one!



New member
Hi Nancy,

Congratulations on your new baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'm AJ and I'm a 27 year old with cf. I just wanted to encourage you with my story:
I'm very healthy, in fact most people don't even know I have cf, I think I am fitter than the majority of people my age. I've only been admitted to hospital once in my life, but do have to do lots of treatments at home to keep it this way.

I've been to Uni (college), I work full time, I'm married and about to start a family of my own.

Of course, everyone's story is different, but there are heaps of stories like this on this site. Don't let go of your hopes and dreams for your little one!



New member
Hi Nancy,
<br />
<br />Congratulations on your new baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />I'm AJ and I'm a 27 year old with cf. I just wanted to encourage you with my story:
<br />I'm very healthy, in fact most people don't even know I have cf, I think I am fitter than the majority of people my age. I've only been admitted to hospital once in my life, but do have to do lots of treatments at home to keep it this way.
<br />
<br />I've been to Uni (college), I work full time, I'm married and about to start a family of my own.
<br />
<br />Of course, everyone's story is different, but there are heaps of stories like this on this site. Don't let go of your hopes and dreams for your little one!
<br />
<br />AJ


New member
Hello Nancy I wanted to welcome you to this site.

My son is 7 years old and lives as much of a normal life as he can. Yes he gets sick and takes medicines. But he is relatively healthy. He is very active with sports and loves to run and play like any normal kid.

Most people do not know he has CF either. It has become second nature at our house giving the meds and breathing treatments. He is even getting to the age of just grabbing his meds everytime he gets something to eat.

Anyways I want to wish you the best of luck and Congrats on the baby.


New member
Hello Nancy I wanted to welcome you to this site.

My son is 7 years old and lives as much of a normal life as he can. Yes he gets sick and takes medicines. But he is relatively healthy. He is very active with sports and loves to run and play like any normal kid.

Most people do not know he has CF either. It has become second nature at our house giving the meds and breathing treatments. He is even getting to the age of just grabbing his meds everytime he gets something to eat.

Anyways I want to wish you the best of luck and Congrats on the baby.


New member
Hello Nancy I wanted to welcome you to this site.

My son is 7 years old and lives as much of a normal life as he can. Yes he gets sick and takes medicines. But he is relatively healthy. He is very active with sports and loves to run and play like any normal kid.

Most people do not know he has CF either. It has become second nature at our house giving the meds and breathing treatments. He is even getting to the age of just grabbing his meds everytime he gets something to eat.

Anyways I want to wish you the best of luck and Congrats on the baby.


New member
Hello Nancy I wanted to welcome you to this site.

My son is 7 years old and lives as much of a normal life as he can. Yes he gets sick and takes medicines. But he is relatively healthy. He is very active with sports and loves to run and play like any normal kid.

Most people do not know he has CF either. It has become second nature at our house giving the meds and breathing treatments. He is even getting to the age of just grabbing his meds everytime he gets something to eat.

Anyways I want to wish you the best of luck and Congrats on the baby.


New member
Hello Nancy I wanted to welcome you to this site.
<br />
<br />My son is 7 years old and lives as much of a normal life as he can. Yes he gets sick and takes medicines. But he is relatively healthy. He is very active with sports and loves to run and play like any normal kid.
<br />
<br />Most people do not know he has CF either. It has become second nature at our house giving the meds and breathing treatments. He is even getting to the age of just grabbing his meds everytime he gets something to eat.
<br />
<br />Anyways I want to wish you the best of luck and Congrats on the baby.


Hi Nancy,

just wanted to echo AJ's sentiment: there are lots of different outcomes w. CF but I too am on the healthier side of the disease, 29, lung function over 100%, and am training for a 100 mile bike ride! The MOST IMPORTANT tool I have is attitude, attitude, attitude. Positivity and optimism are the only ways to handle life when you get thrown a curve ball.


Hi Nancy,

just wanted to echo AJ's sentiment: there are lots of different outcomes w. CF but I too am on the healthier side of the disease, 29, lung function over 100%, and am training for a 100 mile bike ride! The MOST IMPORTANT tool I have is attitude, attitude, attitude. Positivity and optimism are the only ways to handle life when you get thrown a curve ball.


Hi Nancy,

just wanted to echo AJ's sentiment: there are lots of different outcomes w. CF but I too am on the healthier side of the disease, 29, lung function over 100%, and am training for a 100 mile bike ride! The MOST IMPORTANT tool I have is attitude, attitude, attitude. Positivity and optimism are the only ways to handle life when you get thrown a curve ball.


Hi Nancy,

just wanted to echo AJ's sentiment: there are lots of different outcomes w. CF but I too am on the healthier side of the disease, 29, lung function over 100%, and am training for a 100 mile bike ride! The MOST IMPORTANT tool I have is attitude, attitude, attitude. Positivity and optimism are the only ways to handle life when you get thrown a curve ball.


Hi Nancy,
<br />
<br />just wanted to echo AJ's sentiment: there are lots of different outcomes w. CF but I too am on the healthier side of the disease, 29, lung function over 100%, and am training for a 100 mile bike ride! The MOST IMPORTANT tool I have is attitude, attitude, attitude. Positivity and optimism are the only ways to handle life when you get thrown a curve ball.