New Mom- help understanding dx of CF



Get the genetics done, if you can get your insurance to cover it. From what I've read, high IRTs can be an indication of carrier CF status. It most definitely doesn't mean your child has cF, but a 27 is not a LOW sweat number even though its in the negative range. Many centers consider 30 borderline. IMO, I'd err on the side of caution -- better to know now pre-symptoms and get excellent preventative care, than to wait until possible lung damage sets in to find out. And for what its worth, my daughter is 2 and has no lung involvement and is pancreatic sufficient (so basically NO symptoms).


Get the genetics done, if you can get your insurance to cover it. From what I've read, high IRTs can be an indication of carrier CF status. It most definitely doesn't mean your child has cF, but a 27 is not a LOW sweat number even though its in the negative range. Many centers consider 30 borderline. IMO, I'd err on the side of caution -- better to know now pre-symptoms and get excellent preventative care, than to wait until possible lung damage sets in to find out. And for what its worth, my daughter is 2 and has no lung involvement and is pancreatic sufficient (so basically NO symptoms).


Get the genetics done, if you can get your insurance to cover it. From what I've read, high IRTs can be an indication of carrier CF status. It most definitely doesn't mean your child has cF, but a 27 is not a LOW sweat number even though its in the negative range. Many centers consider 30 borderline. IMO, I'd err on the side of caution -- better to know now pre-symptoms and get excellent preventative care, than to wait until possible lung damage sets in to find out. And for what its worth, my daughter is 2 and has no lung involvement and is pancreatic sufficient (so basically NO symptoms).


Get the genetics done, if you can get your insurance to cover it. From what I've read, high IRTs can be an indication of carrier CF status. It most definitely doesn't mean your child has cF, but a 27 is not a LOW sweat number even though its in the negative range. Many centers consider 30 borderline. IMO, I'd err on the side of caution -- better to know now pre-symptoms and get excellent preventative care, than to wait until possible lung damage sets in to find out. And for what its worth, my daughter is 2 and has no lung involvement and is pancreatic sufficient (so basically NO symptoms).


Get the genetics done, if you can get your insurance to cover it. From what I've read, high IRTs can be an indication of carrier CF status. It most definitely doesn't mean your child has cF, but a 27 is not a LOW sweat number even though its in the negative range. Many centers consider 30 borderline. IMO, I'd err on the side of caution -- better to know now pre-symptoms and get excellent preventative care, than to wait until possible lung damage sets in to find out. And for what its worth, my daughter is 2 and has no lung involvement and is pancreatic sufficient (so basically NO symptoms).


New member
Thanks guys- I knew that you would know what to do, of course as a mom and christian I don't think there is anything wrong, I have a since of peace. However; from the medical standpoint I think if our insurance will cover the testing, why not have it done.
And Heather, I didn't know that high IRT levels might indicated she is a carrier, I have learned some much from this site and you guys are awesome.
We go to the ped on Monday for Pyper's 4 month checkup maybe they will have some news about the insurance company paying for testing.
Thanks so much!!!
Everyone here is such and inspiration and I truely do everyday and everynight pray for every family on this site and wheather or not by daughter has it, I have vowed to help this fight and help find a cure.

I will keep you posted!


New member
Thanks guys- I knew that you would know what to do, of course as a mom and christian I don't think there is anything wrong, I have a since of peace. However; from the medical standpoint I think if our insurance will cover the testing, why not have it done.
And Heather, I didn't know that high IRT levels might indicated she is a carrier, I have learned some much from this site and you guys are awesome.
We go to the ped on Monday for Pyper's 4 month checkup maybe they will have some news about the insurance company paying for testing.
Thanks so much!!!
Everyone here is such and inspiration and I truely do everyday and everynight pray for every family on this site and wheather or not by daughter has it, I have vowed to help this fight and help find a cure.

I will keep you posted!


New member
Thanks guys- I knew that you would know what to do, of course as a mom and christian I don't think there is anything wrong, I have a since of peace. However; from the medical standpoint I think if our insurance will cover the testing, why not have it done.
And Heather, I didn't know that high IRT levels might indicated she is a carrier, I have learned some much from this site and you guys are awesome.
We go to the ped on Monday for Pyper's 4 month checkup maybe they will have some news about the insurance company paying for testing.
Thanks so much!!!
Everyone here is such and inspiration and I truely do everyday and everynight pray for every family on this site and wheather or not by daughter has it, I have vowed to help this fight and help find a cure.

I will keep you posted!


New member
Thanks guys- I knew that you would know what to do, of course as a mom and christian I don't think there is anything wrong, I have a since of peace. However; from the medical standpoint I think if our insurance will cover the testing, why not have it done.
And Heather, I didn't know that high IRT levels might indicated she is a carrier, I have learned some much from this site and you guys are awesome.
We go to the ped on Monday for Pyper's 4 month checkup maybe they will have some news about the insurance company paying for testing.
Thanks so much!!!
Everyone here is such and inspiration and I truely do everyday and everynight pray for every family on this site and wheather or not by daughter has it, I have vowed to help this fight and help find a cure.

I will keep you posted!


New member
Thanks guys- I knew that you would know what to do, of course as a mom and christian I don't think there is anything wrong, I have a since of peace. However; from the medical standpoint I think if our insurance will cover the testing, why not have it done.
<br />And Heather, I didn't know that high IRT levels might indicated she is a carrier, I have learned some much from this site and you guys are awesome.
<br />We go to the ped on Monday for Pyper's 4 month checkup maybe they will have some news about the insurance company paying for testing.
<br />Thanks so much!!!
<br />Everyone here is such and inspiration and I truely do everyday and everynight pray for every family on this site and wheather or not by daughter has it, I have vowed to help this fight and help find a cure.
<br />
<br />I will keep you posted!


New member
There are numerous stories on the forums of people having normal sweat tests who turned out to have CF. To be perfectly honest, now that genetic testing is available I don't even know why they bother to use the sweat test anymore. Get the genetic test!


New member
There are numerous stories on the forums of people having normal sweat tests who turned out to have CF. To be perfectly honest, now that genetic testing is available I don't even know why they bother to use the sweat test anymore. Get the genetic test!


New member
There are numerous stories on the forums of people having normal sweat tests who turned out to have CF. To be perfectly honest, now that genetic testing is available I don't even know why they bother to use the sweat test anymore. Get the genetic test!


New member
There are numerous stories on the forums of people having normal sweat tests who turned out to have CF. To be perfectly honest, now that genetic testing is available I don't even know why they bother to use the sweat test anymore. Get the genetic test!


New member
There are numerous stories on the forums of people having normal sweat tests who turned out to have CF. To be perfectly honest, now that genetic testing is available I don't even know why they bother to use the sweat test anymore. Get the genetic test!


New member
My children would have fit the exact same profile as you child at that age... we didn't see any symptoms until age 5 years and age 21 years.... get the test, then you will know for sure. <b>Just because she doesn't have symptoms now does by no means mean she does not have CF</b>.... also sweat tests are only good when the numbers are good and high... <b>there are numerous people on this list who have "normal" sweat test numbers, but do have two CF genes.... please please please pursue genetic testing....</b>it is only a blood test... you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.


New member
My children would have fit the exact same profile as you child at that age... we didn't see any symptoms until age 5 years and age 21 years.... get the test, then you will know for sure. <b>Just because she doesn't have symptoms now does by no means mean she does not have CF</b>.... also sweat tests are only good when the numbers are good and high... <b>there are numerous people on this list who have "normal" sweat test numbers, but do have two CF genes.... please please please pursue genetic testing....</b>it is only a blood test... you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.


New member
My children would have fit the exact same profile as you child at that age... we didn't see any symptoms until age 5 years and age 21 years.... get the test, then you will know for sure. <b>Just because she doesn't have symptoms now does by no means mean she does not have CF</b>.... also sweat tests are only good when the numbers are good and high... <b>there are numerous people on this list who have "normal" sweat test numbers, but do have two CF genes.... please please please pursue genetic testing....</b>it is only a blood test... you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.


New member
My children would have fit the exact same profile as you child at that age... we didn't see any symptoms until age 5 years and age 21 years.... get the test, then you will know for sure. <b>Just because she doesn't have symptoms now does by no means mean she does not have CF</b>.... also sweat tests are only good when the numbers are good and high... <b>there are numerous people on this list who have "normal" sweat test numbers, but do have two CF genes.... please please please pursue genetic testing....</b>it is only a blood test... you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.


New member
My children would have fit the exact same profile as you child at that age... we didn't see any symptoms until age 5 years and age 21 years.... get the test, then you will know for sure. <b>Just because she doesn't have symptoms now does by no means mean she does not have CF</b>.... also sweat tests are only good when the numbers are good and high... <b>there are numerous people on this list who have "normal" sweat test numbers, but do have two CF genes.... please please please pursue genetic testing....</b>it is only a blood test... you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.