
New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> have a great day and don't listen to those who want everybody else to be as miserable as themselves!!! Yay!</end quote></div>

and that's even lower.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> have a great day and don't listen to those who want everybody else to be as miserable as themselves!!! Yay!</end quote></div>

and that's even lower.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> have a great day and don't listen to those who want everybody else to be as miserable as themselves!!! Yay!</end quote></div>

and that's even lower.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> have a great day and don't listen to those who want everybody else to be as miserable as themselves!!! Yay!</end quote>

and that's even lower.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> have a great day and don't listen to those who want everybody else to be as miserable as themselves!!! Yay!</end quote>

and that's even lower.


New member
There are those that do flips over every little hypothesized hope out there. I believe these are the ones that haven't actually "accepted and therefore deal with" CF in a healthy way. You don't live FOR the cure. You live despite a cure. If you can't do that, your mind will break.

Then there are those that have heard these hypothesis of hope over and over and over and over. They are the ones that quit listening because, if they don't, their spirit will break.

..... And then it happens, 1 in 1 million pan out to actually become something we can use (like HTS for instance).

I believe the majority of us live in the middle somewhere. We accept and deal with what struggles and frustrations CF may bring us each passing day, week, month and year. While we know there are MANY out there whose life's work is researching (ALL THE TIME) to find better ways to help manage CF, and eventually, to find the cure - We also don't live on every baited breath.

That would get tiresome, we'd begin to loose hope in hope itself, and we'd give up even trying to maintain. We know the researchers are out there, we can't thank them enough. And when something is mentioned, we cross our fingers that it's one of those 1 in 1 million shots at the next step forward towards "progress" in helping us live better and longer and healthier.

EDIT to say: I agree with Em below.


New member
There are those that do flips over every little hypothesized hope out there. I believe these are the ones that haven't actually "accepted and therefore deal with" CF in a healthy way. You don't live FOR the cure. You live despite a cure. If you can't do that, your mind will break.

Then there are those that have heard these hypothesis of hope over and over and over and over. They are the ones that quit listening because, if they don't, their spirit will break.

..... And then it happens, 1 in 1 million pan out to actually become something we can use (like HTS for instance).

I believe the majority of us live in the middle somewhere. We accept and deal with what struggles and frustrations CF may bring us each passing day, week, month and year. While we know there are MANY out there whose life's work is researching (ALL THE TIME) to find better ways to help manage CF, and eventually, to find the cure - We also don't live on every baited breath.

That would get tiresome, we'd begin to loose hope in hope itself, and we'd give up even trying to maintain. We know the researchers are out there, we can't thank them enough. And when something is mentioned, we cross our fingers that it's one of those 1 in 1 million shots at the next step forward towards "progress" in helping us live better and longer and healthier.

EDIT to say: I agree with Em below.


New member
There are those that do flips over every little hypothesized hope out there. I believe these are the ones that haven't actually "accepted and therefore deal with" CF in a healthy way. You don't live FOR the cure. You live despite a cure. If you can't do that, your mind will break.

Then there are those that have heard these hypothesis of hope over and over and over and over. They are the ones that quit listening because, if they don't, their spirit will break.

..... And then it happens, 1 in 1 million pan out to actually become something we can use (like HTS for instance).

I believe the majority of us live in the middle somewhere. We accept and deal with what struggles and frustrations CF may bring us each passing day, week, month and year. While we know there are MANY out there whose life's work is researching (ALL THE TIME) to find better ways to help manage CF, and eventually, to find the cure - We also don't live on every baited breath.

That would get tiresome, we'd begin to loose hope in hope itself, and we'd give up even trying to maintain. We know the researchers are out there, we can't thank them enough. And when something is mentioned, we cross our fingers that it's one of those 1 in 1 million shots at the next step forward towards "progress" in helping us live better and longer and healthier.

EDIT to say: I agree with Em below.


New member
There are those that do flips over every little hypothesized hope out there. I believe these are the ones that haven't actually "accepted and therefore deal with" CF in a healthy way. You don't live FOR the cure. You live despite a cure. If you can't do that, your mind will break.

Then there are those that have heard these hypothesis of hope over and over and over and over. They are the ones that quit listening because, if they don't, their spirit will break.

..... And then it happens, 1 in 1 million pan out to actually become something we can use (like HTS for instance).

I believe the majority of us live in the middle somewhere. We accept and deal with what struggles and frustrations CF may bring us each passing day, week, month and year. While we know there are MANY out there whose life's work is researching (ALL THE TIME) to find better ways to help manage CF, and eventually, to find the cure - We also don't live on every baited breath.

That would get tiresome, we'd begin to loose hope in hope itself, and we'd give up even trying to maintain. We know the researchers are out there, we can't thank them enough. And when something is mentioned, we cross our fingers that it's one of those 1 in 1 million shots at the next step forward towards "progress" in helping us live better and longer and healthier.

EDIT to say: I agree with Em below.


New member
There are those that do flips over every little hypothesized hope out there. I believe these are the ones that haven't actually "accepted and therefore deal with" CF in a healthy way. You don't live FOR the cure. You live despite a cure. If you can't do that, your mind will break.

Then there are those that have heard these hypothesis of hope over and over and over and over. They are the ones that quit listening because, if they don't, their spirit will break.

..... And then it happens, 1 in 1 million pan out to actually become something we can use (like HTS for instance).

I believe the majority of us live in the middle somewhere. We accept and deal with what struggles and frustrations CF may bring us each passing day, week, month and year. While we know there are MANY out there whose life's work is researching (ALL THE TIME) to find better ways to help manage CF, and eventually, to find the cure - We also don't live on every baited breath.

That would get tiresome, we'd begin to loose hope in hope itself, and we'd give up even trying to maintain. We know the researchers are out there, we can't thank them enough. And when something is mentioned, we cross our fingers that it's one of those 1 in 1 million shots at the next step forward towards "progress" in helping us live better and longer and healthier.

EDIT to say: I agree with Em below.


New member
Spacemom, when you've been hearing for 18 years (or 29 years in Kswitch's case) that a cure is "right around the corner," you can talk to me or him about how we're not ready to jump on your article's hope wagon. I have said it before, I will say it again, I will believe in a cure when I actually see it. When it's big news, when it appears everywhere, that's when I'll put some effort into paying attention. In the meantime, there's plenty of good stuff to put effort into. New meds (HTS is fairly new, as an example), among many other things.

Furthermore, just because Kswitch doesn't want to jump on it doesn't mean he's negative (or that he wants everyone to be as "negative" as he is --- that was a totally juvenile, pointless, and uncalled-for statement to throw in at the end). He's being realistic. I'm of the same opinion, personally.

And finally, threads and blogs get very few replies for hundreds of views (if you look at threads and blogs, you will see a pattern there). Don't take it personally and don't expect that everyone that views it will reply. I look at a whole lot of stuff I don't reply to. I simply don't have the time to reply to everything I read.


New member
Spacemom, when you've been hearing for 18 years (or 29 years in Kswitch's case) that a cure is "right around the corner," you can talk to me or him about how we're not ready to jump on your article's hope wagon. I have said it before, I will say it again, I will believe in a cure when I actually see it. When it's big news, when it appears everywhere, that's when I'll put some effort into paying attention. In the meantime, there's plenty of good stuff to put effort into. New meds (HTS is fairly new, as an example), among many other things.

Furthermore, just because Kswitch doesn't want to jump on it doesn't mean he's negative (or that he wants everyone to be as "negative" as he is --- that was a totally juvenile, pointless, and uncalled-for statement to throw in at the end). He's being realistic. I'm of the same opinion, personally.

And finally, threads and blogs get very few replies for hundreds of views (if you look at threads and blogs, you will see a pattern there). Don't take it personally and don't expect that everyone that views it will reply. I look at a whole lot of stuff I don't reply to. I simply don't have the time to reply to everything I read.


New member
Spacemom, when you've been hearing for 18 years (or 29 years in Kswitch's case) that a cure is "right around the corner," you can talk to me or him about how we're not ready to jump on your article's hope wagon. I have said it before, I will say it again, I will believe in a cure when I actually see it. When it's big news, when it appears everywhere, that's when I'll put some effort into paying attention. In the meantime, there's plenty of good stuff to put effort into. New meds (HTS is fairly new, as an example), among many other things.

Furthermore, just because Kswitch doesn't want to jump on it doesn't mean he's negative (or that he wants everyone to be as "negative" as he is --- that was a totally juvenile, pointless, and uncalled-for statement to throw in at the end). He's being realistic. I'm of the same opinion, personally.

And finally, threads and blogs get very few replies for hundreds of views (if you look at threads and blogs, you will see a pattern there). Don't take it personally and don't expect that everyone that views it will reply. I look at a whole lot of stuff I don't reply to. I simply don't have the time to reply to everything I read.


New member
Spacemom, when you've been hearing for 18 years (or 29 years in Kswitch's case) that a cure is "right around the corner," you can talk to me or him about how we're not ready to jump on your article's hope wagon. I have said it before, I will say it again, I will believe in a cure when I actually see it. When it's big news, when it appears everywhere, that's when I'll put some effort into paying attention. In the meantime, there's plenty of good stuff to put effort into. New meds (HTS is fairly new, as an example), among many other things.

Furthermore, just because Kswitch doesn't want to jump on it doesn't mean he's negative (or that he wants everyone to be as "negative" as he is --- that was a totally juvenile, pointless, and uncalled-for statement to throw in at the end). He's being realistic. I'm of the same opinion, personally.

And finally, threads and blogs get very few replies for hundreds of views (if you look at threads and blogs, you will see a pattern there). Don't take it personally and don't expect that everyone that views it will reply. I look at a whole lot of stuff I don't reply to. I simply don't have the time to reply to everything I read.


New member
Spacemom, when you've been hearing for 18 years (or 29 years in Kswitch's case) that a cure is "right around the corner," you can talk to me or him about how we're not ready to jump on your article's hope wagon. I have said it before, I will say it again, I will believe in a cure when I actually see it. When it's big news, when it appears everywhere, that's when I'll put some effort into paying attention. In the meantime, there's plenty of good stuff to put effort into. New meds (HTS is fairly new, as an example), among many other things.

Furthermore, just because Kswitch doesn't want to jump on it doesn't mean he's negative (or that he wants everyone to be as "negative" as he is --- that was a totally juvenile, pointless, and uncalled-for statement to throw in at the end). He's being realistic. I'm of the same opinion, personally.

And finally, threads and blogs get very few replies for hundreds of views (if you look at threads and blogs, you will see a pattern there). Don't take it personally and don't expect that everyone that views it will reply. I look at a whole lot of stuff I don't reply to. I simply don't have the time to reply to everything I read.


New member
All she was asking for was a simple acknowledgement, or a "hmmm, this is interesting"--not ANOTHER point about how all of this is <i>"pointless, going nowhere, been there, no cure, wasted of time, find me when there's a cure" crap</i>. It was NOT presented as the "hope of a lifetime" but just another thing on the pipeline, in case some of us had not seen it. So she was musing that it must be a waste of her time to post it as no one seemed interested. It was just an article being brought to our attention. So why the "I've been reading this stuff for so and so years and so thats why I'm not jumping up and down" bit?

Obviously a few of you were not interested in the info, so why take the time to even reply now...I'm confused--you didn't care about the info but cared to respond to her reply about you not being interested, even tho you didnt have the time to reply before...???

I am of the opinion that there will NEVER BE A CURE--it has to be something that can alter our genes--that is the only way...but there WILL be something that can improve the quality of life, or even prolong it a few more years, even if it is only for a few of us. So I will take articles like this and file them in the "hope this goes somewhere" file. I won't just chuck it in the "won't waste my time reading" file.

It's like the story of the boy and the starfish--
A boy was going along the beach and throwing out starfish, one at a time, to save them from the tide ebbing. A man said that was hopeless as there are thousands of starfish laying there--what difference could he make. The boy threw another one out into the ocean--"It made a difference to that one".

EVERY little bit of research is important in the grand scheme--someone may come along and grab an idea that was researched years ago, add a new twist, and something may come of it.

I reitterate--a simple "thanks for the info" was all that was needed, and asked for.


New member
All she was asking for was a simple acknowledgement, or a "hmmm, this is interesting"--not ANOTHER point about how all of this is <i>"pointless, going nowhere, been there, no cure, wasted of time, find me when there's a cure" crap</i>. It was NOT presented as the "hope of a lifetime" but just another thing on the pipeline, in case some of us had not seen it. So she was musing that it must be a waste of her time to post it as no one seemed interested. It was just an article being brought to our attention. So why the "I've been reading this stuff for so and so years and so thats why I'm not jumping up and down" bit?

Obviously a few of you were not interested in the info, so why take the time to even reply now...I'm confused--you didn't care about the info but cared to respond to her reply about you not being interested, even tho you didnt have the time to reply before...???

I am of the opinion that there will NEVER BE A CURE--it has to be something that can alter our genes--that is the only way...but there WILL be something that can improve the quality of life, or even prolong it a few more years, even if it is only for a few of us. So I will take articles like this and file them in the "hope this goes somewhere" file. I won't just chuck it in the "won't waste my time reading" file.

It's like the story of the boy and the starfish--
A boy was going along the beach and throwing out starfish, one at a time, to save them from the tide ebbing. A man said that was hopeless as there are thousands of starfish laying there--what difference could he make. The boy threw another one out into the ocean--"It made a difference to that one".

EVERY little bit of research is important in the grand scheme--someone may come along and grab an idea that was researched years ago, add a new twist, and something may come of it.

I reitterate--a simple "thanks for the info" was all that was needed, and asked for.


New member
All she was asking for was a simple acknowledgement, or a "hmmm, this is interesting"--not ANOTHER point about how all of this is <i>"pointless, going nowhere, been there, no cure, wasted of time, find me when there's a cure" crap</i>. It was NOT presented as the "hope of a lifetime" but just another thing on the pipeline, in case some of us had not seen it. So she was musing that it must be a waste of her time to post it as no one seemed interested. It was just an article being brought to our attention. So why the "I've been reading this stuff for so and so years and so thats why I'm not jumping up and down" bit?

Obviously a few of you were not interested in the info, so why take the time to even reply now...I'm confused--you didn't care about the info but cared to respond to her reply about you not being interested, even tho you didnt have the time to reply before...???

I am of the opinion that there will NEVER BE A CURE--it has to be something that can alter our genes--that is the only way...but there WILL be something that can improve the quality of life, or even prolong it a few more years, even if it is only for a few of us. So I will take articles like this and file them in the "hope this goes somewhere" file. I won't just chuck it in the "won't waste my time reading" file.

It's like the story of the boy and the starfish--
A boy was going along the beach and throwing out starfish, one at a time, to save them from the tide ebbing. A man said that was hopeless as there are thousands of starfish laying there--what difference could he make. The boy threw another one out into the ocean--"It made a difference to that one".

EVERY little bit of research is important in the grand scheme--someone may come along and grab an idea that was researched years ago, add a new twist, and something may come of it.

I reitterate--a simple "thanks for the info" was all that was needed, and asked for.


New member
All she was asking for was a simple acknowledgement, or a "hmmm, this is interesting"--not ANOTHER point about how all of this is <i>"pointless, going nowhere, been there, no cure, wasted of time, find me when there's a cure" crap</i>. It was NOT presented as the "hope of a lifetime" but just another thing on the pipeline, in case some of us had not seen it. So she was musing that it must be a waste of her time to post it as no one seemed interested. It was just an article being brought to our attention. So why the "I've been reading this stuff for so and so years and so thats why I'm not jumping up and down" bit?

Obviously a few of you were not interested in the info, so why take the time to even reply now...I'm confused--you didn't care about the info but cared to respond to her reply about you not being interested, even tho you didnt have the time to reply before...???

I am of the opinion that there will NEVER BE A CURE--it has to be something that can alter our genes--that is the only way...but there WILL be something that can improve the quality of life, or even prolong it a few more years, even if it is only for a few of us. So I will take articles like this and file them in the "hope this goes somewhere" file. I won't just chuck it in the "won't waste my time reading" file.

It's like the story of the boy and the starfish--
A boy was going along the beach and throwing out starfish, one at a time, to save them from the tide ebbing. A man said that was hopeless as there are thousands of starfish laying there--what difference could he make. The boy threw another one out into the ocean--"It made a difference to that one".

EVERY little bit of research is important in the grand scheme--someone may come along and grab an idea that was researched years ago, add a new twist, and something may come of it.

I reitterate--a simple "thanks for the info" was all that was needed, and asked for.


New member
All she was asking for was a simple acknowledgement, or a "hmmm, this is interesting"--not ANOTHER point about how all of this is <i>"pointless, going nowhere, been there, no cure, wasted of time, find me when there's a cure" crap</i>. It was NOT presented as the "hope of a lifetime" but just another thing on the pipeline, in case some of us had not seen it. So she was musing that it must be a waste of her time to post it as no one seemed interested. It was just an article being brought to our attention. So why the "I've been reading this stuff for so and so years and so thats why I'm not jumping up and down" bit?

Obviously a few of you were not interested in the info, so why take the time to even reply now...I'm confused--you didn't care about the info but cared to respond to her reply about you not being interested, even tho you didnt have the time to reply before...???

I am of the opinion that there will NEVER BE A CURE--it has to be something that can alter our genes--that is the only way...but there WILL be something that can improve the quality of life, or even prolong it a few more years, even if it is only for a few of us. So I will take articles like this and file them in the "hope this goes somewhere" file. I won't just chuck it in the "won't waste my time reading" file.

It's like the story of the boy and the starfish--
A boy was going along the beach and throwing out starfish, one at a time, to save them from the tide ebbing. A man said that was hopeless as there are thousands of starfish laying there--what difference could he make. The boy threw another one out into the ocean--"It made a difference to that one".

EVERY little bit of research is important in the grand scheme--someone may come along and grab an idea that was researched years ago, add a new twist, and something may come of it.

I reitterate--a simple "thanks for the info" was all that was needed, and asked for.