Newborn w/ CF, enzyme question!



Our son Aidan started Creon 5 at 8 days old. We mixed the beads in applesauce. Then I noticed applesauce was making him really gassy so we switched to baby bananas. He had tried all kinds of baby food with his Creon by just a few months old. He got bored of the same thing all the time.
Congrats on your baby girl.


New member
A HUGE Thank you folks! Your quick responses are VERY MUCH appreciated! I gather that applesauce will work just fine given she has no reaction to it. Mommafirst, I hadn't thought of placing the beads on my nipples! Great idea! I'll try it for sure <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks again!


New member
A HUGE Thank you folks! Your quick responses are VERY MUCH appreciated! I gather that applesauce will work just fine given she has no reaction to it. Mommafirst, I hadn't thought of placing the beads on my nipples! Great idea! I'll try it for sure <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks again!


New member
A HUGE Thank you folks! Your quick responses are VERY MUCH appreciated! I gather that applesauce will work just fine given she has no reaction to it. Mommafirst, I hadn't thought of placing the beads on my nipples! Great idea! I'll try it for sure <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks again!


New member
I don't know about the enzymes on the nipples thing... I know that if the enzymes stay on the skin to long it can cause skin break down... I guess if you wash your skin right after but I would make sure that none stayed around the babys mouth.

Congrats on your bundle of joy...



New member
I don't know about the enzymes on the nipples thing... I know that if the enzymes stay on the skin to long it can cause skin break down... I guess if you wash your skin right after but I would make sure that none stayed around the babys mouth.

Congrats on your bundle of joy...



New member
I don't know about the enzymes on the nipples thing... I know that if the enzymes stay on the skin to long it can cause skin break down... I guess if you wash your skin right after but I would make sure that none stayed around the babys mouth.

Congrats on your bundle of joy...



New member
When I had my second CF'er (diagnosed via amnio so we knew before birth) the docs said she might not need enzymes right away. She was strictly breastfed for the first few months and we didn't give her enzymes at all until she started eating other foods. She grew just fine and had no problems.

I'm certainly not saying not to give your baby the enzymes... if she needs them, by all means, give her the applesauce, I just wonder if she really needs them yet. My girls are definatley pancreatic insufficient (both double Delta F508) but they both did fine without enzymes until they started growing and eating other foods besides breastmilk.

Good luck to you! And grats on the new baby!


New member
When I had my second CF'er (diagnosed via amnio so we knew before birth) the docs said she might not need enzymes right away. She was strictly breastfed for the first few months and we didn't give her enzymes at all until she started eating other foods. She grew just fine and had no problems.

I'm certainly not saying not to give your baby the enzymes... if she needs them, by all means, give her the applesauce, I just wonder if she really needs them yet. My girls are definatley pancreatic insufficient (both double Delta F508) but they both did fine without enzymes until they started growing and eating other foods besides breastmilk.

Good luck to you! And grats on the new baby!


New member
When I had my second CF'er (diagnosed via amnio so we knew before birth) the docs said she might not need enzymes right away. She was strictly breastfed for the first few months and we didn't give her enzymes at all until she started eating other foods. She grew just fine and had no problems.

I'm certainly not saying not to give your baby the enzymes... if she needs them, by all means, give her the applesauce, I just wonder if she really needs them yet. My girls are definatley pancreatic insufficient (both double Delta F508) but they both did fine without enzymes until they started growing and eating other foods besides breastmilk.

Good luck to you! And grats on the new baby!


New member
My son was diagnosed at about 3-4 months old. He wouldn't take applesauce at first, so we would dump the beads into a little cup, then moisten the tip of your finger, dip it in to pick up a few beads and wipe it on the inside of his cheek. Then we immediately gave him milk to wash them down. But we did have to check to be sure they washed down and weren't just stuck in there because they'll cause sores. Good luck with everything!


New member
My son was diagnosed at about 3-4 months old. He wouldn't take applesauce at first, so we would dump the beads into a little cup, then moisten the tip of your finger, dip it in to pick up a few beads and wipe it on the inside of his cheek. Then we immediately gave him milk to wash them down. But we did have to check to be sure they washed down and weren't just stuck in there because they'll cause sores. Good luck with everything!


New member
My son was diagnosed at about 3-4 months old. He wouldn't take applesauce at first, so we would dump the beads into a little cup, then moisten the tip of your finger, dip it in to pick up a few beads and wipe it on the inside of his cheek. Then we immediately gave him milk to wash them down. But we did have to check to be sure they washed down and weren't just stuck in there because they'll cause sores. Good luck with everything!


New member
First Congrats on the new baby. What my daughter's doc suggested was pears because it is a more simple sugar so the body can break it down easier without all the gas. She was diagnosed at 3 weeks old and didn't tolerate the applesauce at that time.
The pears worked great and she still likes them at 10 months old. I hope this helps.

Mom to 4 girls:
Alleysen, Karsyn, Seazyn and Marahsyn (our CF baby)


New member
First Congrats on the new baby. What my daughter's doc suggested was pears because it is a more simple sugar so the body can break it down easier without all the gas. She was diagnosed at 3 weeks old and didn't tolerate the applesauce at that time.
The pears worked great and she still likes them at 10 months old. I hope this helps.

Mom to 4 girls:
Alleysen, Karsyn, Seazyn and Marahsyn (our CF baby)


New member
First Congrats on the new baby. What my daughter's doc suggested was pears because it is a more simple sugar so the body can break it down easier without all the gas. She was diagnosed at 3 weeks old and didn't tolerate the applesauce at that time.
The pears worked great and she still likes them at 10 months old. I hope this helps.

Mom to 4 girls:
Alleysen, Karsyn, Seazyn and Marahsyn (our CF baby)


New member
Congratulations on your new baby and on breastfeeding. It is the best thing you can do for her, a gift to last a life time. I also breastfed our son until he was 20 months. Sounds like you got a lot of great answers, I especially like the idea of putting them on your nipple. That's sounds easiest for a newborn to me. I use to dip a clean pinky finger in the applesauce and dip into the enzymes. He'd suck them off easily that way. He wasn't diagnosed until 14 weeks though so a spoon was fine. If consistency is too thick, you could express a little breast milk and add it to the applesauce for easy swallowing. I found pears to be a little smoother.

If you should need any breastfeeding info/support along the way, the site below my name has lots of resources and connections to many moms who also breastfed their CF babies. I am almost a La Leche leader and know someone else online who is a CF mom who is also a leader. So feel free to email me with any questions/concerns along the way and I will be happy to help.

Congratulations again...