Newborn w/ CF, enzyme question!


New member
Congratulations on your new baby and on breastfeeding. It is the best thing you can do for her, a gift to last a life time. I also breastfed our son until he was 20 months. Sounds like you got a lot of great answers, I especially like the idea of putting them on your nipple. That's sounds easiest for a newborn to me. I use to dip a clean pinky finger in the applesauce and dip into the enzymes. He'd suck them off easily that way. He wasn't diagnosed until 14 weeks though so a spoon was fine. If consistency is too thick, you could express a little breast milk and add it to the applesauce for easy swallowing. I found pears to be a little smoother.

If you should need any breastfeeding info/support along the way, the site below my name has lots of resources and connections to many moms who also breastfed their CF babies. I am almost a La Leche leader and know someone else online who is a CF mom who is also a leader. So feel free to email me with any questions/concerns along the way and I will be happy to help.

Congratulations again...


New member
Congratulations on your new baby and on breastfeeding. It is the best thing you can do for her, a gift to last a life time. I also breastfed our son until he was 20 months. Sounds like you got a lot of great answers, I especially like the idea of putting them on your nipple. That's sounds easiest for a newborn to me. I use to dip a clean pinky finger in the applesauce and dip into the enzymes. He'd suck them off easily that way. He wasn't diagnosed until 14 weeks though so a spoon was fine. If consistency is too thick, you could express a little breast milk and add it to the applesauce for easy swallowing. I found pears to be a little smoother.

If you should need any breastfeeding info/support along the way, the site below my name has lots of resources and connections to many moms who also breastfed their CF babies. I am almost a La Leche leader and know someone else online who is a CF mom who is also a leader. So feel free to email me with any questions/concerns along the way and I will be happy to help.

Congratulations again...


New member
My mom would put a bit of corn syrup on the nipple and then stick the beads of the enzymes to it and cram the bottle in our mouths. The beads went down right along with the formula!


New member
My mom would put a bit of corn syrup on the nipple and then stick the beads of the enzymes to it and cram the bottle in our mouths. The beads went down right along with the formula!


New member
My mom would put a bit of corn syrup on the nipple and then stick the beads of the enzymes to it and cram the bottle in our mouths. The beads went down right along with the formula!


Super Moderator
I just wanted to say I did the exact same thing as Aidin's mom when giving enzymes to my daughter. She was breastfed and we started her enzymes around 7 days old. I didn't start putting the enzymes in applesauce til she was about 6-7 months and I started doing so because it gave something for the enzymes to stick to, I think we kept increasing her dose of enzymes and it was just so many beads. We'ld find those beads everywhere, in the bed under the couch, in Maggie's ears! Good luck with your new baby! I nursed maggie for 3 1/2 years so any qustions ask away!


Super Moderator
I just wanted to say I did the exact same thing as Aidin's mom when giving enzymes to my daughter. She was breastfed and we started her enzymes around 7 days old. I didn't start putting the enzymes in applesauce til she was about 6-7 months and I started doing so because it gave something for the enzymes to stick to, I think we kept increasing her dose of enzymes and it was just so many beads. We'ld find those beads everywhere, in the bed under the couch, in Maggie's ears! Good luck with your new baby! I nursed maggie for 3 1/2 years so any qustions ask away!


Super Moderator
I just wanted to say I did the exact same thing as Aidin's mom when giving enzymes to my daughter. She was breastfed and we started her enzymes around 7 days old. I didn't start putting the enzymes in applesauce til she was about 6-7 months and I started doing so because it gave something for the enzymes to stick to, I think we kept increasing her dose of enzymes and it was just so many beads. We'ld find those beads everywhere, in the bed under the couch, in Maggie's ears! Good luck with your new baby! I nursed maggie for 3 1/2 years so any qustions ask away!


Super Moderator
Duh, I meant I did the same thing as Amber, with Dipping my finger in the enzymes and sticking it in their cheek, then having the baby nurse right after. Too early in the morning I guess.


Super Moderator
Duh, I meant I did the same thing as Amber, with Dipping my finger in the enzymes and sticking it in their cheek, then having the baby nurse right after. Too early in the morning I guess.


Super Moderator
Duh, I meant I did the same thing as Amber, with Dipping my finger in the enzymes and sticking it in their cheek, then having the baby nurse right after. Too early in the morning I guess.


New member
Hi Catie!!!

Congrats on your little baby girl!!! DO NOT listen to any horror stories re CF! your journey will be YOURS and yours alone, just ENJOY those kids! I have TWO daughters w/cf the oldest is 26 and she HATED applesauce! so we tried EVERYTHING. finally we found YOPLAIT yogurt! it is creamy, and also allows the enzyme beads to go down the throat easier. that is what we used with both girls from then on til they could swallow the pills! just a suggestion..... i would be very happy to give any advice that you may need. my email is

take care.

lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Catie!!!

Congrats on your little baby girl!!! DO NOT listen to any horror stories re CF! your journey will be YOURS and yours alone, just ENJOY those kids! I have TWO daughters w/cf the oldest is 26 and she HATED applesauce! so we tried EVERYTHING. finally we found YOPLAIT yogurt! it is creamy, and also allows the enzyme beads to go down the throat easier. that is what we used with both girls from then on til they could swallow the pills! just a suggestion..... i would be very happy to give any advice that you may need. my email is

take care.

lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Catie!!!

Congrats on your little baby girl!!! DO NOT listen to any horror stories re CF! your journey will be YOURS and yours alone, just ENJOY those kids! I have TWO daughters w/cf the oldest is 26 and she HATED applesauce! so we tried EVERYTHING. finally we found YOPLAIT yogurt! it is creamy, and also allows the enzyme beads to go down the throat easier. that is what we used with both girls from then on til they could swallow the pills! just a suggestion..... i would be very happy to give any advice that you may need. my email is

take care.

lisa <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


Staff member
DS didn't like applesauce -- texture issue? Anyway the NICU nurse called up to the CF floor and they said to try baby food bananas. We pretty much used bananas, but he also like pears and other fruit.


Staff member
DS didn't like applesauce -- texture issue? Anyway the NICU nurse called up to the CF floor and they said to try baby food bananas. We pretty much used bananas, but he also like pears and other fruit.


Staff member
DS didn't like applesauce -- texture issue? Anyway the NICU nurse called up to the CF floor and they said to try baby food bananas. We pretty much used bananas, but he also like pears and other fruit.