Night sweats [updated 5/3/08]


New member
Night sweats

I eat cereal in the mornings too, and a yogurt...but, I have problems with my bs being high in the morning, all morning. I think it is a hydration issue, and maybe a sluggish morning metabolism issue- we (my new endo and I) don't know yet...

What time are you waking up drenched/sweating? How many hours after you eat? I also think it has to do with horomone flucutations (bio-rhythms maybe?) during the day/night, but Lindsey knows more about that than I do.

Whatever it is, for me, the later in the day it is, the less help I need with my bs, and it was that way when I had gestational diabetes too. If I ate Capt' Crunch in the morning, by bs would be through the roof! If I eat it at 10pm, usually not an issue. I dunno!

If you get a newspaper, check for coupons for "free" or "up to $20 off". Sometimes, the drugstores will have those kind of specials too, or the manufactor's websites offer free meters pretty regularly, from what I understand. I had a free meter coupon, and then my local Walgreens had a BOGOF sale on my bs monitor, so I walked out with 2 free meters,regularly around $20 apiece. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Oh, and as I understand it, the "slow insulin release" is one of the things that makes CFRD different from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


New member
Night sweats

I eat cereal in the mornings too, and a yogurt...but, I have problems with my bs being high in the morning, all morning. I think it is a hydration issue, and maybe a sluggish morning metabolism issue- we (my new endo and I) don't know yet...

What time are you waking up drenched/sweating? How many hours after you eat? I also think it has to do with horomone flucutations (bio-rhythms maybe?) during the day/night, but Lindsey knows more about that than I do.

Whatever it is, for me, the later in the day it is, the less help I need with my bs, and it was that way when I had gestational diabetes too. If I ate Capt' Crunch in the morning, by bs would be through the roof! If I eat it at 10pm, usually not an issue. I dunno!

If you get a newspaper, check for coupons for "free" or "up to $20 off". Sometimes, the drugstores will have those kind of specials too, or the manufactor's websites offer free meters pretty regularly, from what I understand. I had a free meter coupon, and then my local Walgreens had a BOGOF sale on my bs monitor, so I walked out with 2 free meters,regularly around $20 apiece. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Oh, and as I understand it, the "slow insulin release" is one of the things that makes CFRD different from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


New member
Night sweats

I eat cereal in the mornings too, and a yogurt...but, I have problems with my bs being high in the morning, all morning. I think it is a hydration issue, and maybe a sluggish morning metabolism issue- we (my new endo and I) don't know yet...

What time are you waking up drenched/sweating? How many hours after you eat? I also think it has to do with horomone flucutations (bio-rhythms maybe?) during the day/night, but Lindsey knows more about that than I do.

Whatever it is, for me, the later in the day it is, the less help I need with my bs, and it was that way when I had gestational diabetes too. If I ate Capt' Crunch in the morning, by bs would be through the roof! If I eat it at 10pm, usually not an issue. I dunno!

If you get a newspaper, check for coupons for "free" or "up to $20 off". Sometimes, the drugstores will have those kind of specials too, or the manufactor's websites offer free meters pretty regularly, from what I understand. I had a free meter coupon, and then my local Walgreens had a BOGOF sale on my bs monitor, so I walked out with 2 free meters,regularly around $20 apiece. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Oh, and as I understand it, the "slow insulin release" is one of the things that makes CFRD different from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


New member
Night sweats

I eat cereal in the mornings too, and a yogurt...but, I have problems with my bs being high in the morning, all morning. I think it is a hydration issue, and maybe a sluggish morning metabolism issue- we (my new endo and I) don't know yet...

What time are you waking up drenched/sweating? How many hours after you eat? I also think it has to do with horomone flucutations (bio-rhythms maybe?) during the day/night, but Lindsey knows more about that than I do.

Whatever it is, for me, the later in the day it is, the less help I need with my bs, and it was that way when I had gestational diabetes too. If I ate Capt' Crunch in the morning, by bs would be through the roof! If I eat it at 10pm, usually not an issue. I dunno!

If you get a newspaper, check for coupons for "free" or "up to $20 off". Sometimes, the drugstores will have those kind of specials too, or the manufactor's websites offer free meters pretty regularly, from what I understand. I had a free meter coupon, and then my local Walgreens had a BOGOF sale on my bs monitor, so I walked out with 2 free meters,regularly around $20 apiece. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Oh, and as I understand it, the "slow insulin release" is one of the things that makes CFRD different from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


New member
Night sweats

I eat cereal in the mornings too, and a yogurt...but, I have problems with my bs being high in the morning, all morning. I think it is a hydration issue, and maybe a sluggish morning metabolism issue- we (my new endo and I) don't know yet...
<br />
<br />What time are you waking up drenched/sweating? How many hours after you eat? I also think it has to do with horomone flucutations (bio-rhythms maybe?) during the day/night, but Lindsey knows more about that than I do.
<br />
<br />Whatever it is, for me, the later in the day it is, the less help I need with my bs, and it was that way when I had gestational diabetes too. If I ate Capt' Crunch in the morning, by bs would be through the roof! If I eat it at 10pm, usually not an issue. I dunno!
<br />
<br />If you get a newspaper, check for coupons for "free" or "up to $20 off". Sometimes, the drugstores will have those kind of specials too, or the manufactor's websites offer free meters pretty regularly, from what I understand. I had a free meter coupon, and then my local Walgreens had a BOGOF sale on my bs monitor, so I walked out with 2 free meters,regularly around $20 apiece. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Oh, and as I understand it, the "slow insulin release" is one of the things that makes CFRD different from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


New member
Night sweats

I also get night sweats here and there. I have no clue what causes them because they happen when i am well or sick randomly. I've had diabetes for 28 years now and thats never been the culprit, so i cant blame that. I have noticed i sleep without any covers on these days for the past year and a half and it helps with the night sweats issue. I used to have to be covered up to my neck, but cannot tollerate that anymore. I also keep the temp in here around 69 ish and thats also a benefit. As for finding a cause, i have no idea what it could be because, it could be a hundred things or a little of each. I hope in you can find an answer.


New member
Night sweats

I also get night sweats here and there. I have no clue what causes them because they happen when i am well or sick randomly. I've had diabetes for 28 years now and thats never been the culprit, so i cant blame that. I have noticed i sleep without any covers on these days for the past year and a half and it helps with the night sweats issue. I used to have to be covered up to my neck, but cannot tollerate that anymore. I also keep the temp in here around 69 ish and thats also a benefit. As for finding a cause, i have no idea what it could be because, it could be a hundred things or a little of each. I hope in you can find an answer.


New member
Night sweats

I also get night sweats here and there. I have no clue what causes them because they happen when i am well or sick randomly. I've had diabetes for 28 years now and thats never been the culprit, so i cant blame that. I have noticed i sleep without any covers on these days for the past year and a half and it helps with the night sweats issue. I used to have to be covered up to my neck, but cannot tollerate that anymore. I also keep the temp in here around 69 ish and thats also a benefit. As for finding a cause, i have no idea what it could be because, it could be a hundred things or a little of each. I hope in you can find an answer.


New member
Night sweats

I also get night sweats here and there. I have no clue what causes them because they happen when i am well or sick randomly. I've had diabetes for 28 years now and thats never been the culprit, so i cant blame that. I have noticed i sleep without any covers on these days for the past year and a half and it helps with the night sweats issue. I used to have to be covered up to my neck, but cannot tollerate that anymore. I also keep the temp in here around 69 ish and thats also a benefit. As for finding a cause, i have no idea what it could be because, it could be a hundred things or a little of each. I hope in you can find an answer.


New member
Night sweats

I also get night sweats here and there. I have no clue what causes them because they happen when i am well or sick randomly. I've had diabetes for 28 years now and thats never been the culprit, so i cant blame that. I have noticed i sleep without any covers on these days for the past year and a half and it helps with the night sweats issue. I used to have to be covered up to my neck, but cannot tollerate that anymore. I also keep the temp in here around 69 ish and thats also a benefit. As for finding a cause, i have no idea what it could be because, it could be a hundred things or a little of each. I hope in you can find an answer.


New member
Night sweats

ok I dont have time to read what everyone wrote and when it comes to blood sugar and my experience has been that it is different for everyone and everyone's doctors tell them something different anyway. For me I have had to learn to balance fat/proten/carb ratios I had all same sorts issues a few years ago, I have trended borderline for YEARS and both my sisters were type 1 from age 1 so I have learned a few tricks.

Amy, you said you have cereal with skim and fruit for instance, well the skim takes away all the fat so that becomes a simple carb as low protein and its easy digesting so there is nothing to slow it down, cereal (although you are eating a farely good one) is also processed carbs and usually has alot sugar added -not sure on grape nuts, then you add fruit, (bananas are very high in sugar) blueberries arent so much, so all in all its almost all carbs/sugar. There is nothting wrong with what you are eating (nutritionally) but I would have to add something with plenty protein or fat to slow it down like whole milk/yogrut, egg, turkey bacon etc. If I were to replace what you were eating with an 'ideal' mixture for ME that would be a cup of whole milk yogurt with blueberries and maybe even a few slivered almonds on top. Or some cottage cheese and fruit.

What happens to me is although my pancreas will make all the insulin I need to keep my blood sugar in check it does it at a slow rate. So I eat, it senses increased insulin, pause...think, oh shoot now blood sugar is high=dump insulin, so my blood sugar goes up and then crashes. This is very common in cf'ers even without CFRD often on account of a goo plugged pancreas or duct. So like I said the protein fat mixutre helps slow everythign down and avoid this dumpign process.

Also, you can pass the OGTT with flying colors and still have the issues I mentioned, especially since 'too low' doesnt make you fail! I pass mine every year and still have issues. I have had a monitor for years for random checks and highly recommend it.


New member
Night sweats

ok I dont have time to read what everyone wrote and when it comes to blood sugar and my experience has been that it is different for everyone and everyone's doctors tell them something different anyway. For me I have had to learn to balance fat/proten/carb ratios I had all same sorts issues a few years ago, I have trended borderline for YEARS and both my sisters were type 1 from age 1 so I have learned a few tricks.

Amy, you said you have cereal with skim and fruit for instance, well the skim takes away all the fat so that becomes a simple carb as low protein and its easy digesting so there is nothing to slow it down, cereal (although you are eating a farely good one) is also processed carbs and usually has alot sugar added -not sure on grape nuts, then you add fruit, (bananas are very high in sugar) blueberries arent so much, so all in all its almost all carbs/sugar. There is nothting wrong with what you are eating (nutritionally) but I would have to add something with plenty protein or fat to slow it down like whole milk/yogrut, egg, turkey bacon etc. If I were to replace what you were eating with an 'ideal' mixture for ME that would be a cup of whole milk yogurt with blueberries and maybe even a few slivered almonds on top. Or some cottage cheese and fruit.

What happens to me is although my pancreas will make all the insulin I need to keep my blood sugar in check it does it at a slow rate. So I eat, it senses increased insulin, pause...think, oh shoot now blood sugar is high=dump insulin, so my blood sugar goes up and then crashes. This is very common in cf'ers even without CFRD often on account of a goo plugged pancreas or duct. So like I said the protein fat mixutre helps slow everythign down and avoid this dumpign process.

Also, you can pass the OGTT with flying colors and still have the issues I mentioned, especially since 'too low' doesnt make you fail! I pass mine every year and still have issues. I have had a monitor for years for random checks and highly recommend it.


New member
Night sweats

ok I dont have time to read what everyone wrote and when it comes to blood sugar and my experience has been that it is different for everyone and everyone's doctors tell them something different anyway. For me I have had to learn to balance fat/proten/carb ratios I had all same sorts issues a few years ago, I have trended borderline for YEARS and both my sisters were type 1 from age 1 so I have learned a few tricks.

Amy, you said you have cereal with skim and fruit for instance, well the skim takes away all the fat so that becomes a simple carb as low protein and its easy digesting so there is nothing to slow it down, cereal (although you are eating a farely good one) is also processed carbs and usually has alot sugar added -not sure on grape nuts, then you add fruit, (bananas are very high in sugar) blueberries arent so much, so all in all its almost all carbs/sugar. There is nothting wrong with what you are eating (nutritionally) but I would have to add something with plenty protein or fat to slow it down like whole milk/yogrut, egg, turkey bacon etc. If I were to replace what you were eating with an 'ideal' mixture for ME that would be a cup of whole milk yogurt with blueberries and maybe even a few slivered almonds on top. Or some cottage cheese and fruit.

What happens to me is although my pancreas will make all the insulin I need to keep my blood sugar in check it does it at a slow rate. So I eat, it senses increased insulin, pause...think, oh shoot now blood sugar is high=dump insulin, so my blood sugar goes up and then crashes. This is very common in cf'ers even without CFRD often on account of a goo plugged pancreas or duct. So like I said the protein fat mixutre helps slow everythign down and avoid this dumpign process.

Also, you can pass the OGTT with flying colors and still have the issues I mentioned, especially since 'too low' doesnt make you fail! I pass mine every year and still have issues. I have had a monitor for years for random checks and highly recommend it.


New member
Night sweats

ok I dont have time to read what everyone wrote and when it comes to blood sugar and my experience has been that it is different for everyone and everyone's doctors tell them something different anyway. For me I have had to learn to balance fat/proten/carb ratios I had all same sorts issues a few years ago, I have trended borderline for YEARS and both my sisters were type 1 from age 1 so I have learned a few tricks.

Amy, you said you have cereal with skim and fruit for instance, well the skim takes away all the fat so that becomes a simple carb as low protein and its easy digesting so there is nothing to slow it down, cereal (although you are eating a farely good one) is also processed carbs and usually has alot sugar added -not sure on grape nuts, then you add fruit, (bananas are very high in sugar) blueberries arent so much, so all in all its almost all carbs/sugar. There is nothting wrong with what you are eating (nutritionally) but I would have to add something with plenty protein or fat to slow it down like whole milk/yogrut, egg, turkey bacon etc. If I were to replace what you were eating with an 'ideal' mixture for ME that would be a cup of whole milk yogurt with blueberries and maybe even a few slivered almonds on top. Or some cottage cheese and fruit.

What happens to me is although my pancreas will make all the insulin I need to keep my blood sugar in check it does it at a slow rate. So I eat, it senses increased insulin, pause...think, oh shoot now blood sugar is high=dump insulin, so my blood sugar goes up and then crashes. This is very common in cf'ers even without CFRD often on account of a goo plugged pancreas or duct. So like I said the protein fat mixutre helps slow everythign down and avoid this dumpign process.

Also, you can pass the OGTT with flying colors and still have the issues I mentioned, especially since 'too low' doesnt make you fail! I pass mine every year and still have issues. I have had a monitor for years for random checks and highly recommend it.


New member
Night sweats

ok I dont have time to read what everyone wrote and when it comes to blood sugar and my experience has been that it is different for everyone and everyone's doctors tell them something different anyway. For me I have had to learn to balance fat/proten/carb ratios I had all same sorts issues a few years ago, I have trended borderline for YEARS and both my sisters were type 1 from age 1 so I have learned a few tricks.
<br />
<br />Amy, you said you have cereal with skim and fruit for instance, well the skim takes away all the fat so that becomes a simple carb as low protein and its easy digesting so there is nothing to slow it down, cereal (although you are eating a farely good one) is also processed carbs and usually has alot sugar added -not sure on grape nuts, then you add fruit, (bananas are very high in sugar) blueberries arent so much, so all in all its almost all carbs/sugar. There is nothting wrong with what you are eating (nutritionally) but I would have to add something with plenty protein or fat to slow it down like whole milk/yogrut, egg, turkey bacon etc. If I were to replace what you were eating with an 'ideal' mixture for ME that would be a cup of whole milk yogurt with blueberries and maybe even a few slivered almonds on top. Or some cottage cheese and fruit.
<br />
<br />What happens to me is although my pancreas will make all the insulin I need to keep my blood sugar in check it does it at a slow rate. So I eat, it senses increased insulin, pause...think, oh shoot now blood sugar is high=dump insulin, so my blood sugar goes up and then crashes. This is very common in cf'ers even without CFRD often on account of a goo plugged pancreas or duct. So like I said the protein fat mixutre helps slow everythign down and avoid this dumpign process.
<br />
<br />Also, you can pass the OGTT with flying colors and still have the issues I mentioned, especially since 'too low' doesnt make you fail! I pass mine every year and still have issues. I have had a monitor for years for random checks and highly recommend it.
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New member
Night sweats

Awesome, I really appreciate the explanation, nicole.

I'm def going to get a monitor and in the mean time, change up what I eat before bed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks so much guys!!!! i'll keep you posted on what i find out....


New member
Night sweats

Awesome, I really appreciate the explanation, nicole.

I'm def going to get a monitor and in the mean time, change up what I eat before bed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks so much guys!!!! i'll keep you posted on what i find out....


New member
Night sweats

Awesome, I really appreciate the explanation, nicole.

I'm def going to get a monitor and in the mean time, change up what I eat before bed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks so much guys!!!! i'll keep you posted on what i find out....


New member
Night sweats

Awesome, I really appreciate the explanation, nicole.

I'm def going to get a monitor and in the mean time, change up what I eat before bed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks so much guys!!!! i'll keep you posted on what i find out....


New member
Night sweats

Awesome, I really appreciate the explanation, nicole.
<br />
<br />I'm def going to get a monitor and in the mean time, change up what I eat before bed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Thanks so much guys!!!! i'll keep you posted on what i find out....