Only 4 hours to decide...


Active member
Ok, so how do I keep from TOTALLY overreacting to this?

Step-child is coming in for the spring break visit. SC is sick with a virus or MAYBE, POSSIBLY Strep Throat.

How do I totally keep from freaking out and making SC feel uncomfortable by sequestering SC in the bedroom or spraying lysol all the time and telling SC no holding Abby?!?

This has the makings for a disaster. We have time to cancel the trip, but DH wants to see his child, hasn't seen his child since Christmas. Won't see child again until Mid June.

All I want to do is protect my two children, especially my CF'er!

Advice? Suggestions? Travel day (flying and 3 hours of driving) is tomorrow (Thursday). I only have 4 hours to have my case heard before decisions are made with or without me!


PS: Relationship with SC is great, but SC is only 8 years old/almost 9. I don't want SC to ever hear that we don't want to see them!


Active member
Ok, so how do I keep from TOTALLY overreacting to this?

Step-child is coming in for the spring break visit. SC is sick with a virus or MAYBE, POSSIBLY Strep Throat.

How do I totally keep from freaking out and making SC feel uncomfortable by sequestering SC in the bedroom or spraying lysol all the time and telling SC no holding Abby?!?

This has the makings for a disaster. We have time to cancel the trip, but DH wants to see his child, hasn't seen his child since Christmas. Won't see child again until Mid June.

All I want to do is protect my two children, especially my CF'er!

Advice? Suggestions? Travel day (flying and 3 hours of driving) is tomorrow (Thursday). I only have 4 hours to have my case heard before decisions are made with or without me!


PS: Relationship with SC is great, but SC is only 8 years old/almost 9. I don't want SC to ever hear that we don't want to see them!


Active member
Ok, so how do I keep from TOTALLY overreacting to this?

Step-child is coming in for the spring break visit. SC is sick with a virus or MAYBE, POSSIBLY Strep Throat.

How do I totally keep from freaking out and making SC feel uncomfortable by sequestering SC in the bedroom or spraying lysol all the time and telling SC no holding Abby?!?

This has the makings for a disaster. We have time to cancel the trip, but DH wants to see his child, hasn't seen his child since Christmas. Won't see child again until Mid June.

All I want to do is protect my two children, especially my CF'er!

Advice? Suggestions? Travel day (flying and 3 hours of driving) is tomorrow (Thursday). I only have 4 hours to have my case heard before decisions are made with or without me!


PS: Relationship with SC is great, but SC is only 8 years old/almost 9. I don't want SC to ever hear that we don't want to see them!


Active member
Ok, so how do I keep from TOTALLY overreacting to this?

Step-child is coming in for the spring break visit. SC is sick with a virus or MAYBE, POSSIBLY Strep Throat.

How do I totally keep from freaking out and making SC feel uncomfortable by sequestering SC in the bedroom or spraying lysol all the time and telling SC no holding Abby?!?

This has the makings for a disaster. We have time to cancel the trip, but DH wants to see his child, hasn't seen his child since Christmas. Won't see child again until Mid June.

All I want to do is protect my two children, especially my CF'er!

Advice? Suggestions? Travel day (flying and 3 hours of driving) is tomorrow (Thursday). I only have 4 hours to have my case heard before decisions are made with or without me!


PS: Relationship with SC is great, but SC is only 8 years old/almost 9. I don't want SC to ever hear that we don't want to see them!


Active member
Ok, so how do I keep from TOTALLY overreacting to this?
<br />
<br />Step-child is coming in for the spring break visit. SC is sick with a virus or MAYBE, POSSIBLY Strep Throat.
<br />
<br />How do I totally keep from freaking out and making SC feel uncomfortable by sequestering SC in the bedroom or spraying lysol all the time and telling SC no holding Abby?!?
<br />
<br />This has the makings for a disaster. We have time to cancel the trip, but DH wants to see his child, hasn't seen his child since Christmas. Won't see child again until Mid June.
<br />
<br />All I want to do is protect my two children, especially my CF'er!
<br />
<br />Advice? Suggestions? Travel day (flying and 3 hours of driving) is tomorrow (Thursday). I only have 4 hours to have my case heard before decisions are made with or without me!
<br />
<br />Emily
<br />
<br />PS: Relationship with SC is great, but SC is only 8 years old/almost 9. I don't want SC to ever hear that we don't want to see them!


New member
IMO, Whatever illness the child has could be potentially life threatening to someone with CF. To me that is not something to take lightly, but I am new at this so I may be overreacting.

I would tell DH to make alternate plans. There has to be a way her can see his child without putting the CF'er in harms way.


New member
IMO, Whatever illness the child has could be potentially life threatening to someone with CF. To me that is not something to take lightly, but I am new at this so I may be overreacting.

I would tell DH to make alternate plans. There has to be a way her can see his child without putting the CF'er in harms way.


New member
IMO, Whatever illness the child has could be potentially life threatening to someone with CF. To me that is not something to take lightly, but I am new at this so I may be overreacting.

I would tell DH to make alternate plans. There has to be a way her can see his child without putting the CF'er in harms way.


New member
IMO, Whatever illness the child has could be potentially life threatening to someone with CF. To me that is not something to take lightly, but I am new at this so I may be overreacting.

I would tell DH to make alternate plans. There has to be a way her can see his child without putting the CF'er in harms way.


New member
IMO, Whatever illness the child has could be potentially life threatening to someone with CF. To me that is not something to take lightly, but I am new at this so I may be overreacting.
<br />
<br />I would tell DH to make alternate plans. There has to be a way her can see his child without putting the CF'er in harms way.


If it were me, I would say yes she can come. Six months is along time for her to wait to see her dad. Especially if it is just strep throat. What I mean by that is strep throat won't cause respiratory problems. I know since we have dealt with strep throat and it really isn't a big deal for a kid with cf to have it. There are many kids on the list who have other siblings. The siblings get sick. Often the other kids won't come down with it. I know your child is one. As your child gets older they will be exposed to a lot of illness. They will only come down with the illness a small percentage of the time. I cringe everytime I drop my kids off at school. Someone always seems to appear sick coughing. But my kids stay healthy thankfully.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


If it were me, I would say yes she can come. Six months is along time for her to wait to see her dad. Especially if it is just strep throat. What I mean by that is strep throat won't cause respiratory problems. I know since we have dealt with strep throat and it really isn't a big deal for a kid with cf to have it. There are many kids on the list who have other siblings. The siblings get sick. Often the other kids won't come down with it. I know your child is one. As your child gets older they will be exposed to a lot of illness. They will only come down with the illness a small percentage of the time. I cringe everytime I drop my kids off at school. Someone always seems to appear sick coughing. But my kids stay healthy thankfully.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


If it were me, I would say yes she can come. Six months is along time for her to wait to see her dad. Especially if it is just strep throat. What I mean by that is strep throat won't cause respiratory problems. I know since we have dealt with strep throat and it really isn't a big deal for a kid with cf to have it. There are many kids on the list who have other siblings. The siblings get sick. Often the other kids won't come down with it. I know your child is one. As your child gets older they will be exposed to a lot of illness. They will only come down with the illness a small percentage of the time. I cringe everytime I drop my kids off at school. Someone always seems to appear sick coughing. But my kids stay healthy thankfully.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


If it were me, I would say yes she can come. Six months is along time for her to wait to see her dad. Especially if it is just strep throat. What I mean by that is strep throat won't cause respiratory problems. I know since we have dealt with strep throat and it really isn't a big deal for a kid with cf to have it. There are many kids on the list who have other siblings. The siblings get sick. Often the other kids won't come down with it. I know your child is one. As your child gets older they will be exposed to a lot of illness. They will only come down with the illness a small percentage of the time. I cringe everytime I drop my kids off at school. Someone always seems to appear sick coughing. But my kids stay healthy thankfully.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


If it were me, I would say yes she can come. Six months is along time for her to wait to see her dad. Especially if it is just strep throat. What I mean by that is strep throat won't cause respiratory problems. I know since we have dealt with strep throat and it really isn't a big deal for a kid with cf to have it. There are many kids on the list who have other siblings. The siblings get sick. Often the other kids won't come down with it. I know your child is one. As your child gets older they will be exposed to a lot of illness. They will only come down with the illness a small percentage of the time. I cringe everytime I drop my kids off at school. Someone always seems to appear sick coughing. But my kids stay healthy thankfully.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf


Let's back up a sec....someone needs to take SC to the doctor and figure out what's wrong. You can't put a sick 8 year old onto a plane. If its viral she needs to stay home and be nursed back to health by her mom. If its bacterial, and they see a doc, she'll be on abx for almost a full day before she gets here and she won't be contagious anymore.

I think the first argument is what's in the SC's interest. Sticking a sick kiddo on a plane alone to feel awful while traveling and potentially infect a planeful of folks seems like a BAD idea all around.

I hope this helps you make an argument. If her mother sends her anyway, and your DH wants her there, then IMO I'd get her into the doctor's office by you first thing and get her quick tested for strep so she can get on abx.

Lots of handwashing and no sharing drinks/foods/etc. should be enough to make the risk no more than sending Abby to daycare everyday. HUGS and hang in there.


Let's back up a sec....someone needs to take SC to the doctor and figure out what's wrong. You can't put a sick 8 year old onto a plane. If its viral she needs to stay home and be nursed back to health by her mom. If its bacterial, and they see a doc, she'll be on abx for almost a full day before she gets here and she won't be contagious anymore.

I think the first argument is what's in the SC's interest. Sticking a sick kiddo on a plane alone to feel awful while traveling and potentially infect a planeful of folks seems like a BAD idea all around.

I hope this helps you make an argument. If her mother sends her anyway, and your DH wants her there, then IMO I'd get her into the doctor's office by you first thing and get her quick tested for strep so she can get on abx.

Lots of handwashing and no sharing drinks/foods/etc. should be enough to make the risk no more than sending Abby to daycare everyday. HUGS and hang in there.


Let's back up a sec....someone needs to take SC to the doctor and figure out what's wrong. You can't put a sick 8 year old onto a plane. If its viral she needs to stay home and be nursed back to health by her mom. If its bacterial, and they see a doc, she'll be on abx for almost a full day before she gets here and she won't be contagious anymore.

I think the first argument is what's in the SC's interest. Sticking a sick kiddo on a plane alone to feel awful while traveling and potentially infect a planeful of folks seems like a BAD idea all around.

I hope this helps you make an argument. If her mother sends her anyway, and your DH wants her there, then IMO I'd get her into the doctor's office by you first thing and get her quick tested for strep so she can get on abx.

Lots of handwashing and no sharing drinks/foods/etc. should be enough to make the risk no more than sending Abby to daycare everyday. HUGS and hang in there.


Let's back up a sec....someone needs to take SC to the doctor and figure out what's wrong. You can't put a sick 8 year old onto a plane. If its viral she needs to stay home and be nursed back to health by her mom. If its bacterial, and they see a doc, she'll be on abx for almost a full day before she gets here and she won't be contagious anymore.

I think the first argument is what's in the SC's interest. Sticking a sick kiddo on a plane alone to feel awful while traveling and potentially infect a planeful of folks seems like a BAD idea all around.

I hope this helps you make an argument. If her mother sends her anyway, and your DH wants her there, then IMO I'd get her into the doctor's office by you first thing and get her quick tested for strep so she can get on abx.

Lots of handwashing and no sharing drinks/foods/etc. should be enough to make the risk no more than sending Abby to daycare everyday. HUGS and hang in there.


Let's back up a sec....someone needs to take SC to the doctor and figure out what's wrong. You can't put a sick 8 year old onto a plane. If its viral she needs to stay home and be nursed back to health by her mom. If its bacterial, and they see a doc, she'll be on abx for almost a full day before she gets here and she won't be contagious anymore.
<br />
<br />I think the first argument is what's in the SC's interest. Sticking a sick kiddo on a plane alone to feel awful while traveling and potentially infect a planeful of folks seems like a BAD idea all around.
<br />
<br />I hope this helps you make an argument. If her mother sends her anyway, and your DH wants her there, then IMO I'd get her into the doctor's office by you first thing and get her quick tested for strep so she can get on abx.
<br />
<br />Lots of handwashing and no sharing drinks/foods/etc. should be enough to make the risk no more than sending Abby to daycare everyday. HUGS and hang in there.