Only 4 hours to decide...


Active member
It is OK. In some respects it is nice to know that Daddy gets to deal with it all while I have a few days "off." I don't get the opportunity to have time to myself very often.

I feel a smidge guilty.........



Active member
It is OK. In some respects it is nice to know that Daddy gets to deal with it all while I have a few days "off." I don't get the opportunity to have time to myself very often.

I feel a smidge guilty.........



Active member
It is OK. In some respects it is nice to know that Daddy gets to deal with it all while I have a few days "off." I don't get the opportunity to have time to myself very often.

I feel a smidge guilty.........



Active member
It is OK. In some respects it is nice to know that Daddy gets to deal with it all while I have a few days "off." I don't get the opportunity to have time to myself very often.

I feel a smidge guilty.........



Active member
It is OK. In some respects it is nice to know that Daddy gets to deal with it all while I have a few days "off." I don't get the opportunity to have time to myself very often.
<br />
<br />I feel a smidge guilty.........
<br />
<br />Em


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sdelorenzo</b></i>

I didn't know your step-daughters symptoms of 102 for the past three days when I said I would have her come to your house. We all had the flu at our house and a lot of people here in Houston have had it in the past month or so. Sounds like your step-daughter might have it too. My daughter tested negative for it but my son positive for it when they both tested. They both had it, just the test isn't always that accurate. My son got pnuemonia from it, was hospitalized and he is still having problems 6 weeks later from it. Especially if you are working, your step-daughter needs her mom feeling as bad as she is. It is a hard situation.

Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf</end quote></div>

Did they get flu shots?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sdelorenzo</b></i>

I didn't know your step-daughters symptoms of 102 for the past three days when I said I would have her come to your house. We all had the flu at our house and a lot of people here in Houston have had it in the past month or so. Sounds like your step-daughter might have it too. My daughter tested negative for it but my son positive for it when they both tested. They both had it, just the test isn't always that accurate. My son got pnuemonia from it, was hospitalized and he is still having problems 6 weeks later from it. Especially if you are working, your step-daughter needs her mom feeling as bad as she is. It is a hard situation.

Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf</end quote></div>

Did they get flu shots?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sdelorenzo</b></i>

I didn't know your step-daughters symptoms of 102 for the past three days when I said I would have her come to your house. We all had the flu at our house and a lot of people here in Houston have had it in the past month or so. Sounds like your step-daughter might have it too. My daughter tested negative for it but my son positive for it when they both tested. They both had it, just the test isn't always that accurate. My son got pnuemonia from it, was hospitalized and he is still having problems 6 weeks later from it. Especially if you are working, your step-daughter needs her mom feeling as bad as she is. It is a hard situation.

Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf</end quote></div>

Did they get flu shots?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sdelorenzo</b></i>

I didn't know your step-daughters symptoms of 102 for the past three days when I said I would have her come to your house. We all had the flu at our house and a lot of people here in Houston have had it in the past month or so. Sounds like your step-daughter might have it too. My daughter tested negative for it but my son positive for it when they both tested. They both had it, just the test isn't always that accurate. My son got pnuemonia from it, was hospitalized and he is still having problems 6 weeks later from it. Especially if you are working, your step-daughter needs her mom feeling as bad as she is. It is a hard situation.

Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf</end quote>

Did they get flu shots?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sdelorenzo</b></i>
<br />
<br />I didn't know your step-daughters symptoms of 102 for the past three days when I said I would have her come to your house. We all had the flu at our house and a lot of people here in Houston have had it in the past month or so. Sounds like your step-daughter might have it too. My daughter tested negative for it but my son positive for it when they both tested. They both had it, just the test isn't always that accurate. My son got pnuemonia from it, was hospitalized and he is still having problems 6 weeks later from it. Especially if you are working, your step-daughter needs her mom feeling as bad as she is. It is a hard situation.
<br />
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 6 and Jack, 4 both with cf</end quote>
<br />
<br />Did they get flu shots?
<br />
<br />


Everyone here gets a Flu Shot. Maybe your husband can request that your SD get a flu shot in the future.

In our schools they now give the flu mist free of charge to every student who can get it. Marissa still needs to get the flu shot because people with lung problems can't take the mist.



Everyone here gets a Flu Shot. Maybe your husband can request that your SD get a flu shot in the future.

In our schools they now give the flu mist free of charge to every student who can get it. Marissa still needs to get the flu shot because people with lung problems can't take the mist.



Everyone here gets a Flu Shot. Maybe your husband can request that your SD get a flu shot in the future.

In our schools they now give the flu mist free of charge to every student who can get it. Marissa still needs to get the flu shot because people with lung problems can't take the mist.



Everyone here gets a Flu Shot. Maybe your husband can request that your SD get a flu shot in the future.

In our schools they now give the flu mist free of charge to every student who can get it. Marissa still needs to get the flu shot because people with lung problems can't take the mist.



Everyone here gets a Flu Shot. Maybe your husband can request that your SD get a flu shot in the future.
<br />
<br />In our schools they now give the flu mist free of charge to every student who can get it. Marissa still needs to get the flu shot because people with lung problems can't take the mist.
<br />
<br />Terry