Only one in family with CF


New member
So...I'm 22, and I've just been thinking alot...
I'm the only one in my family.....either side....that has CF..
no one else has it, no signs of it either
my dad tries to think back, and the only thing he can find in common is that my grandma's moms sisters i believe died young from pneumonia...which i had when i was young, but how is it, that im THE ONLY ONE??
Is anyone else like that? or am i just that "special"


New member
So...I'm 22, and I've just been thinking alot...
I'm the only one in my family.....either side....that has CF..
no one else has it, no signs of it either
my dad tries to think back, and the only thing he can find in common is that my grandma's moms sisters i believe died young from pneumonia...which i had when i was young, but how is it, that im THE ONLY ONE??
Is anyone else like that? or am i just that "special"


New member
So...I'm 22, and I've just been thinking alot...
<br />I'm the only one in my family.....either side....that has CF..
<br />no one else has it, no signs of it either
<br />my dad tries to think back, and the only thing he can find in common is that my grandma's moms sisters i believe died young from pneumonia...which i had when i was young, but how is it, that im THE ONLY ONE??
<br />Is anyone else like that? or am i just that "special"


New member
nope...exactly the same with me
although my dad's grandma had 3 children that died from whopping cough, one from pneumonia, and one failure to thrive- those are all total symptoms of cf

no idea why I am the only one either, I have tons of cousins and I'm not an only child either, I guess we were just the lucky ones to end up with it


New member
nope...exactly the same with me
although my dad's grandma had 3 children that died from whopping cough, one from pneumonia, and one failure to thrive- those are all total symptoms of cf

no idea why I am the only one either, I have tons of cousins and I'm not an only child either, I guess we were just the lucky ones to end up with it


New member
nope...exactly the same with me
<br />although my dad's grandma had 3 children that died from whopping cough, one from pneumonia, and one failure to thrive- those are all total symptoms of cf
<br />
<br />no idea why I am the only one either, I have tons of cousins and I'm not an only child either, I guess we were just the lucky ones to end up with it


My daughter is the same way. We can go way back and there is nothing in our family tree showing anyone with CF. Just her.


My daughter is the same way. We can go way back and there is nothing in our family tree showing anyone with CF. Just her.


My daughter is the same way. We can go way back and there is nothing in our family tree showing anyone with CF. Just her.


New member
My daughter is the first and only one in our family with CF, my mom's great-grandparents had children that died young from pneumonia or "unknown lung-related issues," but that's the closest link. My dad has asthma, but we know my mom is the carrier.

I think that happens a lot though; usually a CF diagnosis comes as a shock to a family since no one knows of any family history of it.


New member
My daughter is the first and only one in our family with CF, my mom's great-grandparents had children that died young from pneumonia or "unknown lung-related issues," but that's the closest link. My dad has asthma, but we know my mom is the carrier.

I think that happens a lot though; usually a CF diagnosis comes as a shock to a family since no one knows of any family history of it.


New member
My daughter is the first and only one in our family with CF, my mom's great-grandparents had children that died young from pneumonia or "unknown lung-related issues," but that's the closest link. My dad has asthma, but we know my mom is the carrier.
<br />
<br />I think that happens a lot though; usually a CF diagnosis comes as a shock to a family since no one knows of any family history of it.


New member
I find this interesting as well, since I am the only one in my family that has CF, especially since I have over 200 family members! Both my parents come from families of 10 kids, they have had kids, and lots of them have had kids as well. And still, I am the only one! Nothing we can trace back indicates CF in ancestors either.

And keep in mind, it was very common to die of pneumonia a few generations ago, as there were not antibiotics to take care of those sicknesses back then.


New member
I find this interesting as well, since I am the only one in my family that has CF, especially since I have over 200 family members! Both my parents come from families of 10 kids, they have had kids, and lots of them have had kids as well. And still, I am the only one! Nothing we can trace back indicates CF in ancestors either.

And keep in mind, it was very common to die of pneumonia a few generations ago, as there were not antibiotics to take care of those sicknesses back then.


New member
I find this interesting as well, since I am the only one in my family that has CF, especially since I have over 200 family members! Both my parents come from families of 10 kids, they have had kids, and lots of them have had kids as well. And still, I am the only one! Nothing we can trace back indicates CF in ancestors either.
<br />
<br />And keep in mind, it was very common to die of pneumonia a few generations ago, as there were not antibiotics to take care of those sicknesses back then.


Same thing here!

I find it fascinating to think that I have over 30 first cousins and they all probably have close to 50 children and NO ONE...and that is just my moms side of the family!

My dad also has 30+ first cousins that ALL have children...and NO CF.

I mean I wouldn't want to have to watch my baby cousins grow up with this disease, but at the same time, it would be nice to not be so 'alone.' And it really is interesting to think that with sooooo many people in our families that CF has not shown up. According to my (very old) CF manual, odds were that if you had a cousin with CF there is like a 1 in 50 chance of it showing up again. You would think somewhere along the line it would show up but I guess the 1 in 50 would mean for each birth that would be the chances. Does this make sense? I find genetics a very interesting topic and would love to dig deeper to find out if CF showed up anywhere else in my family.


Same thing here!

I find it fascinating to think that I have over 30 first cousins and they all probably have close to 50 children and NO ONE...and that is just my moms side of the family!

My dad also has 30+ first cousins that ALL have children...and NO CF.

I mean I wouldn't want to have to watch my baby cousins grow up with this disease, but at the same time, it would be nice to not be so 'alone.' And it really is interesting to think that with sooooo many people in our families that CF has not shown up. According to my (very old) CF manual, odds were that if you had a cousin with CF there is like a 1 in 50 chance of it showing up again. You would think somewhere along the line it would show up but I guess the 1 in 50 would mean for each birth that would be the chances. Does this make sense? I find genetics a very interesting topic and would love to dig deeper to find out if CF showed up anywhere else in my family.


Same thing here!
<br />
<br />I find it fascinating to think that I have over 30 first cousins and they all probably have close to 50 children and NO ONE...and that is just my moms side of the family!
<br />
<br />My dad also has 30+ first cousins that ALL have children...and NO CF.
<br />
<br />I mean I wouldn't want to have to watch my baby cousins grow up with this disease, but at the same time, it would be nice to not be so 'alone.' And it really is interesting to think that with sooooo many people in our families that CF has not shown up. According to my (very old) CF manual, odds were that if you had a cousin with CF there is like a 1 in 50 chance of it showing up again. You would think somewhere along the line it would show up but I guess the 1 in 50 would mean for each birth that would be the chances. Does this make sense? I find genetics a very interesting topic and would love to dig deeper to find out if CF showed up anywhere else in my family.


New member
I have HUGE families on both my mom and my dad's sides. I was also the first with CF...then my brother was born. There was no family history of it on either is definitely strange how things happen.
So it is just my brother and I ...


New member
I have HUGE families on both my mom and my dad's sides. I was also the first with CF...then my brother was born. There was no family history of it on either is definitely strange how things happen.
So it is just my brother and I ...