Oregano Oil and Tea Tree Oil


New member
Happy Tuesday!!

I was reading the post from a couple years ago about oregano oil. It seems like some people are doing the pills and some are nebulizing it. For those who are using the pills....are you getting results. For those of you who are nebulizing....you you just putting the water-soluable OO in alone or with saline?
Next question, I read and article about inhaling the vapors of tea tree oil for aspergillus and just as you are starting to feel sick. It seems to be helping me. My question is would there be any benefit to nebuliazing water soluable tea tree oil? Also, if anyone does this how it works? Or if anyone just inhales the vapors....how may times per day and what is the duration i.e. week, month, etc.

I am full of question tongiht would love to hear any feedback<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Pepsi, 31 w/CF-Cleveland, Ohio


New member
Happy Tuesday!!

I was reading the post from a couple years ago about oregano oil. It seems like some people are doing the pills and some are nebulizing it. For those who are using the pills....are you getting results. For those of you who are nebulizing....you you just putting the water-soluable OO in alone or with saline?
Next question, I read and article about inhaling the vapors of tea tree oil for aspergillus and just as you are starting to feel sick. It seems to be helping me. My question is would there be any benefit to nebuliazing water soluable tea tree oil? Also, if anyone does this how it works? Or if anyone just inhales the vapors....how may times per day and what is the duration i.e. week, month, etc.

I am full of question tongiht would love to hear any feedback<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Pepsi, 31 w/CF-Cleveland, Ohio


New member
Happy Tuesday!!

I was reading the post from a couple years ago about oregano oil. It seems like some people are doing the pills and some are nebulizing it. For those who are using the pills....are you getting results. For those of you who are nebulizing....you you just putting the water-soluable OO in alone or with saline?
Next question, I read and article about inhaling the vapors of tea tree oil for aspergillus and just as you are starting to feel sick. It seems to be helping me. My question is would there be any benefit to nebuliazing water soluable tea tree oil? Also, if anyone does this how it works? Or if anyone just inhales the vapors....how may times per day and what is the duration i.e. week, month, etc.

I am full of question tongiht would love to hear any feedback<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Pepsi, 31 w/CF-Cleveland, Ohio


New member
Happy Tuesday!!

I was reading the post from a couple years ago about oregano oil. It seems like some people are doing the pills and some are nebulizing it. For those who are using the pills....are you getting results. For those of you who are nebulizing....you you just putting the water-soluable OO in alone or with saline?
Next question, I read and article about inhaling the vapors of tea tree oil for aspergillus and just as you are starting to feel sick. It seems to be helping me. My question is would there be any benefit to nebuliazing water soluable tea tree oil? Also, if anyone does this how it works? Or if anyone just inhales the vapors....how may times per day and what is the duration i.e. week, month, etc.

I am full of question tongiht would love to hear any feedback<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Pepsi, 31 w/CF-Cleveland, Ohio


New member
Happy Tuesday!!
<br />
<br />I was reading the post from a couple years ago about oregano oil. It seems like some people are doing the pills and some are nebulizing it. For those who are using the pills....are you getting results. For those of you who are nebulizing....you you just putting the water-soluable OO in alone or with saline?
<br />Next question, I read and article about inhaling the vapors of tea tree oil for aspergillus and just as you are starting to feel sick. It seems to be helping me. My question is would there be any benefit to nebuliazing water soluable tea tree oil? Also, if anyone does this how it works? Or if anyone just inhales the vapors....how may times per day and what is the duration i.e. week, month, etc.
<br />
<br />I am full of question tongiht would love to hear any feedback<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Pepsi, 31 w/CF-Cleveland, Ohio


New member
Hi there!

I heard about the tea tree oil thing too...a lady I met on a trip was a nurse in Australia, and she worked with a lot of CFers...I guess they use tea tree oil over there a lot, but she says to be super careful with it because it's pretty corrosive stuff. I also heard garlic was supposedly a good anti-fungal, but even though I have the 'odor free' stuff I still start to smell like garlic in a few days, so I usually quit.

How do you use your tea tree oil? I would love to use it, as aspergillus seems to a friend of mine for quite a while now.

(Sorry, I asked more than I answered ^^)


New member
Hi there!

I heard about the tea tree oil thing too...a lady I met on a trip was a nurse in Australia, and she worked with a lot of CFers...I guess they use tea tree oil over there a lot, but she says to be super careful with it because it's pretty corrosive stuff. I also heard garlic was supposedly a good anti-fungal, but even though I have the 'odor free' stuff I still start to smell like garlic in a few days, so I usually quit.

How do you use your tea tree oil? I would love to use it, as aspergillus seems to a friend of mine for quite a while now.

(Sorry, I asked more than I answered ^^)


New member
Hi there!

I heard about the tea tree oil thing too...a lady I met on a trip was a nurse in Australia, and she worked with a lot of CFers...I guess they use tea tree oil over there a lot, but she says to be super careful with it because it's pretty corrosive stuff. I also heard garlic was supposedly a good anti-fungal, but even though I have the 'odor free' stuff I still start to smell like garlic in a few days, so I usually quit.

How do you use your tea tree oil? I would love to use it, as aspergillus seems to a friend of mine for quite a while now.

(Sorry, I asked more than I answered ^^)


New member
Hi there!

I heard about the tea tree oil thing too...a lady I met on a trip was a nurse in Australia, and she worked with a lot of CFers...I guess they use tea tree oil over there a lot, but she says to be super careful with it because it's pretty corrosive stuff. I also heard garlic was supposedly a good anti-fungal, but even though I have the 'odor free' stuff I still start to smell like garlic in a few days, so I usually quit.

How do you use your tea tree oil? I would love to use it, as aspergillus seems to a friend of mine for quite a while now.

(Sorry, I asked more than I answered ^^)


New member
Hi there!
<br />
<br />I heard about the tea tree oil thing too...a lady I met on a trip was a nurse in Australia, and she worked with a lot of CFers...I guess they use tea tree oil over there a lot, but she says to be super careful with it because it's pretty corrosive stuff. I also heard garlic was supposedly a good anti-fungal, but even though I have the 'odor free' stuff I still start to smell like garlic in a few days, so I usually quit.
<br />
<br />How do you use your tea tree oil? I would love to use it, as aspergillus seems to a friend of mine for quite a while now.
<br />
<br />(Sorry, I asked more than I answered ^^)


New member
Be very careful with injesting (nebbing) tea tree oil. The stuff can either put you in a coma, or kill you. It is fine topically, and even breathing the vapors, but do not neb it or swallow any of it. I've read where someone swallowed a spoonful and went into a coma.

Many of the essential oils have extremely strong antifungal/antibacterial properties. Tea tree, oregano, cinnamon, etc. Organic food processors use essential oils on their products to essentially sterilize them from certain pathogens.

I neb 5 drops of the water soluble oregano oil in my hypertonic saline once a day. If this combination is too harsh for you, try it in your regular albuterol. Oregano oil is atleast 70% carvacol, with a much smaller amount of Thymol. Thymol is the primary component in tea tree oil. The body can tolerate the smaller amount of thymol in oregano oil, but not the much larger amount in tea tree oil.

if you are reluctant to neb the oregano oil, use a face steamer and inhale the vapors. It will still help, but not as much as the nebbing. I have nebed oregano oil in the past, took a break, and am now back to nebing it. I have never shown anything in my culture other than my normal two bugs (weak pseudo and weak staph), and seratia. While off the oregano oil nebs, my culture count was medium to high. While on it, it's "very light".

Overall, between being on it and off of it, I feel much better while on it and present less severe cf symptoms while on it. Between my high blood pressure medication, my very high dose of vitamin K, and my water soluble oil of oregano nebs, I think i have beaten my chronic bleeds. I haven't had one in two months or more. Where as before I was getting them weekly.

While on oregano oil, my mucous is much less in quantity, thinner, much lighter in color, and overall my chest just feels much better.

As I have said from the first day I got on here, it might not be for everyone...Some people try it then discontinue it, others stay on it and continue to have benefits. I've done enough experimentation with it to have a pretty informed opinion on it for myself. And I plan on staying on it. If you decide to try it, make sure it's the water soluble form, and I know of only one brand with that, and thats H2 Orega from North American Herb And Spice.

At the very least, go get some know antimicrobial essential oils, get a face steamer, some distilled water, and make some potent cocktails for inhaling the vapors, it will help.


New member
Be very careful with injesting (nebbing) tea tree oil. The stuff can either put you in a coma, or kill you. It is fine topically, and even breathing the vapors, but do not neb it or swallow any of it. I've read where someone swallowed a spoonful and went into a coma.

Many of the essential oils have extremely strong antifungal/antibacterial properties. Tea tree, oregano, cinnamon, etc. Organic food processors use essential oils on their products to essentially sterilize them from certain pathogens.

I neb 5 drops of the water soluble oregano oil in my hypertonic saline once a day. If this combination is too harsh for you, try it in your regular albuterol. Oregano oil is atleast 70% carvacol, with a much smaller amount of Thymol. Thymol is the primary component in tea tree oil. The body can tolerate the smaller amount of thymol in oregano oil, but not the much larger amount in tea tree oil.

if you are reluctant to neb the oregano oil, use a face steamer and inhale the vapors. It will still help, but not as much as the nebbing. I have nebed oregano oil in the past, took a break, and am now back to nebing it. I have never shown anything in my culture other than my normal two bugs (weak pseudo and weak staph), and seratia. While off the oregano oil nebs, my culture count was medium to high. While on it, it's "very light".

Overall, between being on it and off of it, I feel much better while on it and present less severe cf symptoms while on it. Between my high blood pressure medication, my very high dose of vitamin K, and my water soluble oil of oregano nebs, I think i have beaten my chronic bleeds. I haven't had one in two months or more. Where as before I was getting them weekly.

While on oregano oil, my mucous is much less in quantity, thinner, much lighter in color, and overall my chest just feels much better.

As I have said from the first day I got on here, it might not be for everyone...Some people try it then discontinue it, others stay on it and continue to have benefits. I've done enough experimentation with it to have a pretty informed opinion on it for myself. And I plan on staying on it. If you decide to try it, make sure it's the water soluble form, and I know of only one brand with that, and thats H2 Orega from North American Herb And Spice.

At the very least, go get some know antimicrobial essential oils, get a face steamer, some distilled water, and make some potent cocktails for inhaling the vapors, it will help.


New member
Be very careful with injesting (nebbing) tea tree oil. The stuff can either put you in a coma, or kill you. It is fine topically, and even breathing the vapors, but do not neb it or swallow any of it. I've read where someone swallowed a spoonful and went into a coma.

Many of the essential oils have extremely strong antifungal/antibacterial properties. Tea tree, oregano, cinnamon, etc. Organic food processors use essential oils on their products to essentially sterilize them from certain pathogens.

I neb 5 drops of the water soluble oregano oil in my hypertonic saline once a day. If this combination is too harsh for you, try it in your regular albuterol. Oregano oil is atleast 70% carvacol, with a much smaller amount of Thymol. Thymol is the primary component in tea tree oil. The body can tolerate the smaller amount of thymol in oregano oil, but not the much larger amount in tea tree oil.

if you are reluctant to neb the oregano oil, use a face steamer and inhale the vapors. It will still help, but not as much as the nebbing. I have nebed oregano oil in the past, took a break, and am now back to nebing it. I have never shown anything in my culture other than my normal two bugs (weak pseudo and weak staph), and seratia. While off the oregano oil nebs, my culture count was medium to high. While on it, it's "very light".

Overall, between being on it and off of it, I feel much better while on it and present less severe cf symptoms while on it. Between my high blood pressure medication, my very high dose of vitamin K, and my water soluble oil of oregano nebs, I think i have beaten my chronic bleeds. I haven't had one in two months or more. Where as before I was getting them weekly.

While on oregano oil, my mucous is much less in quantity, thinner, much lighter in color, and overall my chest just feels much better.

As I have said from the first day I got on here, it might not be for everyone...Some people try it then discontinue it, others stay on it and continue to have benefits. I've done enough experimentation with it to have a pretty informed opinion on it for myself. And I plan on staying on it. If you decide to try it, make sure it's the water soluble form, and I know of only one brand with that, and thats H2 Orega from North American Herb And Spice.

At the very least, go get some know antimicrobial essential oils, get a face steamer, some distilled water, and make some potent cocktails for inhaling the vapors, it will help.


New member
Be very careful with injesting (nebbing) tea tree oil. The stuff can either put you in a coma, or kill you. It is fine topically, and even breathing the vapors, but do not neb it or swallow any of it. I've read where someone swallowed a spoonful and went into a coma.

Many of the essential oils have extremely strong antifungal/antibacterial properties. Tea tree, oregano, cinnamon, etc. Organic food processors use essential oils on their products to essentially sterilize them from certain pathogens.

I neb 5 drops of the water soluble oregano oil in my hypertonic saline once a day. If this combination is too harsh for you, try it in your regular albuterol. Oregano oil is atleast 70% carvacol, with a much smaller amount of Thymol. Thymol is the primary component in tea tree oil. The body can tolerate the smaller amount of thymol in oregano oil, but not the much larger amount in tea tree oil.

if you are reluctant to neb the oregano oil, use a face steamer and inhale the vapors. It will still help, but not as much as the nebbing. I have nebed oregano oil in the past, took a break, and am now back to nebing it. I have never shown anything in my culture other than my normal two bugs (weak pseudo and weak staph), and seratia. While off the oregano oil nebs, my culture count was medium to high. While on it, it's "very light".

Overall, between being on it and off of it, I feel much better while on it and present less severe cf symptoms while on it. Between my high blood pressure medication, my very high dose of vitamin K, and my water soluble oil of oregano nebs, I think i have beaten my chronic bleeds. I haven't had one in two months or more. Where as before I was getting them weekly.

While on oregano oil, my mucous is much less in quantity, thinner, much lighter in color, and overall my chest just feels much better.

As I have said from the first day I got on here, it might not be for everyone...Some people try it then discontinue it, others stay on it and continue to have benefits. I've done enough experimentation with it to have a pretty informed opinion on it for myself. And I plan on staying on it. If you decide to try it, make sure it's the water soluble form, and I know of only one brand with that, and thats H2 Orega from North American Herb And Spice.

At the very least, go get some know antimicrobial essential oils, get a face steamer, some distilled water, and make some potent cocktails for inhaling the vapors, it will help.


New member
Be very careful with injesting (nebbing) tea tree oil. The stuff can either put you in a coma, or kill you. It is fine topically, and even breathing the vapors, but do not neb it or swallow any of it. I've read where someone swallowed a spoonful and went into a coma.
<br />
<br />Many of the essential oils have extremely strong antifungal/antibacterial properties. Tea tree, oregano, cinnamon, etc. Organic food processors use essential oils on their products to essentially sterilize them from certain pathogens.
<br />
<br />I neb 5 drops of the water soluble oregano oil in my hypertonic saline once a day. If this combination is too harsh for you, try it in your regular albuterol. Oregano oil is atleast 70% carvacol, with a much smaller amount of Thymol. Thymol is the primary component in tea tree oil. The body can tolerate the smaller amount of thymol in oregano oil, but not the much larger amount in tea tree oil.
<br />
<br />if you are reluctant to neb the oregano oil, use a face steamer and inhale the vapors. It will still help, but not as much as the nebbing. I have nebed oregano oil in the past, took a break, and am now back to nebing it. I have never shown anything in my culture other than my normal two bugs (weak pseudo and weak staph), and seratia. While off the oregano oil nebs, my culture count was medium to high. While on it, it's "very light".
<br />
<br />
<br />Overall, between being on it and off of it, I feel much better while on it and present less severe cf symptoms while on it. Between my high blood pressure medication, my very high dose of vitamin K, and my water soluble oil of oregano nebs, I think i have beaten my chronic bleeds. I haven't had one in two months or more. Where as before I was getting them weekly.
<br />
<br />While on oregano oil, my mucous is much less in quantity, thinner, much lighter in color, and overall my chest just feels much better.
<br />
<br />As I have said from the first day I got on here, it might not be for everyone...Some people try it then discontinue it, others stay on it and continue to have benefits. I've done enough experimentation with it to have a pretty informed opinion on it for myself. And I plan on staying on it. If you decide to try it, make sure it's the water soluble form, and I know of only one brand with that, and thats H2 Orega from North American Herb And Spice.
<br />
<br />At the very least, go get some know antimicrobial essential oils, get a face steamer, some distilled water, and make some potent cocktails for inhaling the vapors, it will help.
<br />
<br />


New member
Oops forgot to add the link to an easy to read page about oregano oil, and the standard components of the oil (theres a ton of neat natural stuff in it):

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html">http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html</a>


New member
Oops forgot to add the link to an easy to read page about oregano oil, and the standard components of the oil (theres a ton of neat natural stuff in it):

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html">http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html</a>


New member
Oops forgot to add the link to an easy to read page about oregano oil, and the standard components of the oil (theres a ton of neat natural stuff in it):

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html">http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html</a>


New member
Oops forgot to add the link to an easy to read page about oregano oil, and the standard components of the oil (theres a ton of neat natural stuff in it):

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html">http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html</a>


New member
Oops forgot to add the link to an easy to read page about oregano oil, and the standard components of the oil (theres a ton of neat natural stuff in it):
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html">http://www.ecopharm.gr/R_c_oil.html</a>