Out of control....



Hi Leighann,

I know the panic. Its sooo hard. But I promise it gets easier. There are good days and bad ones. But once the diagnosis phase is over, you will feel normal again. I know its hard to believe. CF sucks, and I'm sorry to welcome you to this world. But try to gain strength by looking around this site at some of the adults living with CF. Our kids will have a lot to look forward to, its our job to get them the best treatments and make sure they get and comply with all the preventative care. You'll need to read and learn a lot, and even though it sounds like a foreign language now, it will come, you will get it -- slowly but surely.

If you have questions as you maneuver through the next few difficult weeks, or thereafter, feel free to PM me. My daughter is 16 months and was diagnosed a year ago. I'm not going to say it was an easy year, but she is doing well. And she is the same wonderful girl she was before the diagnosis.


Hi Leighann,

I know the panic. Its sooo hard. But I promise it gets easier. There are good days and bad ones. But once the diagnosis phase is over, you will feel normal again. I know its hard to believe. CF sucks, and I'm sorry to welcome you to this world. But try to gain strength by looking around this site at some of the adults living with CF. Our kids will have a lot to look forward to, its our job to get them the best treatments and make sure they get and comply with all the preventative care. You'll need to read and learn a lot, and even though it sounds like a foreign language now, it will come, you will get it -- slowly but surely.

If you have questions as you maneuver through the next few difficult weeks, or thereafter, feel free to PM me. My daughter is 16 months and was diagnosed a year ago. I'm not going to say it was an easy year, but she is doing well. And she is the same wonderful girl she was before the diagnosis.


Hi Leighann,

I know the panic. Its sooo hard. But I promise it gets easier. There are good days and bad ones. But once the diagnosis phase is over, you will feel normal again. I know its hard to believe. CF sucks, and I'm sorry to welcome you to this world. But try to gain strength by looking around this site at some of the adults living with CF. Our kids will have a lot to look forward to, its our job to get them the best treatments and make sure they get and comply with all the preventative care. You'll need to read and learn a lot, and even though it sounds like a foreign language now, it will come, you will get it -- slowly but surely.

If you have questions as you maneuver through the next few difficult weeks, or thereafter, feel free to PM me. My daughter is 16 months and was diagnosed a year ago. I'm not going to say it was an easy year, but she is doing well. And she is the same wonderful girl she was before the diagnosis.


Hi Leighann,

I know the panic. Its sooo hard. But I promise it gets easier. There are good days and bad ones. But once the diagnosis phase is over, you will feel normal again. I know its hard to believe. CF sucks, and I'm sorry to welcome you to this world. But try to gain strength by looking around this site at some of the adults living with CF. Our kids will have a lot to look forward to, its our job to get them the best treatments and make sure they get and comply with all the preventative care. You'll need to read and learn a lot, and even though it sounds like a foreign language now, it will come, you will get it -- slowly but surely.

If you have questions as you maneuver through the next few difficult weeks, or thereafter, feel free to PM me. My daughter is 16 months and was diagnosed a year ago. I'm not going to say it was an easy year, but she is doing well. And she is the same wonderful girl she was before the diagnosis.


New member
You have already received terrific advice from the previous posters.

I think the worst part for parents of newly diagnosed children is that NO ONE in their existing world has a clue as to what they are going through.

WE DO. We are here for you, so continue to post and ask questions (try the Families section; more people read there). Everything you are feeling is normal. It will get better, as impossible as that sounds. Hugs and strength to you. Your beautiful children are the same as they were. Just now, one needs a little extra help to stay healthy. And you are her best chance for that.

Seek help if you need it - professional help. That is not unusual given the circumstances. We did. It helped us as parents, especially to learn how we were coping differeintly with our grief, but we were each okay in our own ways.


New member
You have already received terrific advice from the previous posters.

I think the worst part for parents of newly diagnosed children is that NO ONE in their existing world has a clue as to what they are going through.

WE DO. We are here for you, so continue to post and ask questions (try the Families section; more people read there). Everything you are feeling is normal. It will get better, as impossible as that sounds. Hugs and strength to you. Your beautiful children are the same as they were. Just now, one needs a little extra help to stay healthy. And you are her best chance for that.

Seek help if you need it - professional help. That is not unusual given the circumstances. We did. It helped us as parents, especially to learn how we were coping differeintly with our grief, but we were each okay in our own ways.


New member
You have already received terrific advice from the previous posters.

I think the worst part for parents of newly diagnosed children is that NO ONE in their existing world has a clue as to what they are going through.

WE DO. We are here for you, so continue to post and ask questions (try the Families section; more people read there). Everything you are feeling is normal. It will get better, as impossible as that sounds. Hugs and strength to you. Your beautiful children are the same as they were. Just now, one needs a little extra help to stay healthy. And you are her best chance for that.

Seek help if you need it - professional help. That is not unusual given the circumstances. We did. It helped us as parents, especially to learn how we were coping differeintly with our grief, but we were each okay in our own ways.


New member
You have already received terrific advice from the previous posters.

I think the worst part for parents of newly diagnosed children is that NO ONE in their existing world has a clue as to what they are going through.

WE DO. We are here for you, so continue to post and ask questions (try the Families section; more people read there). Everything you are feeling is normal. It will get better, as impossible as that sounds. Hugs and strength to you. Your beautiful children are the same as they were. Just now, one needs a little extra help to stay healthy. And you are her best chance for that.

Seek help if you need it - professional help. That is not unusual given the circumstances. We did. It helped us as parents, especially to learn how we were coping differeintly with our grief, but we were each okay in our own ways.


New member
You have already received terrific advice from the previous posters.

I think the worst part for parents of newly diagnosed children is that NO ONE in their existing world has a clue as to what they are going through.

WE DO. We are here for you, so continue to post and ask questions (try the Families section; more people read there). Everything you are feeling is normal. It will get better, as impossible as that sounds. Hugs and strength to you. Your beautiful children are the same as they were. Just now, one needs a little extra help to stay healthy. And you are her best chance for that.

Seek help if you need it - professional help. That is not unusual given the circumstances. We did. It helped us as parents, especially to learn how we were coping differeintly with our grief, but we were each okay in our own ways.


New member
You have already received terrific advice from the previous posters.

I think the worst part for parents of newly diagnosed children is that NO ONE in their existing world has a clue as to what they are going through.

WE DO. We are here for you, so continue to post and ask questions (try the Families section; more people read there). Everything you are feeling is normal. It will get better, as impossible as that sounds. Hugs and strength to you. Your beautiful children are the same as they were. Just now, one needs a little extra help to stay healthy. And you are her best chance for that.

Seek help if you need it - professional help. That is not unusual given the circumstances. We did. It helped us as parents, especially to learn how we were coping differeintly with our grief, but we were each okay in our own ways.


New member
I see that you have gotten plenty of good advise. I agree that getting good CF center is the first step, and ask plenty of question. One day at a time and lots of love.


New member
I see that you have gotten plenty of good advise. I agree that getting good CF center is the first step, and ask plenty of question. One day at a time and lots of love.


New member
I see that you have gotten plenty of good advise. I agree that getting good CF center is the first step, and ask plenty of question. One day at a time and lots of love.


New member
I see that you have gotten plenty of good advise. I agree that getting good CF center is the first step, and ask plenty of question. One day at a time and lots of love.


New member
I see that you have gotten plenty of good advise. I agree that getting good CF center is the first step, and ask plenty of question. One day at a time and lots of love.


New member
I see that you have gotten plenty of good advise. I agree that getting good CF center is the first step, and ask plenty of question. One day at a time and lots of love.


New member
Yes, get to an accredited CF center and begin the treatments. Learn as much as you can about cf and ask any questions you might have to us and to your son's doctors. Then go live life.

So many advances have taken place since I was born. You have real hope that your baby is going to grow up and enjoy many of the things that life has to offer. Keeping your family in prayer.


New member
Yes, get to an accredited CF center and begin the treatments. Learn as much as you can about cf and ask any questions you might have to us and to your son's doctors. Then go live life.

So many advances have taken place since I was born. You have real hope that your baby is going to grow up and enjoy many of the things that life has to offer. Keeping your family in prayer.


New member
Yes, get to an accredited CF center and begin the treatments. Learn as much as you can about cf and ask any questions you might have to us and to your son's doctors. Then go live life.

So many advances have taken place since I was born. You have real hope that your baby is going to grow up and enjoy many of the things that life has to offer. Keeping your family in prayer.


New member
Yes, get to an accredited CF center and begin the treatments. Learn as much as you can about cf and ask any questions you might have to us and to your son's doctors. Then go live life.

So many advances have taken place since I was born. You have real hope that your baby is going to grow up and enjoy many of the things that life has to offer. Keeping your family in prayer.