New member
So I'm hoping someone may be able to shed some light on a problem I am having. This afternoon I started to get a pain in around the middle of my back on the right side. It hurts when I cough, it hurts when I'm at rest. I'm not sure what its from, but it just seems to get worse. Its nothing that I can't deal with, but everytime I cough, I wince from the pain. I'm not sure if I've pulled a muscle coughing, or if its something in my lung? I just started Pulmozyme yesterday - today was dose #2, and I've noticed that I have been coughing a lot more, and a lot more up, but its not harsh heavy coughing. Any ideas? Could it simply be a pulled muscle from coughing, or something in my lung? Phantom pains maybe, or could it be pleursy (sp?)? Any ideas on how to alliviate the pain?