Hello! i've had the same problem with my CF doctors not wanting to give me anything for the pain- even my "regular" doctor has problems and says people get addicted and blah blah blah. yes people do get addicted, people get addicted to EVERYTHING. We created these medications to help with pain so why arent we allowed to use them?
i had a pnemothorax last october after having problems all summer and my FEV1 going down to a horrible 40-50 percent. they had to do surgery and remove 1/3 of my upper lobes because they were so damaged. since then i've had this horrible speratic pain in the insizion site and my lung that had the surgery. i ended up having to join a methadone clinic because no one would give me anything for the pain. Let me just tell you that was the worst thing i could have done because now my CF doctors look at me like an addict! and i had no idea how methadone causes such bad withdrawel if you dont take it everyday. So now im in the process of trying to taper off it and then go from there.
But anyway i feel your pain! Literally.