Pain Killers


New member
I don't have any advice but I just wanted to say I COMPLETELY understand about your pain and PICC lines and such. When I went to my Milwaukee doc (same as yours) I have a horrible PICC line experience and two nurses actually quit trying to put it in because they couldn't stand to see someone in so much pain. For some reason, they wouldn't give me any pain medication except tylenol. And now, I have bad back pain where I also just sometimes lie in bed in pain and my doctor says to just deal with it. He says that once I get better lung function wise then the pain will go away.

The thing that bothers me is how can i get better if I can't get out of bed to do anything? I used to take tylenol with codeine but i ran out and my doctor refused to give me more so when i went overseas I stocked up. but now it doesn't work for me anyway.

So I have to "grin and bear it" also. I don't even remember the last time I laughed because it hurts so much. I hope you find something to help you, I know it really sucks to have pain. Good luck!


New member
I don't have any advice but I just wanted to say I COMPLETELY understand about your pain and PICC lines and such. When I went to my Milwaukee doc (same as yours) I have a horrible PICC line experience and two nurses actually quit trying to put it in because they couldn't stand to see someone in so much pain. For some reason, they wouldn't give me any pain medication except tylenol. And now, I have bad back pain where I also just sometimes lie in bed in pain and my doctor says to just deal with it. He says that once I get better lung function wise then the pain will go away.

The thing that bothers me is how can i get better if I can't get out of bed to do anything? I used to take tylenol with codeine but i ran out and my doctor refused to give me more so when i went overseas I stocked up. but now it doesn't work for me anyway.

So I have to "grin and bear it" also. I don't even remember the last time I laughed because it hurts so much. I hope you find something to help you, I know it really sucks to have pain. Good luck!


New member
Caffeine? i never knew that? But, that's another thing i am immune to. i drink so much caffeine, and i always have. My mom HATES milk and always has, she used to give me Coca Cola in my bottles. And she drinks three pots of coffee before noon. It doesn't even keep us awake in my family. i could drink a pot of espresso and fall asleep in ten minutes.

It's like i have screwed myself in every scenario.

And Kiel, i used to never have pain and stuff. Especially not from CF. But this last December when i got sick, it changed everything. i get chest tightness sometimes. But when i lay down, i get theese sharp shooting pains through my lungs. More my left one. It feels like someone is stabbing a long needle into my back, through my lung, and out my chest. Then there's the stomach muscle pain from coughing all the time. (Though my abs are ripped now, which is cool. *see below). The bone stuff only happens right after a long stretch of antibiotics, and pain meds. Ya know how your back feels when it needs to pop? It's like that times ten all over. They feel dry and cramped. Like they don't have enough room inside my body. And my knees... dear god, my knees kill me. It used to happen only when it was going to rain, but now it's all the time. They hurt so bad, i can't walk. And my bones get so stiff i can't walk. So i lay in bed and get nothing done. And when my lung function is down, it causes me to slump, so my back starts to hurt too. Right now, it's pretty bad. Also, something happened to my right shoulder. In December they put me on Colistin for the first time, but it made me have seizures and durring one of them i threw out my shoulder.

That's my pain summary.


New member
Caffeine? i never knew that? But, that's another thing i am immune to. i drink so much caffeine, and i always have. My mom HATES milk and always has, she used to give me Coca Cola in my bottles. And she drinks three pots of coffee before noon. It doesn't even keep us awake in my family. i could drink a pot of espresso and fall asleep in ten minutes.

It's like i have screwed myself in every scenario.

And Kiel, i used to never have pain and stuff. Especially not from CF. But this last December when i got sick, it changed everything. i get chest tightness sometimes. But when i lay down, i get theese sharp shooting pains through my lungs. More my left one. It feels like someone is stabbing a long needle into my back, through my lung, and out my chest. Then there's the stomach muscle pain from coughing all the time. (Though my abs are ripped now, which is cool. *see below). The bone stuff only happens right after a long stretch of antibiotics, and pain meds. Ya know how your back feels when it needs to pop? It's like that times ten all over. They feel dry and cramped. Like they don't have enough room inside my body. And my knees... dear god, my knees kill me. It used to happen only when it was going to rain, but now it's all the time. They hurt so bad, i can't walk. And my bones get so stiff i can't walk. So i lay in bed and get nothing done. And when my lung function is down, it causes me to slump, so my back starts to hurt too. Right now, it's pretty bad. Also, something happened to my right shoulder. In December they put me on Colistin for the first time, but it made me have seizures and durring one of them i threw out my shoulder.

That's my pain summary.


New member
Caffeine? i never knew that? But, that's another thing i am immune to. i drink so much caffeine, and i always have. My mom HATES milk and always has, she used to give me Coca Cola in my bottles. And she drinks three pots of coffee before noon. It doesn't even keep us awake in my family. i could drink a pot of espresso and fall asleep in ten minutes.

It's like i have screwed myself in every scenario.

And Kiel, i used to never have pain and stuff. Especially not from CF. But this last December when i got sick, it changed everything. i get chest tightness sometimes. But when i lay down, i get theese sharp shooting pains through my lungs. More my left one. It feels like someone is stabbing a long needle into my back, through my lung, and out my chest. Then there's the stomach muscle pain from coughing all the time. (Though my abs are ripped now, which is cool. *see below). The bone stuff only happens right after a long stretch of antibiotics, and pain meds. Ya know how your back feels when it needs to pop? It's like that times ten all over. They feel dry and cramped. Like they don't have enough room inside my body. And my knees... dear god, my knees kill me. It used to happen only when it was going to rain, but now it's all the time. They hurt so bad, i can't walk. And my bones get so stiff i can't walk. So i lay in bed and get nothing done. And when my lung function is down, it causes me to slump, so my back starts to hurt too. Right now, it's pretty bad. Also, something happened to my right shoulder. In December they put me on Colistin for the first time, but it made me have seizures and durring one of them i threw out my shoulder.

That's my pain summary.


New member
so jealous about the stomach!

My gyno said that I have the strongest stomach muscles she has ever felt. Too bad there is a layer of flab over them, no one would ever know!


New member
so jealous about the stomach!

My gyno said that I have the strongest stomach muscles she has ever felt. Too bad there is a layer of flab over them, no one would ever know!


New member
so jealous about the stomach!

My gyno said that I have the strongest stomach muscles she has ever felt. Too bad there is a layer of flab over them, no one would ever know!


New member
i've always been offered pain killers in the hospital, but i accept them directly after surgery and directly after a picc. and now my new best friend is adivan (sp?) which is awesome for getting piccs in and getting anesthia for sugery... sorry i didnt help much, but i really hope things get figured out... as long as your not addicted to something, i dont see any reason why your doctor shouldnt give you something for pain.


New member
i've always been offered pain killers in the hospital, but i accept them directly after surgery and directly after a picc. and now my new best friend is adivan (sp?) which is awesome for getting piccs in and getting anesthia for sugery... sorry i didnt help much, but i really hope things get figured out... as long as your not addicted to something, i dont see any reason why your doctor shouldnt give you something for pain.


New member
i've always been offered pain killers in the hospital, but i accept them directly after surgery and directly after a picc. and now my new best friend is adivan (sp?) which is awesome for getting piccs in and getting anesthia for sugery... sorry i didnt help much, but i really hope things get figured out... as long as your not addicted to something, i dont see any reason why your doctor shouldnt give you something for pain.


New member
I'm starting to think your Dr. should be doing more to figure out WHY you are having so much pain? Although, this is all sort of dependant on what your PFT's are like. Because depending on what your PFT's are makes a difference in whether or not you should be experiencing any of this really...? So, yah I vote for bugging your Dr. one way or the other. Either to help figure out why you are having so much pain or helping you find a way to manage it.


New member
I'm starting to think your Dr. should be doing more to figure out WHY you are having so much pain? Although, this is all sort of dependant on what your PFT's are like. Because depending on what your PFT's are makes a difference in whether or not you should be experiencing any of this really...? So, yah I vote for bugging your Dr. one way or the other. Either to help figure out why you are having so much pain or helping you find a way to manage it.


New member
I'm starting to think your Dr. should be doing more to figure out WHY you are having so much pain? Although, this is all sort of dependant on what your PFT's are like. Because depending on what your PFT's are makes a difference in whether or not you should be experiencing any of this really...? So, yah I vote for bugging your Dr. one way or the other. Either to help figure out why you are having so much pain or helping you find a way to manage it.


New member
I think the only time I have
been on pain meds is when I had my lung
removed, I don't remember what it was.
When I came home from the hospital they had me
on something strong, I would take one and it would kick in.
I would be watching TV in a daze and when the show I
was watching went off, I thought it was still playing
in my head, so I cut them in half then quit taking
them all together. when I told the doc I had stopped he
said I should have taken them at least a week after coming home..
they just messed me up to much, I was zombie..........


New member
I think the only time I have
been on pain meds is when I had my lung
removed, I don't remember what it was.
When I came home from the hospital they had me
on something strong, I would take one and it would kick in.
I would be watching TV in a daze and when the show I
was watching went off, I thought it was still playing
in my head, so I cut them in half then quit taking
them all together. when I told the doc I had stopped he
said I should have taken them at least a week after coming home..
they just messed me up to much, I was zombie..........


New member
I think the only time I have
been on pain meds is when I had my lung
removed, I don't remember what it was.
When I came home from the hospital they had me
on something strong, I would take one and it would kick in.
I would be watching TV in a daze and when the show I
was watching went off, I thought it was still playing
in my head, so I cut them in half then quit taking
them all together. when I told the doc I had stopped he
said I should have taken them at least a week after coming home..
they just messed me up to much, I was zombie..........


New member
Oh Sue... isn't it awful when we can't laugh? Laughing is like my favorite thing in the world, and i hate that i stop myself from doing it because it hurts. That's like my main trouble when i get sick... My family is hiliarious, and my friends... we laugh and laugh, but when i'm sick, i can't join the fun and it kills my heart.

Anyway, Debbie, i believe you are right, but any time i mention it, they sweep it under the rug and say, "It'll go away..." and i'm sitting here screaming, "Really?! Alright, when then? Tomorrow, next week... F**k this... Get it gone NOW, or make it not hurt... no more of this, 'oh, you'll have break through pain, but don't take more percocet, it'll go away... evntually...' Eventually?! i'm sorry, do you have CF, do you know what it's like to have your chest feel like a 500 lb man is sitting on it? Do you know how it feels when your walking and you're so weak that your legs just fold? ... no? But you say you've studied so you understand? GRRRR!!! Understand, shmunderstand, it hurts real bad, now be a good doctor and make it stop..." Sorry, i guess i needed to vent...

Oh, and about my stomach... i always knew i had muscle underneath, they just never really showed... Much like you, Sue... but the other day, and let me just say, i do not believe in exercise... i'm lazy, i like to sleep and sit, no walking, no sit ups, no yoga or pallades... i'm a watcher, not a doer when it comes to that stuff... but the other day, i got out of the shower and i was cleaning my ears, which ALWAYS makes me cough (strange, i know) but while i was coughing i looked down and was shocked... i was buff! i called my whole family into the bathroom and made them look, that's why i took the pic... i'm sure it won't last and i wanted to have proof... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh Sue... isn't it awful when we can't laugh? Laughing is like my favorite thing in the world, and i hate that i stop myself from doing it because it hurts. That's like my main trouble when i get sick... My family is hiliarious, and my friends... we laugh and laugh, but when i'm sick, i can't join the fun and it kills my heart.

Anyway, Debbie, i believe you are right, but any time i mention it, they sweep it under the rug and say, "It'll go away..." and i'm sitting here screaming, "Really?! Alright, when then? Tomorrow, next week... F**k this... Get it gone NOW, or make it not hurt... no more of this, 'oh, you'll have break through pain, but don't take more percocet, it'll go away... evntually...' Eventually?! i'm sorry, do you have CF, do you know what it's like to have your chest feel like a 500 lb man is sitting on it? Do you know how it feels when your walking and you're so weak that your legs just fold? ... no? But you say you've studied so you understand? GRRRR!!! Understand, shmunderstand, it hurts real bad, now be a good doctor and make it stop..." Sorry, i guess i needed to vent...

Oh, and about my stomach... i always knew i had muscle underneath, they just never really showed... Much like you, Sue... but the other day, and let me just say, i do not believe in exercise... i'm lazy, i like to sleep and sit, no walking, no sit ups, no yoga or pallades... i'm a watcher, not a doer when it comes to that stuff... but the other day, i got out of the shower and i was cleaning my ears, which ALWAYS makes me cough (strange, i know) but while i was coughing i looked down and was shocked... i was buff! i called my whole family into the bathroom and made them look, that's why i took the pic... i'm sure it won't last and i wanted to have proof... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh Sue... isn't it awful when we can't laugh? Laughing is like my favorite thing in the world, and i hate that i stop myself from doing it because it hurts. That's like my main trouble when i get sick... My family is hiliarious, and my friends... we laugh and laugh, but when i'm sick, i can't join the fun and it kills my heart.

Anyway, Debbie, i believe you are right, but any time i mention it, they sweep it under the rug and say, "It'll go away..." and i'm sitting here screaming, "Really?! Alright, when then? Tomorrow, next week... F**k this... Get it gone NOW, or make it not hurt... no more of this, 'oh, you'll have break through pain, but don't take more percocet, it'll go away... evntually...' Eventually?! i'm sorry, do you have CF, do you know what it's like to have your chest feel like a 500 lb man is sitting on it? Do you know how it feels when your walking and you're so weak that your legs just fold? ... no? But you say you've studied so you understand? GRRRR!!! Understand, shmunderstand, it hurts real bad, now be a good doctor and make it stop..." Sorry, i guess i needed to vent...

Oh, and about my stomach... i always knew i had muscle underneath, they just never really showed... Much like you, Sue... but the other day, and let me just say, i do not believe in exercise... i'm lazy, i like to sleep and sit, no walking, no sit ups, no yoga or pallades... i'm a watcher, not a doer when it comes to that stuff... but the other day, i got out of the shower and i was cleaning my ears, which ALWAYS makes me cough (strange, i know) but while i was coughing i looked down and was shocked... i was buff! i called my whole family into the bathroom and made them look, that's why i took the pic... i'm sure it won't last and i wanted to have proof... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">