Parents of Infants with CF


New member
Posts: 191
Joined: 12/18/2007

Just wondering how many of us there are on here. It would be nice to 'talk' with eat of you and sort of compare notes.

What is your child's name?
Boy or Girl?
How old is your child?
20 months
How is your child doing?
Really well. She was diagnosed esentially at birth so we have done meds ever since.
What medications is your child on?
Xopenex, Pulmocort, Pulmozyme, VitalMax Jr (via G-tube) AquADEK, Vitamin K 3times a week, Prevacid, Pancrease MT 4
What therapies is your child doing?
Nebs and PT but we have a heck of a time with than and have had CPS called on use because she hates it soooooooooooooo much.
Has your child hit any baby milestones?
She is actually the youngest of 4 girls so she is ahead of the game for milestones.


New member
Posts: 191
Joined: 12/18/2007

Just wondering how many of us there are on here. It would be nice to 'talk' with eat of you and sort of compare notes.

What is your child's name?
Boy or Girl?
How old is your child?
20 months
How is your child doing?
Really well. She was diagnosed esentially at birth so we have done meds ever since.
What medications is your child on?
Xopenex, Pulmocort, Pulmozyme, VitalMax Jr (via G-tube) AquADEK, Vitamin K 3times a week, Prevacid, Pancrease MT 4
What therapies is your child doing?
Nebs and PT but we have a heck of a time with than and have had CPS called on use because she hates it soooooooooooooo much.
Has your child hit any baby milestones?
She is actually the youngest of 4 girls so she is ahead of the game for milestones.


New member
Posts: 191
Joined: 12/18/2007

Just wondering how many of us there are on here. It would be nice to 'talk' with eat of you and sort of compare notes.

What is your child's name?
Boy or Girl?
How old is your child?
20 months
How is your child doing?
Really well. She was diagnosed esentially at birth so we have done meds ever since.
What medications is your child on?
Xopenex, Pulmocort, Pulmozyme, VitalMax Jr (via G-tube) AquADEK, Vitamin K 3times a week, Prevacid, Pancrease MT 4
What therapies is your child doing?
Nebs and PT but we have a heck of a time with than and have had CPS called on use because she hates it soooooooooooooo much.
Has your child hit any baby milestones?
She is actually the youngest of 4 girls so she is ahead of the game for milestones.


New member
Posts: 191
Joined: 12/18/2007

Just wondering how many of us there are on here. It would be nice to 'talk' with eat of you and sort of compare notes.

What is your child's name?
Boy or Girl?
How old is your child?
20 months
How is your child doing?
Really well. She was diagnosed esentially at birth so we have done meds ever since.
What medications is your child on?
Xopenex, Pulmocort, Pulmozyme, VitalMax Jr (via G-tube) AquADEK, Vitamin K 3times a week, Prevacid, Pancrease MT 4
What therapies is your child doing?
Nebs and PT but we have a heck of a time with than and have had CPS called on use because she hates it soooooooooooooo much.
Has your child hit any baby milestones?
She is actually the youngest of 4 girls so she is ahead of the game for milestones.


New member
<br />
<br />Posts: 191
<br />Joined: 12/18/2007
<br />
<br /> Just wondering how many of us there are on here. It would be nice to 'talk' with eat of you and sort of compare notes.
<br />
<br />What is your child's name?
<br />Marahsyn
<br />Boy or Girl?
<br />Girl
<br />How old is your child?
<br />20 months
<br />How is your child doing?
<br />Really well. She was diagnosed esentially at birth so we have done meds ever since.
<br />What medications is your child on?
<br />Xopenex, Pulmocort, Pulmozyme, VitalMax Jr (via G-tube) AquADEK, Vitamin K 3times a week, Prevacid, Pancrease MT 4
<br />What therapies is your child doing?
<br />Nebs and PT but we have a heck of a time with than and have had CPS called on use because she hates it soooooooooooooo much.
<br />Has your child hit any baby milestones?
<br />She is actually the youngest of 4 girls so she is ahead of the game for milestones.
<br />


New member
Childs name ?

Boy or Girl?

How old ?
5 1/2 months

Hows she doing ?
She is having trouble gaining weight and has a ng tube.

What meds is she on?
creon 5, 1 per feeding , vitamins

What therapies is she doing?
cpt once a day

Has she hit any milestones?
She tries to roll just can't (almost soon), teething, and yelling at us when we give her enzymes she does not want to take them no more.


New member
Childs name ?

Boy or Girl?

How old ?
5 1/2 months

Hows she doing ?
She is having trouble gaining weight and has a ng tube.

What meds is she on?
creon 5, 1 per feeding , vitamins

What therapies is she doing?
cpt once a day

Has she hit any milestones?
She tries to roll just can't (almost soon), teething, and yelling at us when we give her enzymes she does not want to take them no more.


New member
Childs name ?

Boy or Girl?

How old ?
5 1/2 months

Hows she doing ?
She is having trouble gaining weight and has a ng tube.

What meds is she on?
creon 5, 1 per feeding , vitamins

What therapies is she doing?
cpt once a day

Has she hit any milestones?
She tries to roll just can't (almost soon), teething, and yelling at us when we give her enzymes she does not want to take them no more.


New member
Childs name ?

Boy or Girl?

How old ?
5 1/2 months

Hows she doing ?
She is having trouble gaining weight and has a ng tube.

What meds is she on?
creon 5, 1 per feeding , vitamins

What therapies is she doing?
cpt once a day

Has she hit any milestones?
She tries to roll just can't (almost soon), teething, and yelling at us when we give her enzymes she does not want to take them no more.


New member
Childs name ?
<br />Kayla
<br />
<br />Boy or Girl?
<br />Girl
<br />
<br />How old ?
<br />5 1/2 months
<br />
<br />Hows she doing ?
<br />She is having trouble gaining weight and has a ng tube.
<br />
<br />What meds is she on?
<br />creon 5, 1 per feeding , vitamins
<br />
<br />What therapies is she doing?
<br />cpt once a day
<br />
<br />Has she hit any milestones?
<br />She tries to roll just can't (almost soon), teething, and yelling at us when we give her enzymes she does not want to take them no more.


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>

<b>Boy or Girl? </b>


<b>How old is your child? </b>

About 5 1/2 months

<b>How is your child doing? </b>

She is doing well. She had a cold recently but it is cleared up now.

<b>What medications is your child on? </b>

Creon 5 (1 1/2 per feeding), Zantec, liquid vitamins

<b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>

percussions 2 times a day.

<b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>

She is lifting her head, sitting up with help, babbling, and teething.


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>

<b>Boy or Girl? </b>


<b>How old is your child? </b>

About 5 1/2 months

<b>How is your child doing? </b>

She is doing well. She had a cold recently but it is cleared up now.

<b>What medications is your child on? </b>

Creon 5 (1 1/2 per feeding), Zantec, liquid vitamins

<b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>

percussions 2 times a day.

<b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>

She is lifting her head, sitting up with help, babbling, and teething.


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>

<b>Boy or Girl? </b>


<b>How old is your child? </b>

About 5 1/2 months

<b>How is your child doing? </b>

She is doing well. She had a cold recently but it is cleared up now.

<b>What medications is your child on? </b>

Creon 5 (1 1/2 per feeding), Zantec, liquid vitamins

<b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>

percussions 2 times a day.

<b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>

She is lifting her head, sitting up with help, babbling, and teething.


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>

<b>Boy or Girl? </b>


<b>How old is your child? </b>

About 5 1/2 months

<b>How is your child doing? </b>

She is doing well. She had a cold recently but it is cleared up now.

<b>What medications is your child on? </b>

Creon 5 (1 1/2 per feeding), Zantec, liquid vitamins

<b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>

percussions 2 times a day.

<b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>

She is lifting her head, sitting up with help, babbling, and teething.


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>
<br />Sophie
<br />
<br /><b>Boy or Girl? </b>
<br />
<br />Girl
<br />
<br /><b>How old is your child? </b>
<br />
<br />About 5 1/2 months
<br />
<br /><b>How is your child doing? </b>
<br />
<br />She is doing well. She had a cold recently but it is cleared up now.
<br />
<br /><b>What medications is your child on? </b>
<br />
<br />Creon 5 (1 1/2 per feeding), Zantec, liquid vitamins
<br />
<br /><b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>
<br />
<br />percussions 2 times a day.
<br />
<br /><b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>
<br />
<br />She is lifting her head, sitting up with help, babbling, and teething.
<br />
<br />


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>
Boy or Girl? </b>

<b>How old is your child? </b>
Almost 3 months

<b>How is your child doing? </b>
She is doing well! She struggles with her weight, but this week she hit her goal!

<b>What medications is your child on? </b>
Creon 5 (2 per feeding), prevacid, liquid vitamins, regalin (sp?), amoxicillin (ear infection), sodium

<b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>
CPT once a day, neb when she has a cough/cold

<b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>
She is now smiling - it took her a long time to smile. We think it is because she wasn't feeling well. She is also starting to sleep through the night - is that a milestone for her or for me!!


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>
Boy or Girl? </b>

<b>How old is your child? </b>
Almost 3 months

<b>How is your child doing? </b>
She is doing well! She struggles with her weight, but this week she hit her goal!

<b>What medications is your child on? </b>
Creon 5 (2 per feeding), prevacid, liquid vitamins, regalin (sp?), amoxicillin (ear infection), sodium

<b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>
CPT once a day, neb when she has a cough/cold

<b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>
She is now smiling - it took her a long time to smile. We think it is because she wasn't feeling well. She is also starting to sleep through the night - is that a milestone for her or for me!!


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>
Boy or Girl? </b>

<b>How old is your child? </b>
Almost 3 months

<b>How is your child doing? </b>
She is doing well! She struggles with her weight, but this week she hit her goal!

<b>What medications is your child on? </b>
Creon 5 (2 per feeding), prevacid, liquid vitamins, regalin (sp?), amoxicillin (ear infection), sodium

<b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>
CPT once a day, neb when she has a cough/cold

<b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>
She is now smiling - it took her a long time to smile. We think it is because she wasn't feeling well. She is also starting to sleep through the night - is that a milestone for her or for me!!


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>
Boy or Girl? </b>

<b>How old is your child? </b>
Almost 3 months

<b>How is your child doing? </b>
She is doing well! She struggles with her weight, but this week she hit her goal!

<b>What medications is your child on? </b>
Creon 5 (2 per feeding), prevacid, liquid vitamins, regalin (sp?), amoxicillin (ear infection), sodium

<b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>
CPT once a day, neb when she has a cough/cold

<b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>
She is now smiling - it took her a long time to smile. We think it is because she wasn't feeling well. She is also starting to sleep through the night - is that a milestone for her or for me!!


New member
<b>What is your child's name? </b>
<br />Avery
<br /><b>
<br />Boy or Girl? </b>
<br />Girl
<br />
<br /><b>How old is your child? </b>
<br />Almost 3 months
<br />
<br /><b>How is your child doing? </b>
<br />She is doing well! She struggles with her weight, but this week she hit her goal!
<br />
<br /><b>What medications is your child on? </b>
<br />Creon 5 (2 per feeding), prevacid, liquid vitamins, regalin (sp?), amoxicillin (ear infection), sodium
<br />
<br /><b>What therapies is your child doing? </b>
<br />CPT once a day, neb when she has a cough/cold
<br />
<br /><b>Has your child hit any baby milestones? </b>
<br />She is now smiling - it took her a long time to smile. We think it is because she wasn't feeling well. She is also starting to sleep through the night - is that a milestone for her or for me!!
<br />