Parents of tweenagers


New member
Your story sounds exactly like what my mom would have said about me. I used to say I was wearing my pump, and I was, just didn't have it attached to my body at all. I would wear it when I left the house, but the minute I got out the door it was off because I never even put the needles in. My A1C was off the charts and I too complained that it hurt to much to put in the needle(lack of body fat to stick it in) My nurse gave me emla (numbing cream) to help with that but at times I still didn't do it.

Anyway point to my story is that as much as you want to find a place for them to start to take care of their own health and education, I don't think it will come until they are ready. I know that at age 12 you expect them to take care of themselves but honestly there is so much stress and pressure with being a kid that when you add CF into the mix its really hard. One day they will wake up and realize that they have to maintain their health and do all they can to take care of it. I just don't think there is a way to force it before they are ready.

It's hard, I can't imagine what it is like for you as a parent to watch your child not want to take care of their own health. You have to step in then and be the "bad guy" to remind them to do their meds and check their sugar.
I wish there could be an easier way, but I really think it will just happen when they are ready.

I went through that and as far as I know a few of my other friends had that too. We just wake up and realize CF will not go away and its time to take care of ourselves and we do. It took some time to get there but dont worry it will happen.


New member
Your story sounds exactly like what my mom would have said about me. I used to say I was wearing my pump, and I was, just didn't have it attached to my body at all. I would wear it when I left the house, but the minute I got out the door it was off because I never even put the needles in. My A1C was off the charts and I too complained that it hurt to much to put in the needle(lack of body fat to stick it in) My nurse gave me emla (numbing cream) to help with that but at times I still didn't do it.

Anyway point to my story is that as much as you want to find a place for them to start to take care of their own health and education, I don't think it will come until they are ready. I know that at age 12 you expect them to take care of themselves but honestly there is so much stress and pressure with being a kid that when you add CF into the mix its really hard. One day they will wake up and realize that they have to maintain their health and do all they can to take care of it. I just don't think there is a way to force it before they are ready.

It's hard, I can't imagine what it is like for you as a parent to watch your child not want to take care of their own health. You have to step in then and be the "bad guy" to remind them to do their meds and check their sugar.
I wish there could be an easier way, but I really think it will just happen when they are ready.

I went through that and as far as I know a few of my other friends had that too. We just wake up and realize CF will not go away and its time to take care of ourselves and we do. It took some time to get there but dont worry it will happen.


New member
Your story sounds exactly like what my mom would have said about me. I used to say I was wearing my pump, and I was, just didn't have it attached to my body at all. I would wear it when I left the house, but the minute I got out the door it was off because I never even put the needles in. My A1C was off the charts and I too complained that it hurt to much to put in the needle(lack of body fat to stick it in) My nurse gave me emla (numbing cream) to help with that but at times I still didn't do it.

Anyway point to my story is that as much as you want to find a place for them to start to take care of their own health and education, I don't think it will come until they are ready. I know that at age 12 you expect them to take care of themselves but honestly there is so much stress and pressure with being a kid that when you add CF into the mix its really hard. One day they will wake up and realize that they have to maintain their health and do all they can to take care of it. I just don't think there is a way to force it before they are ready.

It's hard, I can't imagine what it is like for you as a parent to watch your child not want to take care of their own health. You have to step in then and be the "bad guy" to remind them to do their meds and check their sugar.
I wish there could be an easier way, but I really think it will just happen when they are ready.

I went through that and as far as I know a few of my other friends had that too. We just wake up and realize CF will not go away and its time to take care of ourselves and we do. It took some time to get there but dont worry it will happen.


New member
Your story sounds exactly like what my mom would have said about me. I used to say I was wearing my pump, and I was, just didn't have it attached to my body at all. I would wear it when I left the house, but the minute I got out the door it was off because I never even put the needles in. My A1C was off the charts and I too complained that it hurt to much to put in the needle(lack of body fat to stick it in) My nurse gave me emla (numbing cream) to help with that but at times I still didn't do it.

Anyway point to my story is that as much as you want to find a place for them to start to take care of their own health and education, I don't think it will come until they are ready. I know that at age 12 you expect them to take care of themselves but honestly there is so much stress and pressure with being a kid that when you add CF into the mix its really hard. One day they will wake up and realize that they have to maintain their health and do all they can to take care of it. I just don't think there is a way to force it before they are ready.

It's hard, I can't imagine what it is like for you as a parent to watch your child not want to take care of their own health. You have to step in then and be the "bad guy" to remind them to do their meds and check their sugar.
I wish there could be an easier way, but I really think it will just happen when they are ready.

I went through that and as far as I know a few of my other friends had that too. We just wake up and realize CF will not go away and its time to take care of ourselves and we do. It took some time to get there but dont worry it will happen.


New member
<br />Your story sounds exactly like what my mom would have said about me. I used to say I was wearing my pump, and I was, just didn't have it attached to my body at all. I would wear it when I left the house, but the minute I got out the door it was off because I never even put the needles in. My A1C was off the charts and I too complained that it hurt to much to put in the needle(lack of body fat to stick it in) My nurse gave me emla (numbing cream) to help with that but at times I still didn't do it.
<br />
<br />
<br />Anyway point to my story is that as much as you want to find a place for them to start to take care of their own health and education, I don't think it will come until they are ready. I know that at age 12 you expect them to take care of themselves but honestly there is so much stress and pressure with being a kid that when you add CF into the mix its really hard. One day they will wake up and realize that they have to maintain their health and do all they can to take care of it. I just don't think there is a way to force it before they are ready.
<br />
<br />It's hard, I can't imagine what it is like for you as a parent to watch your child not want to take care of their own health. You have to step in then and be the "bad guy" to remind them to do their meds and check their sugar.
<br />I wish there could be an easier way, but I really think it will just happen when they are ready.
<br />
<br />I went through that and as far as I know a few of my other friends had that too. We just wake up and realize CF will not go away and its time to take care of ourselves and we do. It took some time to get there but dont worry it will happen.
<br />


New member
Madison, input from people your age is very important to us as our kids get a little older in helping figure out what's going on in their heads from their perspective! Out of curiosity, *before* you reached that age of adolescence, how much were you accustomed to doing on your own when it came to cf care?


New member
Madison, input from people your age is very important to us as our kids get a little older in helping figure out what's going on in their heads from their perspective! Out of curiosity, *before* you reached that age of adolescence, how much were you accustomed to doing on your own when it came to cf care?


New member
Madison, input from people your age is very important to us as our kids get a little older in helping figure out what's going on in their heads from their perspective! Out of curiosity, *before* you reached that age of adolescence, how much were you accustomed to doing on your own when it came to cf care?


New member
Madison, input from people your age is very important to us as our kids get a little older in helping figure out what's going on in their heads from their perspective! Out of curiosity, *before* you reached that age of adolescence, how much were you accustomed to doing on your own when it came to cf care?


New member
Madison, input from people your age is very important to us as our kids get a little older in helping figure out what's going on in their heads from their perspective! Out of curiosity, *before* you reached that age of adolescence, how much were you accustomed to doing on your own when it came to cf care?


New member
Thats hard to say but I think I carried my enzymes around with me and would take them at school and with my friends. I also did my nebulizer without being asked typically although there were times I did need reminding.
My mom did get my pills out for me every morning and gave them to me to take. I think I knew what each pill was and what it was supposed to help with but I never knew the dosage until I was older and in charge of filling prescriptions.

Thats all I can really think of but let me know if your curious about anything else. I'd be happy to try and help. =)


New member
Thats hard to say but I think I carried my enzymes around with me and would take them at school and with my friends. I also did my nebulizer without being asked typically although there were times I did need reminding.
My mom did get my pills out for me every morning and gave them to me to take. I think I knew what each pill was and what it was supposed to help with but I never knew the dosage until I was older and in charge of filling prescriptions.

Thats all I can really think of but let me know if your curious about anything else. I'd be happy to try and help. =)


New member
Thats hard to say but I think I carried my enzymes around with me and would take them at school and with my friends. I also did my nebulizer without being asked typically although there were times I did need reminding.
My mom did get my pills out for me every morning and gave them to me to take. I think I knew what each pill was and what it was supposed to help with but I never knew the dosage until I was older and in charge of filling prescriptions.

Thats all I can really think of but let me know if your curious about anything else. I'd be happy to try and help. =)


New member
Thats hard to say but I think I carried my enzymes around with me and would take them at school and with my friends. I also did my nebulizer without being asked typically although there were times I did need reminding.
My mom did get my pills out for me every morning and gave them to me to take. I think I knew what each pill was and what it was supposed to help with but I never knew the dosage until I was older and in charge of filling prescriptions.

Thats all I can really think of but let me know if your curious about anything else. I'd be happy to try and help. =)


New member
Thats hard to say but I think I carried my enzymes around with me and would take them at school and with my friends. I also did my nebulizer without being asked typically although there were times I did need reminding.
<br />My mom did get my pills out for me every morning and gave them to me to take. I think I knew what each pill was and what it was supposed to help with but I never knew the dosage until I was older and in charge of filling prescriptions.
<br />
<br />Thats all I can really think of but let me know if your curious about anything else. I'd be happy to try and help. =)


New member
I am not sure what to tell you. I have a boy who has cf and was diagnosed at age 9. He will be 17 in May. He has been diffucult to deal with for a year. He refuses to take his medicine. No amount of rewards or punishments has helped. The doctors and I agreed regular counseling was not helping so last Sept we had him admitted to in house counselling and he spent two months there. We were not able to visit during this time because we live in Ga and it was in Virginia. We had lots of calls and he convinced them that he was better. Due to insurance restrictions he was released after two months. He came home and did great for a month and half and now is back to the same thing. He refuses to take his treatments and being that he is almost 17 we can't hold him down and make him do it. We are lost as what to do so if anyone has any advice for me please help.


New member
I am not sure what to tell you. I have a boy who has cf and was diagnosed at age 9. He will be 17 in May. He has been diffucult to deal with for a year. He refuses to take his medicine. No amount of rewards or punishments has helped. The doctors and I agreed regular counseling was not helping so last Sept we had him admitted to in house counselling and he spent two months there. We were not able to visit during this time because we live in Ga and it was in Virginia. We had lots of calls and he convinced them that he was better. Due to insurance restrictions he was released after two months. He came home and did great for a month and half and now is back to the same thing. He refuses to take his treatments and being that he is almost 17 we can't hold him down and make him do it. We are lost as what to do so if anyone has any advice for me please help.


New member
I am not sure what to tell you. I have a boy who has cf and was diagnosed at age 9. He will be 17 in May. He has been diffucult to deal with for a year. He refuses to take his medicine. No amount of rewards or punishments has helped. The doctors and I agreed regular counseling was not helping so last Sept we had him admitted to in house counselling and he spent two months there. We were not able to visit during this time because we live in Ga and it was in Virginia. We had lots of calls and he convinced them that he was better. Due to insurance restrictions he was released after two months. He came home and did great for a month and half and now is back to the same thing. He refuses to take his treatments and being that he is almost 17 we can't hold him down and make him do it. We are lost as what to do so if anyone has any advice for me please help.


New member
I am not sure what to tell you. I have a boy who has cf and was diagnosed at age 9. He will be 17 in May. He has been diffucult to deal with for a year. He refuses to take his medicine. No amount of rewards or punishments has helped. The doctors and I agreed regular counseling was not helping so last Sept we had him admitted to in house counselling and he spent two months there. We were not able to visit during this time because we live in Ga and it was in Virginia. We had lots of calls and he convinced them that he was better. Due to insurance restrictions he was released after two months. He came home and did great for a month and half and now is back to the same thing. He refuses to take his treatments and being that he is almost 17 we can't hold him down and make him do it. We are lost as what to do so if anyone has any advice for me please help.


New member
I am not sure what to tell you. I have a boy who has cf and was diagnosed at age 9. He will be 17 in May. He has been diffucult to deal with for a year. He refuses to take his medicine. No amount of rewards or punishments has helped. The doctors and I agreed regular counseling was not helping so last Sept we had him admitted to in house counselling and he spent two months there. We were not able to visit during this time because we live in Ga and it was in Virginia. We had lots of calls and he convinced them that he was better. Due to insurance restrictions he was released after two months. He came home and did great for a month and half and now is back to the same thing. He refuses to take his treatments and being that he is almost 17 we can't hold him down and make him do it. We are lost as what to do so if anyone has any advice for me please help.