


I found myself relating to most of what everyone posted. I know I have the dark side as well though I think that wld be there with or without the CF. My tolerence for people with minor things wrong I simply can't stand to hear. Alot of friends/family always talk wt. issues give me A %^&* break do soemthing abt it. I find that extremely annoying. Also alot of people come to me for adivce casue I am so understanding AHHHH I hate that now at this age. I don't want to hear yr. problems or give advice go to therapy. But wld I say that out loud NO, so I stopped taking alot of calls and kinda cut down on my social list of people, it just got to be a pain in tha ass plain and simply. I am feeling more angry lately as I can't get the coughing under control and the phelem that pours out of me when I start to laugh, what are you suppossed to do abt. that? I am so gratful for pulmozme it has kept me clear of plugs for years but now this stuff is like a ozzing fountain at times very gross? OMG I am getting into too much detail sorry. getting off track. Alot of you on here in yr. 20/30's partying be careful, like someone said it's not that we have a stamp on us dead at 32 alot of us go on longer, and why deal with bigger issues later. I just turned 56 I have alot of life issues as well. I try to work it out, but lately I've been crying too much as it all seems out of control and this I hate as I have always been in control of everything esp. my CF - oh I'm ending this I think I'm ranting. Hugs to All Pat-56/CF


I found myself relating to most of what everyone posted. I know I have the dark side as well though I think that wld be there with or without the CF. My tolerence for people with minor things wrong I simply can't stand to hear. Alot of friends/family always talk wt. issues give me A %^&* break do soemthing abt it. I find that extremely annoying. Also alot of people come to me for adivce casue I am so understanding AHHHH I hate that now at this age. I don't want to hear yr. problems or give advice go to therapy. But wld I say that out loud NO, so I stopped taking alot of calls and kinda cut down on my social list of people, it just got to be a pain in tha ass plain and simply. I am feeling more angry lately as I can't get the coughing under control and the phelem that pours out of me when I start to laugh, what are you suppossed to do abt. that? I am so gratful for pulmozme it has kept me clear of plugs for years but now this stuff is like a ozzing fountain at times very gross? OMG I am getting into too much detail sorry. getting off track. Alot of you on here in yr. 20/30's partying be careful, like someone said it's not that we have a stamp on us dead at 32 alot of us go on longer, and why deal with bigger issues later. I just turned 56 I have alot of life issues as well. I try to work it out, but lately I've been crying too much as it all seems out of control and this I hate as I have always been in control of everything esp. my CF - oh I'm ending this I think I'm ranting. Hugs to All Pat-56/CF


I found myself relating to most of what everyone posted. I know I have the dark side as well though I think that wld be there with or without the CF. My tolerence for people with minor things wrong I simply can't stand to hear. Alot of friends/family always talk wt. issues give me A %^&* break do soemthing abt it. I find that extremely annoying. Also alot of people come to me for adivce casue I am so understanding AHHHH I hate that now at this age. I don't want to hear yr. problems or give advice go to therapy. But wld I say that out loud NO, so I stopped taking alot of calls and kinda cut down on my social list of people, it just got to be a pain in tha ass plain and simply. I am feeling more angry lately as I can't get the coughing under control and the phelem that pours out of me when I start to laugh, what are you suppossed to do abt. that? I am so gratful for pulmozme it has kept me clear of plugs for years but now this stuff is like a ozzing fountain at times very gross? OMG I am getting into too much detail sorry. getting off track. Alot of you on here in yr. 20/30's partying be careful, like someone said it's not that we have a stamp on us dead at 32 alot of us go on longer, and why deal with bigger issues later. I just turned 56 I have alot of life issues as well. I try to work it out, but lately I've been crying too much as it all seems out of control and this I hate as I have always been in control of everything esp. my CF - oh I'm ending this I think I'm ranting. Hugs to All Pat-56/CF


New member
I'm glad to see this post....a topic you can't really discuss with you parents or your dr. for obvious reasons. I spent many many years angry with a bad attitude towards anything remotely negative. I had a temper of pure fire through my young adult years. I was an intravert...and continue to be in many ways. I prefer to be at home solo, eat meals alone etc. On the other hand, I've always been social. Not by choice really, more by association. I grew up as a dancer and that was my social network. I had 3 or 4 close friends and that was it. I played in the yard alone, walked to school alone and that continued on for many years. As an adult I worked in an industry of PURE SOCIALIZATION for 8 years...where my life revolved around talking to MANY MANY MANY people a day 6 days a week....and when i left that career...i went back to being an intravert. I still prefer to hang with only my CLOSE friends (4 or 5 of them) and my boyfriend. I don't feel like hanging out with people I have to explain my life story too or why I'm coughing without the "Are you kidding? Are you going to die soon.." etc.

As for relationships, this is where I have not let CF interfere so much. I love freely and if it works it works and when it doesn't, I pick up and move on. You can say I'm overly realistic about relationships. I've had several LONG relationships...and some of them healthy and some of them not. If my man doesn't understand or has no desire to be supportive, he would have never made it to boyfriend status. I understand the staying away from love because of CF. I had one relationship end because I've always been against having children knowing I have CF and my man at the time couldn't commit to the same thing. I also have never had the desire to marry. Now, I'm just concerned with my own health and my own happiness, not kids or marriage or any of that. I have a man who is absolutely amazing and supportive and kids and marriage are not part of the equation.

Being an intravert by nature, a solo artist, a loner, is my natural state. Others have called me mean, angry, cold....but those people DO NOT KNOW ME. I don't spend time wondering about it. I just carry on in life doing what makes me happy.


New member
I'm glad to see this post....a topic you can't really discuss with you parents or your dr. for obvious reasons. I spent many many years angry with a bad attitude towards anything remotely negative. I had a temper of pure fire through my young adult years. I was an intravert...and continue to be in many ways. I prefer to be at home solo, eat meals alone etc. On the other hand, I've always been social. Not by choice really, more by association. I grew up as a dancer and that was my social network. I had 3 or 4 close friends and that was it. I played in the yard alone, walked to school alone and that continued on for many years. As an adult I worked in an industry of PURE SOCIALIZATION for 8 years...where my life revolved around talking to MANY MANY MANY people a day 6 days a week....and when i left that career...i went back to being an intravert. I still prefer to hang with only my CLOSE friends (4 or 5 of them) and my boyfriend. I don't feel like hanging out with people I have to explain my life story too or why I'm coughing without the "Are you kidding? Are you going to die soon.." etc.

As for relationships, this is where I have not let CF interfere so much. I love freely and if it works it works and when it doesn't, I pick up and move on. You can say I'm overly realistic about relationships. I've had several LONG relationships...and some of them healthy and some of them not. If my man doesn't understand or has no desire to be supportive, he would have never made it to boyfriend status. I understand the staying away from love because of CF. I had one relationship end because I've always been against having children knowing I have CF and my man at the time couldn't commit to the same thing. I also have never had the desire to marry. Now, I'm just concerned with my own health and my own happiness, not kids or marriage or any of that. I have a man who is absolutely amazing and supportive and kids and marriage are not part of the equation.

Being an intravert by nature, a solo artist, a loner, is my natural state. Others have called me mean, angry, cold....but those people DO NOT KNOW ME. I don't spend time wondering about it. I just carry on in life doing what makes me happy.


New member
I'm glad to see this post....a topic you can't really discuss with you parents or your dr. for obvious reasons. I spent many many years angry with a bad attitude towards anything remotely negative. I had a temper of pure fire through my young adult years. I was an intravert...and continue to be in many ways. I prefer to be at home solo, eat meals alone etc. On the other hand, I've always been social. Not by choice really, more by association. I grew up as a dancer and that was my social network. I had 3 or 4 close friends and that was it. I played in the yard alone, walked to school alone and that continued on for many years. As an adult I worked in an industry of PURE SOCIALIZATION for 8 years...where my life revolved around talking to MANY MANY MANY people a day 6 days a week....and when i left that career...i went back to being an intravert. I still prefer to hang with only my CLOSE friends (4 or 5 of them) and my boyfriend. I don't feel like hanging out with people I have to explain my life story too or why I'm coughing without the "Are you kidding? Are you going to die soon.." etc.
<br />
<br />As for relationships, this is where I have not let CF interfere so much. I love freely and if it works it works and when it doesn't, I pick up and move on. You can say I'm overly realistic about relationships. I've had several LONG relationships...and some of them healthy and some of them not. If my man doesn't understand or has no desire to be supportive, he would have never made it to boyfriend status. I understand the staying away from love because of CF. I had one relationship end because I've always been against having children knowing I have CF and my man at the time couldn't commit to the same thing. I also have never had the desire to marry. Now, I'm just concerned with my own health and my own happiness, not kids or marriage or any of that. I have a man who is absolutely amazing and supportive and kids and marriage are not part of the equation.
<br />
<br />Being an intravert by nature, a solo artist, a loner, is my natural state. Others have called me mean, angry, cold....but those people DO NOT KNOW ME. I don't spend time wondering about it. I just carry on in life doing what makes me happy.


New member
I consider myself friendly, loving and caring. I can empathize with people that are not in the best place with their health but I also find it annoying when people complain about their health but do nothing to help themselves. That is really the only thing that I feel I have developed simply due to what I have experienced with having CF. I think a big part of it for me though is when people ask me to describe myself the last thing that comes to mind is that I have CF. I think of having had a transplant but CF is an after thought and I have always been that way for the most part. It is a thing and I take care of what needs to be taken care of but I try to keep this disease with as little impact on my daily life as possible.

I know that may sound strange, but I try my best not to identify myself by my disease or health problems. I think that is a large part of the reason I can be as optimistic and as friendly as I am. I don't think about it. I don't focus on it, so there isn't much about it that brings me down.

Overall I love giving and receiving affection, I am loyal to a fault and will do most anything for the people I love. I love people and truly do feel for people sometimes, but again like I said there is always that part in me that thinks shut the f- up and do something about it when I see people constantly complaining about a problem and doing nothing to take care of it.



New member
I consider myself friendly, loving and caring. I can empathize with people that are not in the best place with their health but I also find it annoying when people complain about their health but do nothing to help themselves. That is really the only thing that I feel I have developed simply due to what I have experienced with having CF. I think a big part of it for me though is when people ask me to describe myself the last thing that comes to mind is that I have CF. I think of having had a transplant but CF is an after thought and I have always been that way for the most part. It is a thing and I take care of what needs to be taken care of but I try to keep this disease with as little impact on my daily life as possible.

I know that may sound strange, but I try my best not to identify myself by my disease or health problems. I think that is a large part of the reason I can be as optimistic and as friendly as I am. I don't think about it. I don't focus on it, so there isn't much about it that brings me down.

Overall I love giving and receiving affection, I am loyal to a fault and will do most anything for the people I love. I love people and truly do feel for people sometimes, but again like I said there is always that part in me that thinks shut the f- up and do something about it when I see people constantly complaining about a problem and doing nothing to take care of it.



New member
I consider myself friendly, loving and caring. I can empathize with people that are not in the best place with their health but I also find it annoying when people complain about their health but do nothing to help themselves. That is really the only thing that I feel I have developed simply due to what I have experienced with having CF. I think a big part of it for me though is when people ask me to describe myself the last thing that comes to mind is that I have CF. I think of having had a transplant but CF is an after thought and I have always been that way for the most part. It is a thing and I take care of what needs to be taken care of but I try to keep this disease with as little impact on my daily life as possible.
<br />
<br />I know that may sound strange, but I try my best not to identify myself by my disease or health problems. I think that is a large part of the reason I can be as optimistic and as friendly as I am. I don't think about it. I don't focus on it, so there isn't much about it that brings me down.
<br />
<br />Overall I love giving and receiving affection, I am loyal to a fault and will do most anything for the people I love. I love people and truly do feel for people sometimes, but again like I said there is always that part in me that thinks shut the f- up and do something about it when I see people constantly complaining about a problem and doing nothing to take care of it.
<br />
<br />Lindsey


My 4 year old son has CF and was diagnosed at birth. Before his birth (and that of his twin sister, unaffected) I was a judgmental person, just part of my personality. The past few years has taught me that everyone has their challenge (or baggage if you will) in life and this is ours. I don't compare the weight of it to others'. In fact I'm grateful that I don't have some other baggage I see others burdened with, be it poverty, bad marriage, etc. Acceptance of one's life is key and I hope you can find that because with it you will likely find happiness.


My 4 year old son has CF and was diagnosed at birth. Before his birth (and that of his twin sister, unaffected) I was a judgmental person, just part of my personality. The past few years has taught me that everyone has their challenge (or baggage if you will) in life and this is ours. I don't compare the weight of it to others'. In fact I'm grateful that I don't have some other baggage I see others burdened with, be it poverty, bad marriage, etc. Acceptance of one's life is key and I hope you can find that because with it you will likely find happiness.


My 4 year old son has CF and was diagnosed at birth. Before his birth (and that of his twin sister, unaffected) I was a judgmental person, just part of my personality. The past few years has taught me that everyone has their challenge (or baggage if you will) in life and this is ours. I don't compare the weight of it to others'. In fact I'm grateful that I don't have some other baggage I see others burdened with, be it poverty, bad marriage, etc. Acceptance of one's life is key and I hope you can find that because with it you will likely find happiness.


New member
I am a mother of a child with CF. As he matures into a teenager, I do notice that he seems to have alot of 'attitude'. I think that this is just him, his age, and his upbringing. I know that this forum is CF focused, but everyone deals with something. As a healthcare professional, trust me, every family and person has some things that they deal with and carry on with them for their entire life. We have to be supportive of each other, encourage each other, and stand up/advocate for each other. When life seems unbearable, we focus on the saving mercies of Jesus and believe that things could be worse. No, its not easy alot of days for my son, but he encourages others by his positive attitude. Hope this helps!!


New member
I am a mother of a child with CF. As he matures into a teenager, I do notice that he seems to have alot of 'attitude'. I think that this is just him, his age, and his upbringing. I know that this forum is CF focused, but everyone deals with something. As a healthcare professional, trust me, every family and person has some things that they deal with and carry on with them for their entire life. We have to be supportive of each other, encourage each other, and stand up/advocate for each other. When life seems unbearable, we focus on the saving mercies of Jesus and believe that things could be worse. No, its not easy alot of days for my son, but he encourages others by his positive attitude. Hope this helps!!


New member
I am a mother of a child with CF. As he matures into a teenager, I do notice that he seems to have alot of 'attitude'. I think that this is just him, his age, and his upbringing. I know that this forum is CF focused, but everyone deals with something. As a healthcare professional, trust me, every family and person has some things that they deal with and carry on with them for their entire life. We have to be supportive of each other, encourage each other, and stand up/advocate for each other. When life seems unbearable, we focus on the saving mercies of Jesus and believe that things could be worse. No, its not easy alot of days for my son, but he encourages others by his positive attitude. Hope this helps!!


New member
<img src="i/expressions/iv.gif" border="0">nocode: As with all of the responses here, my personality is a mixture of both warm and cold, loving and distant. I have noticed a few things about the context of my cold/distant side.

For one, whenever I am feeling overwhelmed with my cf i find myself retreating into my own thoughts and having less patience with those around me. This is especially true for those people who are close to me and I feel comfortable letting my guard down around.
Second, it usually gets worse if there is someone "feeling sorry for me" or if I feel a lack of compassion for what I am dealing with. I tend to like to be alone for this reason - people wanting to "help" usually end up making me feel worse, and not because that was their intention.
Third, relationships have been and will probably always be difficult. Because I have a hard time dealing with other people's grief over my illness I used to hide it, lie about how i was feeling, or downplay it's significance in my life. This always ended in disaster! Either the guy I was with would over compensate by being super-man and trying to take over every little part of my life to completely ignoring that I was in any way different than anyone else.

I think I have found a balance now (surprisingly enough - once I started to get sick more frequently it was easier to be more open). I have a tremendous boyfriend who is supportive yet not overbearing and I have learned to trust him when he says that he can handle this and it's not too much for him. This is a huge step for me - to trust that I am not a burden on someone else. It is still hard and I still have meltdowns and make him swear he'll tell me if he feels the least bit burnt out, but at least my heart feels warmer and I can be a whole person- not split between the me I want to be and the me that I am.

I hope this helps and you keep your chin up and heart open to whatever is next.

<3 mary<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/iv.gif" border="0">nocode: As with all of the responses here, my personality is a mixture of both warm and cold, loving and distant. I have noticed a few things about the context of my cold/distant side.

For one, whenever I am feeling overwhelmed with my cf i find myself retreating into my own thoughts and having less patience with those around me. This is especially true for those people who are close to me and I feel comfortable letting my guard down around.
Second, it usually gets worse if there is someone "feeling sorry for me" or if I feel a lack of compassion for what I am dealing with. I tend to like to be alone for this reason - people wanting to "help" usually end up making me feel worse, and not because that was their intention.
Third, relationships have been and will probably always be difficult. Because I have a hard time dealing with other people's grief over my illness I used to hide it, lie about how i was feeling, or downplay it's significance in my life. This always ended in disaster! Either the guy I was with would over compensate by being super-man and trying to take over every little part of my life to completely ignoring that I was in any way different than anyone else.

I think I have found a balance now (surprisingly enough - once I started to get sick more frequently it was easier to be more open). I have a tremendous boyfriend who is supportive yet not overbearing and I have learned to trust him when he says that he can handle this and it's not too much for him. This is a huge step for me - to trust that I am not a burden on someone else. It is still hard and I still have meltdowns and make him swear he'll tell me if he feels the least bit burnt out, but at least my heart feels warmer and I can be a whole person- not split between the me I want to be and the me that I am.

I hope this helps and you keep your chin up and heart open to whatever is next.

<3 mary<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
<img src="i/expressions/iv.gif" border="0">nocode: As with all of the responses here, my personality is a mixture of both warm and cold, loving and distant. I have noticed a few things about the context of my cold/distant side.
<br />
<br />For one, whenever I am feeling overwhelmed with my cf i find myself retreating into my own thoughts and having less patience with those around me. This is especially true for those people who are close to me and I feel comfortable letting my guard down around.
<br />Second, it usually gets worse if there is someone "feeling sorry for me" or if I feel a lack of compassion for what I am dealing with. I tend to like to be alone for this reason - people wanting to "help" usually end up making me feel worse, and not because that was their intention.
<br />Third, relationships have been and will probably always be difficult. Because I have a hard time dealing with other people's grief over my illness I used to hide it, lie about how i was feeling, or downplay it's significance in my life. This always ended in disaster! Either the guy I was with would over compensate by being super-man and trying to take over every little part of my life to completely ignoring that I was in any way different than anyone else.
<br />
<br />I think I have found a balance now (surprisingly enough - once I started to get sick more frequently it was easier to be more open). I have a tremendous boyfriend who is supportive yet not overbearing and I have learned to trust him when he says that he can handle this and it's not too much for him. This is a huge step for me - to trust that I am not a burden on someone else. It is still hard and I still have meltdowns and make him swear he'll tell me if he feels the least bit burnt out, but at least my heart feels warmer and I can be a whole person- not split between the me I want to be and the me that I am.
<br />
<br />I hope this helps and you keep your chin up and heart open to whatever is next.
<br />
<br /><3 mary<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


WOW !!!
I am a 42 yr old female (43 yrs old in May) with CF and CFRD. I was diagnosed with CF at 3 yrs old. And CFRD in 2006. I have always been a happy go lucky person, even if I was having a bad day I was happy. I have never been angry or hateful or anything like all of you are saying towards other people. I tell people who I see fit that I have CF and yes they look at me funny cause they're thinking "why is she still alive?" tunrs out that they are NOT educated about CF and thought that I had/have MS. If I was 42, 25 yrs ago then yes I may have died, but here I am. Maybe the people that you are telling that you have CF are just not educated enough about CF, maybe they are confused as to what CF really is...when I tell people or my partner I explin it to them the best I can then I make them read about it online and I would make my partner go to a CF appt with me, then if he had any more questions he could ask the docotor.

I do NOT let CF run my life...I run my life and my CF. CF doesn't change you. YOU change you!!

Being newly diagnosed yes it can be stressful and can make you HATE the world and everyone in it, but they don't know, they don't know you have CF or maybe even what it is. So don't take it out on the people who don't know, inform them...don't hate them.

I am the oldest living person in British Columbia, Canada, so the stats tell me. I am well like/loved by all people, even the ones that don't know me.

If you have any questions or concerns and would like to talk, please feel free to send me a personal messege.



WOW !!!
I am a 42 yr old female (43 yrs old in May) with CF and CFRD. I was diagnosed with CF at 3 yrs old. And CFRD in 2006. I have always been a happy go lucky person, even if I was having a bad day I was happy. I have never been angry or hateful or anything like all of you are saying towards other people. I tell people who I see fit that I have CF and yes they look at me funny cause they're thinking "why is she still alive?" tunrs out that they are NOT educated about CF and thought that I had/have MS. If I was 42, 25 yrs ago then yes I may have died, but here I am. Maybe the people that you are telling that you have CF are just not educated enough about CF, maybe they are confused as to what CF really is...when I tell people or my partner I explin it to them the best I can then I make them read about it online and I would make my partner go to a CF appt with me, then if he had any more questions he could ask the docotor.

I do NOT let CF run my life...I run my life and my CF. CF doesn't change you. YOU change you!!

Being newly diagnosed yes it can be stressful and can make you HATE the world and everyone in it, but they don't know, they don't know you have CF or maybe even what it is. So don't take it out on the people who don't know, inform them...don't hate them.

I am the oldest living person in British Columbia, Canada, so the stats tell me. I am well like/loved by all people, even the ones that don't know me.

If you have any questions or concerns and would like to talk, please feel free to send me a personal messege.
