ports in kids


New member
My daughter is 2 and has been hospitalized 6 times in the last 12 months twice in the PICU she has horrible veins and noone can ever start her IV or draw her blood they try and try and she screams and screams.

<My question is how many of you or your kids have ports?
Did you bring up the idea of putting it in or did your doctor?
How old were you when you got it?
How difficult is it to care for, especially in a young child?
Anything else we should know?



New member
My daughter is 2 and has been hospitalized 6 times in the last 12 months twice in the PICU she has horrible veins and noone can ever start her IV or draw her blood they try and try and she screams and screams.

<My question is how many of you or your kids have ports?
Did you bring up the idea of putting it in or did your doctor?
How old were you when you got it?
How difficult is it to care for, especially in a young child?
Anything else we should know?



New member
My daughter is 2 and has been hospitalized 6 times in the last 12 months twice in the PICU she has horrible veins and noone can ever start her IV or draw her blood they try and try and she screams and screams.

<My question is how many of you or your kids have ports?
Did you bring up the idea of putting it in or did your doctor?
How old were you when you got it?
How difficult is it to care for, especially in a young child?
Anything else we should know?



New member
My daughter is 2 and has been hospitalized 6 times in the last 12 months twice in the PICU she has horrible veins and noone can ever start her IV or draw her blood they try and try and she screams and screams.

<My question is how many of you or your kids have ports?
Did you bring up the idea of putting it in or did your doctor?
How old were you when you got it?
How difficult is it to care for, especially in a young child?
Anything else we should know?



New member
My daughter is 2 and has been hospitalized 6 times in the last 12 months twice in the PICU she has horrible veins and noone can ever start her IV or draw her blood they try and try and she screams and screams.
<br />
<br /><My question is how many of you or your kids have ports?
<br />Did you bring up the idea of putting it in or did your doctor?
<br />How old were you when you got it?
<br />How difficult is it to care for, especially in a young child?
<br />Anything else we should know?
<br />
<br />Thanks


New member
My daughter Hayley has had her port for a year now. She got it put in whenshe was 4 years old. I actually brought it up, buto ur doctor agreed it was time. She has been admitted for IV's 11 times since her diagnosis at 3 months old. I hated doing the PICC's and having her sedated all the time. Plus they were getting harder and harder to place.I haven't regretted it for a second! In fact I wish we had done the port sooner! She was quite sore around the incision for the first week, but no problems since then. The only thing is that it does have to be accessed and flushed every month, but she is getting better with that. Hospital admissions are a breeze now, we get admitted and put the EMLA cream on the port, one poke in the port and we are ready to go! No sedations, no going NPO without food or drink, they draw the blood needed for lab work right out of the port and start up the IV's. Let me know if you have any other questions!

She is actually accessed right now and doing IV's as I type!

Becky, Mom to Hayley, almost 5 with CF and Nathan, 8, carrier


New member
My daughter Hayley has had her port for a year now. She got it put in whenshe was 4 years old. I actually brought it up, buto ur doctor agreed it was time. She has been admitted for IV's 11 times since her diagnosis at 3 months old. I hated doing the PICC's and having her sedated all the time. Plus they were getting harder and harder to place.I haven't regretted it for a second! In fact I wish we had done the port sooner! She was quite sore around the incision for the first week, but no problems since then. The only thing is that it does have to be accessed and flushed every month, but she is getting better with that. Hospital admissions are a breeze now, we get admitted and put the EMLA cream on the port, one poke in the port and we are ready to go! No sedations, no going NPO without food or drink, they draw the blood needed for lab work right out of the port and start up the IV's. Let me know if you have any other questions!

She is actually accessed right now and doing IV's as I type!

Becky, Mom to Hayley, almost 5 with CF and Nathan, 8, carrier


New member
My daughter Hayley has had her port for a year now. She got it put in whenshe was 4 years old. I actually brought it up, buto ur doctor agreed it was time. She has been admitted for IV's 11 times since her diagnosis at 3 months old. I hated doing the PICC's and having her sedated all the time. Plus they were getting harder and harder to place.I haven't regretted it for a second! In fact I wish we had done the port sooner! She was quite sore around the incision for the first week, but no problems since then. The only thing is that it does have to be accessed and flushed every month, but she is getting better with that. Hospital admissions are a breeze now, we get admitted and put the EMLA cream on the port, one poke in the port and we are ready to go! No sedations, no going NPO without food or drink, they draw the blood needed for lab work right out of the port and start up the IV's. Let me know if you have any other questions!

She is actually accessed right now and doing IV's as I type!

Becky, Mom to Hayley, almost 5 with CF and Nathan, 8, carrier


New member
My daughter Hayley has had her port for a year now. She got it put in whenshe was 4 years old. I actually brought it up, buto ur doctor agreed it was time. She has been admitted for IV's 11 times since her diagnosis at 3 months old. I hated doing the PICC's and having her sedated all the time. Plus they were getting harder and harder to place.I haven't regretted it for a second! In fact I wish we had done the port sooner! She was quite sore around the incision for the first week, but no problems since then. The only thing is that it does have to be accessed and flushed every month, but she is getting better with that. Hospital admissions are a breeze now, we get admitted and put the EMLA cream on the port, one poke in the port and we are ready to go! No sedations, no going NPO without food or drink, they draw the blood needed for lab work right out of the port and start up the IV's. Let me know if you have any other questions!

She is actually accessed right now and doing IV's as I type!

Becky, Mom to Hayley, almost 5 with CF and Nathan, 8, carrier


New member
My daughter Hayley has had her port for a year now. She got it put in whenshe was 4 years old. I actually brought it up, buto ur doctor agreed it was time. She has been admitted for IV's 11 times since her diagnosis at 3 months old. I hated doing the PICC's and having her sedated all the time. Plus they were getting harder and harder to place.I haven't regretted it for a second! In fact I wish we had done the port sooner! She was quite sore around the incision for the first week, but no problems since then. The only thing is that it does have to be accessed and flushed every month, but she is getting better with that. Hospital admissions are a breeze now, we get admitted and put the EMLA cream on the port, one poke in the port and we are ready to go! No sedations, no going NPO without food or drink, they draw the blood needed for lab work right out of the port and start up the IV's. Let me know if you have any other questions!
<br />
<br />She is actually accessed right now and doing IV's as I type!
<br />
<br />Becky, Mom to Hayley, almost 5 with CF and Nathan, 8, carrier


Aidan is 4 and I think the next time he needs IVs, we'll do a port too. Becky- sorry to hear she's on Ivs again. I can't remember...does she culture MRSA?



Aidan is 4 and I think the next time he needs IVs, we'll do a port too. Becky- sorry to hear she's on Ivs again. I can't remember...does she culture MRSA?



Aidan is 4 and I think the next time he needs IVs, we'll do a port too. Becky- sorry to hear she's on Ivs again. I can't remember...does she culture MRSA?



Aidan is 4 and I think the next time he needs IVs, we'll do a port too. Becky- sorry to hear she's on Ivs again. I can't remember...does she culture MRSA?



Aidan is 4 and I think the next time he needs IVs, we'll do a port too. Becky- sorry to hear she's on Ivs again. I can't remember...does she culture MRSA?
<br />
<br />Megan


New member
The best thing so far to happen to us medically, has been Briceton's port...I'm serious! It has made life with IV's so much easier and less stressful! It was recommended by his pulmo, due to Briceton's horrible veins and frequency of IV's. He has had it now for about two years and we have had no problems. The port is located about an inch below his left nipple and when accessed he is still able to use his VEST for therapy. I do flush with heparin once a month, but there is no fight! Briceton has become so use to it now that EMLA doesn't even have to be applied--once it has been accessed over and over, the skin becomes tough.

The only draw back we have found is that with Briceton being the curious little boy he is, he likes to pull his own needle out when accessed! So, we wrap him loosely with an ACE bandage while accessed.......boys!!!!!

Other than that, I am very cautious and do not allow anyone to access his port- just ME.....even while inpatient! If it is a planned hospitalization, I will access before we go in. If it is an ER trip or just basic lab work, I still access his port myself! Sterilization is of high importance and as his mother, I feel I am more cautious with my son than any one else would be....plus I have run across to many nurses who have never accessed a port and my little guy in not being their guinea pig!!!!!


New member
The best thing so far to happen to us medically, has been Briceton's port...I'm serious! It has made life with IV's so much easier and less stressful! It was recommended by his pulmo, due to Briceton's horrible veins and frequency of IV's. He has had it now for about two years and we have had no problems. The port is located about an inch below his left nipple and when accessed he is still able to use his VEST for therapy. I do flush with heparin once a month, but there is no fight! Briceton has become so use to it now that EMLA doesn't even have to be applied--once it has been accessed over and over, the skin becomes tough.

The only draw back we have found is that with Briceton being the curious little boy he is, he likes to pull his own needle out when accessed! So, we wrap him loosely with an ACE bandage while accessed.......boys!!!!!

Other than that, I am very cautious and do not allow anyone to access his port- just ME.....even while inpatient! If it is a planned hospitalization, I will access before we go in. If it is an ER trip or just basic lab work, I still access his port myself! Sterilization is of high importance and as his mother, I feel I am more cautious with my son than any one else would be....plus I have run across to many nurses who have never accessed a port and my little guy in not being their guinea pig!!!!!


New member
The best thing so far to happen to us medically, has been Briceton's port...I'm serious! It has made life with IV's so much easier and less stressful! It was recommended by his pulmo, due to Briceton's horrible veins and frequency of IV's. He has had it now for about two years and we have had no problems. The port is located about an inch below his left nipple and when accessed he is still able to use his VEST for therapy. I do flush with heparin once a month, but there is no fight! Briceton has become so use to it now that EMLA doesn't even have to be applied--once it has been accessed over and over, the skin becomes tough.

The only draw back we have found is that with Briceton being the curious little boy he is, he likes to pull his own needle out when accessed! So, we wrap him loosely with an ACE bandage while accessed.......boys!!!!!

Other than that, I am very cautious and do not allow anyone to access his port- just ME.....even while inpatient! If it is a planned hospitalization, I will access before we go in. If it is an ER trip or just basic lab work, I still access his port myself! Sterilization is of high importance and as his mother, I feel I am more cautious with my son than any one else would be....plus I have run across to many nurses who have never accessed a port and my little guy in not being their guinea pig!!!!!


New member
The best thing so far to happen to us medically, has been Briceton's port...I'm serious! It has made life with IV's so much easier and less stressful! It was recommended by his pulmo, due to Briceton's horrible veins and frequency of IV's. He has had it now for about two years and we have had no problems. The port is located about an inch below his left nipple and when accessed he is still able to use his VEST for therapy. I do flush with heparin once a month, but there is no fight! Briceton has become so use to it now that EMLA doesn't even have to be applied--once it has been accessed over and over, the skin becomes tough.

The only draw back we have found is that with Briceton being the curious little boy he is, he likes to pull his own needle out when accessed! So, we wrap him loosely with an ACE bandage while accessed.......boys!!!!!

Other than that, I am very cautious and do not allow anyone to access his port- just ME.....even while inpatient! If it is a planned hospitalization, I will access before we go in. If it is an ER trip or just basic lab work, I still access his port myself! Sterilization is of high importance and as his mother, I feel I am more cautious with my son than any one else would be....plus I have run across to many nurses who have never accessed a port and my little guy in not being their guinea pig!!!!!


New member
The best thing so far to happen to us medically, has been Briceton's port...I'm serious! It has made life with IV's so much easier and less stressful! It was recommended by his pulmo, due to Briceton's horrible veins and frequency of IV's. He has had it now for about two years and we have had no problems. The port is located about an inch below his left nipple and when accessed he is still able to use his VEST for therapy. I do flush with heparin once a month, but there is no fight! Briceton has become so use to it now that EMLA doesn't even have to be applied--once it has been accessed over and over, the skin becomes tough.
<br />
<br />The only draw back we have found is that with Briceton being the curious little boy he is, he likes to pull his own needle out when accessed! So, we wrap him loosely with an ACE bandage while accessed.......boys!!!!!
<br />
<br />Other than that, I am very cautious and do not allow anyone to access his port- just ME.....even while inpatient! If it is a planned hospitalization, I will access before we go in. If it is an ER trip or just basic lab work, I still access his port myself! Sterilization is of high importance and as his mother, I feel I am more cautious with my son than any one else would be....plus I have run across to many nurses who have never accessed a port and my little guy in not being their guinea pig!!!!!
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