ports in kids


New member
I am getting a port in 11 days...i am worried about it...i know it will be better than getting stuck 14 times to get a pick line started but still...just thinking of an object in me i dont know it freaks me out....i am such a dork and i think of it as a third boob...but it kinda freaks me out..i know it will be good but ugh....

*16 with CF*


New member
I am getting a port in 11 days...i am worried about it...i know it will be better than getting stuck 14 times to get a pick line started but still...just thinking of an object in me i dont know it freaks me out....i am such a dork and i think of it as a third boob...but it kinda freaks me out..i know it will be good but ugh....

*16 with CF*


New member
I am getting a port in 11 days...i am worried about it...i know it will be better than getting stuck 14 times to get a pick line started but still...just thinking of an object in me i dont know it freaks me out....i am such a dork and i think of it as a third boob...but it kinda freaks me out..i know it will be good but ugh....

*16 with CF*


New member
I am getting a port in 11 days...i am worried about it...i know it will be better than getting stuck 14 times to get a pick line started but still...just thinking of an object in me i dont know it freaks me out....i am such a dork and i think of it as a third boob...but it kinda freaks me out..i know it will be good but ugh....

*16 with CF*


New member
I am getting a port in 11 days...i am worried about it...i know it will be better than getting stuck 14 times to get a pick line started but still...just thinking of an object in me i dont know it freaks me out....i am such a dork and i think of it as a third boob...but it kinda freaks me out..i know it will be good but ugh....
<br />
<br />*16 with CF*


New member
I would push hard. It can be a site of infection, but I really think that is rare. I think the benefits far out way the risk that it "might" become infected. A regular IV or PICC line can very easily become infected as well. It is ridiculous to put your young child through that many traumatizing needle sticks! I would demand it be scheduled and not let them do any more stick until they agree!


New member
I would push hard. It can be a site of infection, but I really think that is rare. I think the benefits far out way the risk that it "might" become infected. A regular IV or PICC line can very easily become infected as well. It is ridiculous to put your young child through that many traumatizing needle sticks! I would demand it be scheduled and not let them do any more stick until they agree!


New member
I would push hard. It can be a site of infection, but I really think that is rare. I think the benefits far out way the risk that it "might" become infected. A regular IV or PICC line can very easily become infected as well. It is ridiculous to put your young child through that many traumatizing needle sticks! I would demand it be scheduled and not let them do any more stick until they agree!


New member
I would push hard. It can be a site of infection, but I really think that is rare. I think the benefits far out way the risk that it "might" become infected. A regular IV or PICC line can very easily become infected as well. It is ridiculous to put your young child through that many traumatizing needle sticks! I would demand it be scheduled and not let them do any more stick until they agree!


New member
I would push hard. It can be a site of infection, but I really think that is rare. I think the benefits far out way the risk that it "might" become infected. A regular IV or PICC line can very easily become infected as well. It is ridiculous to put your young child through that many traumatizing needle sticks! I would demand it be scheduled and not let them do any more stick until they agree!


New member
I think I would push, too. I am glad you asked this question. Our son has avoided the hospital for a year now, but prior to that he was going in about every 2 months and he has terrible veins. Iv's would not last more than one day and sometimes they could not even get a PICC line. I was determined to ask about the port at his next hospitalization, but was not sure if they would do it in a child so young. I was glad to read the other replies to know that his age should not be an issue. It is a horrible experience to watch him go through and the older he gets the more he understands and the more he fights that kind of stuff. I say fight the good fight, too. There is no need for her to continue to have to go through that. (I may need reminded I said this when I am having the same fight and tempted just to give into the dr.)
Mom to 7 kids, including Luke, 19 months old w/CF


New member
I think I would push, too. I am glad you asked this question. Our son has avoided the hospital for a year now, but prior to that he was going in about every 2 months and he has terrible veins. Iv's would not last more than one day and sometimes they could not even get a PICC line. I was determined to ask about the port at his next hospitalization, but was not sure if they would do it in a child so young. I was glad to read the other replies to know that his age should not be an issue. It is a horrible experience to watch him go through and the older he gets the more he understands and the more he fights that kind of stuff. I say fight the good fight, too. There is no need for her to continue to have to go through that. (I may need reminded I said this when I am having the same fight and tempted just to give into the dr.)
Mom to 7 kids, including Luke, 19 months old w/CF


New member
I think I would push, too. I am glad you asked this question. Our son has avoided the hospital for a year now, but prior to that he was going in about every 2 months and he has terrible veins. Iv's would not last more than one day and sometimes they could not even get a PICC line. I was determined to ask about the port at his next hospitalization, but was not sure if they would do it in a child so young. I was glad to read the other replies to know that his age should not be an issue. It is a horrible experience to watch him go through and the older he gets the more he understands and the more he fights that kind of stuff. I say fight the good fight, too. There is no need for her to continue to have to go through that. (I may need reminded I said this when I am having the same fight and tempted just to give into the dr.)
Mom to 7 kids, including Luke, 19 months old w/CF


New member
I think I would push, too. I am glad you asked this question. Our son has avoided the hospital for a year now, but prior to that he was going in about every 2 months and he has terrible veins. Iv's would not last more than one day and sometimes they could not even get a PICC line. I was determined to ask about the port at his next hospitalization, but was not sure if they would do it in a child so young. I was glad to read the other replies to know that his age should not be an issue. It is a horrible experience to watch him go through and the older he gets the more he understands and the more he fights that kind of stuff. I say fight the good fight, too. There is no need for her to continue to have to go through that. (I may need reminded I said this when I am having the same fight and tempted just to give into the dr.)
Mom to 7 kids, including Luke, 19 months old w/CF


New member
I think I would push, too. I am glad you asked this question. Our son has avoided the hospital for a year now, but prior to that he was going in about every 2 months and he has terrible veins. Iv's would not last more than one day and sometimes they could not even get a PICC line. I was determined to ask about the port at his next hospitalization, but was not sure if they would do it in a child so young. I was glad to read the other replies to know that his age should not be an issue. It is a horrible experience to watch him go through and the older he gets the more he understands and the more he fights that kind of stuff. I say fight the good fight, too. There is no need for her to continue to have to go through that. (I may need reminded I said this when I am having the same fight and tempted just to give into the dr.)
<br />Angela
<br />Mom to 7 kids, including Luke, 19 months old w/CF


New member
Aidan got his when he was 15 months. I swear he was getting nurse phobia he was one his third tune up in 6 months and he would cry everytime a nurse came near him. I was distaught over the thought of him getting it, I mean, I thought it was the beginning of the end. But know I think it's the best thing ever. His IV lasted 2-3 days and PICCs around 6 days so he was being picked all the time, this way its once adn we are away.

They are unable to draw blood back on his which is bad luck, but still it cut down something huge on the needle pricks and he even gets it flushed without the embla cream - doesn't bother him at all.

Best of all he is back to loving the nurses!


New member
Aidan got his when he was 15 months. I swear he was getting nurse phobia he was one his third tune up in 6 months and he would cry everytime a nurse came near him. I was distaught over the thought of him getting it, I mean, I thought it was the beginning of the end. But know I think it's the best thing ever. His IV lasted 2-3 days and PICCs around 6 days so he was being picked all the time, this way its once adn we are away.

They are unable to draw blood back on his which is bad luck, but still it cut down something huge on the needle pricks and he even gets it flushed without the embla cream - doesn't bother him at all.

Best of all he is back to loving the nurses!


New member
Aidan got his when he was 15 months. I swear he was getting nurse phobia he was one his third tune up in 6 months and he would cry everytime a nurse came near him. I was distaught over the thought of him getting it, I mean, I thought it was the beginning of the end. But know I think it's the best thing ever. His IV lasted 2-3 days and PICCs around 6 days so he was being picked all the time, this way its once adn we are away.

They are unable to draw blood back on his which is bad luck, but still it cut down something huge on the needle pricks and he even gets it flushed without the embla cream - doesn't bother him at all.

Best of all he is back to loving the nurses!


New member
Aidan got his when he was 15 months. I swear he was getting nurse phobia he was one his third tune up in 6 months and he would cry everytime a nurse came near him. I was distaught over the thought of him getting it, I mean, I thought it was the beginning of the end. But know I think it's the best thing ever. His IV lasted 2-3 days and PICCs around 6 days so he was being picked all the time, this way its once adn we are away.

They are unable to draw blood back on his which is bad luck, but still it cut down something huge on the needle pricks and he even gets it flushed without the embla cream - doesn't bother him at all.

Best of all he is back to loving the nurses!


New member
Aidan got his when he was 15 months. I swear he was getting nurse phobia he was one his third tune up in 6 months and he would cry everytime a nurse came near him. I was distaught over the thought of him getting it, I mean, I thought it was the beginning of the end. But know I think it's the best thing ever. His IV lasted 2-3 days and PICCs around 6 days so he was being picked all the time, this way its once adn we are away.
<br />
<br />They are unable to draw blood back on his which is bad luck, but still it cut down something huge on the needle pricks and he even gets it flushed without the embla cream - doesn't bother him at all.
<br />
<br />Best of all he is back to loving the nurses!