ports in kids


New member
My daughter is in the hospital now, we talked to her doctor today about a port and they do not want one. They feel it is a source of infection and not helpful. Last night it took 7 sticks for them to get blood. Today her IV infiltrated, they do not need it again until morning but the last 2 shifts of nurses have looked and can find no where to start an IV. I am wondering how hard we should push the issue.


New member
My daughter is in the hospital now, we talked to her doctor today about a port and they do not want one. They feel it is a source of infection and not helpful. Last night it took 7 sticks for them to get blood. Today her IV infiltrated, they do not need it again until morning but the last 2 shifts of nurses have looked and can find no where to start an IV. I am wondering how hard we should push the issue.


New member
My daughter is in the hospital now, we talked to her doctor today about a port and they do not want one. They feel it is a source of infection and not helpful. Last night it took 7 sticks for them to get blood. Today her IV infiltrated, they do not need it again until morning but the last 2 shifts of nurses have looked and can find no where to start an IV. I am wondering how hard we should push the issue.


New member
My daughter is in the hospital now, we talked to her doctor today about a port and they do not want one. They feel it is a source of infection and not helpful. Last night it took 7 sticks for them to get blood. Today her IV infiltrated, they do not need it again until morning but the last 2 shifts of nurses have looked and can find no where to start an IV. I am wondering how hard we should push the issue.


New member
My daughter is in the hospital now, we talked to her doctor today about a port and they do not want one. They feel it is a source of infection and not helpful. Last night it took 7 sticks for them to get blood. Today her IV infiltrated, they do not need it again until morning but the last 2 shifts of nurses have looked and can find no where to start an IV. I am wondering how hard we should push the issue.


New member
My son got his port at 2 months old. He was in the hospital for the first 77 days after birth with a burst bowel that we found out about when I was 7 months pregnant and he required surgery at birth.He also had several other issues. We did the picc lines at first and then they recommended a central line, which surgically had to be put in and it ONLY lasted less than a day and didn't work properly! Then they suggested the port. He has had one ever since and it is a good thing. Luckily he has not had IV antibiotics for over a year and 1/2- (super!!) so we still flush monthly and he still doesn't look forward to that- but when we need the port, the using it instead of his veins is so much better and worth it. He did have to have his port he got at 2 months of age replaced when he was 4 yrs old and we never hesitated in not getting another one. He has had this one going on 4 yrs now.So he bascially has always had one, and he never remembers not having one. It really isn't that big of a deal. Good luck with your decision.


New member
My son got his port at 2 months old. He was in the hospital for the first 77 days after birth with a burst bowel that we found out about when I was 7 months pregnant and he required surgery at birth.He also had several other issues. We did the picc lines at first and then they recommended a central line, which surgically had to be put in and it ONLY lasted less than a day and didn't work properly! Then they suggested the port. He has had one ever since and it is a good thing. Luckily he has not had IV antibiotics for over a year and 1/2- (super!!) so we still flush monthly and he still doesn't look forward to that- but when we need the port, the using it instead of his veins is so much better and worth it. He did have to have his port he got at 2 months of age replaced when he was 4 yrs old and we never hesitated in not getting another one. He has had this one going on 4 yrs now.So he bascially has always had one, and he never remembers not having one. It really isn't that big of a deal. Good luck with your decision.


New member
My son got his port at 2 months old. He was in the hospital for the first 77 days after birth with a burst bowel that we found out about when I was 7 months pregnant and he required surgery at birth.He also had several other issues. We did the picc lines at first and then they recommended a central line, which surgically had to be put in and it ONLY lasted less than a day and didn't work properly! Then they suggested the port. He has had one ever since and it is a good thing. Luckily he has not had IV antibiotics for over a year and 1/2- (super!!) so we still flush monthly and he still doesn't look forward to that- but when we need the port, the using it instead of his veins is so much better and worth it. He did have to have his port he got at 2 months of age replaced when he was 4 yrs old and we never hesitated in not getting another one. He has had this one going on 4 yrs now.So he bascially has always had one, and he never remembers not having one. It really isn't that big of a deal. Good luck with your decision.


New member
My son got his port at 2 months old. He was in the hospital for the first 77 days after birth with a burst bowel that we found out about when I was 7 months pregnant and he required surgery at birth.He also had several other issues. We did the picc lines at first and then they recommended a central line, which surgically had to be put in and it ONLY lasted less than a day and didn't work properly! Then they suggested the port. He has had one ever since and it is a good thing. Luckily he has not had IV antibiotics for over a year and 1/2- (super!!) so we still flush monthly and he still doesn't look forward to that- but when we need the port, the using it instead of his veins is so much better and worth it. He did have to have his port he got at 2 months of age replaced when he was 4 yrs old and we never hesitated in not getting another one. He has had this one going on 4 yrs now.So he bascially has always had one, and he never remembers not having one. It really isn't that big of a deal. Good luck with your decision.


New member
My son got his port at 2 months old. He was in the hospital for the first 77 days after birth with a burst bowel that we found out about when I was 7 months pregnant and he required surgery at birth.He also had several other issues. We did the picc lines at first and then they recommended a central line, which surgically had to be put in and it ONLY lasted less than a day and didn't work properly! Then they suggested the port. He has had one ever since and it is a good thing. Luckily he has not had IV antibiotics for over a year and 1/2- (super!!) so we still flush monthly and he still doesn't look forward to that- but when we need the port, the using it instead of his veins is so much better and worth it. He did have to have his port he got at 2 months of age replaced when he was 4 yrs old and we never hesitated in not getting another one. He has had this one going on 4 yrs now.So he bascially has always had one, and he never remembers not having one. It really isn't that big of a deal. Good luck with your decision.


New member
Cheyenne has only had her port for 6 weeks. So far, it has been great. I was under the understanding, when she started getting sick they would start the i.v. meds via the port instead of letting her get really sick while they played around with the oral meds. She may still have to be admitted before they start the iv.


New member
Cheyenne has only had her port for 6 weeks. So far, it has been great. I was under the understanding, when she started getting sick they would start the i.v. meds via the port instead of letting her get really sick while they played around with the oral meds. She may still have to be admitted before they start the iv.


New member
Cheyenne has only had her port for 6 weeks. So far, it has been great. I was under the understanding, when she started getting sick they would start the i.v. meds via the port instead of letting her get really sick while they played around with the oral meds. She may still have to be admitted before they start the iv.


New member
Cheyenne has only had her port for 6 weeks. So far, it has been great. I was under the understanding, when she started getting sick they would start the i.v. meds via the port instead of letting her get really sick while they played around with the oral meds. She may still have to be admitted before they start the iv.


New member
Cheyenne has only had her port for 6 weeks. So far, it has been great. I was under the understanding, when she started getting sick they would start the i.v. meds via the port instead of letting her get really sick while they played around with the oral meds. She may still have to be admitted before they start the iv.
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New member
Kenzie got her port about 1 yr ago when she was 13. It has made IV treatments so much easier. We don't even go to the hospital. Nurses come to our house and access it and we do the meds at home. The monthly flushes have become easier and she doesn't even require the MLA cream to numb it anymore. It is one of the best things we have done.


New member
Kenzie got her port about 1 yr ago when she was 13. It has made IV treatments so much easier. We don't even go to the hospital. Nurses come to our house and access it and we do the meds at home. The monthly flushes have become easier and she doesn't even require the MLA cream to numb it anymore. It is one of the best things we have done.


New member
Kenzie got her port about 1 yr ago when she was 13. It has made IV treatments so much easier. We don't even go to the hospital. Nurses come to our house and access it and we do the meds at home. The monthly flushes have become easier and she doesn't even require the MLA cream to numb it anymore. It is one of the best things we have done.


New member
Kenzie got her port about 1 yr ago when she was 13. It has made IV treatments so much easier. We don't even go to the hospital. Nurses come to our house and access it and we do the meds at home. The monthly flushes have become easier and she doesn't even require the MLA cream to numb it anymore. It is one of the best things we have done.


New member
Kenzie got her port about 1 yr ago when she was 13. It has made IV treatments so much easier. We don't even go to the hospital. Nurses come to our house and access it and we do the meds at home. The monthly flushes have become easier and she doesn't even require the MLA cream to numb it anymore. It is one of the best things we have done.