possible cure in 10 years


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>becca23</b></i>

I seriously believe that there will never be a cure. Medication that totally controls the disease yes,a cure NO. It all boils down to money and the pharmacuetical companies. Just imagine if there was a cure discovered for CF, cancer or any other life threatening disease they would be out of business.</end quote></div>

Let's review.

A cure for a genetic illness like CF would need to be taken for the rest of the CFer's life, most likely.

This logic of pharma comapnies don't want to make a cure because it won't result in $ is bogus.

Where did the polio vaccine come from? If your theory was correct, then those vaccines such as polio would not have been invented.

There's no money to be made from CF patients.... that's why the CFF has to coax pharma companies with free $$$ to develop drugs.

Pharma companies don't care if CF is cured or not.... they're not making money off of us now to be concerned about a revenue stream from CF patients in the future.

Your theory would hold up if pharma companies were making millions of dollars off of CF patients every year and faced losing that money if CF was eliminated.

The only companies that could face losing a TINY bit of revenue would be Genentech and Chiron (now Novartis). Their pulmozyme and TOBI patents will expire in the next few years.... and it's not very significant anyhow because there are only 30,000 patients in the US who use the drug at most (and socialist governments overseas don't pay for it as frequently). These companies make muliple billions of dollars a year - a CF drug is pretty insignificant.

So if a cure is found, Genetech and Chiron won't feel it.

I think your argument is hopelessly flawed.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>becca23</b></i>

I seriously believe that there will never be a cure. Medication that totally controls the disease yes,a cure NO. It all boils down to money and the pharmacuetical companies. Just imagine if there was a cure discovered for CF, cancer or any other life threatening disease they would be out of business.</end quote></div>

Let's review.

A cure for a genetic illness like CF would need to be taken for the rest of the CFer's life, most likely.

This logic of pharma comapnies don't want to make a cure because it won't result in $ is bogus.

Where did the polio vaccine come from? If your theory was correct, then those vaccines such as polio would not have been invented.

There's no money to be made from CF patients.... that's why the CFF has to coax pharma companies with free $$$ to develop drugs.

Pharma companies don't care if CF is cured or not.... they're not making money off of us now to be concerned about a revenue stream from CF patients in the future.

Your theory would hold up if pharma companies were making millions of dollars off of CF patients every year and faced losing that money if CF was eliminated.

The only companies that could face losing a TINY bit of revenue would be Genentech and Chiron (now Novartis). Their pulmozyme and TOBI patents will expire in the next few years.... and it's not very significant anyhow because there are only 30,000 patients in the US who use the drug at most (and socialist governments overseas don't pay for it as frequently). These companies make muliple billions of dollars a year - a CF drug is pretty insignificant.

So if a cure is found, Genetech and Chiron won't feel it.

I think your argument is hopelessly flawed.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>becca23</b></i>

I seriously believe that there will never be a cure. Medication that totally controls the disease yes,a cure NO. It all boils down to money and the pharmacuetical companies. Just imagine if there was a cure discovered for CF, cancer or any other life threatening disease they would be out of business.</end quote></div>

Let's review.

A cure for a genetic illness like CF would need to be taken for the rest of the CFer's life, most likely.

This logic of pharma comapnies don't want to make a cure because it won't result in $ is bogus.

Where did the polio vaccine come from? If your theory was correct, then those vaccines such as polio would not have been invented.

There's no money to be made from CF patients.... that's why the CFF has to coax pharma companies with free $$$ to develop drugs.

Pharma companies don't care if CF is cured or not.... they're not making money off of us now to be concerned about a revenue stream from CF patients in the future.

Your theory would hold up if pharma companies were making millions of dollars off of CF patients every year and faced losing that money if CF was eliminated.

The only companies that could face losing a TINY bit of revenue would be Genentech and Chiron (now Novartis). Their pulmozyme and TOBI patents will expire in the next few years.... and it's not very significant anyhow because there are only 30,000 patients in the US who use the drug at most (and socialist governments overseas don't pay for it as frequently). These companies make muliple billions of dollars a year - a CF drug is pretty insignificant.

So if a cure is found, Genetech and Chiron won't feel it.

I think your argument is hopelessly flawed.


New member
I think that someday their will be a cure..I doubt any time soon, I tend to agree with that fact that their will be medicine to control it, supress it etc..

The pseduo vaccine that is in the works, I believe is going to be huge, in extending life. The gene therapy advancement, they really are not able to figure out like they thought they were, and because stem cell research went completly nuts as soon as it was discoverd and the govenment put a hold on it for I believe it was 5 years, it kind of killed a lot of research... But someday, stem cell research will bring cures to many things, I am not talking about stem cells from babies not born yet, their are several other places to get stem cells from in your body... I have seen stem cells that were placed in animals cure diseases.. They go in and replace the faulty DNA. They need to work a lot of stuff out yet, but the concept is there.

I do however, strongly feel that people are trying really, really, hard to find a cure for cystic fibrosis, cancer and so many other diseases. It kind of bothers me when I hear people say that pharmacuetical companies would hold back a cure... Not because I think they are so wonderful, but, because when a drug company finds a cure for a medicine.. they become extremely prestigious....and get a lot of money.

In nursing school and in micro class, we learned so much about this.. I saw researchers who have spent their entire 30 something year career researching and looking for drugs to help cure certain diseases... These people don't get any money, except maybe research grants, unless that drug is marketed.. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to do these studies?

Take HIV for example, they can all but cure that disease now... Just need some drugs to take, and literally, they can make it so that the T-cell levels appear normal.......

Many cancers are totally curable now.. Thyroid cancer being one of them, many other cancers.. are completly treatable.

I remember reading information in my nursing books as well as Microbiology that was from the "olden days" when people who got simple infections such as strep throat died.... or when Polio killed or cripled people.. OR when the Measles took out entire towns...

Like I said, I don't think their will be a cure any time soon but I do believe it is coming some day. My CF nurse just emailed me tonight and one of her comments said that "the researchers are working really hard at finding a cure and finding new meds" I believe it.. and have seen it.....



New member
I think that someday their will be a cure..I doubt any time soon, I tend to agree with that fact that their will be medicine to control it, supress it etc..

The pseduo vaccine that is in the works, I believe is going to be huge, in extending life. The gene therapy advancement, they really are not able to figure out like they thought they were, and because stem cell research went completly nuts as soon as it was discoverd and the govenment put a hold on it for I believe it was 5 years, it kind of killed a lot of research... But someday, stem cell research will bring cures to many things, I am not talking about stem cells from babies not born yet, their are several other places to get stem cells from in your body... I have seen stem cells that were placed in animals cure diseases.. They go in and replace the faulty DNA. They need to work a lot of stuff out yet, but the concept is there.

I do however, strongly feel that people are trying really, really, hard to find a cure for cystic fibrosis, cancer and so many other diseases. It kind of bothers me when I hear people say that pharmacuetical companies would hold back a cure... Not because I think they are so wonderful, but, because when a drug company finds a cure for a medicine.. they become extremely prestigious....and get a lot of money.

In nursing school and in micro class, we learned so much about this.. I saw researchers who have spent their entire 30 something year career researching and looking for drugs to help cure certain diseases... These people don't get any money, except maybe research grants, unless that drug is marketed.. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to do these studies?

Take HIV for example, they can all but cure that disease now... Just need some drugs to take, and literally, they can make it so that the T-cell levels appear normal.......

Many cancers are totally curable now.. Thyroid cancer being one of them, many other cancers.. are completly treatable.

I remember reading information in my nursing books as well as Microbiology that was from the "olden days" when people who got simple infections such as strep throat died.... or when Polio killed or cripled people.. OR when the Measles took out entire towns...

Like I said, I don't think their will be a cure any time soon but I do believe it is coming some day. My CF nurse just emailed me tonight and one of her comments said that "the researchers are working really hard at finding a cure and finding new meds" I believe it.. and have seen it.....



New member
I think that someday their will be a cure..I doubt any time soon, I tend to agree with that fact that their will be medicine to control it, supress it etc..

The pseduo vaccine that is in the works, I believe is going to be huge, in extending life. The gene therapy advancement, they really are not able to figure out like they thought they were, and because stem cell research went completly nuts as soon as it was discoverd and the govenment put a hold on it for I believe it was 5 years, it kind of killed a lot of research... But someday, stem cell research will bring cures to many things, I am not talking about stem cells from babies not born yet, their are several other places to get stem cells from in your body... I have seen stem cells that were placed in animals cure diseases.. They go in and replace the faulty DNA. They need to work a lot of stuff out yet, but the concept is there.

I do however, strongly feel that people are trying really, really, hard to find a cure for cystic fibrosis, cancer and so many other diseases. It kind of bothers me when I hear people say that pharmacuetical companies would hold back a cure... Not because I think they are so wonderful, but, because when a drug company finds a cure for a medicine.. they become extremely prestigious....and get a lot of money.

In nursing school and in micro class, we learned so much about this.. I saw researchers who have spent their entire 30 something year career researching and looking for drugs to help cure certain diseases... These people don't get any money, except maybe research grants, unless that drug is marketed.. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to do these studies?

Take HIV for example, they can all but cure that disease now... Just need some drugs to take, and literally, they can make it so that the T-cell levels appear normal.......

Many cancers are totally curable now.. Thyroid cancer being one of them, many other cancers.. are completly treatable.

I remember reading information in my nursing books as well as Microbiology that was from the "olden days" when people who got simple infections such as strep throat died.... or when Polio killed or cripled people.. OR when the Measles took out entire towns...

Like I said, I don't think their will be a cure any time soon but I do believe it is coming some day. My CF nurse just emailed me tonight and one of her comments said that "the researchers are working really hard at finding a cure and finding new meds" I believe it.. and have seen it.....



New member
Well I, myself like to do the "labrat" studies that go on in denver to help further the cause for findign a cure, BUT out of all of the studies I have done " gene therapy enzyme tests ect" none of them come clost to coming up with a cure. Gene therapory would/could work to a extent, BUT to cure CF, researchers would have to find a way to make the body make the gene's right. Somewhere the body tells the bone marrow to make our genes, if they locate this somewhere, and how they are made, and fix the broken part their, violla CURE. But with all the gene thearopy and stuff, this to me, is just a way to help us CFers stay alive long enough until someone finds a way to fix the body's making of the gene's.

I said this much to the DR. and he said that I was right in my way of thinking, the testing that I have done is not for a cure, just more meds to help keep us healthier.



New member
Well I, myself like to do the "labrat" studies that go on in denver to help further the cause for findign a cure, BUT out of all of the studies I have done " gene therapy enzyme tests ect" none of them come clost to coming up with a cure. Gene therapory would/could work to a extent, BUT to cure CF, researchers would have to find a way to make the body make the gene's right. Somewhere the body tells the bone marrow to make our genes, if they locate this somewhere, and how they are made, and fix the broken part their, violla CURE. But with all the gene thearopy and stuff, this to me, is just a way to help us CFers stay alive long enough until someone finds a way to fix the body's making of the gene's.

I said this much to the DR. and he said that I was right in my way of thinking, the testing that I have done is not for a cure, just more meds to help keep us healthier.



New member
Well I, myself like to do the "labrat" studies that go on in denver to help further the cause for findign a cure, BUT out of all of the studies I have done " gene therapy enzyme tests ect" none of them come clost to coming up with a cure. Gene therapory would/could work to a extent, BUT to cure CF, researchers would have to find a way to make the body make the gene's right. Somewhere the body tells the bone marrow to make our genes, if they locate this somewhere, and how they are made, and fix the broken part their, violla CURE. But with all the gene thearopy and stuff, this to me, is just a way to help us CFers stay alive long enough until someone finds a way to fix the body's making of the gene's.

I said this much to the DR. and he said that I was right in my way of thinking, the testing that I have done is not for a cure, just more meds to help keep us healthier.



New member
i feel sorry for the cynics who feel there is no hope in the drug companies or doctors finding a cure for cf, whether that be a lifelong drug cure or a once and for all cure. it's what keeps me feeling chipper and able to cope with what may or may not come.


New member
i feel sorry for the cynics who feel there is no hope in the drug companies or doctors finding a cure for cf, whether that be a lifelong drug cure or a once and for all cure. it's what keeps me feeling chipper and able to cope with what may or may not come.


New member
i feel sorry for the cynics who feel there is no hope in the drug companies or doctors finding a cure for cf, whether that be a lifelong drug cure or a once and for all cure. it's what keeps me feeling chipper and able to cope with what may or may not come.


New member
I hope that someday they will find a cure. But until that happens we will "keep truckin" through they way we always have. I live by this quote "Hope for the best, Expect the worst" that way I'm never disapointed.


New member
I hope that someday they will find a cure. But until that happens we will "keep truckin" through they way we always have. I live by this quote "Hope for the best, Expect the worst" that way I'm never disapointed.


New member
I hope that someday they will find a cure. But until that happens we will "keep truckin" through they way we always have. I live by this quote "Hope for the best, Expect the worst" that way I'm never disapointed.


I was also told my one our CF doctors that the 'cure' could actually come from researchers finding a 'cure' of another disease. There are so many in the medical field trying to cure so many diseases, and many are in the same boat as us. They have found a way to correct the disease causing gene in labs, but cannot figure out how to get the body to actually accept it without fighting it off like a bacteria. Many are trying to accomplish the same thing, just different diseases. He said that when they find a way to do this, we can 'cure' things that are really not that important also, such as gray hair for example (I have gray hair, and would happy with that).

Still I am not holding my breath on a cure anytime soon, but I will just try to keep my girls as healthy as I can so that IF anything great happens, they'll be ready<img src="">


I was also told my one our CF doctors that the 'cure' could actually come from researchers finding a 'cure' of another disease. There are so many in the medical field trying to cure so many diseases, and many are in the same boat as us. They have found a way to correct the disease causing gene in labs, but cannot figure out how to get the body to actually accept it without fighting it off like a bacteria. Many are trying to accomplish the same thing, just different diseases. He said that when they find a way to do this, we can 'cure' things that are really not that important also, such as gray hair for example (I have gray hair, and would happy with that).

Still I am not holding my breath on a cure anytime soon, but I will just try to keep my girls as healthy as I can so that IF anything great happens, they'll be ready<img src="">


I was also told my one our CF doctors that the 'cure' could actually come from researchers finding a 'cure' of another disease. There are so many in the medical field trying to cure so many diseases, and many are in the same boat as us. They have found a way to correct the disease causing gene in labs, but cannot figure out how to get the body to actually accept it without fighting it off like a bacteria. Many are trying to accomplish the same thing, just different diseases. He said that when they find a way to do this, we can 'cure' things that are really not that important also, such as gray hair for example (I have gray hair, and would happy with that).

Still I am not holding my breath on a cure anytime soon, but I will just try to keep my girls as healthy as I can so that IF anything great happens, they'll be ready<img src="">


New member
I was looking through an old picture album of Mike's and tucked away in it was a little article that he cut out of a newspaper about the gene being identified. He had to be about 10 or 11 when he cut it out and it makes me teary to think of him as a little boy all hopeful about this, using little plastic scissors and tucking it away. Not that hopefullness is bad... hope has gotten him to where he is today and will get him past a transplant. It's good to keep hope as long as you don't live in denial in the present.


New member
I was looking through an old picture album of Mike's and tucked away in it was a little article that he cut out of a newspaper about the gene being identified. He had to be about 10 or 11 when he cut it out and it makes me teary to think of him as a little boy all hopeful about this, using little plastic scissors and tucking it away. Not that hopefullness is bad... hope has gotten him to where he is today and will get him past a transplant. It's good to keep hope as long as you don't live in denial in the present.