Question on when I might start using a.m. nebs?


New member
Okay, I'm just curious when some of your little guys starting using their nebs in the morning.

We are not on hypertonic saline yet...We just do pulmolzyme before bed. I know there is know exact treatment for everybody. The CF doc said we are doing okay right now, and we don't need to add in the hypertonic saline...Forgive my spelling...We still do morning CPT, and Evening CPT.


Mommy to JOhnny 11 months


New member
Okay, I'm just curious when some of your little guys starting using their nebs in the morning.

We are not on hypertonic saline yet...We just do pulmolzyme before bed. I know there is know exact treatment for everybody. The CF doc said we are doing okay right now, and we don't need to add in the hypertonic saline...Forgive my spelling...We still do morning CPT, and Evening CPT.


Mommy to JOhnny 11 months


New member
Okay, I'm just curious when some of your little guys starting using their nebs in the morning.

We are not on hypertonic saline yet...We just do pulmolzyme before bed. I know there is know exact treatment for everybody. The CF doc said we are doing okay right now, and we don't need to add in the hypertonic saline...Forgive my spelling...We still do morning CPT, and Evening CPT.


Mommy to JOhnny 11 months


New member
Okay, I'm just curious when some of your little guys starting using their nebs in the morning.

We are not on hypertonic saline yet...We just do pulmolzyme before bed. I know there is know exact treatment for everybody. The CF doc said we are doing okay right now, and we don't need to add in the hypertonic saline...Forgive my spelling...We still do morning CPT, and Evening CPT.


Mommy to JOhnny 11 months


New member
Okay, I'm just curious when some of your little guys starting using their nebs in the morning.
<br />
<br />We are not on hypertonic saline yet...We just do pulmolzyme before bed. I know there is know exact treatment for everybody. The CF doc said we are doing okay right now, and we don't need to add in the hypertonic saline...Forgive my spelling...We still do morning CPT, and Evening CPT.
<br />
<br />Thanks,
<br />
<br />Sarah
<br />Mommy to JOhnny 11 months


Only one of my girls is on pulmozyme, and she does it only one time in the evening.


Only one of my girls is on pulmozyme, and she does it only one time in the evening.


Only one of my girls is on pulmozyme, and she does it only one time in the evening.


Only one of my girls is on pulmozyme, and she does it only one time in the evening.


Only one of my girls is on pulmozyme, and she does it only one time in the evening.


New member
We have been doing AM and PM breathing treatments with albuterol in the am and albuterol and pulmozyme in the pm since the beginning and my little one is 2 1/2yrs old.. in the evenings we do albuterol then pulmozyme and when he was little pitty pats now he does the vest in place of those. We at this point arent on hypertonic saline either. DOes your little one do albuterol at all? hopefully you get some good answers.


New member
We have been doing AM and PM breathing treatments with albuterol in the am and albuterol and pulmozyme in the pm since the beginning and my little one is 2 1/2yrs old.. in the evenings we do albuterol then pulmozyme and when he was little pitty pats now he does the vest in place of those. We at this point arent on hypertonic saline either. DOes your little one do albuterol at all? hopefully you get some good answers.


New member
We have been doing AM and PM breathing treatments with albuterol in the am and albuterol and pulmozyme in the pm since the beginning and my little one is 2 1/2yrs old.. in the evenings we do albuterol then pulmozyme and when he was little pitty pats now he does the vest in place of those. We at this point arent on hypertonic saline either. DOes your little one do albuterol at all? hopefully you get some good answers.


New member
We have been doing AM and PM breathing treatments with albuterol in the am and albuterol and pulmozyme in the pm since the beginning and my little one is 2 1/2yrs old.. in the evenings we do albuterol then pulmozyme and when he was little pitty pats now he does the vest in place of those. We at this point arent on hypertonic saline either. DOes your little one do albuterol at all? hopefully you get some good answers.


New member
We have been doing AM and PM breathing treatments with albuterol in the am and albuterol and pulmozyme in the pm since the beginning and my little one is 2 1/2yrs old.. in the evenings we do albuterol then pulmozyme and when he was little pitty pats now he does the vest in place of those. We at this point arent on hypertonic saline either. DOes your little one do albuterol at all? hopefully you get some good answers.


New member
Hi Christi,

Yes, He has 1-2 Puffs of Albuteral with a spacer, before his evening CPT. Then we finish with his Pulmozyme. The doc gave us an RX for the kind of of albuteral you take with a neb., but we have not used it yet.


Mommmy to johnny 11 months/ wcf


New member
Hi Christi,

Yes, He has 1-2 Puffs of Albuteral with a spacer, before his evening CPT. Then we finish with his Pulmozyme. The doc gave us an RX for the kind of of albuteral you take with a neb., but we have not used it yet.


Mommmy to johnny 11 months/ wcf


New member
Hi Christi,

Yes, He has 1-2 Puffs of Albuteral with a spacer, before his evening CPT. Then we finish with his Pulmozyme. The doc gave us an RX for the kind of of albuteral you take with a neb., but we have not used it yet.


Mommmy to johnny 11 months/ wcf


New member
Hi Christi,

Yes, He has 1-2 Puffs of Albuteral with a spacer, before his evening CPT. Then we finish with his Pulmozyme. The doc gave us an RX for the kind of of albuteral you take with a neb., but we have not used it yet.


Mommmy to johnny 11 months/ wcf


New member
Hi Christi,
<br />
<br />Yes, He has 1-2 Puffs of Albuteral with a spacer, before his evening CPT. Then we finish with his Pulmozyme. The doc gave us an RX for the kind of of albuteral you take with a neb., but we have not used it yet.
<br />
<br />
<br />Thanks,
<br />
<br />Sarah
<br />Mommmy to johnny 11 months/ wcf