Questions to moms with cf


New member
Nate and I have been together since I was 17 (but didn't start having sex until I was 18) and I was only on birth control once but that was try to control my cycle because it was all out of whack. I think that I was on it for about a month and it did nothing for me so I came off of it. I think that's when I was 19. Anyway, I never got anything checked out (as for the mucus in the cervix and whatever) because we were not gung-ho about having a child just yet. I wasn't sure if I would ever get pregnant because I hadn't in so many years.

Well, when I was getting to my sickest point and had already started the transplant process, that's when I got pregnant. It was a total surprise and I'm glad that it happened like that. So anyway, sex since I was 18, birth control for one month, and pregnant at 24. It took a while but it happened naturally for me. I don't know why it happened when it did, but I'm happy that things worked out the way they did.


New member
Nate and I have been together since I was 17 (but didn't start having sex until I was 18) and I was only on birth control once but that was try to control my cycle because it was all out of whack. I think that I was on it for about a month and it did nothing for me so I came off of it. I think that's when I was 19. Anyway, I never got anything checked out (as for the mucus in the cervix and whatever) because we were not gung-ho about having a child just yet. I wasn't sure if I would ever get pregnant because I hadn't in so many years.

Well, when I was getting to my sickest point and had already started the transplant process, that's when I got pregnant. It was a total surprise and I'm glad that it happened like that. So anyway, sex since I was 18, birth control for one month, and pregnant at 24. It took a while but it happened naturally for me. I don't know why it happened when it did, but I'm happy that things worked out the way they did.


New member
Nate and I have been together since I was 17 (but didn't start having sex until I was 18) and I was only on birth control once but that was try to control my cycle because it was all out of whack. I think that I was on it for about a month and it did nothing for me so I came off of it. I think that's when I was 19. Anyway, I never got anything checked out (as for the mucus in the cervix and whatever) because we were not gung-ho about having a child just yet. I wasn't sure if I would ever get pregnant because I hadn't in so many years.

Well, when I was getting to my sickest point and had already started the transplant process, that's when I got pregnant. It was a total surprise and I'm glad that it happened like that. So anyway, sex since I was 18, birth control for one month, and pregnant at 24. It took a while but it happened naturally for me. I don't know why it happened when it did, but I'm happy that things worked out the way they did.


New member
Nate and I have been together since I was 17 (but didn't start having sex until I was 18) and I was only on birth control once but that was try to control my cycle because it was all out of whack. I think that I was on it for about a month and it did nothing for me so I came off of it. I think that's when I was 19. Anyway, I never got anything checked out (as for the mucus in the cervix and whatever) because we were not gung-ho about having a child just yet. I wasn't sure if I would ever get pregnant because I hadn't in so many years.

Well, when I was getting to my sickest point and had already started the transplant process, that's when I got pregnant. It was a total surprise and I'm glad that it happened like that. So anyway, sex since I was 18, birth control for one month, and pregnant at 24. It took a while but it happened naturally for me. I don't know why it happened when it did, but I'm happy that things worked out the way they did.


New member
Nate and I have been together since I was 17 (but didn't start having sex until I was 18) and I was only on birth control once but that was try to control my cycle because it was all out of whack. I think that I was on it for about a month and it did nothing for me so I came off of it. I think that's when I was 19. Anyway, I never got anything checked out (as for the mucus in the cervix and whatever) because we were not gung-ho about having a child just yet. I wasn't sure if I would ever get pregnant because I hadn't in so many years.
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<br />Well, when I was getting to my sickest point and had already started the transplant process, that's when I got pregnant. It was a total surprise and I'm glad that it happened like that. So anyway, sex since I was 18, birth control for one month, and pregnant at 24. It took a while but it happened naturally for me. I don't know why it happened when it did, but I'm happy that things worked out the way they did.


New member
at your age, you are not "infertile" until you are not able to become pregnant after a year. I would read up on charting to make sure you are ovulating, ovulation predictor kits can help with this too. It isn't a bad idea to go thru the fertility testing to see if you are up against any issues ( his side or yours) other than the cervical mucous issues cf can cause. many insurance companies will cover the testing even if they don't cover the treatments. I know its seems like forever, but 5 months isn't long in the world of trying to get pregnant. cutting things like caffine can help soemtimes too.


New member
at your age, you are not "infertile" until you are not able to become pregnant after a year. I would read up on charting to make sure you are ovulating, ovulation predictor kits can help with this too. It isn't a bad idea to go thru the fertility testing to see if you are up against any issues ( his side or yours) other than the cervical mucous issues cf can cause. many insurance companies will cover the testing even if they don't cover the treatments. I know its seems like forever, but 5 months isn't long in the world of trying to get pregnant. cutting things like caffine can help soemtimes too.


New member
at your age, you are not "infertile" until you are not able to become pregnant after a year. I would read up on charting to make sure you are ovulating, ovulation predictor kits can help with this too. It isn't a bad idea to go thru the fertility testing to see if you are up against any issues ( his side or yours) other than the cervical mucous issues cf can cause. many insurance companies will cover the testing even if they don't cover the treatments. I know its seems like forever, but 5 months isn't long in the world of trying to get pregnant. cutting things like caffine can help soemtimes too.


New member
at your age, you are not "infertile" until you are not able to become pregnant after a year. I would read up on charting to make sure you are ovulating, ovulation predictor kits can help with this too. It isn't a bad idea to go thru the fertility testing to see if you are up against any issues ( his side or yours) other than the cervical mucous issues cf can cause. many insurance companies will cover the testing even if they don't cover the treatments. I know its seems like forever, but 5 months isn't long in the world of trying to get pregnant. cutting things like caffine can help soemtimes too.


New member
at your age, you are not "infertile" until you are not able to become pregnant after a year. I would read up on charting to make sure you are ovulating, ovulation predictor kits can help with this too. It isn't a bad idea to go thru the fertility testing to see if you are up against any issues ( his side or yours) other than the cervical mucous issues cf can cause. many insurance companies will cover the testing even if they don't cover the treatments. I know its seems like forever, but 5 months isn't long in the world of trying to get pregnant. cutting things like caffine can help soemtimes too.
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Thanks everyone for the replies. We are going to see my doctors in Nov. so hopefully they will have more answers for me. I have been keeping track of my ovulation so hopefully something will come about!!


Thanks everyone for the replies. We are going to see my doctors in Nov. so hopefully they will have more answers for me. I have been keeping track of my ovulation so hopefully something will come about!!


Thanks everyone for the replies. We are going to see my doctors in Nov. so hopefully they will have more answers for me. I have been keeping track of my ovulation so hopefully something will come about!!


Thanks everyone for the replies. We are going to see my doctors in Nov. so hopefully they will have more answers for me. I have been keeping track of my ovulation so hopefully something will come about!!


Thanks everyone for the replies. We are going to see my doctors in Nov. so hopefully they will have more answers for me. I have been keeping track of my ovulation so hopefully something will come about!!


New member
Definitely talk to your doctor about it. My husband and I are also TTC (we are on cycle 4), and I talked to two different OB/GYNs about it and they were both concerned about cervical mucus issues and said "come see me if you aren't pregnant in six months." In the meantime, I am charting and using OPKs, and I taking mucinex in attempt to thin my cervical mucus.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the book Taking Charge or Your Fertility - it is a great resource to learn about charting and TTC.


New member
Definitely talk to your doctor about it. My husband and I are also TTC (we are on cycle 4), and I talked to two different OB/GYNs about it and they were both concerned about cervical mucus issues and said "come see me if you aren't pregnant in six months." In the meantime, I am charting and using OPKs, and I taking mucinex in attempt to thin my cervical mucus.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the book Taking Charge or Your Fertility - it is a great resource to learn about charting and TTC.


New member
Definitely talk to your doctor about it. My husband and I are also TTC (we are on cycle 4), and I talked to two different OB/GYNs about it and they were both concerned about cervical mucus issues and said "come see me if you aren't pregnant in six months." In the meantime, I am charting and using OPKs, and I taking mucinex in attempt to thin my cervical mucus.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the book Taking Charge or Your Fertility - it is a great resource to learn about charting and TTC.


New member
Definitely talk to your doctor about it. My husband and I are also TTC (we are on cycle 4), and I talked to two different OB/GYNs about it and they were both concerned about cervical mucus issues and said "come see me if you aren't pregnant in six months." In the meantime, I am charting and using OPKs, and I taking mucinex in attempt to thin my cervical mucus.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the book Taking Charge or Your Fertility - it is a great resource to learn about charting and TTC.


New member
Definitely talk to your doctor about it. My husband and I are also TTC (we are on cycle 4), and I talked to two different OB/GYNs about it and they were both concerned about cervical mucus issues and said "come see me if you aren't pregnant in six months." In the meantime, I am charting and using OPKs, and I taking mucinex in attempt to thin my cervical mucus.
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<br />If you haven't already, I highly recommend picking up a copy of the book Taking Charge or Your Fertility - it is a great resource to learn about charting and TTC.