I would buy the book "Energy MEdicine" by Donna EDEn and FEinstein PhD.
They explain how to energy test to foods, Vitamins and of course my favorite DRUGS!
When you learn to do this, you can test yourself to see if your body is showing a weakneess instead of playing a wait and see game.
It is simple to learn and anyone can do this.
IF money is not an issue, you can look to find a Touch for Health practitioner or some chiropractors can test you.
I rather save my money of course and practice this myself along with my husbands help when I need it.
If you can afford the spare change then seek one of them out. ASk them over the phone before you spend the money that you are trying to find the culprit and you believe it could be one of your medications. If they are willing to help you then you know you have the right practitioner.
They explain how to energy test to foods, Vitamins and of course my favorite DRUGS!
When you learn to do this, you can test yourself to see if your body is showing a weakneess instead of playing a wait and see game.
It is simple to learn and anyone can do this.
IF money is not an issue, you can look to find a Touch for Health practitioner or some chiropractors can test you.
I rather save my money of course and practice this myself along with my husbands help when I need it.
If you can afford the spare change then seek one of them out. ASk them over the phone before you spend the money that you are trying to find the culprit and you believe it could be one of your medications. If they are willing to help you then you know you have the right practitioner.