hey you are on your last year of high school, unless things are really bad stick it out just a little longer, go talk with your counciler about it. In my school district there is a school that is for people that for one reason or another can't function in a regular high school, either they have fallen behind and having a hard time catching up or for some reason high school isn't working. anyways its a self paced thing thats all on the computer they use a software called A+ i think, there is more one on one teaching and things like that, see if your district has something like that before you go get the ged. The ged is sopossed to be the same as a diploma but employers will hire a graduate over a ged so stick it out if you can. you can go though an extra year of high school to get everything for graduating but as soon as you take the ged you can't go back to high school i don't think. talk with your teachers and counciler and see if there is a way to catch up, only use the ged as a last resort. hope this helps, if you want more info you can send me a private message